Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness)

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Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness) Page 6

by Candice Stauffer

  “No!” She tilted her head back to look up at Mia. “It’s not time! I can’t have the baby now! It’s too early!” Violently arching her body, slamming Mia’s head against the headboard she clutched her belly as another contraction began to escalate.

  It wasn’t going to work. Kara was far too distressed and experiencing too much pain. Mia wasn’t big enough to comfortably hold Kara down. He got up and lifted Mia out from behind Kara.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We’re trading. You need to deliver the baby. I’ll hold her,” he explained.

  “I can’t. I’ve never delivered a baby.”

  “There is no other choice. Trust me. Stay merged with me. Everything you will need to know will be available.” Joseph knew the thought of delivering, of holding a deceased baby disturbed Mia like nothing else could. The instant the baby is born I will be able to put her to sleep, and I will take care of the baby.

  Getting in position to deliver the baby, she nodded.

  “I need to hold your legs.” She was such a small woman that Joseph was easily able to use his body to support her weight as he reached around her and grabbed her legs. He found his center, his calm and then he shared it with both women. He reached for his power and strength and filled them with it.

  I see the baby’s head, Joseph.

  “I know you’re in a hell of lot of pain. I can’t imagine it. I know you’re tired and you’re afraid, but you need to push now, Kara,” he whispered.

  She started to push, but she stopped within a matter of seconds. “I can’t.” She struggled to catch her breath. “I can’t do it.”

  “You need to steady your breathing,” Joseph instructed. “Wait for the next contraction. We are here with you. You’re not alone. We can all do this together, Kara. The baby is coming whether we’re ready or not. You know we don’t have a choice. The next time you feel a contraction I want you to remember to breathe. I know it’s hard, but you have to do it. And when you push, use me, push against me.”


  Being in hiding for months Kara had never been able to attend any birthing classes. She wasn’t ready at all. Of course it didn’t help that she’d been shot and the labor had started and progressed so quickly. She knew her baby was dying and it was her fault.

  A new contraction began. Its intensity elevated quickly. Unable to catch her breath, she started to panic, but Joseph and Mia were right there, whispering words of encouragement and keeping her centered, refusing to allow her to give up.

  She was gripping Joseph’s hands that were holding her legs. She realized her finger nails were digging deep into his skin as she pushed. She almost let go, and she almost stopped pushing altogether. “No. Don’t stop. You’re not hurting me. Keep pushing until the contraction is over. That’s it. You’re doing great.” Her head started feel strange. “Your head feels funny because you aren’t breathing. Don’t forget to breathe.”

  The contraction slowly subsided. He’d heard her thoughts? No. It was coincidence. Her eyes started to feel so heavy. She felt so tired. “Come on now, stay with us, Kara.”

  Startled, she snapped her head up. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s okay.” No it wasn’t. Another contraction started. It seemed worse than before. She pushed through it. “That’s wonderful. Keep breathing. You’re doing wonderful.” Her chest felt heavy. It felt like there was a weight on it. It was her heart. She knew she was having a heart attack. She was dying.

  Joseph’s voice, so calm and so gentle, whispered in her ear. “Your heart feels strange because you were shot and lost a lot of blood. But your heart is strong. You won’t die.” His voice seemed to penetrate her heart and strengthen it. The weight was lifted up off her chest. Once again it seemed he’d heard her thoughts, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it. Another contraction gripped her hard. She knew this was it. She pushed with all she had. “That’s it, Kara. Keep breathing. You’re doing great.”

  Putting all she had into it, she pushed as hard as she could. It felt as if her body was being ripped apart. She cried out,” Oh God! I can’t! It hurts!”

  “Yes, you can. You’re already doing it. I know it hurts like hell, but you’re almost done.”

  The contraction subsided, but almost instantly another one started. “You’re so close now. Just one more time. I know you can do it. Use me. Push against me.” Gripping his hands, she pushed with all she had as she screamed. “That’s it. You did it. Now sleep.” Her first instinct was to fight the command to sleep. She panicked when she realized he’d used a compulsion on her and she wasn’t strong enough to fight it. “You will rest for a little bit. We will be here watching over you. No one will harm you.”


  ELI KNELT DOWN and picked up the silver crucifix from the dirt floor. It was the perfect thing to take Kara from his thoughts. The emotional and physical agony linked with the hatred emanating from it was simply too intense to ignore. It created a dark force as tangible and cold as the dusty brick walls surrounding him. He took a moment to study the cross in the center of his palm. “I’ll never understand why humans choose to destroy each other and other life forms in the name of one form of organized religion or another, for no other reason than their diversities.

  “What’s so hard to understand? It has nothing to do with diversity. Not really. Yes. They use religious diversity as an excuse but fear, hatred and greed are the true culprits. Take your pick. Some humans are terrified of power unless they own it. Some despise it. Some covet it.” Without slowing his pace, Nikolas Drake continued to make his way further into the tunnel.

  “You’ve forgotten the ones who believe their method of achieving perfect righteousness is the only way.” Clenching his fist around the cross, Eli started to follow Nikolas again.

  “I haven’t forgotten. They’re also driven by fear, hatred or greed. Mostly fear. They don’t want to be damned for eternity.”

  Like it or not the demon was right. Eli hated being in the tunnels, but he didn’t have a choice. He needed to help Nikolas search for Zack in the network of catacombs called The Shanghai Tunnels beneath Portland, Oregon. Hundreds of years ago the place had been used by a group of religious fanatics hell-bent on ridding the world of all that they perceived to be evil. They happened to believe Eli’s kind, Lycans, were the wickedest of all beings. “It will never make sense to me. After all this time why do you continue to protect them? You know humans cause more trouble than they are worth.”

  Nikolas stopped and turned. “Is that not the reason they turned on your kind? Didn’t they say your kind caused more trouble than good?” Demons had a preposterous drive to protect humans whether they were right or wrong. Demons were fierce protectors. They were physically built to conquer any enemy but their hearts were weak. “Tell that to your ancestors who united with human mates. They obviously found something good about humans. How many of you will never find your mate because you’re new laws forbidding you to mingle with humans? And you know damn well it wasn’t all humans. Fear, greed and hatred aren’t plagues that only taint the morals of mankind. We are all susceptible. We all have evil within each of our souls.”

  “I don’t have any reason to listen to you. What about Brianna? You refuse to be bound to your own mate because she’s human?”

  “I would destroy her. I refuse to bind her soul to mine, but it has nothing to do with her being human. She’s perfect. She deserves a kinder, brighter fate than to be shackled to a ten thousand year old demon. She’s under my care and protection until the day she takes her last breath. I will follow her.”

  “Do you plan to allow her to enjoy life and have children with a human husband? Will you watch over him as well?”

  “She would never want or need another male.” Nikolas stopped and then, staring at the wall, he seemed to be studying it, looking for something.

  “What are you doing?" Eli knew better than to argue with the demon. He was growing impatient to get out of the tunnels, but he didn
’t miss the importance of what the demon had stated.

  “You’re free to leave at any time, if being here is too much for you to handle. I don’t need your help. To be honest, you’re beginning to annoy me.”

  Eli smiled. “The past is past. The future is all that matters now. I’m not leaving until we figure out where the hell they’re hiding Zack.”

  “This way.” Nikolas gestured for him to follow.

  “You see the brick wall, right?” Some demons weren’t thrilled when Eli chose to get involved, but they didn’t reject his help. It was a time to band together for the good of all.

  “Where you see a wall I see an open door.”

  “To what?”

  Eli stopped. “Wait. It sounds like we have company in the tunnels above us.”

  Waving him off Nikolas kept walking. “It’s a group of tourists on a ghost hunting excursion. They won’t be a problem.”

  “Not for you. I don’t have the ability to poof away or make myself invisible.”

  “If it comes down to a confrontation you can always poof into a dog, tuck your tail between your legs and run like hell.”

  “Will you ever get bored with the dog jokes?” Eli asked.

  Nikolas shrugged. “Probably not. The group that leads the tours hasn’t discovered this series of tunnels. I doubt they ever will. Most humans will never see beyond the spell concealing the entrance.”

  “I’ve never actually seen a human ghost. I don’t believe anyone I know has for that matter. You’re older than dirt. Have you ever encountered an apparition?”

  Nikolas stopped and stared at Eli for a few seconds as if seriously pondering the question. “Do you mean like the cagey looking one sneaking up on you from behind?”

  Eli spun around and stared down the seemingly empty brick corridor. Nikolas laughed. Realizing he’d been duped, Eli faced the demon. “Ha. Ha. You’re too funny.”

  “Don’t be afraid, pup.” Raising his arms and making a show of flexing his muscles, Nikolas smiled. “I promise this incredibly strong, ready and able to kick ass, older than dirt demon will protect you from all the scary spooks down here.”

  “That’s wonderful news.” Eli shoved past Nikolas, but he only took a few steps before he caught Zack’s scent mixed with vampires. He stopped. “We must be getting closer to locating him.”

  Nikolas pointed to the left. “In there.” Removing iron bars from the entrance with a wave of his hand, he walked into a large jail cell.

  Eli followed. “He has been here recently. His scent is still strong.”

  “He’s still here.” Gesturing toward the center of a dark, musty cell used in the mid eighteen hundreds to the early nineteen hundreds by human traffickers, Nikolas shook his head.

  “He isn’t here.” Just in case the demon saw something he didn’t Eli studied the area for a few seconds. Nothing. He didn’t see or sense anything.

  “Look again.” With a wave of his hand Nikolas opened the door into what appeared to be another dimension. Zack’s form shimmered. He looked like a ghost before his image truly solidified, but it was obvious by the way his body remained limp that he was in rough shape.

  Zack raised his head and looked directly into Eli’s eyes for a few seconds and then, eyes glowing red, he met Nikolas’ gaze. “Go away.”

  “No,” Nikolas said.

  Straightening his shoulders and knees, Zack stood full height. “Leave me.” His voice was nothing more than guttural whisper, but the promise of brutal retaliation if they defied him rang loud and clear.

  “You know I can’t.” Nikolas moved toward Zack.

  “Back off,” Zack growled. He exuded utter darkness. He’d been transformed into creature similar to a corrupted vampire, but he was far more powerful and intelligent. His relentless thirst for human blood, like a pounding heart, thrummed in the atmosphere.

  “You were all wrong. Look at him. He’s a blood recipient rather than a donor. His blood is too tainted to be of any value to anyone.”

  “He’s both. But he’s fine. Being a demon nothing could ever completely destroy his blood.”

  “Wait. You aren’t planning to allow him to live, are you?” Eli asked. “If he escapes he will slaughter thousands of your precious humans before you have any hope of stopping him. We have to destroy him.”

  Zack glared at Eli. “I would love for you to try.”

  “He isn’t a coldblooded killer. He’s in control.”

  “Of what?” Eli asked.

  Seemingly ignoring Eli, Nikolas moved forward and stood in front of Zack. “I know you’re confused right now. I need you to trust me. Let me help you.”

  “You need to help Demetri’s mate. Find Sara before he does. When he kills Sara his immortality will belong to Mary. She has more power and control than any of us thought possible.”

  “Do you know how Sara has hidden from him for so long?” Nikolas asked.

  Zack shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.” He paused. “I crave human blood, Nikolas. I can’t fight it. I fear that I must be destroyed.”

  “For thousands of years you have protected mankind from being destroyed by corrupt vampires and other evil forces. It was what you were created for. The power of your blood is absolute. It can’t be destroyed by the blood of the undead. I see Emily’s image in your mind. You’ve found your mate. You believe you’re protecting her by staying away. That’s why you’re asking me to kill you. You can take the easy way out. I wouldn’t blame you. Who would? But have you considered the fact that Demetri is using Emily to find you? What will he do to her when she fails to lure you in? You have a purpose. Getting her the hell away from Demetri is imperative.”

  “I’ve already taken her away. She’s safe. Once we kill Demetri and Mary you will go to her. You will look after her.”

  “Where did you take her?” Nikolas asked.

  “My home.”

  “You expect her to stay there?”

  Zack shrugged. “Of course. I told her to stay.”

  Nikolas laughed. “You have a lot to learn about women.”

  “You think my mate would disobey me?” Zack frowned. He looked perplexed. “I promised her I’d come back to her, but I now know I can never go to her again. I would kill her. When she’s near her blood awakens something terrible in me. I can’t control it.”

  “You’re already controlling it. Trust me controlling an insatiable thirst for her blood will always be a hell of a lot simpler than it will ever be to get her to obey. Go to her. Keep her close.”


  “If you were wholly consumed by evil you wouldn’t give a damn about her. You would’ve gone to her. You would’ve used her to satisfy the thirst you’re struggling to deny.”

  “I took her blood. I nearly killed her.”

  “You didn’t kill her. Go to her. Take care of her.”

  Eli grabbed Nikolas’ arm and spun him around. “You aren’t thinking clearly. He’s too dangerous. He knows it. He’s trying to tell you that. You can’t let him go to her. She was been turned. His blood has been tainted. They both have to be destroyed.” With a slight wave of his hand, Nikolas sent Eli hurling through the air. Eli got to his feet. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  “Leave us. Zack isn’t your concern.”

  “He was my concern a few moments ago. What has changed? Besides the fact that he’s been turned into a blood crazed murderer and you don’t have the balls to put him out of his misery.”

  “You need to worry about getting your pack under control.”

  Following Samuel’s lead, his former second in command, Eli’s pack had been hunting him down. They were determined to kill him. He wasn’t having it. As a matter of fact, he had another plan altogether. He intended to make an example out of Samuel. While leading the traitor to his death, he was preparing to restore his reign over the pack.

  “I will handle my pack as I see fit.”

  “Ditto.” Nikolas said.

  “You don’t have a pack,�
�� Eli stated.

  Nikolas shrugged. “I have family.”

  “Nikolas is right. You need to get your pack under control. Things are bound to get worse for everyone.” Zack said.

  “Define worse.” Regardless of how he felt about Zack’s condition, Eli figured it would be best to learn as much as possible.

  “We’ve all assumed Demetri was simply amusing himself by catering to Mary’s wishes by lending his power to corrupted vampires and allowing her to use my blood to make them stronger.”

  “You think there’s something more going on?” Nikolas asked.

  “I know it. Whatever Demetri is doing, he is doing it for himself as much as he’s doing it for her. Maybe even more. They are united and yet not. It’s as if they’re engaged in a competition or power struggle of sorts. If either succeeds, they will alter or destroy everything as we know it. No being is safe. We need to be united. We need to be at our strongest. We need to fight.”

  “Does that mean you wish to go on?” Nikolas asked.

  “From the sounds of it I have no other choice. Do you truly believe she would defy me in a dangerous time such as this?”

  “Absolutely.” Nikolas smiled.

  “I’ll go to her now. I cannot leave her fate up to Demetri. He has her convinced that he is her friend. I will return with her shortly.”


  Leland Terrick motioned for Tom to get into the car. “I wasn’t expecting to meet with you this soon.”

  “Is it done?”

  Tom pointed at the nurse sitting in the front passenger seat. “Hospital scrubs. Who’s she? A nurse?”

  “It doesn’t matter to you. She’s on my payroll. Is it done?”

  “Yes.” Tom answered.

  Leaning back he crossed his arms over his chest. “You followed my instructions?”

  Smiling, he nodded. “I put a bullet right in the back of her head.”

  “You removed the cuffs?”


  “You got rid of them?”


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