Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3) Page 4

by Casey Morgan

  “That’s a wee bit of an overreaching statement,” I noted. “We’re not living in the woods anymore. We got Wifi and running water.”

  “Yeah, but 1000 years ago, there was no New York,” she said. “It’s just kind of mind boggling.”

  “What do ye do for fun in New York?” asked Seth.

  “Ah, you know,” she said dismissively. “Probably the same shit you do here. It’s boring.”

  “New York City is boring?!” laughed Ronan incredulous. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Okay, maybe it’s not that boring, but once you get used to it? It’s pretty predictable,” she assured. “Ireland seems kind of exciting. I mean, you have castles here, right?”

  “Oh, aye,” I said. “I could take ye to one. We could go on a picnic.”

  “I know the perfect spot,” Ronan said leaning towards Keira. It looked like he put his hand on her knee under the table.

  “Ooo, I love a picnic,” said Seth excitedly, inviting himself. “Tavish, will you make us something nice?”

  “Oh, aye,” agreed Tavish, with a wink. “I promise ye, it will be good.”

  It seemed like to matter how I tried to frame the conversation, Seth, Ronan, and Tavish managed to get themselves put in the mix. I guess this Keira woman was determined to take us all along for the ride until she said otherwise. That’s fine with me. My brothers were good people, but they weren’t going to beat me in this.

  “What do you do, Connor?” she asked.

  “I’m a doctoral student studying history at the U of C,” I explained. “I’m working on my dissertation.”

  “In other words, he’s working at a bar,” said Seth. “Ain’t that right, bartender who makes us drink from candleholders.” He poured himself another shot of the good whisky.

  “Well, in a short time it’ll be Dr. Bartender-who-makes-ya-drink-from-candleholders,” I corrected. “You could stand to learn your own history, Seth. Might bring in some customers if you actually knew what the hell you were talking about.”

  “I know my inventory and that’s enough,” countered Seth weakly.

  “I know the history of the cake,” offered Tavish. He was starting to slur his speech a bit. “The word cake comes from the Viking word kaka.”

  “Or maybe that’s was just the taste of a Viking cake. Probably tasted like shit,” I joked.

  Keira laughed, as did the lads. I was only concerned about Keira laughing, of course. Tavish gave me an opening and I took it.

  “That’s probably how we got cake here,” said Tavish. “Ya know, the Vikings landed here back in the day. Probably burned the whole place down.”

  “Nah, we’re too far from the coast,” said Ronan. “The Vikings didn’t come inland.”

  “Of course they did, ya daft pansy,” I corrected. “Why do ye think the old church is just a ruin? The Vikings did that. Which is how it got rebuilt over in town, but originally the village was closer to the old ruin.”

  “That sounds like an interesting place to visit,” said Keira. “Are there old gravestones too?”

  “Oh, aye,” I said. “But ye can’t read any of ‘em. Too old. The words have worn away or the headstones are gone.”

  “Who stole ‘em?” asked Seth. He looked seriously concerned. He was drunk too.

  “They were made of wood,” I laughed. “Ye see? This is why ye need to go to the university.”

  “I got my major in business,” said Seth proudly to Keira. “And I got a business.” He turned back to me. “Yer wee major in history ain’t going to make ye nuthin’. Ye can’t build history.”

  “No, but ye can make it,” I said, winking to Keira.

  She blushed and took another sip from her cup.

  “How’d you get to be a baker, Tavish?” she asked, trying to include him.

  “Ah, ye know, it was just somethin’ I fell into,” he said humbly. “I always liked cooking, but I don’t like to eat much. That’s weird, I know, but ye can’t keep a six-pack and eat cake every day.”

  Keira was eyeing up Tavish pretty good. She put a straw in her mouth and rubbed it all around. Dammit, this American. Irish girls didn’t act bold like that. Guess it was the New York City in her. She was all confidence.

  “And your shop,” she said to Seth. “What’s it sell? Knick-knacks?”

  “Aye, mostly stuff for the tourists,” he said. “I’m trying to build a brand of souvenir shops for Ireland. The customer’s the tourist, but the brand is for the local people.”

  “Sounds like a smart plan,” added Keira.

  “You don’t really care,” dismissed Seth. “But that’s fine. I’m showing steady growth and that’s the main thing.”

  “Yeah, I’m into growth,” giggled Keira, her cheeks going slightly red. “I like it when things get bigger.”

  Keira was certainly cheeky. I had to hand it to those Americans. Their women didn’t fool around. They liked to put themselves out there and they could drink with the best of them. I didn’t know if it was the booze talking or her confidence, but it was pretty sexy.

  The sexiest part about Keira was her eyes. Don’t get me wrong, she had great legs, a tremendous ass and an ample bosom. Plus, the face of an angel. Never forget the face. That’s the thing you’ll be staring at the rest of your life, so it better be good if you fall in love with it. But Keira’s blue eyes were just the best. You could see the intelligence behind them and the laughter. She laughed from the heart, this one. It wasn’t a fake laugh to try and flirt, although it was flirtatious, it was a happy laugh.

  I had to bide my time to show Keira I was top dog around here. Judging by the way she looked at me when I talked about college, I was way ahead.

  Sorry lads.

  Chapter 5


  Seth poured another shot of whisky into the ridiculous candle holder he was drinking out of. The thing wasn’t even big enough to be considered a rocks glass. It was silly, but his persistence and his brothers’ persistence in staying with me was endearing.

  I kept smiling to myself. If only Manny could see me now, being wooed by four handsome elves. My pushy ex wouldn’t believe his eyes. I can’t believe that I dealt with his bossiness and demands for so long, and he wasn’t even faithful. What a waist of time. I’d rather spend the rest of my days flirting with four Irish elves then ever go back to him.

  “What kind of stuff do you write?” Connor asked. He was so curious, being a scholar made sense for him. I reached out and ran my thumb over the back of his hand.

  “Mostly fashion articles,” I explained. “But I’m freelance so I don’t stick to one magazine or website.”

  Ronan sat forward, his amber eyes wide. He was obviously excited, which since he was the most fashionable, made sense. “High fashion?” he asked.

  I nodded. “A little of this, a little of that, really.”

  I took another sip of my whisky and enjoyed how it burned the back of my throat a bit, but then it finished buttery. I loved whisky that had a lot of depth.

  Ronan and the boys were still starting at me so, I tried to tell them more about my work. This was usually the part of the date where the guy got really bored. Manny hated when I talked about fashion and my work. “You see, I like covering street fashion too. We are in a really interesting time where fashion is so diverse and individualized. Almost anyone can make a statement now.”

  Seth looked thoughtful and scratched his chin. “Maybe I should start carrying more clothing in me shop,” he thought out loud.

  “Clothing made by local artists would probably go over well,” I suggested. “I always love to pick up a scarf or sweater when I travel and then when people ask me about it then I have a good story to tell them.”

  “Excellent idea! You really do have a mind for business, Keira.” Seth leaned forward and winked at me. He might have been a little drunk. Which was fine, because I was getting there too. This whole evening and the wedding were just going to be a blur in the morning.

  “Do we
have anyone who makes clothing around here?” Tavish asked Seth. It was nice to see the brothers interested in each other’s work.

  Seth thought for a few minutes then started laughing. Not sure what was going on, we watched as he snorted a bit and slapped the table.

  “Fiona McDonnell tried to get me to carry some lambswool scarves she made last year. Or at least she said she made them. The things were scratchy, and parts of the yarn were pulled through. Looked like rat’s nests more than anything someone might wear,” he explained.

  A bolt of lighting zapped my head. Well, not really, but that’s what it felt like. One minute I was fine, and the next pain was ripping through me. I put a hand to my forehead and blinked my eyes a few times. Maybe I needed to lay off the booze.

  Connor laughed along with Seth. “Maybe ye should ask Ronald McDonnell for his fashion tips,” he snorted. “Ron could probably write a whole book on how to get by without wearing pants.”

  Tavish and Ronan joined in the laughter. Seth was laughing so hard that he was practically crying. I tried to giggle a bit, but I kept getting stabbing feelings in my head. I leaned forward, rested my elbows on the table, and covered my eyes with my hands. The laughing around me died.

  “You alright, lass?” Ronan asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

  “Got a bit of a sudden headache,” I explained.

  “I’ll get you a glass of water.” Connor got up and I could hear his footsteps heading to the back of the pub.

  The noise of his steps reminded me of dancing. Six men dancing in the square. Six McDonnell men dancing in the square. Oh no!

  “Do the McDonnells really put curses on people?” I asked mumbling slightly.

  “What did ye say, Keira?” Seth asked.

  I sat back and looked up. The light in the pub was still a bit too bright but the pain in my head was starting to subside. “I asked, if the McDonnells really put curses on people. Are they really bad witches?”

  “Oh, the worst!” Tavish explained. “Ailbe McDonnell once turned our da’s dog into a turtle for three days. And just because da didn’t move out of the way on the street when Ailbe was walking by.”

  “Terry stole my bike when I was a kid,” Connor told me as he walked back with a glass of water and set it on the table in front of me. “He was too big to ride it, but he tried to sell it to a friend of mine.”

  My head started pounding again. I wondered if the curse the McDonnells put on me was directly connected to people saying bad things about them. Ailbe did say something like that; that no one could speak ill of them without me feeling it.

  “One time, Donnie tied to book a cruse in my shop.” Ronan leaned closer to me. “Donnie is the dumb one,” he explained.

  “Billy is dumber than Donnie,” Tavish argued.

  “Naw, Donnie tried to pay for a cruse with a hex he had made himself, but it was just water in a bottle with a little mint added in! When I told him no…”


  The stabbing pain in my head was unbearable now. I couldn’t see straight, and the room was starting to spin.

  “Please stop,” I moaned. “I can’t bear to hear people bad talking the McDonnells.”

  All the elves around me looked shocked. “Really, lass?” Seth asked. He took one of my hands in his own. “I know ye are related by marriage, but I didn’t think you were close.”

  “No, it’s not that,” I squeezed his hand trying to reassure him. “Earlier this evening, I got lost in town looking for you three and I ran into the McDonnells dancing in the square and they put a curse on me.”

  Four pairs of amber eyes opened wide. “Oh no,” Connor breathed. “I’m so sorry, Keira.”

  Ronan stood behind me and started to rub my shoulders. It was comforting and helped with my headache at the same time.

  “It looks like the curse is set to give me a splitting headache when someone talks about the McDonnell family in a bad way,” I explained.

  “Ugh. That happens a lot,” Seth said. “They are kind of the town joke.”

  Another stabbing pain went through my head and I waved for Seth to stop talking. Which he did.

  “The pain goes away when you stop talking about them, so if we change the subject, I should be okay,” I told them.

  “Alright, lass,” Seth said. He winked at me. “There are a lot of things we can talk about. Like dates. What would a lass like ye like to do on a date, say, tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow?” I giggled.

  “If she is going on a date tomorrow, it’s with me,” Connor said, giving his oldest brother a little bit of a push on the shoulder.

  “Keira here wants to come to my shop and taste more cake.” Tavish licked his lips seductively.

  “Maybe I could taste more than that,” I told him and enjoyed the desire that I saw in his eyes.

  “I could give ya a tour of Luck’s Hollow,” Connor leaned towards me.

  “No,” Ronan argued. “I could give you a tour!”

  “Boys! Boys,” I stopped them before another argument could get started. “Lets just figure this out tomorrow. I’m not sure what I will be in the mood for or how bad my hangover will be.”

  They all laughed and agreed.

  After a few more rounds of drinks and a few more stories, we decided to call it a night. Still concerned, the elves told me to get some rest and head up to bed. I had no choice but to go along, but I was a bit disappointed.


  I made my way up the stairs to my room in Hennessy House and let myself in. I was pretty drunk and more than a little lonely. Part of me wanted to ask all four of the elves to come upstairs, but I got the vibe that they wouldn’t be okay with it. Not yet. I think that was going to take some work. Maybe that’s what Shanna and Mila meant when they said… What did they say now? I don’t know. Something about being honest and open. I was that. I was honest and open all night. The brothers had to know I was interested in all four of them.

  I made my way to the bed, sat down to take my heels off, and threw my purse on the chair. If I was going to spend the evening alone, I might as well get into a hot bath and masturbate. I peeled off my tight red dress and dumped it on the bed then wandered into the bathroom on shaky feet. I was still a little tipsy.

  The bathroom had one of those old-fashioned tubs with little feet. I got in and started to take a bath. The warm water eased my muscles that were knotted up from the pain the curse caused me. I kept thinking about how hot the four Hallister brothers were.

  I started to imagine what it was like to have sex with them. I pictured Tavish naked, his rippling muscles holding me. Then Seth, Connor and Ronan, all naked and around me. I would take their hard cocks and suck on them one by one. When they were good and hard, they could start pounding them into me, filling my hands, my pussy and my mouth.

  As I imagined this, I started masturbating in the water. God. I was so horny. I plunged my fingers in and out of my pussy and teased my clit with my other hand. Then I added more fingers, imagining that they were cocks. Oh, God. Yes. The boys’ cocks were fucking me. Filling me up.

  I was not a quiet masturbator. I started moaning loudly as I whipped my fingers in and out of my snatch. It led to a climax and I squealed in delight.

  But one orgasm wasn’t enough. I let my fantasy get more detailed. The elves and I were in a beautiful forest glen this time. There were green leaves on the trees and the sunlight flowed through them in spots giving us a blanket of light and shadow.

  The elves were nude, and I looked over their bodies. Tavish was so built. His muscles were defined, and I couldn’t wait to run my hands over ever hard inch. Seth had muscles that were just as defined as Tavish’s but less bulky. He was tall and lean. Ronan was almost as tall as Seth. His shoulders were broad and his legs long. Connor was broad like Ronan, but not as tall. He was a little more unkempt than his brothers and looked a bit more wild.

  I walked into the clearing nude myself. The boys’ eyes wandered up and down my body devouring every cu
rve. Their amber eyes were hot on me and their cocks immediately showed their appreciation of my appearance.

  I could see by the erections all around me that the boys wanted to go, and I wanted to watch them all come. I laid down in the soft grass and gestured for them to surround me.

  “All right lads,” I said. “Here’s the contest. Last one to cum is the loser. I’ll do what I can to help you. You can aim right for my face.”

  In reality, I started playing with myself, sticking my fingers in and out of my already sensitive pussy. Almost immediately, I was ready to cum. I started moaning and squealing as imagined the boys jerking themselves off in my direction.

  “C’mon,” I moaned in my fantasy. “Give me that cum. I want that cum all over me. Please.”

  Tavish was first. He exploded across my neck and breast. I leaned over to suck out the rest from his long hard cock. Connor was second. He hit me across the cheek, but I opened my mouth for the second spurt and it ran down my throat.

  “Oooh. Oh, God,” moaned Seth. He rolled his amber eyes.

  He leaned over and came, hitting me on my stomach. By the sounds he was making, I could tell his orgasm was really intense. Seth had several post-orgasm spasms as I sucked his sensitive dick. Ronan was last, he was stroking himself furiously.

  “Let me help you, baby,” I cooed. I sucked his long hard shaft into my mouth and bobbed my head up and down. Then I traced my tongue along the ridges of his cock. He exploded in my mouth and I sucked his cum down my throat.

  Ronan blinked at me when I pulled off his dick and looked up at him. “I don’t think anyone was the loser in that,” he gasped.

  In the tub, I moaned and found my own orgasm. My stomach tightened, and my pussy walls pulsed. I leaned back, feeling very relaxed.

  After a few more moments of soaking, I pulled my wet, dripping body out of the tub. Lazily, I draped a towel around my body and stumbled into the bedroom. I fell face first on the bed and passed out. Hadn’t done that since college. Woo-hoo.


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