Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness)

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Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness) Page 27

by Candice Stauffer

  “I’m not mad at you.”

  “I locked the door for a reason. I wanted a moment to myself. Just because you can break it down it doesn’t mean that you have a right to invade my privacy.”

  “With all that has happened I panicked when I woke up and you were gone.” It was the truth. He wasn’t mad at her. Surprisingly, he didn’t even get mad at her when she challenged and outright defied him in front of the pack. Honestly, he thought it was just as funny as the rest of the pack did when they nearly choked in an attempt to hold back their laughter.

  “You lost it. You barged into the kitchen naked and acted like a jerk, and then you tried to order me around and you wouldn’t even look at me. Obviously no one ever taught you to hide your nuttiness.” She glanced down at his crotch. “Pun definitely intended.”

  “I didn’t dare look at you for too long. I would’ve laughed.”

  “Since when is laughing bad?”

  “It isn’t bad. Not always. But this morning it would’ve been. You will never be as physically strong as the males in our pack. It’s up to me to make sure they understand that you are above them. You are my equal. Anyone stupid enough to test that will answer to me. It’s imperative for your safety that I make sure every member of our pack understands that I’ll never tolerate them using you to test me, or play games with me as they did this morning.”

  “How were they using me to test you?”

  “They were using you to test my reaction to them separating us and pulling you aside.”

  “They didn’t separate us or pull me aside. I went downstairs on my own. I asked where the kitchen was so I could make coffee. When I went into the kitchen they followed.”

  “Did they say anything to you?”

  “When they first saw me one of them asked what you were doing.”

  He nodded. “You told them I was sleeping, right?”


  “What happened after that?”

  “The one who asked what you were doing took me to the kitchen and others followed.”

  “No. That isn’t what I meant. What was their reaction to you telling them that I was sleeping?”

  Appearing to mull over the question she drew her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked up at him for a few seconds. All of the sudden her eyes widened and she released her lip. “Those sneaky rats! They were amused by it. They looked around at each other as if they were sharing a funny secret. I just thought they were being weird. Wait.” She took a step toward him and, fists clenched at her sides, she squared her shoulders as if she was prepared to take him on in a fist fight. In her dark brown eyes he saw the anger and pain buried so deep within her heart that it was eating her up. He also saw a brief flicker a golden flames in her eyes. Though she’d only taken his blood once it was already changing her. He hadn’t expected it begin so quickly. “Are you telling me that I was doing something wrong by going downstairs to make coffee while you were sleeping?”

  “No. Not at all. I told you that they were testing my reaction to being separated from you this morning. It wasn’t a clear explanation of what was really happening. You’ve been targeted by a vampire. They wanted to see how I would react if I thought it had gotten to you while I slept.”

  “That’s sick.”

  “Does that mean you forgive me for being mad at them when I found them in the kitchen with you?” he asked.

  “Yeah. But I think you should do a lot worse to them than just get mad and make them check the perimeter.”

  “Don’t worry, babe. I plan on going outside in a few minutes to deal with them. I’ll make sure they regret messing with us.”

  “Good.” She turned her back to him. “I need to tell you something, but you’re going to be mad I didn’t tell you earlier.”

  “Come here.”

  She faced him but she took a step back rather than go to him. She looked so sad. So entirely broken. “Jeremy got into my head this morning. He talked to me. He pretended to be my mom. I know I should’ve woke you up and told you as soon as it happened, but I wasn’t sure if it was real.” He held his hand out for her. She looked down at his hand. “I didn’t know if it was a just a messed up dream, or if it was real.” She met his gaze as she closed the gap between them and took his hand. “I didn’t want to wake you up over something stupid.”

  “Nothing that has anything to do with you could ever be stupid to me.” He ached to just hold and comfort her, but before he was able to take her in his arms his pack called out to him. It was a warning. Jeremy was close to the house.

  “What is it?” she asked, obviously hearing the howls.

  He wasn’t about to leave her behind. The only other wolf he would ever allow to watch over her at that moment was Cain and he was with Max and Grace. “The vampire is close. Get dressed and meet me in ten minutes on the front porch.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “No. I’ll be close.”

  “How close?”

  “Close enough to hear you whisper my name if you need me.”

  “In your head or a real whisper?”

  “A real whisper.”

  The moment Eli stepped foot outside he knew they were in serious trouble. Demetri wasn’t even trying to hide his presence. He was standing in his dragon form less than a hundred yards away. The pack had circled him. They would attempt to hold him back though they didn’t stand a chance. Like it or not demons had powers far greater than any other supernatural being. If he wanted to proceed he would, killing them all, push his way through them.

  First, he made sure his pack understood they weren’t to attack. Then, remaining in his human form, Eli began to make his way toward Demetri. He hoped like hell the demon had had a reason to want Kara alive. He couldn’t think of reason for it to matter to him, but something motivated him to heal Kara the first time her father’s men had beaten her and left her for dead. Demetri also took his human form.

  “Why are you here?” Eli asked.

  “You took something very important to an unsavory acquaintance of mine. I’ve come to help him take it back. It’s nothing personal. It’s part of a business arrangement.”

  “I’m sure you don’t expect me to hand her over to you.”

  Demetri shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You handed Mia, a pure blooded female Lycan, over to Joseph without a fight. As I remember you actually carried her for miles through the forest with your pack pursuing you to kill you. Why would you die for Kara? We both know she isn’t your true mate. She’s human. According to your laws she can’t belong to you.”

  “You aren’t taking her away from me.”

  Demetri’s gaze shifted ever so slightly to his right. At once Eli was made aware of the fact that Mary and Leland were close by, hiding just beyond the tree line. He was also aware of Jeremy beneath the ground nearby. He was wounded. Too weak to travel above ground. His body was healing. With each passing second he was regaining his strength. Once he was fully rejuvenated, he planned to kill Kara for deceiving him.

  “Not kill. He plans to make her his eternal sex slave.” Demetri smiled.

  “She is protected. No one will harm her.” It wasn’t a mistake. A demon as powerful and as seasoned in battle as Demetri didn’t make such big mistakes. Demetri wanted to distract him by getting him to go after Mary and Leland. He wanted to lure Eli away from Kara.

  Using his mind, Eli fed the information to his pack with instruction concerning how they were to split up and deal with Mary and Leland. Later, not knowing what he was capable of because of Zack’s blood, they would all deal with Jeremy.

  “Perhaps I won’t take her from you the easy way, but I am taking her from you today.” Demetri lifted his hand above his head. As a ball of fire and energy formed in the demon’s hand, Eli shifted into his wolf form as he charged toward him.

  Being struck by the ball of power, Eli was tossed back several feet. He charged for Demetri again. He hit him with enough force to cause them to tumble. The pack members who didn’t
leave to deal with Mary, joined in and attacked Demetri.


  Kara saw Eli get struck by a ball of fire. She watched him get back up and charge for Demetri. Before she could take a single step she was grabbed from behind and spun around. “You’re supposed to be dead.” Her father, Leland, lifted his hand and swung to hit her.

  Grabbing his arm and easily restraining him, a dark and deadly power stirred in her. She felt strengthened by it. She felt enlightened.

  “What the hell is wrong with your eyes?”

  He swung again and this time he slapped her. It was strange. He’d slapped her several times in the past. It had hurt. This time, the moment he hit her, it felt strange, just a numbing sting, nothing more.

  That’s when she realized it was Eli’s blood. It had made her stronger and faster. Her father swung at her again. She caught his wrist.

  “Let go.” He struggled to get it free.

  “I don’t think so.” She squeezed until she heard and felt his bones crack.

  She released him and hit his face with a closed fist. He went down onto his knees and lifted his head to look up at her. “You’re going to die just like your mom.” Blood dripped from his nose and mouth.

  When he reached behind his back with his good arm she knew he was retrieving a gun. Using supernatural speed she took it away from him. “What were you planning to do with this?” She aimed it at his head.

  Something was wrong. By the confident look in his eye he knew it. She panicked. She couldn’t shoot her own father. Even after all he’d done to her mom, her son and to her she couldn’t put a bullet in him. She wasn’t a murderer.

  Hand him the gun. Eli sounded out of breath.


  I have this. Trust me. Hand him the gun and merge with me.

  Figuring she’d completely lost her mind, she did so. His face contorting as if suffering some form of physical agony her dad slowly, his hand shaking, moved the gun from her head to his own. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but he just uttered an undecipherable curse. The terror in his eyes revealed that he knew his death was unavoidable.

  Look away, babe. Look away.

  The instant she turned her back to her father she heard a loud bang. Next, she heard a thud and felt vibrations on the wooden boards beneath her feet when he dropped. She didn’t look. She didn’t want or need to see him. He was dead. The man who’d caused pain and death to so many people would never harm another soul.

  Where are you? Kara stepped off the porch and walked to where she’d seen him attack Demetri. She saw other members of the pack shifting into their human forms, but she didn’t see Eli anywhere. Answer me. Please. Where are you?

  Her foot caught on something. She tripped and fell to her knees. A hand caught her arm. Expecting to see Eli, she looked up. “Where is he, Cain?”

  Cain shook his head. “I lost sight of him.” Surrounded by the pack, Kara lifted her face to the wind and rain to search for Eli. “Over there.” Cain pointed. “It looks like he got himself fucked…sorry. Slip of the tongue. “It looks like Demetri messed Eli up at bit.”

  Relief flooding her and tears welling up, she watched as Eli shifted from his wolf form into his human form. He walked across the field toward her. The sight of him took her breath away. She’d never known anyone like him. Clutching his side, he faltered once but didn’t stop. If she hadn’t known the severity of his injuries, she would never have guessed that each step he took hurt like hell.

  She couldn’t stand there waiting for another second. She had to touch him, to kiss him. “Eli!” She sprinted toward him.

  Laughing he caught her waist and lifted her as he spun her around. “Put me down you’re injured.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll never be too hurt to hold you. Kiss me.”


  Tilting his head back, he looked up at her. “I didn’t say I wanted to hear excuses. Shut up and kiss me, Kara. Right now,” his voice was a growl of wicked seduction. “Before you force me to show you all the things I’m capable of doing to you, with you while I’m injured.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. Your pack is all around us.”

  “Our pack. And I would.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck and locking her ankles behind his back, she pressed her forehead against his. “That’s a temptation I don’t even want to try to pretend I have the strength to resist.”

  “From the moment I first saw you at that damned gas station I knew you were trouble like no other.”

  “That should please you. You told me that you have an appetite for trouble.”

  “Ravenous.” Holding her close and taking her with him, he dropped to his knees and leaned forward until she was on her back. “I clearly remember saying I have a ravenous appetite for trouble.”

  “A badly behaved wolf with wicked morals, questionable intentions and a ravenous appetite for trouble.”

  He captured her lips with his in a tender heartfelt kiss that was so passionate it threatened to bring tears to her eyes. “Would you like to visit your mom now?” He whispered the question against her lips.

  “Can we?”

  “Absolutely.” He took her hand and started to walk.

  ~Twenty Two~

  THE INSTANT KARA saw Max walk out of the cave her breath caught in her throat. She took a step back.

  “It’s okay, babe.” Eli took her hand and prevented her from taking another step back. She stared at the man she’d believed had killed her mother for so long. She remembered the sight her mother’s blood covering him as he crouched down over her body.

  “You shouldn’t have brought her here,” Max said. “Take her and go away.”

  Max hadn’t changed much since she’d least seen him. Drowning out the sound of their voices she began to listen to mother’s voice in her mind calling out to her.

  Eli shook her. “What’s happening?”

  “I hear her. Just like I used to hear her when I was a kid. She wants me to come to her. She needs me.”

  “It isn’t happening,” Max explained.

  Kara turned to Eli. “Please. I know her voice, her touch. It’s her.”

  Max turned to Eli. “Something is wrong. You need to get her out of here.”

  “I know it’s her. She’s calling me to her.”

  Eli wrapped his arm around her. “Take us to her mother. I will take her out there at the first sign of trouble.”

  As if considering it, Max looked at Kara.

  “Please. I will leave if Eli tells me it’s not safe.”

  “Do you understand that she might try to attack you or kill you? She isn’t in her right mind. She might not even recognize you. Are you prepared for that?”

  Kara lifted her chin defiantly. “I understand you’re only looking out for her, for me, but you’re wrong, Max. She already knows I’m here. She doesn’t intend to harm me.”


  The moment they entered the cave Eli felt a demon’s influence on the magic being used to prevent Grace from breaking through the iron bars containing her. “Who’s helping you contain her?”

  “I can’t tell you. If I do, the spell will be broken.”

  Eli nodded. “I understand.” If a demon had known about the situation then why didn’t the demon find and destroy the vampire that had tainted Grace’s blood with his? It was the only hope Grace had to be healed by Max’s blood. Of course he wanted to know details, but he wouldn’t press Max for any. If the spell was lifted Grace would eventually break free, she would go on a killing rampage and she would have to be destroyed.

  “It’s very important that no matter what happens you don’t get within her reach.”


  Kara looked at her mother. She was huddled in a corner with her knees drawn up to her chest rocking back and forth. “Mom.”

  Grace looked up. She stared at Kara for several seconds. She stood up.

  Her mother hadn’t aged a day since she last saw her. She’d forgotten just how youn
g her mother was. They were same age.

  They were different as night and day.

  Her mom was fair skinned, with light blue eyes and blond hair. She was slender and a bit taller than her.

  Kara was tanned with black hair and dark brown eyes. She was rather short and skinny.

  Grace moved slowly for a few seconds. She stopped and gave Max a questioning look.

  “It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here. Nothing bad will happen, Grace,” Max said.

  Grace didn’t look okay. She looked nervous and afraid.


  Eli felt a vague shift in the air. Reaching out with his mind he studied it. He quickly recognized the disturbance as being caused by the vibes of a compulsion. He watched Grace’s lip slowly curl up into a slight, nearly indistinguishable snarl. It was Grace. She was using a compulsion to coax Kara to get within her reach.

  He merged his mind deeply with Kara’s to prevent Grace from intensifying her mental link. Obviously realizing that he was preventing her from taking control of her daughter’s mind, Grace turned her head and glared at him.

  “What’s happening?” Kara squinted and rubbed her temples. “What are you doing, Eli? She says that you’re attacking her through my mind. You’re hurting her. Whatever you’re doing, I feel it. You’re making my head feel as if it’s going to explode.”

  “I’m not doing anything to hurt you. She has powerful mental abilities. I’m trying to protect you.”

  “From my mom?”

  “No.” Eli struggled to come up with the right words to make her understand that despite what she was seeing, feeling and hearing that her mom wasn’t really her mom. “Your mom isn’t in control right now.”

  “Don’t say that. You’re scaring her. Back off so she’ll talk to me again.”

  “I can’t.” He watched Grace’s eyes turn from light blue to deep dark blood red.

  “Get her out of here,” Max ordered as he positioned himself closer to Grace.

  Eli didn’t need to be warned he was already, slowly to avoid further riling Grace and startling Kara, pulling Kara behind him. “We need to go.” He kept his voice low and calm. “We will come back later.”


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