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Slay Me (Rock Gods #1)

Page 8

by Joanna Blake

  She had to be.

  He was falling in love with her. Hell, he'd already fallen.


  Sabrina looked nervously around the shoddy neighborhood. It looked like the outer boroughs of Brooklyn where she'd been sent on one of her earliest scouting trips. But then she'd had a driver to take her. They'd also waited for her outside. Now it was just the two of them out on the streets. And the light was starting to fade.

  "Where are we Nick?"

  "The East End. Getting tired?"

  "A little. Can we find someplace to sit for a little while?"

  "Just a little bit further love."

  Sabrina had stopped correcting him when he called her that. Mostly because it was fruitless but also because she was starting to like it. Too much.

  Finally he stopped in front of an ordinary looking row house. Well, it was fixed up more than the others they'd passed. Actually, the whole block was fixed up. Spiffy. New windows and doors and the brick work all repaired. Flowers and trees planted out front of each.

  "What's this?"

  He turned her to and kissed her hand. It was incredible the way the man could give her butterflies with the lightest touch.


  Just then the door opened and a funny looking woman came to the door. She was dressed as a maid would be in the finest establishment. But her hair was pink.

  "Mrs. Falcon! Come quick, it's Nick!"

  Sabrina turned to Nick in astonishment.

  "Wait, your real name is Falcon?"

  He nodded and shrugged sheepishly. Then another odd looking woman came to the door. This one was dressed like a lower middle class housewife. Except for the diamonds.

  The woman was swimming in them. Her ears, neck, wrists, fingers. Sabrina glanced down, half expecting to see diamonds on her feet.

  No, but she was wearing Chanel ballet flats.

  "Nick! My boy!"

  He grinned at her and threw his arms open.


  She was squeezing him with all her might as bussed her cheeks with kisses.

  "You are not eating enough!"

  "Mum, I want you to meet someone."

  She perked up at that, finally noticing Sabrina.

  "A young lady now? What's this?"

  "Mum, I'd like you to meet Sabrina Newton."

  Sabrina was quickly enfolded in a warm hug. Mrs. Falcon smelled like sugar cookies. No. It was scones.

  "Well it is very nice to meet you. What a lovely girl. Come in, come in. You are just in time for tea."

  "That's what I was hoping for."

  Nick winked at Sabrina as he ushered her into the modest little row house. She was absorbing the fact that he'd taken her home to meet his mother. A warm feeling was in her chest, spreading outward in all directions.

  But once inside, all she could do was stare around her in wonder. It wasn't a simple row house at all. It was three or four row houses all remodeled to be one giant, opulent, over the top city mansion.

  "Make yourself at home now. I've got to call the girls! Jasmine, get the tea ready- we have guests!"

  The little maid bopped her bright fuchsia head and scurried off on Mrs. Falcon's heels. Sabrina felt like she was in an old movie all the sudden.

  A comedy. No- a farce.

  "I don't understand- what is this place?"

  Nick guided her to a sitting area in what could only be called a 'front parlor'. It was so opulent that it was almost too much. Just a little bit tacky… The sort of thing that a woman with a sudden influx of money might do.

  "She refused to move out of the neighborhood or away from all her friends. So I bought the block."

  "You what?"

  "This was a couple of houses before we combined them. The next few houses are Sadie's. On the other side is Gertrude. Around the corner are my aunts on both sides. And my mum's hairdresser. She needed a house too."

  "You bought houses for all your mom's friends?"

  He shrugged sheepishly.

  "She deserved it. She did everything for me."

  Sabrina's heart did a crazy little flip flop. Who would have thought it? Nick Falcon was a mama's boy.

  "He means that I put up with him dear girl. I started going gray when he was ten! Not that you'd know."

  Mrs. Falcon patted her head as she sailed back into the living room with her maid at her heels. Nick beamed as the maid set down a tea kettle and a heaping tray of tiny sandwiches.

  "Don't forget the scones please Jasmine!"

  Mrs. Falcon started serving tea. Nick bussed her cheek.

  "Be right back mum. Have to use the loo."

  She leaned in conspiratorially as soon as he was gone.

  "He'll be stuffing his face back there, just watch. Now my dear, how do you take your tea?"

  "Lemon and just a half spoon of sugar."

  Mrs. Falcon handed her her cup of tea and made one for herself. Then she leaned back and leveled a piercing stare at Sabrina.

  "So what's your story young miss? Are you after my Nick for his money?"

  Sabrina choked on her tea.

  "No- I'm- I'm not after anything."

  Mrs. Falcon narrowed her eyes and stared at her for what seemed like an eternity. Then she nodded.

  "Right. I can see that you're not. I read the papers too, love. Just had to be sure."

  Sabrina had no clue what to say to that. She took another sip of her tea. It was delicious.

  "Try one of the sandwiches dear. Go on."

  Her mouth was full of cucumber and salmon on toast when Mr.s Falcon dropped the bomb.

  "He's never brought a girl home before. Not even any of his wives."

  Sabrina nearly choked. She tried to chew and swallow as quickly as she could.


  Mrs. Falcon nodded sagely.

  "Oh I went to one of the weddings. The one that wasn't in Vegas. But that was the only time I met the gel. It was over before the year was up anyway. He's always been like that. Women throw themselves at him you see. And he's always been obliging."

  "Yes, I've noticed that."

  "But you're different. He likes you. You aren't just a pretty face."

  "I- thank you?"

  Mrs. Falcon was peppering her with questions about her life and growing up when the doorbell rang. Sabrina nearly collapsed with relief when Nick's mother suddenly changed focus and clapped her hands together with glee.

  "Oooh! They're here!"

  Nick dashed by in the hallway, telltale crumbs on his face. His mother was right, he'd been sneaking scones.

  "I'll get it!"

  The sound of the door opening was shortly followed by the squeals of several women.

  For the next hour Sabrina was surrounded by all of Nick's Aunts, Cousins, and his mothers best friends. Even the hairdresser showed up. The whole block was a Falcon compound. It was incredible.

  It was a disaster.

  With every moment, she was getting pulled deeper into his world. She could feel all the crack in her heart being filled up with the sense of belonging, of being wanted.

  With love.

  Sabrina tried to enjoy it. She did her best. But she knew better than anyone how quickly things could change. How what you thought was safe, was yours to treasure, would inevitably be snatched away.

  Life had taught her that time and time again, starting with the day her mother had left.

  Leaving her with nothing.


  "Isn't this cheating?"

  Nick waved to his mum and friends as he helped Sabrina into the waiting limo. She stifled a yawn as he sat as close to her as possible. He'd been longing to kiss her all day. Now was his chance.

  "I think we've earned a little luxury, don't you love?"

  She nodded sleepily and nestled against him, laying her head on his shoulder.

  Nick froze and then forced himself to relax. He lifted one arm up and held her, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He relished the feel of her snu
ggling so trustingly in his arms. She had finally softened towards him.

  He'd won.

  Tonight he would take her. He be gentle, tender at first. But the second time, all bets were off. He'd be fierce, passionate, firm. They would make love all night, that way she could sleep on the trip to Paris. Nick was stroking her hair as he leisurely contemplated all the things they would do once they got back to the hotel room.

  Filthy, naughty things.

  But with her, they wouldn't feel dirty. He could tell. They'd just feel bloody right.

  A tiny snuffling sound caught his attention. He turned his head to check.

  Bloody hell.

  Sabrina was sleeping like a babe in his arms. That adorably little sound had been a snore. He almost laughed. She was so cute, falling asleep when he had so many dirty things he wanted to do to her.

  He leaned back against the seat and shook his head. They'd be back at the hotel soon. As much as he wanted to wake her up, he knew he wouldn't.

  Damn, he'd forgotten to change their mode of transport! Gingerly he pulled his phone from his pocket and texted Marley.

  Let's take the Chunnel tomorrow instead of flying. See if we can get a bus for the rest of the tour. Thanks Mate.

  He slipped his phone back into his pocket and kissed her sleeping head.


  Sabrina opened her eyes and sat up sharply. She was in a strange room. It was luxuriously decorated with an enormous four poster bed. One bedside table lamp was lit, on the far side of the bed. There was a bandana draped over it to soften the light.

  Nick's bandana.

  Where the hell was she? Was she in his bedroom???

  Nick strolled into the room wearing a bathrobe over his torn up jeans. He held a steaming cup of something in one hand and a book in the other.

  She stared down at herself. She was also wearing a robe.

  Oh god- he hadn't! Had he?

  She peeked under the robe. Her clothes were still on. She heaved a sigh of relief.

  Nick chuckled and sat down on the other side of the bed.

  "Come on love, do you really think I'd molest you when you were sleeping like an angel?"

  He turned toward her and caught the doubtful look on her face.

  "Well, maybe you're right. Anyway, I resisted the urge. How do you feel?"

  "What time is it?"

  "Around eleven. You had quite a nap little girl."

  She blushed.

  "I'm sorry- I just got so tired all the sudden."

  He smiled.

  "Would you like some tea?"

  She nodded. He handed her his cup and she sipped.

  "What is it?"


  She started laughing as she handed it back to him. He looked offended.


  It was hard to get the words out but she tried.

  "The great- Nick- Fa-Falcon- drinks cha-cha-chamomile!"

  He growled and pounced on her, tickling her mercilessly.

  "You think that's funny do you?"

  She was laughing even harder now as his fingers danced over her ribs, pinching her.

  "Ye-yes I do!"

  He stopped tickling her suddenly. They were tangled up in the bed. She was suddenly aware of how close her was to her. His body felt so warm... He stroked the side of her face while she caught her breath.

  "There's a lot you don't know about me Sabrina."

  Her breath caught at the look in his eyes. Then suddenly she was staring at his lips. His sensual, soft looking, smiling lips.

  And then he was kissing her.

  She sighed as his lips slid across hers. He coaxed her lips open and then his tongue was inside her mouth, tangling playfully with hers. She kissed him back, tentatively at first but then eagerly.


  He moaned and fitted his body to hers, both of them struggling to get closer to each other. Finally he ripped his mouth from hers, leaving her feeling bereft. He was staring down at her tenderly.

  "You have a habit of falling asleep on me love."

  She was trying to catch her breath beneath him.

  "I'm sorry."

  He grinned sensually and lowered his head to hers, stopping right before their lips met.

  "Don't apologize. Let me see if I can keep you awake this time."

  She moaned as he took her mouth in a devastating kiss. He held nothing back, but he wasn't in a hurry either. This was the kiss on the beach as the waves crashed over you.

  This was a movie star kiss.

  He was still kissing her as he reached between them to untie her robe and open it wide. Then he was pushing her shirt up and grasping her breast with one hand. His palm felt hot over her breast, making her nipple stand at attention. He cursed and lifted his head, tugging her bra cup down over her breast.

  Then his mouth replaced his hand. She gasped at the feeling of his hot mouth, licking and sucking at her nipple.

  Dear god.

  She moaned as he worshipped one breast and then the other, his arousal pressing insistently against her thigh. She could feel liquid heat pooling in her belly. And lower, centering between her legs. She wiggled beneath him, feeling restless suddenly.

  He seemed to sense her need because he reached for the button on her jeans. He was trying to tug them off when she started laughing. He lifted his head and glared at her. His gaze was hot and determined.

  "You laugh?"

  She nodded breathlessly.

  He stood up and threw his robe off. He was bare chested, his low slung jeans showing his flat stomach and perfect body. Her eyes widened in appreciation. He saw her looking him over and grinned.

  And then he pounced on her. She squealed as he wrested her out of her robe. He tossed it aside dramatically. Then he yanked her t shirt up and over her head. She watched as he stared up at her from the foot of the bed. He slowly pulled her jeans down off her body.

  Her panties came off with the jeans too. Oops.

  His eyes flared at the sight of her. She was almost entirely naked now, with just her bra still pulled down under her breasts. He slid his hands up her legs and started kissing his way up her body. He paused briefly at her junction and placed a kiss there before sliding up until their bare chests were pressed together. He stared into her eyes as he reached beneath her and unclasped her bra, pulling it free.

  She almost laughed at the triumphant look in his eyes. But she was too overwhelmed with sensations to do anything except feel. He started touching her then, his expression changing to one of blazing heat. He never stopped watching her as his hands found her cleft and slowly, skillfully started to touch her bare skin.

  Sabrina closed her eyes and gave in to the inevitable.


  Nick was watching her with a look of absolute concentration as his finger slid up and down the line between her smooth nether lips. His finger slipped easily inside her, his eyes closing briefly in rapture as the tight, warm heat enveloped his finger.

  She wanted him. Her body told him that. Hell, her eyes had told him that.

  She was his at last, or she would be before the night was over.

  He moaned as her hips started circling against his hand. He kissed her mouth softly and lowered himself down her body to his prize. He watched his finger as it plundered her plump little lips. She was bloody tight! He'd have to make sure she was good and ready before he took her. He kept the motion of his hand going as he reached out with his tongue and softly stroked the tiny little nub above her opening.

  He was rewarded with a soft gasp of pleasure from above. So she was sensitive… that was to his advantage. He was going to drive her out of her mind before the night was over or die trying. Both were distinct possibilities.

  If he could make her wild for him, then she'd have to admit she wanted him. She'd come back for more. He set himself the challenge to outdo himself. He was going to take Miss Sabrina Newton on the ride of her life.

  His tongue started to work fa
ster now as he added a second finger to her opening. Her tight slit was squeezing him, tugging at his hand as he brought her closer and closer to the edge. Her sweet little hips were rocking against his mouth. He groaned and pulled back, wanting to get her as hot as possible. She whimpered and he started again, this time using his finger on her clit and sliding his tongue along her swollen lips.

  Hmmm… ambrosia.

  She was tossing around on the bed now, so he used his other hand to hold her hips in place. He slid his tongue inside her and flexed it, using it to open her. Jesus, she tasted sweet! His finger was faster than his tongue, the calloused tip having strummed so many guitars and piano keyboards.

  She was rising off the bed slightly. He could tell she was close to tipping over the edge again. This time he let her fly, holding her hips with both hands as he ravaged her with his mouth. Her tender flesh quaked beneath his lips and tongue, making them both moan in ecstasy.

  Gently he eased her back to the bed. He knelt between her silky thighs and stared down at her. His tight laced little A&R girl looked completely undone. Her gorgeous hair was fanned out around her head, her lips were parted and her eyes were out of focus.

  He reached for the waistband of his jeans. His dick felt like a wild animal clawing to get loose. He unbuttoned the top and slid the zipper down.


  She opened her eyes and looked at him with a look of pure adoration. He inhaled sharply.


  He didn't deserve that look. But he would earn it.

  "I'm going to take my trousers off now. Alright?"

  She nodded and closed her eyes. He was shimmying his jeans off when he heard her breathy answer.


  He swallowed and pushed his pants down to the floor. He was on the bed in less than a heartbeat, on top of her, gently arranging her legs to accommodate his hips. He held the tip of his cock against her wet slit.

  Then he remembered. He'd forgotten the condoms.


  Her eyelids fluttered open.

  "What is it?"

  "I'm sorry love. I swore off groupies so I must have forgotten to stock the rubbers."


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