Infinity: Code of Law

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Infinity: Code of Law Page 13

by S.A. Waters

  “Yeah, yeah, I get it. I’m adorable. Dakota, Drew, James, Kody. It’s great to see you guys again.”

  “You too, Dylan.” Kody replied.

  “Alright guys, you ready?”

  “Yes,” I said, and the others repeated.

  “Okay then. Let’s go.”

  In literally the blink of an eye, my friends and I were in Lybria, I think, because we sure were not on Earth.

  Chapter 18

  Dakota took my hand as we looked around at our unknown setting, making me feel safer in this new environment. It was really dark, and the only reason we could see anything near us was of the single lit lamppost. The ground was freshly cut, dark green grass. It was warm, and it was silent. Really silent.

  “Carter,” Kody started, also looking concerned. “Do you have any idea where we are?” I shook my head.

  “Eon!” I heard Kody shout again. I turned around as he ran to a golden-maned lion. I think I remember him from a Code of Law meeting before, he was Kody’s guardian.

  “Hello, Kodiak.”

  “Hi, Eon! Hey, I’ve got a question for you.”


  “Where are we?”

  “Where is Carter-Adrian?”

  “Right there.”

  “Carter, please come forward. Same with the rest of you.” We all walked over to Eon, our lingering question of our location was still unanswered.

  “Yes, Eon?” I said.

  “To answer Kodiak’s question, you are in the land of Titan. It is in the country of Cray.”

  “Are we still in Lybria?”


  “What side are we on?” Drew asked. What did he mean by that?

  “We are still on Mystic.”

  “Sides?” I asked, regaining my place in the conversation.

  “Yes, Carter. Lybria is still divided into three sides. The Northern Border, Mystic, and Pact. Mystic on the left, Pact on the right-”

  “What’s the Northern Border?”

  “Nobody really knows. Anyone there has never come out alive, and it’s protected by a large gate and several guards. Sometimes people are banished there, but you would have to do something insanely horrible to earn yourself a place there. No one dares to explore it, and it shows no signs of life except for the few criminals who live there, but that’s besides the point. The reason you are here, at Titan, is because it is a famous place for interrogations.” As soon as he said interrogations, I realized that we no longer had Austin, Timothy, or Darius. I let go of Dakota’s hand and spun around trying to look for them.

  “Where are the Pacts?” I stammered. If I had lost them I would’ve caused Hell in this place.

  “Do not fret, Carter. The Pacts you had captured are in a building a ways from here. Eli is interrogating them as we speak. The other guardians are keeping good look out and have the building on lockdown.”

  “When is the interrogation over?”

  “We don’t know. It could be days. In the meantime, we have arrangements for you and the others to stay in a safe house with me, in fear that our own houses will be raided even with the advanced security. Our location is seven hundred miles away, and we must be there by tonight. Come with me.” Eon roared loudly, summoning six beautiful horses into the light. Each was a different color: black, white, brown, gray, reddish, and tan.

  “We are traveling seven hundred miles in one night by horseback?” James snickered, but slightly irritated.

  “Not quite, James Max.” One of the horses shook, revealing a pair of wings.

  “Pegasus!” I exclaimed. The black one came up to me and muzzled my shoulder. I smiled, and stroke his smooth, soft fur. Like a regular horse, he had a white star on his forehead. “Is he mine?” I asked Eon, hoping he’d say yes.

  “Yes. Check the hoof.” I bent down at my Pegasus’s hoof as instructed, and there was my sign and my name. Engraved in his hoof was Carter-Adrian Nicholas Breese and the infinity sign.

  “Your pegasus will be able to communicate with you through thought, and only you will be able to understand it. I looked at my big, black Pegasus and thought to him, “Hey, I’m Carter. What’s your name?” He looked back at me and replied,

  “I know who you are. I am Shadow.”

  “His name is Shadow!” I said. Kody looked at me with the tan pegasus.

  “Spirit,” He smiled.

  “Ghost,” Dakota said with the white one. James had the brown one.

  “Dusk,” He laughed. Immediately he and his Pegasus seemed to bond. James always had a thing with animals. “What about yours, Drew?”

  “This is Thief.” Drew said, as he was petting his gray Pegasus. That meant the reddish one was Eon’s. I mounted Shadow bare back and took hold of his mane.

  “What’s his name?” I asked Eon, pointing to his Pegasus.

  “She,” He replied. “Her name is Bay. Are you guys ready to go?” I nodded, and the others mounted their new winged friends. Have you ever seen a lion mount a horse and ride it? I highly recommend it, because it is quite hilarious. With a loud roar and a kick, Eon and the rest of the Pegasus took flight.

  “How did you get these?” James asked Eon. “I mean, I thought Pegasus were only bred for military purposes and there are only fifty left.”

  “Forty seven now,” Eon sighed. “But the rest you are correct about. Let’s just say I know a guy.”

  “Don’t question it!” Kody shouted. “Just enjoy it!”

  Flying is amazing, and I would recommend it to anyone who has the privilege to do so. The wind in my face, looking down on the world was exhilarating, and I suddenly became envious of Kody’s powers.

  We flew for about twenty minutes until we arrived at an average sized house in the middle of nowhere. Eon commanded us to land our Pegasus and put them in the barn next to the house. It was similar to the barn we had stayed at back in Rockfrett on Earth, except it was much cleaner and bigger. It had room for each Pegasus to stretch its wings freely and comfortably, and each stable was labeled with paint of the creature’s names. I took Shadow to his stable in the corner, which came complete with a food and water trough, and riding gear. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Shadow.” I said to him, petting his muzzle.

  “Yes, Carter,” He replied through thought. “I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”

  When the others had finished putting their new friends in the stables, we all headed up to the house. It was a light blue color with white beams and windows; the roof was a dark gray. Eon had us each scan in our marks and recite a password for security reasons, just like I had to do at my mansion back with Star, Eli, and Dylan.

  “Eon,” Drew asked the lion as our marks were being scanned.

  “Yes?” He replied.

  “What is your mark? And your powers?”

  “I have the mark of boldness. My powers are my ability to fix items, and I have a booming voice when I choose too.”

  “Like Timothy’s” I questioned.


  “Timothy Swanson. The Pact. He has a very loud voice as well. You guys have the same power?”

  “It appears so. It isn’t too often you come across to Lybrians with the one or more of the same power. However, it happens nonetheless. Oh, Carter, it’s your turn to be scanned!”

  After our scanning process was over, the six of us walked through the white door of the safe house. It was bigger on the inside, but not by much. The house had hardwood floors, granite counter tops in the kitchen, a TV, a large couch, and a wooden table.

  Eon lead us down the hall where there were three bedrooms and one bathroom. The bedrooms were not very big, except for the master. Because there were six of us, we decided two to each bedroom. James and Drew took one, Dakota and I another, and Kody and Eon took the master bedroom.

  The room Dakota and I shared had a bunk bed, a desk, a closet, a bookshelf with a few books, and a beanbag. The floor was carpeted, and the walls were a light green. Overall,
it was comfy, and it’s going to make a good temporary home. It was a little crowded, but we all made it work. The closets all had clothes for us, the kitchen had food, and the plumbing worked; thankfully. Eon was just as good a chef as Star or Eli. His meatloaf was exceptional.

  Eon had also set up protective borders within a half mile radius of the house. We were allowed to go outside for only an hour each day; and we could only go back outside to visit the Pegasus in the barn. Eon was always on the look out, always alert. Every now and then we could here him talk to the other guardians.

  On the second night we were in the safe house, I opened my window and hopped onto the roof, gazing into the distance. It was nice to finally be able to think. Alone, isolated. Finally everything seemed as though it went away, that I was just a boy on Earth with the rest of his life ahead of him. But I wasn’t an average boy on Earth. I was the Light who had a responsibility, a duty, to reunite two different worlds into one. Like the great king, Eilam, had once done. In the middle of my thoughts I heard the window open. Trying to detect the visitor, I channeled my energy to read his or her mind. What is Carter doing on the roof? I thought he wasn’t supposed to be out. The thoughts came from my best friend, Kody, who flew up to join me.

  “What are you doing up here?” He asked, taking a seat next to me.

  “Just thinking, I guess,” I replied, not making eye contact.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “What’s with all the questions? I feel like I’m being interrogated!”

  “Well I don’t have mind reading powers like you, so I have to ask these questions to get the answers I’m looking for.”

  “I see. If you must know then, I’m thinking about everything.”


  “Yeah. Like, everything that’s going on. This whole thing is just scary. Putting so much responsibility on one person, who is only seventeen, to bring together two unions who hate each other! I’m not like King Eilam.”

  “It’s overwhelming, I know. But remember, you’ve got me. Us. Drew, Dakota, James, Eon, Star, Eli, Dylan, all of us in the Code of Law. We will always have your back. And by the way, you may not be like King Eilam now, but soon. Soon, you will be the great leader he was, the great man he was, you will be just like him. After all, you are his descendant.”

  “How do you know? What if I fail?”

  “You won’t fail.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I’ve known you since forever. You always come out on top, no matter the struggle it takes to get there. Like, remember the time in third grade when you really wanted that P.E. award?”


  “You worked so hard to get it. You broke like, three bones, sprinted the mile, and even got into a fight with the meanest kid in school over a foul ball. James had to break you two up. But you know what? You got that award as well as three others for your determination. As long as we’re around, and as long as you keep trying, I swear, you will succeed.” I smiled, I remembered it. This is why Kody is my best friend and brother. For times like these when my thoughts consume me, Kody reminds me of my purpose. The way he communicates makes you feel like nothing could go wrong, that it’s the two of us versus the world.

  We were in hiding for a total of four days.

  When Eon received the signal (whatever that was), we mounted our Pegasus, and he lead us back to Titan. Why had the interrogation taken so long? I decided to ask.

  "Eon?" I asked, hoping he could hear me over the sound of the wind. I was almost shouting.

  "Yes, Carter?" He replied.

  "Why did the interrogation take four days? Couldn't the guardians just use their powers to get the Pacts to talk?"

  "If the guardians could use their powers, the Pacts would as well. The interrogation room is enhanced with an enchantment that shuts off the powers of anyone who steps in the room. If we could use our powers, Star would have finished the interrogation in less than five minutes, as she has the power to do so."

  "That makes sense. Wait, that is Star's power?"

  "Yes. That is one of her powers, along with multitasking."

  "That's really cool. Why wasn't the interrogation done outside?"

  "It would be an easy escape route for the Pacts." I decided to stop questioning the system and just let it happen, trusting all goes as planned.

  Pretty soon we were hovering over Titan, seeing the interrogation building in flames. Then I realized, when does anything actually go as planned?

  Chapter 19

  “Stay behind me!” Eon shouted when he steered his Pegasus down to the ground. My heart dropped and Shadow reared up. I couldn’t let Eon go down in flames for me. I followed him down and leaped off of Shadow. I spotted a wolf and blue jay near the building. I recognized them from Code of Law, the blue jay was James’s bird and the wolf was Kody’s. “Hey!” I screamed, running towards them. The wolf turned around. Fang! That’s his name.

  “Carter!” He sprinted back towards me.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Alpha must’ve known we were here. He just dropped a bomb on us! We came as fast as we could.”

  “Where are my guardians?”

  “They’re still in the building. Aria and Juliet are in there trying to get them.” I immediately turned around straight into the wall of flames. This is all my fault! I should’ve joined them in the interrogation! And now look what I have done! Fang screamed after me, but it was too late. I had just knocked over a wall and was clear in the building. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I heard a voice next to me say. I stopped, covering my mouth with my shirt. It was Drew, accompanied by James, Dakota, and Kody.

  “My guardians are in here!” I explained. “And so are two others! Aria and Juliet! We have to get them!”

  “Aria!” Dakota exclaimed. She grabbed ahold of my arm, and Drew put a hand on my shoulder. James got in front of me and looked me straight in the eye, sending chills down my spine. “I’m going to quickly do a run through of the building to see what we’re dealing with. Kody, take an ariel view. We will get them out.” Before I had the chance to say anything, he stared at me for another second and sped away. Kody followed his lead and took a weak flight. Drew’s grip became stronger, and I gave him a reassuring look in response. I didn’t even have to read his mind to know what he was thinking; his eyes said it all. James was Drew’s best friend. He couldn’t bare to lose him. Luckily, James came back rather quickly. Coughing, he muttered, “Follow.” He jogged as we ran beside him. The temperature was quickly rising, and the flames were closing in around us. Where was Kody?

  “Help!” A voice shouted above us. It was unfamiliar, until Dakota recognized it.

  “Aria!” She shouted. Dakota looked around frantically, kicking a near by wall and burning her leg. I pulled her back.

  “Stop!” Drew shouted at her. “You’re going to kill yourself!” Then the erupting flames in front of us froze, and through them emerged a hawk. Juliet.

  “Carter!” She exclaimed. “Drew, James, Dakota.”

  “Where are they?” I asked, coughing and gasping for real air.

  “We are still looking. James, go out and get any guardians from the Code of Law for back up. Aria is trapped under a table, and I can’t lift it, only freeze the flames.”

  “Do you know where they are?”

  “Yes, follow me. Hurry!” I put my hands in front of my face to shield my eyes from the sparks bursting from the inferno surrounding us.

  “I just received word from Aria!” Dakota screamed; Juliet turned around, flying backwards. “She said a wall just collapsed in front of her, and the air closing thin.”

  The four of us dodged the flaming wood that would fall; I probably had twenty million burns on my back, but thanks to my durability, I couldn’t feel them.

  We soon came upon a pile of bricks.

  “This is it!” Juliet shouted. “Aria is here!” She disappeared into the
pile of bricks.

  “Where did she go?” I asked Drew.

  “One of her powers is to go through walls and other matter.”

  “Got it. Dakota, move the bricks so we can dig through. I’ll take the side on fire, I won’t feel the burns.” We dug, and Dakota easily created a patch through the bricks, where we found Juliet and Aria. Aria was unconscious.

  “Help me!” Juliet pleaded. In one motion Dakota responded by grabbing her guardian and throwing her over her shoulder.

  “Get her out of here!” I told her. “Have Juliet go with you. I’ll see you out there.”

  “Where are you going?” She asked me, hesitating to leave my side.

  “To find my own guardians. Get out of here before you all die! I love you, Dakota. Drew, come on!” I stared into her hazel eyes one last time, and then I grabbed Drew as we ran throughout the building.

  “Where’s Kody?” Drew asked as he kicked a wall, then screamed in agony and fell to the floor. Kody! I had completely forgotten! I’m such an idiot! He’s probably dead because of me!

  “Carter!” Drew screeched, clenching his knee, which I had just now realized has a piece of wood stuck in it, blood gushing everywhere. I bent down and mentally slapped myself for not catching his fall.

  “Come on, buddy!” I said to him, pulling out the piece of wood. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around his leg where the cut was. “It’s okay, Drew. We are going to find Kody, and he’s going to fix you all up with his healing powers. Drew Ethan Van Unen you are not going to give out on me now!” I lifted him up, almost carrying him, wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we stumbled on. “Kody!” I shouted as loud as I could without getting ash in my lungs. I then heard a small little bark.

  “Carter!” Dylan shouted, and trailing behind him was Kody!

  “Dylan! Kody!” I said, hobbling towards them.

  “Are you guys okay?” Kody asked. “Drew! What happened?”

  “He kicked a wall and fell. Some wood was stuck in his knee. Take him and heal his wounds.”

  “I can’t here! It’ll only get worse if I do. We have to get him out of here!”

  “You promised,” Drew muttered with a dying breath.

  “He’s dying!” I screamed. “Can you carry him?” He just nodded.

  “Take him, run through the building, and fly him down. I’ll meet you out when I find Star and Eli.” Kody nodded and I gave him Drew.


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