Infinity: Code of Law

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Infinity: Code of Law Page 2

by S.A. Waters


  Drew woke up with his owl on his arm. “Hello,” He said cheerfully to his protector. “Hello, Drew.” The bird replied back.

  “I can assume this is the end of my third life?”

  “Yes. You died in the plane crash.”

  “Where are the others?”

  “Do not worry about them. They are all fine, and your friend Kyle will be very soon. How is your mark?”

  “My mark is fine. Wait, what do you mean Kyle eventually will be?”

  “He will be fine.”

  “Will I see them again?”

  “I can’t guarantee it. That is not my say. Fate will decide.”

  “Really? I need to know that I will see him and the others again.” Drew was starting to feel irritated and annoyed. He had to know!

  “How long will I be here?”

  “Three months. At the most. Then we will send you off again.”

  “Can I speak to Jasper and Bentley?”

  “Of course. I will go get them. In the mean time, rest. We have many things to discuss with you. One of which includes your friends, especially Kyle.”


  Once again I awoke. Why do people like to put me to sleep in one form or another? This time I wasn’t in a stretcher, I was in a hospital with guards around me. A guard came over and undid something around my hands.

  “Get up, boy!” A stern voice said, almost yelling. I immediately rose. With that tone of voice, trouble was the last thing I wanted. Since I could barely see, I ended up hitting the shelf above me. I looked up and rubbed my head. “Are you Kyle Walton?” The voice boomed again. I looked over to see a bald man in uniform. I nodded nervously. “I am General Horan of the FBI. You are under arrest for terrorism and treason against the United States of America. You must now come with me.”

  Chapter 3


  “Are you okay James?” Jewel asked him sweetly.

  “I’m fine Jewel. Thanks.” James replied back to his conscience.

  “You have completed your sixth life.”

  “How did I die?”

  “Plane crash. Two Pacts were there. Austin DeLuca and Timothy Swanson.”

  “I remember Dakota being shot as she was sticking up for Kyle. Is she okay? And how about Drew? Or Kody and Kyle? Will I see them in my next life?”

  “They are fine. Kyle is still alive, but is struggling. His guardians will provide. And as for your relationship with them, that is uncertain. Only Fate can give you that answer.”

  “Why can’t I know?”

  “Just give this all a minute to settle down. I will go get your other guardians. They have matters to discuss. They especially want to talk to you about Kyle. He is in great danger.”

  “How so? Jewel, please tell me! I have to know!”

  “We will discuss it with you later. In the mean time, go rest.”


  Terrorism and treason? They must have the wrong guy! I didn’t do anything wrong on that plane! “Excuse me, sir?” I asked him politely but slightly irritated.

  “You have the right to remain silent,” He replied sternly. “Anything you say can and will be used against you in court.” I didn’t like this guy. He needs to work on his first impressions. “Fine.” I snapped. “I love chocolate.” He glared at me and growled I think. His stare was intimidating. I knew it was either shut up, or tighten my handcuffs-a lot. This was not the time to be a smart-ass. We approached a big black SUV-looking car. He opened the door for me. I looked at him. General Horan was impatient, and with one hand picked me up and threw me in the car. I could tell he was thinking, “Stupid kid. I have better things to do than this. The Chargers’ game is on!” Weird. His thoughts were so clear from his facial expression. General Horan picked me up and put me upright in the seat. “Ouch.” I snarled. I am not a frickin’ terrorist! Geez! “Go, Ramer.” He said to the driver. The driver, Ramer, started the car.

  We arrived about fifteen minutes later at the FBI headquarters. Horan grabbed me again and pulled me out of the car. “Ramer!” he barked. “Take Mr. Walton inside. Show him around.” Ramer took me from the hands of Horan, and his grip was much looser.

  “Where does he go?” Ramer asked his boss.

  “Hmmm. Number seven. Third floor.” Horan grinned. I gulped.

  “Yes, sir.” Ramer, who had black hair and brown eyes (As I observed), walked with me inside. He was pretty gentle. Escape. A voice told me. But it wasn’t my own. I couldn’t escape, I would get in more trouble. And this Ramer dude didn’t seem too bad. My life didn’t matter anyway. My friends are dead, I’ve been accused of treason and terrorism. I might as well spend my life in federal prison. I’ve got nothing left. So I just walked with Ramer.

  The halls of the FBI facility were white and filled with rooms and busy people. Ramer still had me handcuffed and brought me to an elevator. He pressed the button of the third floor and up we went. It was just us two in the elevator, so it was awkward and very silent. Too silent for my taste. But soon we were led back to the noisy halls. Ramer brought me to a room labeled Number 7. He opened the door and let me in.

  “Here’s your room, kid.” He said. “Your interrogation is tomorrow morning at 10:00 am sharp. I will get you then, so be ready.” Then Ramer promptly left the room. The floors were concrete, the one bunk bed was pure metal with a lousy mattress, the toilet was so revolting I couldn’t even look at it. It was cold, it was gross, it was a cell. A cell. This is what my life had come to. I hopped up to the top bunk and hit my head. At least it was next to the window. “I deserve this,” I thought. I took out a picture from my jacket pocket. It was the five of us about a month ago at James’s birthday party. James on his couch with Drew next to him. Behind them was me with my arm around Dakota, and Kody next to me. Those were the good days. When they were alive. I stared at the picture, my eyes filling up with tears. Then I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I sobbed with my head in my hands. My sadness and self pity turned into anger. I put the picture down and punched the wall until my knuckles bled. I screamed. Okay Kyle. Just sleep it off. I told myself. I climbed up in that stupid little bed. It wasn’t long until I dozed off.

  My dream was just as fantastic as last night (He said sarcastically). I saw myself with General Horan. I was gagged, blind folded, and tied up. Horan was dragging me by my hair. I heard him open a door as he said, “Boss. I got him.” Then a familiar voice responded, laughing.

  “Well done, Horan. Let’s get him.” Another familiar voice stopped him.

  “Not yet, Timothy. The big guy wants to do it. First, we need to find his friends,” Timothy. The ones at the plane wreck. Then that meant the other was Austin. Now I was pissed. I was going to get them. Especially Austin, for shooting Dakota. But as much as I tried to escape the hold I was in, the more Austin laughed in amusement.

  “Horan,” He said laughing. “Give the kid some eyes. You know what? Give him a voice too.” I could feel Horan’s big hands untie my blindfold and he released my gag. Then I could see Austin and Timothy. Face to face. Austin looked me in the eye and pulled out a knife.

  “Okay kid,” Austin spoke. “Where are they?” Then the knife came down on my skin.

  I woke up screaming, clenching my arm. Then I remembered what Ramer had said to me, Your interrogation is tomorrow morning at 10:00 am sharp. My cell didn’t have a clock, but I knew judging from the sun it was probably close to ten o’clock. I didn’t have much to do since I was locked up. So I quickly went to the bathroom; gross. Then I sat waiting on the bottom bunk until Ramer got me. “It’s time for your interrogation, kid,” he said. I hated being called “kid” all the time-I have a name! Well, unless I prove my innocence, I’ll have a number too. He handcuffed me and led me down the busy corridors of the facility. Then he brought me into a room with a table, two chairs, and a plate of donuts and water. Just like the movies. Ramer sat me down and took the handcuffs off me.

  “Your interrogator, Detective Joy K
rieger, will be with you in a second.” He said calmly as if he dealt with terrorists everyday. “Don’t think you can leave though. Not only are the doors locked, but we have eyes on you every second.” He gestured up to a security camera in the corner of the room. Without another word, Ramer left the interrogation room. I sighed and thought about the questions they would ask me and how I would respond. All the thinking and stress made me hungry. Then I remembered the donuts on the table, and I took one. Okay I’ll admit it, I had three. But hey, I eat when I’m nervous. When I reached for my fourth one, I was startled when the door open. In stepped a woman in her late twenties or early thirties. She had on a formal gray pants suit. She had red hair, light skin, and glasses. The woman threw down a file of papers, sat down, and looked at me. I drummed on my lap a little bit while she got her papers sorted out. “Ahem,” she coughed. I stopped and looked up. “Kyle Eilam Walton. Sixteen years old, five foot nine, green eyes.”

  “Well, actually-”

  “Don’t interrupt me. Do you want to get this done? All right then. Mr. Walton, what is your occupation?”

  “Umm, well I’m only sixteen but I work at Star’s Station Burger Joint.”

  “Not much of a job I see. So you attend Redwood High School?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Excuse me, what is your name?”

  “That’s not important, but if you must know, my name is Detecive Joy Kreiger. However, you, Mr. Walton, will refer to me as Detective Kreiger or ma’am - is that clear?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Can I please leave now? I thought. This woman was terrible!

  “Anyway, so is terrorism just a thing kids do these days?”

  “No! I’m not a terrorist! I swear!”

  “Mr. Walton settle down. Does this man look familiar to you?” She held up a picture of the co pilot of the plane the day of the crash.

  “Ummm, kind of. He was the co pilot right?”

  “Correct, Mr. Walton. His name was Joey Garcia. Your co pilot. How about the other pilot? Savit Kern. And do these two men seem familiar? Timothy Swanson and Austin DeLuca. They were missing the day of the crash.” Detective Kreiger showed me the pictures of Austin and his mate Timothy.

  “Yes!” I stood up out of my chair. “Those are the two men you want! They are the terrorists! Not me! Please listen! I’m not the one you want!”

  “MR. WALTON!” Detective Kreiger screamed. “Please! Sit Down! You have no reason to be shouting!” I quickly sat down. Screaming at the official apparently was not the proper way to get your point across. “Now,” she stated again more calmly but still tense. “We will continue this tomorrow. Same time. That should give you some time to settle down.” Then she spoke into her walkie talkie. “General Horan, please escort Mr. Walton back to his holding cell.” Within two minutes General Horan was in the room grabbing me and handcuffing me. There was no getting out of it. Horan’s tight grip almost cut off my blood circulation. Luckily, I was brought back to the cell in less than a minute. Horan slammed the door and I was by myself. Again.

  That night I looked out my window only to find a bald eagle sitting on a balcony with a lantern. How odd. I’m pretty sure that bald eagles don’t live in this area. I stared at it intrigued by its presence, and it seemed to do the same. I’m here for you, Kyle. We are going to get you out of here. All I need is your cooperation. That stupid voice was talking to me again! Was this eagle talking to me? I’m going crazy. Then the eagle nodded, and picked up the lantern with it’s talons. It dropped it in the alley below. The lantern shattered and the place was set on fire! I looked at the eagle and screamed, “What the hell!” Although it couldn’t understand me. Then that voice spoke to me again. Jump Kyle. You don’t have a choice. You’ll be fine I promise. Jump! I don’t know who the hell was talking to me but it sure was freakin’ crazy! To think I was going to jump out of that building! I think not. The cell began to feel colder despite all the heat-or maybe that was my body temperature from the nerves. I was shaking ferociously, and I could hear the sound of footsteps rushing up-but the sound was faint compared to the roar of the flames.

  Before I had the chance to deny the voice and say I’d rather rot in a cell than burn to death, that stupid bird opened the jail window and dug it’s talons into my skin. The eagle picked me up and dropped me into the inferno below me. And I don’t remember what happened when I reached the bottom.

  Chapter 4

  “Hello, Kyle.” I heard a female voice say. “We’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.” Who was talking? I opened my eyes and saw a white tiger right above me! I jerked up and tried to run, but she stopped me. “I’m sorry if this appears as a shock to you. Yes, I am a Siberian tiger, and no, you are not dead. And I am also one of the voices inside your head. My name is Star, one of your three guardians.”

  “What the hell is going on? What do you mean guardians? Where am I?”

  “We will explain that to you in a second.”

  “Who is we?”

  Star ignored me and called out a few names. “Eli! Dylan! Hurry up! He’s awake!” Two beings came forward - a husky puppy and a bald eagle.

  “Kyle,” Star said. “These are your other guardians. Eli, that eagle, and Dylan, that husky.” I turned to Eli, and then I became infuriated.

  “Wait, you’re the one who dropped me into that fire! And gave me scratches on my back!”

  “Man up, kid.” Eli replied. “I had to get you here somehow.”

  “Where is here?”

  “Welcome to Mystic,” Star told me calmly. “In the land of Lybria. You are here because you are the Light and are going to help save a species. We are your guardians, your protectors. Every one of the Lybrian species has them.”

  “I’m so confused.” What was all this light business about? What’s a Mystian and a Lybrian?

  “Okay. Let’s start back from the beginning. Long ago there were two brothers. Eilam and Argo. They had special powers. Eilam could summon anything he needed from any distance, and Argo could track down anything or anyone from any distance. But these brothers did not live on Earth, they lived in a place called Mystic. It was a peaceful place. The brothers loved each other and their families. They also had a mark. Eilam had an infinity sign, the sign of eternity. And Argo had the sign of war. Both of their marks were on the side of their neck. Eilam lead a great life and had many children. He became the first and strongest leader of Mystic with the help of his three animal guardians. As Eilam grew stronger, Argo grew jealous since he was only a servant of his brother. So one day, Argo got up, took his wife and children, and left. Eilam continued to be a valiant leader though he grieved for his brother.

  “A few years later, Argo came back to Mystic with many soldiers. Those soldiers were his children. Argo had trained them to trap Eilam so he could have the honor of killing his successful brother. However, Eilam had no army since Mystic was such a peaceful place.

  “When Eilam became aware of his brother’s rampage, he became frightened. Eilam, with no army at his side, used his powers to summon a huge sword! It was more powerful than any other. With that and the help of his guardians he killed his brother to protect Mystic. With no direction, all of Argo’s soldiers retreated back to the city, Pact, where they came from. Without a leader, Argo’s first born son became the next in command. He called his people Pacts, after their city. He vowed to avenge his father and kill the next Mystian with an infinity sign. So from then on, there were two sides. The Mystians, and the Pacts.”

  “Bull. This is all bull. And you wanna know why? Because animals DON’T talk, and I just burned up in a fire! I am dead!”

  “I can assure you, this is real. Kyle, please just listen.”

  “Fine, convince me. I am still confused as to what I have to do with this.”

  “So you are what is called a Lybrian. That’s the world we live in, and our species. Mystic and Pact, are like uh, continents. Each Lybrian, good or bad, has three guardians. A bird, a big cat, and a dog. Lybrians also ha
ve powers like Eilam and Argo did. They only had one power, but we have evolved from one power to two. Your powers, Kyle, are reading minds and durability. You can block anything that comes to you with only a small scratch.”

  “Is that why everyone’s thoughts seem so clear to me? And why I survived that bullet Austin shot at me?”

  “Precisely. Now you’re getting it. I must mention to you one thing. Lybrians have as many lives as they want. If they die, they come back to their native home of Mystic or Pact and their guardians get them ready for the next life. They take form in the next life from wherever they left off. However, if you die, and your mark gets hit, you get one more life as a mortal. And then you become a guardian like us for eternity.”

  “Got it. Wait, earlier you mentioned Eilam had the mark of infinity. The Pacts want to find the next person with the infinity sign and kill them. I have the infinity sign.”

  “Yes. That is why your middle name is Eilam. You, Kyle, are his descendant, and Eilam means forever, just like your mark. You have been sent down here for one purpose: to reunite the Pacts and Mystians together again and restore the peace of all the Lybrians. Kyle you are The Light. Unfortunately, the Pacts want to avenge Argo. So therefore they must kill you in order to do so.”

  “I can’t do this! Bring peace to people who are trying to kill me! That’s definitely going to work!” I said sarcastically.

  “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”

  “No!” I was not going to risk my life for peace! It’s not my job! If these people really wanted peace they should fight for themselves. I stormed away from Star; this is ridiculous! But of course stupid Eli wouldn’t allow me. He came over, and slashed my face. “What’s your problem, dude!” I shouted.

  “You must stay! You don’t have an option, Kyle.” Eli scolded.


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