Out of Time: A Military Romance

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Out of Time: A Military Romance Page 12

by Sienna Mynx

  He looked back at her. She was crying so hard now he had to turn to hold her up.

  "Hey, look at me. I'm okay," he said.

  "Please don't die. Please," she cried.

  "Asha? Listen, I'm fine. It happens sometimes," he said and held her.

  "Don't leave me. Please Ice, please," she cried in his arms. He held her and comforted her in the shower until her panic attack eased. He then helped her out. They dried each other. Ice took off her garter belt and stockings. She helped him put on his robe. It was dark outside but not late. In the winter it got dark quicker.

  "Are you sure you're okay?"

  "Yeah, need to hydrate. That's all," he replied.

  "Okay," she said and put on the robe he had for her. They left the bathroom arm in arm. She walked him to the sofa and sat him down. She then went to the kitchen and poured him some water. When she came back, he looked so fatigued. She could see the sickness in him for the first time.

  "Ice, here, drink this," she said.

  He did. She sat next to him. She made sure he drank the glass clean.

  "More," he said.

  She nodded and went and got him more water. She brought back two glasses. And he drank them both. When he was done he smiled at her. "Thank you."

  "You've been out here by yourself, suffering? What if something happened? There's no phone. You're totally isolated." Asha said and nearly broke into tears again.

  "Not anymore. I have you," he smiled.

  "Is there something we can do? I know we said we would talk about it after Christmas. But I don't want to lose you. Have you seen a specialist? Is there anything?"

  "They've tried everything. The only thing left is to be pumped with so much toxic radiation I'd lose my mind before I lost my life. That's why I wanted to see you again. To be with you," he said.

  Asha nodded. "I have money. Money fixes things."

  "No sweetheart. Not always."

  "It can, Ice! It can. We have to try. Please, please," she cried. He pulled her over into his arms and held her. She clung to him and let go of her fears. He listened but didn't say much. "I'm not giving up. Do you hear me? We're not giving up."

  He smiled and nodded. "I feel better."

  "Sex? Did sex cause it?" she asked.

  "No," he said, but she knew he was lying. He looked weak. He didn't want her to see it, but he was. Going forward, she would make sure he was rested. Until she could get them back to New York.

  "I want you to move in with me."

  "Asha," he sighed.

  "I want to get married again."

  He frowned. She turned his face to look at her. "You love me, right? Right?"

  "With all my heart."

  "Then we get married. Okay? As soon as possible."

  "Christmas Eve is gone, too late," he joked.

  "No, it's not! We will get married, and then I'm taking some time off. I'm going to get us into Johns Hopkins. We'll beat this."

  Ice shook his head but said nothing. He had better not. She figured it out. She wasn't a quitter. And she wouldn't let him quit. She did that once. Walked away when he was broken. Left her marriage, and their life, behind. But she wasn't going to do that again.

  "I'm so glad you came and found me. So glad." She stroked his jaw and kissed his neck. He closed his eyes.

  "I'm so glad you came with me," he said.

  She snuggled him and relaxed. He was real and alive in her arms. He was solid. Nothing would take him away.

  Chapter Eleven

  Present - Christmas Morning

  RacePoint Lighthouse - Massachusetts

  "Merry Christmas," Ice said into her ear.

  Asha opened her eyes. All over the bed were her Christmas gifts. And she could swear she could smell butterscotch in the air. She glanced around to see he had closed the curtains. They had a long night. It was a thoughtful night. They talked and talked until some of her anxiety over his illness was gone. She knew everything he knew about his cancer. She learned about his denial at first. And then he told her of his acceptance. Where he was vague was about treatment and cures. He'd either go silent or want to kiss and hold her. What was most shocking to her was he never told his family. He told her that he realized he could not die or wither away without her. And the very last bit of resentment she had for the loss of their marriage was gone for her. She was totally focused on the second chance she knew in her heart God was going to bless them with. But Christmas gifts? She didn't expect to receive gifts. She was surprised and delighted by them.

  "What have you done?"

  "Open them and see."

  She reached for the first gift. It was the smaller box. She opened it and found a jewelry box inside."What is this?"

  "Open it," he said.

  She did and found a necklace. On it was a miniature diamond ring. "It's beautiful."

  "Remember the promise ring I gave you? I wasn't sure if you still had it. I wanted you to have something to remind you of us... something like it," he said.

  "Of course I have it, Ice. If you hadn't kidnapped me and told me the truth, I would have gotten it. I keep it in my safe at home. With my wedding ring."

  "You kept your wedding ring?"


  He reached in the front pocket of his robe and removed his wedding band. "I kept mine," he winked. He put it on. She leaned over and kissed him.

  "Open the next gift," he said. She tore the paper off the gift and found it to be a roll of paper. There was a ribbon tied around it. She untied the ribbon and looked at the contracts and deeds.

  "That's my house, my boat, my pension paperwork, my living will. All of it."

  "Why the hell are you giving me this?" she asked.

  "Everything I have, everything I worked for, became yours the day I married you. I want to make sure you have it."

  "What about your mom and your family?" she asked.

  "You'll see to them," he said.

  She tossed the papers. "No! Stop it!"

  "Asha!" He grabbed her arm before she left the bed. "Look at me, sweetheart. It's cancer. It's real. It's happening. I may not live through 2017. I could go into remission and live another ten years. Or I can get hit by a bus tomorrow. Life is short, no matter what hand is dealt. You’re born to die. I know that now. I only trust you, so please. Take them."

  "It’s not a damn Christmas gift." She wiped her tears.

  He took her hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry. I'm doing this wrong."

  "We won't be needing that because you're going to beat this."

  "Okay, okay," he said. "Hey, that's the only shitty gift in the bunch. Open the next one."

  She did. She was little apprehensive about it. The gifts were like tokens of the fate she refused to accept. And then she laughed. It was a candy dish stuffed with butterscotch candies. "Now this is what I'm talking about!" she sniffed. "This is Christmas!"

  "I can't eat those things without thinking of you," he said.

  Asha opened the jar and took a candy. She popped it in her mouth. "Thank you!"

  He nodded.


  "No. No more gifts. Come here," she said and pulled him down on her by his neck. He stretched out on top of her. She held him. She sucked her candy and closed her eyes. "This is what I want for Christmas. You and me. Nothing else."

  "I think you will like the other gifts. Open them."

  "You heard me." She stroked the top of his head. "Tell me. What do you want to do today? We can watch football. I can clip your toenails."

  "My toenails?"

  "Ice, they’re gross. And they scratch me."

  "Not this again," he sighed.

  "I just don't understand why you don't clip them. When we were married I had to do it..."

  "I liked how you did it," he said.

  "Well, find me a toenail clipper and I'll do it again. They’re so long they should be cutting through your socks."

  Ice chuckled. "Is this where you start to treat me like a baby and not a man?" He lifted
his head. "I'm still a man," he said.

  "I know. You know I know that. I just want to make you happy, comfortable."

  "Then let's go check out the lighthouse today. And maybe take the boat out for a while? Like old times."

  "Isn't it too cold out there? You said the cold sometimes makes your bones hurt. Right?"

  "I'll double up on long johns," he said.

  "Nice," she chuckled.

  He lifted his head from her breast. He looked at her. She looked at him.

  "What?" she asked. "What are you thinking?"

  "You're different now, Asha."

  "So are you," she smiled.

  "I mean you’re stronger. I like it," he said.

  "Well, you wait and see, I plan to be a lot stronger. And you will behave."

  "Did you mean it? Last night, when you said you wanted to get married. Did you mean it?" he asked.

  "I did, and I do. I loved being married to you, Ice. I loved our life. I want it back."

  He eased up and kissed her. She touched his face. He then rested his head on her breast. She closed her eyes. She could see their wedding. Something small and intimate. She could see their future. His healing, her quitting her job and them finding a place like the one she grew up in. A place to raise a family. And babies. She was still young, only twenty-six. They could have four or five children. She'd be a stay-at-home mother, and home-school them. They'd build the perfect life.

  "Ice?" she said.

  "Mmm," he answered.

  "Never mind," she said. He was drifting again. He seemed to tire easily now that the secret was out. And she didn't mind. They could spend the entire day in bed if he wanted. As long as she had him.


  "Come on, sweetheart. We're almost there." He chuckled. Asha wasn't sure where he got the burst of energy. But he was several steps ahead of her. The lighthouse was cold and the stairs went up and around for what felt like a mile.

  "Why does it have to be so tall?" she asked.

  "They're built for height to project for the ships out at sea. If you keep going and don't think about it, you'll make it. Plus it's much easier coming down."

  "Yeah, right," she said.

  "I should have shown you the one on our first date. Remember?" he called down to her.

  "You were too busy trying to figure out how to get in my panties!"

  "True," he laughed. "I don't want to waste this opportunity."

  "Trust me, Ice, we will have plenty more opportunities."

  He came down the steps to where she was panting. She looked up at him. He extended his hand. "Let's do it together," he said.

  "Together?" She smiled.

  "You and me, kid. All the way," he winked.

  "Deal," she said and took his hand. He walked up with her slowly.

  "How tall is it?" she asked.

  "It's about 140 feet. It dates back to about 1823."

  "Really?" The stairs went up in a circular swell. When she looked down they spiraled to the bottom. She couldn't believe how far they had gone, and how far they still had to climb. But they went at her pace. And it felt nice.

  "You sure you're okay for this?"

  "I'm fine, and so are you. Keep going," he chuckled.

  "I guess," she mumbled. They continued. "Hey, is this place haunted?"

  He paused. "Why do you ask that?"

  "I don't know. It's kind of creepy. Don't you think?"

  "I thought you would find it sexy, romantic," he said.

  She sighed. "Nope. It feels haunted. A lone fisherman floats up to the top at night and stares out at the ships at sea."

  He laughed. "Look up," he said.

  She did as he told her and saw the finish point, the opening for them to emerge to the light station. He helped her go up and then he came up behind her. She looked at the large bulb and was impressed. "This thing is bigger than I thought."

  "Cool, isn't it?" he asked.

  "Yeah, how did they light it before we invented electricity?" she asked.

  "Candlelight. This glass is imported from France, and it magnified candlelight to send out a hell of a beam."


  He nodded. He went to the door and opened it. He held it. They were able to step out on the railing. At their height they had one helluva view of the sea and the city—a panoramic view they could enjoy.

  "Was the one back in Port Smith this tall?"

  "Kind of. Yes."

  "And now it works off electricity?"

  "It does," he said. "I can turn it on tonight if you want."

  "That would be so cool. Promise to turn it on."

  "Can I have a kiss to seal the promise?" he asked.

  "Are you serious? I think we're past the point of permission, sweetheart."

  "The last time I had you near a lighthouse I had to ask. So I'm asking. I'm your Christmas guardian and every time you kiss me an angel gets its wings."

  "Every time, huh?"

  "You know it, babe," he said. He gathered her up in his arms and prevented all escape. She put her arms around his neck. His hands slid down as his tongue swept in and claimed her. The kiss deepened and sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl. And then they heard sirens. Ice released her and she looked around. It was the loud blare of police sirens. Asha turned and looked back to see three police squad cars approaching with a SUV between them.

  "Are you expecting someone?" she asked.

  Ice frowned. "Looks like the President is coming to visit."

  "Is he?"

  Ice laughed. "No. Come on, let's see what this is about." They went back inside and down the stairs. By the time they made it out of the lighthouse the squad cars had parked and cops were out with their guns drawn. Ice took Asha's hand. They walked over. And then they stopped. Howard stepped into view with one of the cops.

  "Howard? What the hell are you doing here? And with the police?"

  The cops turned and leveled the guns at Ice.

  "On the ground. On your knees and hands up!" the officer said. Ice obeyed.

  "What is this about? What the hell do you think you are doing?"

  Howard walked over to her to remove her from Ice but she shoved him away. The cop came over and helped Ice stand. Another put handcuffs on him.

  "Stop it! Stop it now! Why are you arresting him?"

  "Kidnapping. He took you. Your family has been worried."

  Shocked, she couldn't speak at first. A sheriff's deputy came forward. "Ma’am, you are Ms. Asha Quinn?"

  "Yes, I am."

  "We have a missing persons report filed by your family. A woman by the name of Amy Radcliffe? We were hopeful to find you here."

  "Well, it's wrong. He didn't kidnap me. Take the cuffs off him. He's my husband and I came with him willingly!"

  "He's not your husband," Howard said.

  "Shut up! Take the cuffs off him now."

  The officers all looked at Howard, confused.

  "Asha, there's something you should know about Kevan Quinn. He's lying to you," Howard said.

  Chapter Twelve

  Christmas Afternoon

  RacePoint Lighthouse - Massachusetts

  Ice was un-handcuffed. The sheriff and Howard were all inside now and out of the cold. They sat at the round four-seat table. And Asha was the one who demanded answers. Not from Ice. She demanded them from Howard.

  "What do you mean he's lying? You don't know anything about him."

  "I know he came to New York to tell you he has leukemia. Didn't he? That he's been sick."

  Asha looked to Ice, who glared at Howard. But he didn't speak up. He didn't say anything.

  "He is sick. He isn't lying about it," she said.

  "He isn't dying either. Are you?" Howard asked.

  "What?" Asha frowned.

  "I don't owe him any explanation," Ice said.

  "You owe me. What does he mean you're not dying?"

  "He has leukemia, Asha, and it's terminal. But they located a donor. He qualifies for a bone marr
ow transplant. His own fucking brother. He didn't show up at the hospital. Went off the grid. And that's when he came looking for you."

  "That's a lie. Tell him it's a lie, Ice?" Asha asked.

  Ice said nothing.

  "I don't understand. There's a cure and you rejected it?"

  "When your sister Amy called the police to report you were missing I got tipped off by my friends in the precinct. She said that you were at your aunt’s and you were upset because he was following you. We had a witness who said he showed up at your door and forced his way in."

  "He didn't..."

  "I had my people get in contact with the USCG. That's how I found out he was here. That's when I called the sheriff and had him bring me out here."

  "Shut up, Howard!" Asha shouted. "You shouldn't be telling me this. Ice! Explain this!" She stood.

  He didn't.

  "If there is a way to cure you, why did you reject it?" she asked. And then the truth hit her. It hit her as hard as the reality that their marriage was broken. That divorce was the only option. "You want to die. Don't you?"

  "Asha, baby, I should have died on that rescue. I took us into the water. I caused their deaths."

  She slapped him. "You didn’t bring me out here to reunite with me. You brought me out here to say goodbye. Didn't you?"

  Ice shook his head but didn't deny it.

  "Asha, I can take you back to New York," Howard said.

  "Ice! Look at me! Look at me!" she said through tears. "How could you put me through this?"

  He looked up at her. "I missed you. I came out here to die, and all I could think about was you. And then Christmas... it just, I don't know why."

  "But what about me? Huh? What about me? You swore that you love me!"


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