To Challenge a Maestro

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To Challenge a Maestro Page 22

by John Buttrick

  An actual assignment and one so important, it was like a dream come true. Serena did not hesitate to accept. They made their way to the eight trapped Accomplisheds, formed a circle, conducted by Vance Cummin, and moments later were in his private office at Serpent North. He issued orders to everyone as teams began to appear in accordance with his instructions and word was spreading rapidly through the guild about the death of Balen Tamm and the Ducaunan who defeated him. She was given the details of her assignment, told to select her team, and head for the Swamp of Append. Vance was wearing the communication array when she exited his office.

  - - - - - - -

  Vance Cummin congratulated himself. The guild was reforming around him and he was sure the Great Maestro would be pleased at the way he had taken charge in the face of calamity. He did not know Daniel Benhannon personally, only by reputation, and had no intention of dueling with him if it could be helped. One look at Balen Tamm was enough to convince Vance that the mountaineer is not to be underestimated. Retribution would come in good time but not now or for quite awhile. The Serpent Guild must come first and power must be consolidated. Serin Gell was the only bump in the trail leading to Vance Cummin being appointed Maestro, and that bump was about to be smoothed out. He added the topaz back to the array and sent his message.

  “Serin Gell, this is Vance Cummin, I know you are alive or the Da Capo in the stone would be gone,” he sent.

  “Yes, I am alive, captured by the Ducaunan. He used some sort of sleep spell and teleported out of Serpent Central. He claims to have killed the Maestro,” Serin Gell sent back.

  “Balen Tamm is dead and we have abandoned Serpent Central. Where are you now?”

  “I am in Southern Ducaun within twenty spans of Aakadon. Will you send a team?”

  Vance held back a laugh. This was perfect. “Can you not free yourself?”

  A string of curses came through the amulet and finally the Pentrosan calmed down. “Daniel Benhannon is a six-bolt Accomplished and he has the Baton of Tarin Conn. No, I cannot extricate myself. You must help me. Together we can keep the guild from falling into chaos.”

  Vance took a moment to think. A six-bolt Accomplished at age nineteen, that was unheard of but it explained much, the fact only hardened his resolve not to engage Daniel Benhannon directly. He refocused his attention on Serin. “I am experiencing no difficulty in organizing our members so you need not be overly concerned about us, but the Serpent Guild has used up enough resources on Daniel Benhannon. We are consolidating and have no time to attack a six-bolt Accomplished wielding the Baton of Tarin Conn. I suggest you find a way to escape and, if possible, regain possession of the baton on behalf of the guild,” he sent and waited for the string of curses coming through the amulet to end before adding, “I wonder who the Great Maestro will choose as the next Maestro, one who is free and organizing the guild or one who is a captive and would require no small effort to extricate?”

  Vance removed the array and called Jordan Simms, a one-bolt Accomplished of Ducaunan birth. The man was six and three quarters cubits in height, the tallest human being Vance had ever seen, and powerfully built. Too bad for him he was eighty years of age and still a one-bolt. It was the amount of potential an Aakacarn could wield that mattered, not muscle. Jordan was usable, not very bright, but he obeyed Vance without question or hesitation, and that made him useful.

  “How may I serve?” Jordan asked, his light brown hair was cut close to his scalp and his brown eyes were shot with red. He was probably the only person who actually wept for Balen Tamm.

  “Serin Gell has been captured and is being taken to Aakadon. Form your team, seven members should be enough, and stand ready to teleport into the holding cells beneath the Eagle Guild,” Vance ordered him.

  “Your will be done,” he replied and then his eyes widened as if he was only now just seeing the danger. “When do we go?” he asked and wiped his eyes, the fool was still grieving for his dead Maestro and did not seem to care about the danger. Fool though he be, he was definitely the one for the job.

  “That has yet to be determined. Our Great Maestro has not given the order but if he does I want you and your team ready to move when the time comes,” he told him.

  “I and my team will be ready,” Jordan assured him, and then went out to select his team.

  Vance had no intention of ever rescuing Serin Gell, but prudence dictated that he be ready should Tarin Conn give the order. He sincerely hoped the Supreme Maestro was through with his obsession for Daniel Benhannon. Vance was sure there would be clashes in time and if the opportunity to kill the Ducaunan presented itself he would not hesitate to give the order. For the time being he had no intention of pursuing or provoking the six-bolt Accomplished into a confrontation, and would so order his fellow Accomplisheds. He almost wanted to thank the young man for the opportunity to finally become the Maestro of the Serpent Guild. He smiled and opened the gold communication gem box. There were scores of team leaders to contact, the entire guild needed to be informed of Tamm’s death, and that Vance Cummin was in charge.

  - - - - - - - -

  Talmon Reese stood before the desk of the Grand Maestro watching his leader put away a communication amulet. Accomplisheds assigned to all twelve royal courts had transmitted the respective monarch’s concern over the immensely powerful harmonic waves that had washed over the continent several marks ago; the very reason Talmon had been summoned. Answers were required and it was the Eagle Guild’s responsibility to supply them.

  “Have you determined the epicenter of the spells?” Efferin asked.

  Talmon summoned a holographic map of the continent and the three dimensional topography. Beginning in Aakadon, his miniature landscape began moving at great speed over trees and hills, over the city of Zoltair, following the river north, skirting Mount Tannakonna, through untamed forests, rushing through the city of Bolen, continuing up the river beyond the town of Tinewood and stopped at the northern most mountain in Ducaun. “The double waves emanated from Mount Gosian,” he stated affirmatively.

  He wondered if the Grand Maestro was finally going to confirm what Talmon had suspected for quite some time, that a major move against Balen Tamm was taking place and that the young Accomplished, Daniel Benhannon, was deeply involved. It was obvious Efferin and the Maestro of the Zephyr Guild had been holding back information in the last meeting, and Talmon believed it was time to bring the matter out into the open or, at least, before all the Maestros.

  “What actions have you taken?” Efferin inquired while leaning back in his chair. He began drumming a rhythm on the desktop with his right hand, a habit he had when his nerves were on edge.

  “Five thousand Accomplisheds of the Eagle Guild are on their way up the Gosian River along with one hundred Accomplisheds of the Stone Guild. One hundred fifty Accomplisheds of the Zephyr Guild volunteered to board the ships and summon wind into the sails to speed the journey. With their assistance our people will be at Mount Gosian by this time tomorrow. It is fortunate the headquarters of the Serpent Guild is at the source of the river. It would have taken us nine days to travel that far on horseback,” he stated and watched the Grand Maestro’s eyes widen at mention of the enemy headquarters. Did he think Talmon didn’t know?

  “Given the level of the disturbance I think the response is appropriate,” Efferin said in an even tone and then he assumed a puzzled expression, an act Talmon had seen many times over the decades going back to when they were both young. “Headquarters of the Serpent Guild, has that been reported to you or are you speculating?”

  Talmon could not keep from smiling while he held up a finger. “One, a newly raised Accomplished, trained by Maestro Barnes, successfully defends against a team of Serpent Guild Accomplisheds leading hundreds of Condemneds and ten thousand yetis. Did you read the casualty report? I did. The Serpent Guild lost all but one, who fled the field. Hundreds of people on our side were wounded and almost all of them with life threatening injuries were healed by a young man tra
ined by an Accomplished of Zephyr Guild, not the Aloe. The total deaths on our side were exactly forty-seven, twenty-eight were residents of Bashierwood, the rest were cavalrymen, and those were people who died instantly during the battle.”

  Efferin cleared his throat. “Three of our best Talenteds defended as well as young Daniel and the Ducaunan Royal Cavalry is highly trained in battle.”

  “Efferin,” Talmon began, causing the Grand Maestro to do a double take, clearly not expecting to be addressed so familiarly. “I, the Maestro of the Eagle Guild, even with my vast repertoire, would be hard pressed to pull off such a victory with only three Talenteds to help and so few losses at the completion of hostilities. So two,” he held up a second finger. “What we felt here in Aakadon two marks ago was Maestro level spell casting. Three, everyone with Maestro level potential is in this city except Balen Tamm and Daniel Benhannon whom I believe must possess five lightning bolts. Four, Balen Tamm has thrown vast resources into capturing our Ducuanan Accomplished, no doubt ordered to do so by his master, Tarin Conn. The Serpent Guild wants Daniel and he seeks the Baton, it was inevitable that they would meet and the enemy headquarters seems the most probable location to me. The only question I have is who won?”

  Efferin frowned, held that expression for quite some time and finally smiled. “I am not surprised you figured out most of what is going on, you were always relentless at sniffing out secrets and solving puzzles. I had deduced much of what you did even before Maestro Barnes finally revealed to me what transpired between him and Daniel on Mount Tannakonna. What I am about to say is sealed to this office.”

  Talmon wiped the smile from his face. “Understood, Grand Maestro, the matter is sealed.” The other Maestros would have to wait indefinitely for the information.

  Efferin nodded his head affirmatively. “You are correct about his potential being Maestro level. It frightened Jason Renn and Bran Tippen. As you know from our previous meeting, In order to be free of the Dark Maestro Daniel has to obtain the Baton of Tarin Conn, and to get it, he has to confront Balen Tamm. I am as sure as I can be that the harmonic waves we experienced were a result of that meeting. Like you, I would give much to know the outcome.”

  Talmon knew his old colleague well and knew there was much more beneath the surface. “If Daniel had not been linked to the Dark Maestro and Terroll Barnes had brought him to Aakadon, the young Ducuanan would have chosen a guild. Highly ranked as he is at nineteen years of age, one wonders how powerful he will be in a year or two more. A guild led by a Maestro who is a four-bolt Accomplished might hesitate to grant him affiliation at all. One such as the Aqua Guild might take him but we know Geran would be wondering if his days as Maestro were numbered. Imagine, a junior member starting out with as much potential as the Maestro of his guild.” He postulated.

  Efferin began drumming the desktop again. “Yes, I can image it. Judging by Daniel’s accomplishments to date, combating the forces of Tarin Conn, shielding off the potential of his opponents, and tracking down rogue Accomplisheds. The Eagle Guild would be the perfect choice for him.”

  Talmon snorted in his attempt to stifle a laugh. “Oh, yes, I can imagine it. But you did not send that young man out to protect my office. If he affiliated with the Eagle Guild, within three years he could be Maestro, but why would he stop there. How many bolts do you think you will gain in the next five years and how many might Daniel?”

  Efferin frowned but did not deny the political aspect. They both knew how tenacious he could be and there was no point pretending with someone who knew him so well. “Are you suggesting my motivation in sending him on the quest was to remove a potential rival?”

  “No, I believe the quest is a crossbow and Daniel Benhannon is the bolt you fired straight at Balen Tamm,” Talmon replied, choosing not to add the part about also eliminating a potential challenger, though he knew it was true.

  “An apt metaphor, I did launch him at the Maestro of the Serpent Guild. Daniel is not a five bolt Accomplished, he is a six-bolt,” Efferin told him and Talmon wished he could sit down.

  Six bolts? It was unbelievable but it did explain a great deal. “No wonder Tarin Conn wants him so badly. I do not think Balen Tamm would be so thrilled. There is no doubt he would see a threat to his power. You took a huge risk in sending Daniel.”

  “Balen Tamm has been growing stronger and bolder by the day. He is nearly impossible to trap and deadly dangerous to confront directly for anyone less than a Maestro. Then, three and a half weeks ago, last month as you said in the meeting, Daniel Benhannon makes his debut, a gift from the Creator to me,” Efferin explained.

  “Do you believe he is the Chosen Vessel?” Talmon asked and the thought troubled him. If the young man is the Creator’s champion, then Evil’s champion is not far off.

  Efferin shook his head. “Nothing so grand, I believe he is a tool for me to use. Yes, it was a risk sending him against Balen Tamm, but the opportunity presented was unique. I could never risk sending you or one of the other Maestros to challenge the Maestro of the Serpent Guild. Daniel was a gift. One with the power of a Grand Maestro, one who had enough knowledge of the enemy’s repertoire to use the spells against them, and one who was determined to succeed or die trying. As you suggested, Balen would see a rival and move to protect his position. I have no doubt his intention would be to condemn him. If our enemy has won the contest, Daniel is now Condemned, a good power source for other Accomplisheds, nothing more than a living crescendo. I fear his chances were never good but if anyone could succeed it would be him.”

  Talmon wiped sweat from his brow. Even if Daniel defeated Balen Tamm, could he then get away? There were bound to be thousands of Accomplisheds in, on, and around the mountain, which was why Talmon was sending such a strong force to Gosian, and members of the Stone Guild should tunneling be required. Political considerations aside, he hoped the Ducaunan succeeded in his task. The loss of Balen Tamm would be a serious blow to the Serpent Guild.

  “I am not looking forward to explaining to Queen Cleona the fate of the only Potential discovered in her kingdom since the days of her grandmother. She has already proclaimed him a hero throughout her realm. We may never know if Daniel died or was Condemned but a heroic tale can be contrived,” Efferin confided. His mind always seemed to look ahead to the political ramifications and possible solution to any occurrence.

  “What will you do if Daniel Benhannon has succeeded and returns here with the Baton of Tarin Conn?” Talmon asked.

  “I will keep my word and sever the link to Tarin Conn,” Efferin replied without hesitation, which made Talmon suspicious, knowing the Grand Maestro as well as he did.

  “Just sever the link, what if he decides to stay and choose a guild?” Talmon pressed.

  Efferin’s sudden smile showed no teeth but it did touch his eyes, the man was taking the possibility of a challenge too magnanimously. “Naturally there will be a gratuity.”

  The audience ended, Talmon went back to his office. He sifted through a pile of reports, trying to decide which one to read first and settled for the one sent in by Teresa Blancer; a three-bolt Accomplished assigned to the kingdom of Taracopa. There is an increase in the number of abductions, men and women starting out and never reaching their destinations. She rescued a pair of young people from a one bolt-Accomplished of the Serpent Guild, killing him in the process, confirming her earlier suspicion of who was doing the abducting. This happened three days ago, it just took that long for the information to get to his desk.

  “Maestro, this is Jerrian Tobermin reporting from operation Hill Fort,” the five-bolt Accomplished’s message came straight into Talmon’s head.

  “Acknowledged, make your report,” he replied.

  “Upon arrival we found ten members of the Serpent Guild around a small hill that according to our most recent maps should not exist. The hill is clearly Aakacarn-made as it has arrow slits and a blue glow emanated from within. Above the hill was a topaz blue sphere. The renegades were casting spells in
an attempt to gain entrance, but the fortification was shielded and their efforts seemed to have little effect other than to scorch the grass. We confronted and engaged them with the result that two are dead, six teleported away, and two are in custody. Half a mark later the sphere above the hill vanished; the internal glow ceased, and upon closer examination so did the shield that had been preventing entrance. The fortification is empty and clearly the spell caster has chosen to remove the Da Capos,” Jerrian reported. He was known to be detail oriented and deliver information in order of events, not necessarily in order of importance. It was best to let him make his report and then ask questions.

  “Truth-Speak, has been used on the captives. I cannot confirm what they have said to be accurate, only that the spell prevents them from lying,” he sent and Talmon was surprised by the disclaimer. It meant Jerrian did not believe what they told him even though it was impossible for them to lie.

  “I understand how Truth-Speak works proceed with your report,” he sent back.

  “Balen Tamm is dead.”

  Had this been an audible conversation, Talmon would have asked the Accomplished to repeat the last four words, but this was mind to mind, and there was no miscommunication. The Ducaunan actually succeeded. Talmon was stunned and it took several moments for him to settle his thoughts. “Did they speak of Daniel Benhannon?”


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