The Scavengers Strike Back

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The Scavengers Strike Back Page 11

by Marcus Emerson

  He did it. He finished what the Scavengers started a few weeks back. I was defeated – pwned. If I was lucky, maybe I’d respawn at my old school … too bad that’s not how real life worked.

  I wasn’t sure if there was any way I could come back from this total, utter humiliation. I’d have to switch schools, or grow a moustache …

  … and then the microphone screeched with feedback as someone stomped across the stage.

  The two hall monitors who were walking me out stopped in their tracks. Even Principal Davis spun around, covering his ears.

  ‘Chase didn’t do this!’ someone yelled into the mic.

  It was Naomi.

  ‘Chase was set up by an eighth grader named Victor!’ she continued quickly. ‘Chase isn’t the villain! He’s not the bad guy that everyone thinks he is, and he doesn’t deserve this hate!’

  I stared at Naomi.

  And then she dropped the bomb. ‘Victor is the leader of the Scavengers!’ The kids gasped. ‘Yes, they’re real, and they’re a bunch of jerks!’

  Victor dove towards the stage.

  Naomi stepped backwards, but she was safe. The hall monitors who had been next to me grabbed Victor before he got too far.

  Victor’s earring dropped to the floor and bounced a couple of times. Some kids gagged when they saw it, but started laughing when they realised it was a clip-on earring.

  Naomi held out her phone to Principal Davis. ‘I’ve got all the proof on video. I filmed everything. Chase is innocent.’

  The crowd of kids had quietened down. The only sound was Victor screaming about how Naomi was lying, but I’m pretty sure everyone could tell he was the one who was lying.

  I was surprised that Victor wasn’t trying to run away. I guess some kids just knew when they were beaten.

  Principal Davis put his hand on my shoulder and asked me to wait in the lobby with Naomi so he could figure everything out with just the three of us. He set the pieces of broken statue on a bench right outside the cafeteria doors.

  Victor finally calmed down as the hall monitors took him out of the cafeteria. He shot me a look of pure evil.

  ‘This isn’t over,’ he said. ‘This is just the beginning …’

  ‘Nope,’ Principal Davis said as Naomi stood by his side. ‘It’s over.’

  Victor said nothing.

  ‘Take him into the front office and have someone call his parents,’ the principal said to the hall monitors. ‘We’re gonna get to the bottom of this if it takes all day.’

  The two hall monitors nodded and took Victor away.

  Principal Davis turned to Naomi and me. ‘You two wait out here. I need to let Zoe know that she can continue with the assembly.’

  A second later, the principal was gone, and it was just Naomi and me in the lobby.

  There was a moment of silence before Naomi unzipped her book bag and took out the teacup that had been glued back together.

  Handing me the teacup, she said, ‘I want you to have this.’


  ‘No,’ she said, interrupting me. ‘I need you take it. I need for us to be friends again. I need you to know how sorry I am … for everything.’

  I stared at Naomi. She wore a smile, but also looked like she was going to cry.

  The teacup made a CLINK sound. Naomi had put a stick of gold sparkly glue inside the cup. She was giving me both.

  ‘I needed to make things right,’ Naomi said. ‘A few weeks ago, during the election, I watched you stand in front of the school, ready to sacrifice yourself to stop the Scavengers … and when I saw you on that stage today, I knew it was my turn. It was the only way to make it up to you.’

  I looked at the teacup in my hand. ‘I’m not sure what to say …’ I whispered honestly.

  Naomi smiled. ‘You don’t need to say anything.’

  Gidget, Slug and Brayden appeared in the doorway of the cafeteria. Zoe and Faith were on the stage, making jokes and performing skits for the rest of the students.

  Gidget was texting, Slug looked half asleep again, and Brayden … was smiling at me.

  ‘Why are you smiling like that?’ I said to him. ‘You’re the one behind all this! I saw those photos of you giving Naomi the statue!’

  Brayden’s smile disappeared. ‘Oh, dude,’ he said, shocked. ‘I only did that because you said you wanted the Scavengers to make a move! Remember? You said it at the beginning of the week!’

  ‘I …’ I said, and then stopped. ‘What?’

  ‘He’s right,’ Gidget said, pointing at Brayden. ‘I was there. You totes said that.’

  ‘Oh, man,’ I said, remembering. ‘Dude, that was a joke!’

  ‘Could’ve fooled us,’ Gidget said. ‘I thought you were serious too.’

  I slapped my forehead as everyone laughed.

  ‘So you guys are really done with the ninja clan?’ I asked.

  Slug stepped forwards, wiping the sleep from his eyes. ‘Are you kidding me?’ he said. ‘After that insane scene in the cafeteria? There’s no way this thing is as boring as I thought! Forget the football team! I’m a ninja for life!’

  ‘Good,’ I said. ‘Because I have a feeling things are going to get worse soon.’

  They looked at me, puzzled.

  ‘Let’s just say,’ I said, ‘don’t be surprised if you see another ninja clan pop up. I’m pretty sure we’re about to have some big ninja problems.’

  Gidget smiled. ‘Nice.’

  The principal stepped out of the cafeteria and let the doors shut behind him. He ordered Gidget, Slug and Brayden back into the assembly since there wasn’t any reason for them to be in the lobby.

  Principal Davis glanced at the door to the front office, and then said, ‘Naomi, why don’t you come in first, and explain exactly what in the world has been going on. I’ll need to see the footage on your phone.’

  Naomi smiled. ‘Sure. I’ll tell you everything, Principal Davis.’

  ‘Chase, wait out here,’ he said. ‘I’ll call you in after I speak with Naomi.’

  I nodded and they both went into the front office.

  Just like that, the lobby was empty. It was just the broken statue of President Buchanan and me.

  I crashed on one of the benches out there, leaning against the wall, and let out a humongous sigh of relief. The weight of the Scavengers was off my shoulders, and I felt so light I thought I’d float away.

  Brayden wasn’t the bad guy I thought he was, and Naomi was back on my side.

  I knew that I should’ve had hard feelings about Naomi, but I didn’t. Those feelings were gone and I was happy to get rid of them.

  Spinning the cup in my hand, I studied the spots where Naomi had used gold coloured glue to piece it back together. Naomi had called it kintsugi. The teacup was more beautiful because of its history – it was unique.

  The friendship Naomi and I had was broken, cracked just like that cup, but Naomi was trying to glue it back together. I just needed to let her.

  She used to be one of my best friends, but I suspected our friendship was going to be even stronger now because it’s been glued back together.

  That goes for my ninja clan too. We’ve been through a lot with a lot more to come, but it was stronger because of our struggle to survive as a team, and my own struggle to be a good leader. I might’ve lost my mask earlier that morning, but there was no way I was finished with being a ninja.

  I felt unstoppable.

  Whatever was going on with Wyatt and the red and green ninjas would show its ugly face soon enough. But I knew that with my best buds behind me, I could stand up to anything.

  The glue stick inside Naomi’s teacup clinked on the side. I took it out and opened it, studying the little sparkles.

  The broken pieces of James Buchanan’s head sat on the bench next to me, and I was struck with an idea …

  Let’s just say I fixed the statue.


  Marcus Emerson is the author of several highly imaginative children’s bo
oks, including the 6th Grade Ninja series, the Secret Agent 6th Grader series, Lunchroom Wars and the Adventure Club series. His goal is to create children’s books that are engaging, funny, and inspirational for kids of all ages – even the adults who secretly never grew up.

  Marcus Emerson is currently having the time of his life with his beautiful wife and their amazing children. He still dreams of becoming an astronaut someday and walking on Mars.




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