The Supers (Dreamspun Beyond Book 6)

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The Supers (Dreamspun Beyond Book 6) Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “Oh. Good to know.”

  Flynn tugged Blaine’s pants and underwear off, then pushed him back gently, and he found himself on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

  “Stay and talk for a second?” he asked.

  “Sure.” Flynn grabbed Blaine’s feet and put them on the bed before flipping the edge of the comforter over him. “Is it okay if I lie on the bed?”

  “Uh-huh. Please.” He wanted some company.

  Flynn climbed up and lay on his side next to Blaine, then gave him a smile. “You got anything in particular you want to talk about or just shoot the breeze?”

  “Tell me about yourself.” Talk to me.

  Flynn chuckled. “Yeah, really? Like, I was born in Montreal. My favorite food is poutine. That kind of thing?”

  At his lazy nod, Flynn went on. “Okay. I guess I can do that. My folks died when I was five. A car accident. They were hit by a drunk driver at three in the afternoon. That’s the part that still gets me. It was the middle of the day.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” That sucked.

  “It was a long time ago. And like I said the other day, my mom never really left me. She’s always been there when I needed her. I had an aunt who lived in a little town outside of Ottawa who took me in. She wasn’t terribly warm, but she didn’t abuse me or anything, and I had everything I needed. Not everything I wanted, but everything I needed.” Flynn laughed softly. “So I would say I’m not at all spoiled.”

  “I probably am.” Blaine didn’t know, really. He hadn’t had everything, but he had plenty. He had family and food and shelter and random fun.

  “Nah—you work too hard to be spoiled. And then there’s the giving food to those in need thing. You’re safe.”

  “Oh good.” He let his eyelids close. “So why science?”

  “Because for as long as I can remember, I’ve asked why. About everything. Why things work the way they do, etc. And then there’s my mom. I learned pretty quickly that my belief in her still being with me was not shared. Like at all. And I wanted to prove that it’s true. That it’s not my imagination.”

  “No. It’s not.” It might be all his imagination—Blaine wasn’t sure. Or his own insanity.

  Flynn nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s not. Anyway. So that’s why science. My innate curiosity. You know, I can probably thank Aunt Judy for that—every time I asked why, she’d tell me to go look it up. So I’d write it down, and when we went to the library, which we did once a week, I’d look up everything on my list.”

  “Cool.” He could imagine that—little David with his schoolbooks and his glasses, looking through books.

  “I still love reference books. I might have several boxes worth in storage. Reference books, history books, science manuals. I’ve got fiction too. I love spy thrillers and sci-fi the best.”

  “I read.” Blaine nodded. He loved horror and thrillers, romances, gothic stuff. He’d been going to school for English lit, after all.

  Flynn laughed, the sound almost a giggle. “That almost sounds like ‘Hey, I know how.’ I know what you meant, though. A lot of people don’t, though, after finishing high school.” Flynn shrugged. “I like it. I find it relaxing, informative. It was always a refuge growing up too. Aunt Judy couldn’t afford hockey equipment, so I didn’t play in any youth leagues. Just on the street with the other kids in the neighborhood.”

  “Not a sport guy. Not my thing.”

  “I like staying in shape, and I prefer running around chasing a ball to do it. I do street hockey and pickup soccer games. Nothing organized.” Flynn touched Blaine’s belly, rubbed it. “How do you stay so skinny?”

  “I work hard, mostly. My life’s pretty active.” Farm life tended to be.

  “Have you got a farmer’s tan?” Flynn asked, grinning.

  “Do I?”

  Flynn pushed up the arm of his T-shirt and hooted. “You do! Although, it’s not like you’re super pale. You must work with your shirt off some of the time so that your arms are darker than the rest of you, but you’re still tanned all over. Unless your belly isn’t tanned….”

  It was a leading comment. Even exhausted, Blaine could tell that.

  He yanked up his T-shirt, knowing his belly was pretty damn tan. He was a bit of a sun-worshiper.

  “Damn….” Flynn reached out and stroked his abs, the touch gentle but sending tingles through Blaine for all its softness. “So pretty.”

  “Oh….” The sensation made his toes curl.

  “You feel that too? I’ve never felt anything like when I touch your skin.” Flynn kept going, tracing Blaine’s abs, eyes following his fingers as they moved on Blaine’s skin.

  “Uh-huh. This is a bad idea—hooking up with your new roommate.” He didn’t want it to stop.

  “I know. And you’re tired, and I said I wouldn’t come on to you right now.” Flynn didn’t stop touching him, and it was getting better, the sensation seeming to build on itself.

  “Uh-huh.” He drew Flynn deeper into the bed.

  “Of course if you’re coming on to me, then I suppose it doe—”

  He cut Flynn off with a kiss, pressing their lips together. The words buzzed between them for a moment; then Flynn moaned and melted into the kiss, opening his mouth.

  Blaine sighed happily, floating with the soft buzz they were building. He had to admit, there was more to this than any other first kiss he’d shared. That strange, but good, tingle that came whenever they touched was there in spades, adding to his enjoyment of the kiss. Maybe it was some weird body-chemistry thing. He didn’t care.

  Flynn rested along his side, continuing to stroke his belly as their tongues slid together. He was trying to focus, to stay awake, because he didn’t want to miss a second of this.

  Humming, Flynn settled his whole hand on Blaine’s belly, rubbing now instead of randomly tracing. This touch was firmer, and he felt it all the way to his toes.

  How did Flynn know how he liked it? How did Flynn know what he needed?

  Their tongues tangled some more. Flynn smiled, moving their lips apart, then together again, and he pushed slightly closer, making Blaine more aware of his lack of clothing next to Flynn’s completely dressed state. Regardless of the material between them, he could feel the heat from Flynn’s cock, the flesh hard.

  “You want me.” His own cock was filling, telling him he wasn’t really that tired.

  Flynn met his gaze and nodded. “I do. You’re a gorgeous, sexy man, and we have chemistry together.”

  “Uh-huh.” They sure had a spark; that was evident.

  “You want me to go, just say so. I know you’re tired.” Flynn’s words might have been saying that, but his eyes were telling an entirely different story. One that said “I want to stay.”

  “Stay?” That was what they both wanted, after all.

  “Yes, please.” Flynn nodded, then brought their lips back together for more of the slow, easy kisses that Blaine could feel all through himself.

  Flynn toed his shoes off, and then they were snuggling, tongues sliding against each other as they twisted their legs together.

  After pushing up beneath Blaine’s T-shirt, Flynn slid his hand from Blaine’s belly to his nipples and stroked them gently.

  Blaine’s breath huffed out, the light tingles making his eyes cross.

  “Sensitive?” Flynn asked, looking pleased about that and stroking them again.

  “Feels good. Erotic. Hot.”

  “I like that. Can we take your T-shirt off?” Flynn tugged at it, and Blaine shifted, leaning up and raising his arms so Flynn could pull it over his head.

  Groaning, Flynn leaned in and touched his tongue to the tip of Blaine’s left nipple. The caress was achingly sweet, and he moaned with the rush of pure, easy pleasure. He felt Flynn’s smile against his skin before the touch came again, Flynn’s tongue hotter this time, pressing a little harder against the nub of flesh.

  Blaine wiggled slowly, feeling like he was sinking under water. Flynn hummed, and the so
und vibrated along Blaine’s nipple and into his chest. Then Flynn sucked for a moment before moving to lick at Blaine’s collarbone and the hollow of his neck. Next Flynn kissed his Adam’s apple and under his chin. Each touch spoke of care and brought shivers of pleasure with it.

  “Kiss me again, babe.” He wanted to taste.

  Flynn didn’t have to be asked twice, pressing their lips together again in a kiss that was less careful and soft than their first ones had been. As they kissed, Flynn drew his hands all over Blaine’s chest, tracing his abs, then his nipples, then sliding down along his breastbone right to his navel.

  Blaine found Flynn’s ass with his hands and squeezed tight, rocking them together, nice and easy. Flynn moaned for him, the sound tasting good in his mouth.

  There were still too many clothes between them, but he was feeling so good right where they were and with what they were doing that he hated to stop to remove them.

  And it felt wicked, naughty, to have Flynn still in his jeans while he was bare. Flynn shifted so he was mostly on top of Blaine, rocking slowly, dragging the denim along his cock and his belly.

  “Damn. Damn, man.” He wrapped one arm around Flynn’s shoulders. Were they really doing this?

  “This okay?” Flynn asked, staring down at him, body stilling.

  “Uh-huh. More than. More than.” It felt necessary.

  “Thank God.” Flynn kissed him again and rocked their bodies together, the denim of his jeans scraping along Blaine’s skin. It wasn’t gentle, but it didn’t hurt.

  Blaine worked Flynn’s shirt from under his waistband, finding skin. It was warm and smooth against his fingers, and his touch made Flynn moan, buck against him. He searched for scars, for marks, his fingers insisting there should be some. There wasn’t a single one, though, Flynn’s skin smooth and warm, with just a little fur on his pecs and a thin treasure trail on his belly. Flynn pushed happily into his caresses.

  “God, I have to get these jeans off.” Despite the muttered words, Flynn kept on rocking against him.

  “Uh-huh. Come on. Gimme.”

  Flynn chuckled, not stilling, not shifting, not trying to get at his jeans one-handed or anything. Just the maddening gentle rolling together of their bodies. “Gimme?”

  “You. I want you. Bad.” That was as coherent as Blaine got.

  “Oh.” Flynn giggled and stopped rocking, holding himself up with one arm as he tried to open up his jeans one-handed. “A little help would make this go faster.”

  “Right. Right. Helping hands make light work.” The little children’s rhyme made him chuckle.

  Flynn chuckled too and sucked in his belly, giving Blaine room to work open the top button of Flynn’s jeans.

  “Like how you smell.” That was so important, especially when blow jobs were involved.

  “Yeah? Soap and water.” Flynn’s eyes lit up with his smile. “I like the way you taste.”

  “Sweat and hard work?” he teased.

  “Yeah, maybe. Whatever it is, I like it.” Flynn kissed him again, tongue sweeping through his mouth, making it hard to concentrate on pulling down Flynn’s zipper.

  He traced his fingertips along Flynn’s swollen mushroom head through his briefs, the barest touch.

  Flynn’s eyes went wide, and he gasped softly. “Oh damn. Blaine.”

  “Yeah. You’re hot as hell.”

  “You too. Sexy. Uh….”

  It looked like Blaine’s touches were making Flynn incoherent. Score.

  Flynn pushed at his jeans and underwear, rubbing up and bumping against Blaine as he tried to kick them off.

  Blaine found himself getting tickled, and he kept touching, teasing, and playing.

  “Not helping!” There was no real heat in the words; a hint of laughter threaded through them.

  “No?” Blaine leaned up and took another kiss, the connection sharp and happy.

  Flynn moaned into the kiss and before their lips parted again, finally got his jeans and underwear off, and they were both naked.

  Damn, that was fine. Blaine hadn’t had the luxury of skin in so long that he’d forgotten the wonderful shock of it. Flynn rocked against him once more, giving him lots of skin-on-skin action.

  “Oh God, you feel good.”

  “Uh-huh. You do. I do. Don’t stop, okay?”

  “Got it. No stopping.” Flynn grinned suddenly, eyes twinkling like crazy. “Not even if you fall asleep on me.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Seducing the snoozing man. You have to watch that.”

  Flynn shook his head. “No, I said I wasn’t going to do that—I’m pretty sure you seduced me.”

  “Did I? Not bad for someone who’s exhausted, huh?”

  “Not bad at all. I can’t wait to see what happens when you’re fully awake.” Flynn continued sliding their bodies together.

  “I’m a sex god. Just you wait.” Blaine cracked himself up.

  Flynn laughed with him, face happy and bright. Then he gasped as their cocks bumped hard.

  There was nothing funny about that at all.

  Groaning, Flynn brought their mouths back together again, continuing the long, sliding motion that pushed their cocks together.

  Blaine reached between them and found their pricks, wrapped his fingers around them, and began to stroke, nice and slow, up and down.

  “Oh God, yes. Your hand feels so good. So good.” Flynn’s eyes closed, his face a study in pleasure.

  All Blaine could do was nod and keep stroking. That was his best.

  They moved together easily, sensations building one on top of the other until they were panting and speeding up, orgasms growing closer.

  Blaine took a sloppy kiss, his body barely following his brain’s instructions. Flynn was rolling against him hard, though, keeping them moving, the pleasure flowing between them. It felt so large, so odd and wonderful, so right.

  “Blaine. Oh God.” Flynn stared at him, gaze intense.

  “Uh-huh. Gonna. Ready?”

  “God yes.” Flynn nodded and added his hand to Blaine’s on their cocks.

  The extra pressure was all Blaine needed, all he wanted, all he could bear. He came, heat spraying between them. Then there was more, Flynn’s moan filling his room.

  Oh hell yeah.

  Blaine slumped, his whole body going boneless.

  “Oh God, that was good. It was really good.” Flynn collapsed half-on him, half-off. He pressed kisses against Blaine’s neck and cheek.

  He’d missed this kind of intimacy. So much. Sweet man. “Thank you.”

  “And thank you. Is it okay if I rest with you awhile?”

  “Uh-huh.” Of course. Of course it was okay. Silly man.

  “Cool.” Flynn looked around, eyes at half-mast and sleepy looking. Then he reached over and grabbed a few Kleenex from the bedside table and cleaned them up before dropping next to Blaine. On his side, Flynn cuddled in.

  “Sleep well, honey. So glad we’re home.”

  “Sure thing, Blaine.” Flynn kissed his cheek, eyes dropping closed all the way as Flynn let out a long, soft sigh.

  Blaine moaned, sinking into dreams of white sheets and bright lights and David’s sweet voice.

  Chapter Six

  FLYNN was glad they’d come back to the hospital. Sure last night had been disappointing, but their first night had been awesome. It was neat coming back during the day too. While it was still fairly dark in the hospital, it felt less spooky than it did at night. Of course for all he knew that was going to mean they wouldn’t get any hits. He just didn’t know, but it would be interesting to see.

  “Are we going to check out upstairs today?” They hadn’t ventured up there at all, barring the quick look he and Blaine had done on Friday.

  “No.” Blaine shook his head, refusing to meet his eyes. “Let’s focus on the ER.”

  “Oh, okay.” Flynn shrugged. He supposed that was where they’d gotten the great hit, but on Friday Blaine had been excited about the second floor, and that’s where they’d set up the
overnight cameras. Not that they’d caught anything. “You think Renee will come back today?”

  “I hope so. Come on. Let’s go explore. Cameras are ready?”

  Will nodded. “They are.”

  “Let’s do this thing.” Darnell hoisted his camera too. Jason trailed them with a boom mike for better sound.

  “Lead on,” Flynn added, all smiles. He was trying not to bounce too much or get too excited in case it was another bust. But he was hopeful.

  Blaine pushed his braid back behind his shoulder, smiling into the lens. “Hey, we’re at the Eugene Thurston Memorial Hospital, and we’re hoping to get some activity. We were here a couple of days ago, and we encountered an entity we believe to be a nurse who was gunned down here in the emergency room.”

  Flynn began using the EMF reader as they walked toward the ER, searching high and low for some hits.

  “The entity made contact with me, asking me if I needed assistance and trying to take my pulse.”

  “We all felt the sudden cold when the entity showed up,” Flynn added. Even if they hadn’t gotten anything concrete on the damn cameras. Yeah, there had been something indistinct and some sounds, but nothing they could say was more than normal sounds of an abandoned building. Certainly nothing like the mumbling he’d heard, let alone the actual conversation Blaine had been having with her.

  That, to him, was more frustrating than them not getting a single thing yesterday—the obvious hits they’d been getting on Friday night that they just couldn’t prove.

  Blaine closed his eyes, face turning toward the stairs, and Flynn swore Blaine shook his head like he was arguing.

  “Is there something upstairs, Blaine?” Flynn headed toward him, the guys following.

  “Just dust.” That was a lie. He knew that.

  What he didn’t know was why Blaine didn’t want to go up there. Maybe whatever Blaine was getting from up there was pretty fucking scary. He let it drop. If they didn’t get a hit in the emergency room today, he could suggest they go upstairs instead.

  They all followed Blaine down the main hall toward the ER. Flynn didn’t know if it was his imagination or not, but he thought it was beginning to get cooler. Not cold, but… a temperature change.


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