Sexy Girls

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Sexy Girls Page 13

by Gary S. Griffin

  Quinn then asked, “23 Oak Avenue, sure, Mrs. Grayson was in the small white two-story with the semi-circle drive. Correct?”

  Cyn answered, “Yes, that's it.”

  Quinn replied, “I'm sorry we're meeting under these circumstances. Your friend was always nice to me. I saw her several times this winter in the house on Oak Avenue. She was there with her boyfriend.”

  Cyndie replied, “That wasn't Andi. It had to be someone else. Andi didn't visit the beach since last October.”

  Quinn whistled, “What's going on here?”

  Cyn answered, “That's what we'd like to know!”

  I asked Quinn, “Mike, what did the woman look like?”

  He answered, “She was kind of tall, maybe 5 foot 6 or 7, and thin. She had shoulder-length, dark brown hair.”

  Cyndie and I looked at each other and shrugged. We had no idea who that could be.

  Cyndie said, “That wasn't Andi. She was a blonde.”

  I spoke up and asked Quinn, “What did the boyfriend in the cottage look like?”

  “He was fairly tall, maybe 6 foot, with long blonde hair, goatee, dressed pretty sharp, usually in black.”

  Cyndie and I answered together, “Fred!”

  Sam Greer asked, “Who is Fred?”

  Cyn answered, “Fred Conarto is Andi's ex-boyfriend. He left Philadelphia abruptly last November and no one has seen him since. He came down here one time last summer with Andi. We've guessed that he knew Andi arranged for the property contract and that she wasn't coming back to Rehoboth until late spring. I think we know where Fred went once he was on the lam.”

  Quinn answered, “This is pretty incredible.”

  I asked Quinn, “When was the last time you saw them?”

  “Oh, within the last month. Right now, I'm about two houses away from checking on your place.”

  Cyn asked, “Did you notice any furniture or other stuff missing from our cottage?”

  “Not really, no. Mostly I remember they were there. Most times we talked outside or on the porch. I didn't get to go in or tour inside. I always call our clients a day or two before my visits and let them know I'm coming because most people don't like me walking in if they're in Rehoboth.”

  Cyn sighed, “I understand. Thanks for the help.”

  Quinn asked, “Do you want us to still check your place?”

  Cyn answered, “Yes, Stevie and I are here for a few days, maybe longer. We'll work with Sam to transfer the management contract to our names.”

  After another half hour, the paperwork was completed. We said our goodbyes and headed out. Greer followed us as far as the front porch and lit a cigarette. Much to my surprise, an unpleasant surprise at that, Cyn bummed one of Greer's cigarettes and lit up too. Cyn has smoked, off and on, too long, as far as I'm concerned. It looked like the stress of the past few days had just turned on her bad habit.

  While Cyn finished her cigarette with Greer, I walked to the parking lot, pulled out Sergeant Jester's business card and called him with my cellphone. I left a message with him about our visit to Beach Property Management.

  Cyn hopped into the car and said, “I'm not starting again and don't say one word about it.”

  I smirked at her and put the Miata into reverse.


  Cyn and I walked into the cottage around noon. Cyndie immediately began getting her photographic equipment out. She gave it her complete attention.

  Edie and I were left to our own plans. We busied ourselves in the kitchen, making our picnic lunch. A few minutes later we climbed the steps to change.

  I changed into my suit and headed to the bathroom but stopped short when I saw Edie, in profile, standing in front of the mirror applying makeup. I almost lost my self-control. She didn't notice me but, I certainly scanned her body, for ten long seconds. She was naked except for the bottom of her bikini swimsuit. I wasn’t sure why she was topless, but in that short time I was flooded with impressions and emotions; Edie still looked young, vulnerable, thin, pretty, very appealing and more feminine than I expected. Her B cup breasts are beautifully firm and her nipples aim up and slightly outward. I was mesmerized and, somehow, broke my stare and retreated to my bedroom and closed the door before she noticed my act of voyeurism.

  Two minutes later I opened the door to find the bathroom empty. I heard Edie in her room and I immediately walked downstairs. Feeling embarrassed I spent my time gathering our beach gear until Edie appeared on the first floor.


  On this Thursday afternoon in June, Edie and I had our choice of prime spots on Andi's mostly private beach. It was a warm 82 degrees with a light wind when we spread the blanket, opened up Andi's light aluminum beach chairs and kicked off our sandals. We brought deli sandwiches, cut fruit, Sun Chips and iced tea for a picnic lunch. As we ate we watched a family of dolphins swim by about one hundred yards out in the deep blue.

  Edie wanted to work her tan. She spread out a towel on our blanket and handed me the suntan lotion. She removed the long t-shirt covering, revealing a small white string bikini. Her body already looked tan, compared to my winter-complexion, but then, her skin coloring is naturally darker than mine. In two quick moves, she laid flat on her tummy and untied the two strings. She asked if I had ever learned to massage. I said I did. Soon, I was engaged in a deep back and leg massage of my California friend. It was a sensuous experience for both of us that, at times, crossed the line into foreplay. I’m glad no one saw us, or so I thought. Edie got so relaxed that she napped for over an hour. She would have slept longer but I woke her so she could turn face up. That’s when Edie gave me another treat. She turned her uncovered top towards me, applied the lotion to her front then placed her untied top over her small breasts.

  I smiled and kissed her.

  Around 3:30, I tied her back into her top and we took a walk south until we reached the boardwalk. Edie waited on the beach while I ran up to one of the candy shops on Rehoboth Avenue and bought her cotton candy. I got myself a small box of caramel corn.

  We sat on the edge of the surf to enjoy our afternoon snack. The pink cotton candy was spun around a paper tube and Edie picked pieces off with her fingers and placed them in our mouths. We saved the caramel corn for later and walked back north to our claimed spot of sand.

  As we were about to leave the beach for the day, my cellphone rang. It was Sergeant Jester and I gave him the short version of our trip to Beach Property Management. He told me that Fred Conarto must be an alias as he found no record of anyone with that name. He was still running the prints.

  I called and requested dinner reservations for 7 p.m. at the Blue Moon Restaurant. Then, Edie and I strolled back to the cottage at five o'clock.

  Cyndie was reviewing digital photos for an upcoming magazine spread. We asked and Cyndie told us she completed what she wanted.

  Cyn asked, “Did you enjoy the beach?”

  Edie answered, “Oh, it was great. I loved it.”

  Cyn replied in an odd voice, “I’m glad.”

  Edie then said, “Is it OK if I shower first? I feel a little greasy from the suntan lotion.”

  I said, “Sure, go ahead.”

  As Cyn cleaned up her gear, Edie walked up stairs. I took a few minutes to put away the picnic basket and its contents.

  “Cyn, why don’t you take yours after Edie?”

  “No, I don’t need to, I took one this morning.”


  My timing was remarkable. As I headed upstairs, Edie walked out of her bedroom to the shower. She was naked and singing and didn’t see me until she turned inside the bathroom door to shut it. She winked at me and whispered, “Soon.”


  I showered, got dressed, made our favorite drinks, delivered them and still waited another half-hour before the beautiful women were ready. I think the extra time made the difference. As I cleaned up in the kitchen, I found the second solid clue to this mystery. I hadn't noticed before the white business card attached with a magnet to
the side of the white refrigerator. It said Howard's Resale Shop in bright blue letters. It had a local address and phone number out on Highway 1. The shop was open six days a week, but not on Sundays.

  Cyndie came downstairs and looked lovely in white. Her ankle-length dress had spaghetti straps and a big flowing skirt, reminiscent of Stevie Nicks. She added soft leather white boots that reached to her calves, fishnet hose and a white wrap. Her hair flowed around her shoulders. Circling her neck and left wrist were strings of pearls. She knew I loved her look and told me to kiss her. I did so with pleasure.

  Next, Edie slowly revealed herself from bottom to top as she descended the staircase. She wore white shoes with three-inch heels and white straps that exposed her feet. Then, it was a long journey up her shapely, bare legs to the cutest baby-doll dress I ever saw. The little pink dress had a red heart-pattern, short-sleeves and ended only inches below her bottom.

  Edie added chandelier earrings, an anklet and a bracelet, in matching silver. Her makeup was bold, especially around her eyes and her hair tumbled freely down her back. Her perfume was flowery, intoxicating and it filled the room.

  Dinner at the Blue Moon Restaurant was terrific. The assorted group of patrons matched the eclectic restaurant's décor and atmosphere. I could tell that Cyndie and Edie felt very comfortable and loved the stares of the other diners.

  I had beef tenderloin, Cyndie ordered the tuna steak and Edie nibbled on the chef's special, vegetable panache. The food was very good and the champagne was better.

  Edie said, “Stevie, let’s enter the sand castle contest. It’ll be fun.”

  Cyn answered, “When is it?”

  Edie replied, “Saturday.”

  “OK, how about you, Cyn?”

  Cyn didn't commit. She asked, “What are you making?”

  “I’d like to make a dolphin, like the ones we saw today, Stevie.”

  Edie looked at me as she spoke.

  Afterwards, we walked on the boardwalk and we're refreshed by a nice sea breeze. The women sat on a bench while I spent too much time in a book store in search of a good beach read. After twenty minutes, I found an oldie but goody mystery, The Galton Case by Ross MacDonald. We stopped at a coffee shop and talked over our plans for the next day.

  When we got back to the beach cottage, Edie and Cyn changed into their nightgowns. Once Cyn and Edie came back downstairs, I served iced tea and we sat and talked for a while.

  I told the ladies, “I think I know where our furniture went.”

  Edie gasped, “Where?”

  I pulled the resale shop's business card from the back pocket of my khakis and passed it to Edie, who looked at it, and, then, handed it to Cyndie.

  After looking at the front and back of the card, Cyn asked, “Where did you find this?”

  I described when and where I made my discovery.

  Edie interjected, “Someone was really desperate for money.”

  Cyn added, “Or, they wanted to screw Andi.”

  I concluded, “May be they did both.”

  Edie asked, “Who? Did that guy Fred need money?”

  I answered, “Likely, if he was on the lam and hiding out.”

  Edie spoke. “This is so unbelievable, isn't it, Stevie?”

  “It sure is.” I turned and looked at Cyndie. “Let's go visit the resale shop tomorrow morning.”

  Cyn spoke up, “You and Edie go. Take the Miata. I'll stay here and get the SUV packed for my photo shoot at the Dunes.”

  Edie and I told Cyndie our plans for the Florida trip and my desire to speak to Red Sable. Cyn said it was a great idea; maybe we'd find out why Red moved as Cyn hadn't heard from Red since she left.


  While Edie took our tea glasses to the kitchen, I told Cyndie about my recent lunch-time sightings of political celebrities in that election year.

  “I can't believe you went to see him speak. He's so full of it.”

  I answered, “Cyn, it was an event. I timed it perfect. I was very busy at work and didn't go to lunch, but ate in my office. Then, I heard the bands and music and the roar of the crowd. So, I just went at the last moment. It was supposed to be a noon time rally, but I didn't leave my office until 1:10. I walked out of my building, turned left, walked three blocks north and joined the mob. The streets of the last block, 16th and JFK, were blocked by two police cars, like all the other streets around the area. What a big group of people! There were literally hundreds of cops everywhere, including sharpshooters with rifles on top of some of the buildings. The rally was at Love Park; where the Parkway ends in center city. I made it just as Clinton began to talk. I left about a half hour later as Kerry droned on and on.... I beat the crowd that way. Still, it was neat to be a part of such a large crowd. I'd say it was at least 80,000 people, with lots of folks from the offices and from the suburbs. I was pretty far away; about a long city block from the stage. But, they had very large TV screens on flat bed tractor-trailers and I was about 50 yards from one of them. The video was very good and the audio was perfect. You could hear them very well. It was really interesting. The contrast between Clinton and Kerry was stark. The true-believer Democrats love Clinton, big time and completely. Kerry they liked, but the palpable connection between Clinton and his Democratic lovers is an amazing thing to watch.”

  Edie walked into the living room in the middle of my story. When I finished, she said, “Stevie, I didn't know you were so right-wing.”

  “I'm not that conservative, Edie, I voted for the philanderer-in-chief twice.”


  Cyndie went upstairs first. Edie gave me a kiss and hug before she climbed the stairs. We all went to bed in our separate rooms. I fell asleep exhausted.


  On Friday, we all woke about the same time. Edie was dressed and about to walk into town as she was treating us to coffees and pastry at the coffee shop. We thanked her and I offered to accompany her.

  Edie said, “That’s kind of you, Stevie, but not necessary, really.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I think Edie wanted my company, but said, “I’ll be OK.”

  Cyndie said, “Stay here, Stevie. I want to catch up with you.”

  That decided it. Edie said, “Yes, stay, Stevie. Now, what type of coffee do you want, Cyndie?”

  After getting our selections, Edie quickly left the cottage.

  Cyndie smiled and said to me, “God, you’re such a sweet guy. You’ll make your wife very happy.”

  I thought she was being sarcastic and said, “What are you talking about?”

  “Stevie, it’s too bad I don’t want the family scene because you’d make married life easy.”

  I laughed at the image and said, “Oh, shut up, Cyn.”

  “I’m not kidding. I want you to be happy, after all, you are my best friend. It’s going to be tough.”

  I said, “What will be tough? I’m not following you.”

  “We need to find you a hot babe who will also be a great wife and mother.”

  “Oh, Cyn, stop…”

  “Wait a minute, Stevie, that’s what you want, right? Tell the truth.”

  “Yes, sure.”

  “That’s why it will be tough. But, I think we found the perfect girl!”

  “We did?”

  “Yes, but, I guess I should say you found her and she found you.”

  “Now, I’m completely lost!”

  “She’s right here.”

  “Right where?”

  “Right here; well, at the moment, she’s walking to town.”

  All of a sudden it clicked. She meant Edie McCall, who was getting our breakfast.

  Cyn put up her hand before I reacted, and said, “Don’t say anything that isn’t true or I’ll get mad! Remember who you’re talking to – I know you better than anyone else. I can see how you guys interact. Plus, you guys have already shared some amazing adventures and stuff even I don’t know about that shows you’re good together. Bottom line, Edie is totally in love with y
ou, and probably has been for years.”


  “But, I’m happy. She’s gorgeous and is really perfect for you. She’s so much better for you than Andi or Dee Dee or that witch, Eve. She’s smarter than Andi and very stable. She has her own successful career with that TV space show. She has some money and steady income for the rest of her life from Sid’s estate. Most important, she’s a hot little number and wants to be married. She wants to be married to you. And, she wants kids.”

  She was confirming what I knew or believed, but still I asked, “How do you know all this?”

  “Mostly intuition, plus I have 20-20 girl vision. I could tell from the moment you guys walked in your home. And, we’ve talked a little when you’re not around.”

  “I admit; I do love her, Cyn.”

  “Of course you do, and, she loves you. That’s why she’s here. That’s why she let you see her topless in the bathroom.”

  “How did you know that?” Clearly, Cyn had been watching, too.

  “And, she made sure she had time alone with you at the beach in her tiny bikini.”

  I wonder if Cyn had spotted us during the back message…

  “I’m sure she loves how you applied her suntan lotion.”

  Oh boy!

  “And, I’m sure you loved it, Stevie, like the long ride to the beach you had together. Like I said, I think she’s perfect for you. I like her. I just won’t let you guys sleep together while I’m around. But, I won’t do anything with you either, ever again, if you’re smart. That’s why we’re all in separate bedrooms.”

  I laughed at that comment.

  She said, “I’m serious! I know you guys haven’t done it before.”

  Cyn did know me.

  She continued, “You both have that look. You should try for the first time in Florida. Be very sweet with her, Stevie. I want this to work.”

  I was about to speak, but Cyn went on, “Don’t say a word. I’m very happy. I want this to happen. You both need to get started soon if you’re going to have a family. Edie’s biological clock is ticking fast! Now, let’s have a sweet time with your sweetheart.”


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