Daddy Shifter

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Daddy Shifter Page 28

by Juniper Hart

  A dark figure blocked the light coming from the hallway, and growled, “So help me God, if he tries to come after you…” Annabelle turned to see Alex standing in the doorway.

  “Alex! But, how—” began Annabelle.

  “I think that’s our cue to leave,” said Bryden.

  Alex gave each man a friendly pat on the shoulder as they left the room, smiling at them.

  Annabelle froze. Were they being friendly to each other?

  Alex looked over at Annabelle, and once again, her worries dissipated in his presence. She waited for him to speak.

  “I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t leave without you,” said Alex.

  “But, what about Julian and Bryden? They saw you change. They know what you are.”

  “They’ve been my best friends for years, along with Brock. Of course, they were terrified of me when I first approached them in the waiting room, but I am the same person they’ve always known. They’re not going to tell anybody.”

  “Have you spoken to the cops,” asked Annabelle, suddenly afraid for him.

  “Not yet,” said Alex. “They stopped me in the hallway, and I told them I’d give them my statement right after I saw you.”

  Relieved, Annabelle exhaled, realizing she had been holding her tension in her stomach since she had woken up. “What about Jax?”

  “What about Jax?” said Alex, coldly. “Everyone will think he’s crazy if he tells people that I changed into a wild animal. Besides, I don’t believe he saw me change.”

  “Then, this is real? I get to keep you?” pleaded Annabelle.

  Alex laughed, “Yes, you get to keep me. I told you that I would always protect you, and I meant that. I love you, Annabelle.”

  With that, Alex bent down and lifted Annabelle’s chin so her lips met his. She felt whole again after Jax had spent years breaking her spirit into millions of pieces. Annabelle was safe and loved.


  “When was the last time we did this?” Elyse leaned forward, excitement lighting up her face as she embraced her best friend. Annabelle grinned and returned the hug.

  “Honestly, I don’t even remember the last time I saw you,” Annabelle replied.

  Alex said, “Well, that will change. Annabelle definitely needs close friends like you, Elyse.”

  Brock, Julian, and Bryden waved from the restaurant patio, where they were already seated. Alex, Elyse, and Annabelle joined them. Brock was in perfect health, and that night was a celebration for his recovery and his bravery.

  Jax had died. Annabelle attended the funeral out of respect for his parents, but she didn’t shed a tear.

  Her therapist had told her that in order to cope with the loss of her fiancé, it was important to surround herself with a support system. Annabelle hadn’t bothered to explain to the quack that she had moved on, but she did heed his advice and try to rekindle old relationships. It turned out that he had been right; the more time she spent with her friends and family, the happier she felt.

  Moving back in with her parents had rekindled their relationship, and she promised she would never isolate herself from them again.

  It had been just over a month since the fateful camping trip, and Annabelle’s life had completely changed. She smiled more, laughed often, and even looked younger, according to everyone who knew her. Annabelle was finally starting to understand what it was like to be in a relationship where she felt valued and respected.

  Elyse raised her champagne glass to make a toast, and Annabelle followed suit.

  “To old friends and new beginnings!” Elyse cried, gently tapping her crystal goblet to her friend’s.

  The rest of the table joined in the toast by clinking their glasses.

  Alex squeezed Annabelle’s hands. Nobody mentioned Jax. It was as if Alex and Annabelle had always been together, and their closeness seemed normal to the group of friends.

  Annabelle went to take a sip, but as the smell of alcohol hit her nose, she was overcome with nausea. She barely made it to the restroom of the restaurant when Elyse came charging in after her.

  “Are you all right?” she asked, handing Annabelle a paper towel.

  Annabelle rose to her feet and nodded, clearing the onset of dizziness from her head. The two retreated from the stall, and Annabelle splashed cold water on her face.

  “Geez, I guess it would just be poor taste to joke about you being pregnant, huh? I mean, you’ve had a new boyfriend for what, a month?” Elyse joked dryly, applying lipstick to her lips as Annabelle washed her hands.

  Slowly turning off the tap, Annabelle laughed with her friend as she leaned in toward the mirror. At first, she was shocked, but then a fusion of excitement ran through her like a firehose of emotion. Her eyes no longer had a trace of violet in their depth; they had turned as green as Alex’s.

  She pulled back from the mirror and looked down at her flat stomach in wonder, rubbing her palm against her shirt softly. She felt a slight jolt of energy, as if the baby was alerting her to its presence. A thrill rushed through every nerve in her body.

  As they returned to the table, Annabelle couldn’t hide her smile.

  Alex looked at her inquisitively, questioning her expression. When he made eye contact with Annabelle, she saw his expression change. A broad smile appeared on his face, and pure joy lit his eyes.

  Annabelle took a seat next to him and nuzzled into his shoulder.

  Alex kissed the top of her head and whispered, “I will always protect you.” He paused before saying, “…and our family.”



  Game of Love: Scandal of a Billionaire

  Text Copyright © 2017 by Alexis Davie

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  First printing, 2017


  Secret Woods Books

  [email protected]

  Game of Love: Scandal of a Billionaire

  By: Alexis Davie

  Game of Love

  Chapter One

  Tanya removed the last of her luggage from the trunk of the cab. Slamming it shut, she placed her hands on her hips and looked up at the building in front of her, which would be her temporary home. She had spent the summer after graduation in her hometown of Crawfordsville, Indiana. Her parents had retired to Florida, and she was ready to begin her new life in New York.

  “I can’t believe you’re finally here!” a voice screamed. A blur of brown hair and arms flew down the steps towards her, pulling Tanya into a tight hug.

  Beaming from ear-to-ear, Tanya wrapped her arms back around the woman holding her close.

  “Come on, let’s get you upstairs and settled. I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you at the airport. The shoot went hours longer than it was supposed to, which kept me tied up most of the day.”

  “It’s okay, Sarah. I’m just glad to be here,” Tanya replied. She looked all around, unable to fight the smile that took over her features. She had always dreamt of living in a big city, but now her new job and her big sister, Sarah, were making that dream a reality.

  “I know, and you’re going to love it! Let me help you with your luggage.”

  The lobby was decorated in modern white and gold décor with a large, ostentatious chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Tanya wondered how the couches remained stark white. Nobody must ever sit on them, she thought.

  Sarah led the way to the glass elevator and pressed the button for the seventh floor. Tanya nearly pressed her nose to the glass as she watched the people move in a hurried pace through the lobby
as the elevator reached Sarah’s floor.

  They walked down the hall, and Sarah unlocked the door and gestured for Tanya to go inside.

  “This place is super cute!” Tanya admired, walking into her sister’s small, but elegant, apartment. The scent of lavender and citrus filled the air, which was a fragrance that Sarah had always loved.

  The open floor space was well-lit by a corner of windows on the east-side of the apartment, along with the track lighting. Hardwood floors gleamed underneath Tanya’s feet as she followed Sarah, who was taking her on a tour.

  “This artwork is amazing!” Tanya noted, taking in the bold splashes of color on the canvases lining the hallway.

  “The colors really brighten this place up,” said Sarah, obviously pleased by her sister’s admiration of the paintings. “A friend of mine has an art gallery, and he painted two of these. He gave them to me as gifts for Christmas and my birthday. I purchased the others from artists he showcases,” Sarah explained, opening a closed door.

  “And this is your room,” she said excitedly, stepping aside to allow Tanya entrance into the small space.

  Painted in a muted gray with white trim with recessed lighting, the room had a sleek, contemporary style. She admired the beams in the ceiling overhead and the closet space that took up one wall. Being that she was in New York city, she was grateful that she had any closet space at all, so the fact that she had enough room for all of her clothes was a big bonus.

  “Sarah, this means so much to me. I can’t thank you enough for letting me stay here while I get settled.”

  “Tanya, please, you’re my baby sister, it’s the least I can do. Besides, Mom and Dad wouldn’t have it any other way. And I’m glad to have you here. I’ve missed being close to you! But now that you’ve got a job at Greener Communications, it won’t be too long before you’re living the life and won’t need me anymore. Maybe you’ll need to help me!” Sarah said smiling, stepping back down the hallway.

  Tanya followed behind her. “I’m not sure about that. Luck has followed you your entire life. You’ve been on more magazine covers than I can count, and now that you’re the face of Poet Swimwear, you definitely won’t need my help financially or socially. I can’t wait to go to some of those parties you’re always telling me about.”

  “I am holding you to that, lil’ sis. You’ve never been much of a partier, but now that you’re living with me, I am thinking about making attending parties with me a requirement because I am not charging you rent.”

  “I promise! Really, I want to get out and enjoy all that New York has to offer. I will always be standing in your shadow though.”

  “Seriously, Tanya? Have you looked in the mirror? I told you that my agency was ready to sign you, but you continue to insist that you want to pursue your career at Greener Communications.”

  “I know I am just going to be a project manager, but this is really important to me, Sarah. I know it’s not as lavish as your lifestyle, but to me, it’s a big deal.”

  “It’s not a bad lifestyle, just different. I am proud of you, Tanya. You’re going to work for one of the major communication companies in New York! Besides, Andrew Greene is ridiculously hot. I’d pay money to stare at him all day,” Sarah said playfully.

  “Seriously, Sarah? You’d pay to stare at a good-looking guy?” Tanya asked, shaking her head and laughing. “We need to find you a better hobby.”

  “Well, I am sure he won’t make you pay. He’ll be all over you before lunchtime on your first day.”

  Tanya laughed. “Sleeping with my boss? On the first day? It’s a good thing I have enough sense to ignore your career advice.” Tanya replied, tucking her feet underneath her on the couch and grabbing a pillow close in her arms.

  Sarah padded barefoot into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. Tanya watched while she pulled out the ingredients to prepare Portobello mushroom sandwiches and a salad.

  “Sleep with him? I never said that. I think that is your own subconscious bringing you innermost desires to light.”

  Tanya threw a pillow from the couch in the direction of her sister.

  Sarah ducked. “Ha! You missed.”

  Tanya loved her big sister and was really excited to be sharing her first grown-up apartment outside of college with her sibling and best friend. They were only eighteen months apart, so they had always been close, even though they were complete opposites. Sarah was extremely smart and earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Columbia, but never pursued that career after her modeling career took off. Throughout their teenage years, Sarah had always been the wild one, while Tanya was out to do good in the world. Sarah spent her spring breaks in Mexico with her sorority sisters, while Tanya traveled to impoverished countries on humanitarian projects.

  Sarah asked, “Have you met the owner of your company yet? I’ve seen Andrew Greene at so many parties. Women practically throw themselves at him. So, if he hits on you, have a little fun, but don’t let your heart get involved.”

  “Listen, you need to drop it. I am not sleeping with my boss. Mr. Greene will appreciate that I have a good work ethic and a good head on my shoulders. I was hired to do a job. That’s what I’m going to do, and nothing more.”

  Tanya hopped up from the sofa to grab the plate Sarah had just prepared for her.

  “I’m here to do a job and build my career, and that’s it! I’ve never been that type of girl and you know that.” She bit into the sandwich, savoring the garlic pesto spread Sarah had used.

  Sarah smirked. “I know… That’s why you never had fun at school.”

  Tanya shook her head thinking about how Sarah had gone wild during her college years, while still managing to graduate with honors. Once a party girl, always a party girl.

  Chapter Two

  Tanya grabbed a coffee and a banana at Starbucks on her way to catch the subway. The day before, she made Sarah ride the subway with her to Greener Communications so she could time her commute. Just like she had planned, she arrived fifteen minutes before she was supposed to.

  Entering the tall glass building for the second time in less than a month, she began to second-guess her attire. Dressed in a black-knit, long-sleeved blouse, a lavender and black pin-striped wrap skirt that fell just above her knees, and black knee-length boots, she felt her attire was suitable. At least when she left home. Sarah, who was a fashion goddess, had even given her approval. But now as she made her way to the bank of elevators, she could not help but think about the comments Sarah had made about Mr. Greene.

  Tanya would not be working for him directly and did not expect to meet him right away, but she didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about her intentions if Mr. Greene’s reputation preceded him as Sarah indicated. Yet, when she walked, her wrap skirt flapped open, exposing a little thigh with each step.

  Although her dress was covered underneath her long, grey coat, she knew it wouldn’t be hidden much longer. Juggling her coffee in one hand and balancing her purse and laptop bag on her other arm, she was jostled by a crowd of people pushing their way into the elevator.

  Suddenly, Tanya found herself slipping on a slick spot and she was going down fast. Her arms flailed wildly about in an attempt to steady herself and maintain her balance. There was nothing to do but prepare for the impact of falling flat on her butt onto the hard, marble floor. She only hoped she didn’t sustain any severe injuries, and that the coffee lid stayed intact.

  “Oops, watch your step.” A hand grabbed her gently underneath the arms and snatched her up just before impact.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, embarrassed by six sets of eyes upon her, waiting for her to board the elevator. Everyone pressed in to make room for her and her savior. She pushed the button for the forty-third floor.

  As the elevator doors closed, she looked up into the eyes of her rescuer and smiled. Hazel eyes twinkled back at her before glancing away in a dismissive manner. Attempting to hide in the crowd, she couldn’t wait to arrive at her floo
r to escape the confines of the elevator.

  Tanya silently wished that nobody on the elevator would get off on the same floor. She dreaded the thought that one of those people on the elevator would also be a coworker. It was already a horrible start to her first day.

  The red digital numbers ticked off with each ding. By the time the forty-third floor arrived, two people remained with Tanya on the elevator. As luck would have it, her rescuer stepped off the elevator with her.

  “Be careful to watch your step,” he advised, before he departed to the right.

  “Good morning, Mr. Greene,” the receptionist called out after him.

  He smiled devilishly at the receptionist and winked, whistling as he went along.

  Tanya’s heart knocked against her chest as she stood staring after him. That was Andrew Greene?


  Her first week at her new job had gone off without a hitch, other than the near catastrophe on her first day. Her new boss, Veronica, was demanding, but brilliant. She was glad she had not seen Mr. Greene again. Apparently, he had flown out later that day for a business meeting, and had not returned to the office yet.

  Tanya hustled her way out of the subway station and made it to the office in record time. She smiled looking at the clear blue skies. Though it was an extremely cold January day, it wasn’t so bad for a Monday morning. She had spent the entire weekend working to Sarah’s chagrin. It had taken several denials and a final promise to attend a party the next weekend, before Sarah let her off the hook and left the apartment.

  As Tanya rode her way up the crowded elevator, she was glad she had a head start on her workweek by putting in the extra time over the weekend. She hummed to herself as she exited the elevator and made her way down the hall to her office. She was early and was not surprised to see the receptionist had not arrived at her desk yet.


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