Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3) Page 9

by Casey Morgan

  When you get right down to it, what was a relationship? It was a lot of work. But with four lads in the mix, that was a quarter of the work, wasn’t it? With my ex and the wedding plans, I felt overwhelmed. It was like everything was on me in the relationship. I had to make the money, decide where to take her, plan the dates, be romantic, ask her to marry me; and all that was nothing compared to the wedding plans.

  Yes, this could be good. Maybe we could work it in shifts. A four day rotation. Then I would I get to see her about once every third day. Is that right? Then every few weeks I’d end up with a weekend day and we could do something like the seaweed workshop or take a hike. Just the two of us.

  Sure, once in a while, we could all get together and do a group thing. Maybe we’d go out to dinner or see a play or something. Even just to go out drinking would be nice. It would be like drinking with the lads and my girlfriend, only we’d be sharing her, so no one would have to fight over her.

  Then if another guy tried to hit on her, we could easily intimidate him. What’s a fifth guy going to do against four? Nothing. No way anyone could steal Keira from us. At least that part of the relationship would be very secure, so who knows? Maybe something like that could work. I wonder if there’s any historical precedence for it? I’m sure Connor would know.

  Then again, the village wasn’t very accepting of Shawna, Brody and Ryan at first. In fact, there was a tremendous amount of resistance. Would they continue to embrace this trend or were we pushing our luck? I guess with time, anything’s possible, but it was also possible that the lads might bail out on it. Maybe I could outlast them and be the last man standing? Hmm, that’s an interesting strategy.

  I could let the village do the work of driving the other lads away. For Seth and Ronan the reasons would be obvious; the resistance of the town would hurt their businesses. I’m not hoping for that, you understand. That would make me a bad person, but if it happened, they would have to make a choice. For Seth, I don’t think it would be much of a choice. He loves his business.

  Ronan, on the other hand, might be a problem. The business was hanging by a thread as it is. This could be the sign. The final straw, and then he moves on. But to where exactly? Or maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he’d stick with it and just give up the relationship.

  Connor is another story. He’s still fresh out of college. Still in college technically. People in college embrace all sorts of different lifestyles. He may not only become entrenched by the village resistance, he could end up doubling down. Or, more realistically, he could graduate and then have to move for his studies. He was studying history. No telling where they might need him. They certainly didn’t need him in a village as small as ours.

  I could see it now. Seth and Ronan had left and moved on. Only myself and Connor were in the relationship. But Keira comes to me, she feels the relationship is strained because Connor is always so busy. By this time, I have enough help at the bakery that it pretty much runs by itself. Better yet, Keira is getting involved in the shop! Yes! I imagine most women love to bake. Don’t they?

  She gives Connor several chances, but he blows them. And even Connor, by this time, realizes that he has to move on. He’s sad, but breaks it off, leaving just me and Keira. The group thing was fun for a while, but realistically?

  “It’s always been you, Tavish,” Keira would say. “Sure, I cared for the others deeply, but you’ve always been my favorite.”

  Yes! I can see it in my mind. And if you can imagine it, it can be real. It’s simple as that. These guys were playing a short game of one-upmanship, but me? I was playing the long game. In the end, I would be with Keira and the other lads? Well, I’m sure they’d find someone else.

  The lads and Keira came out of the bedroom with the tray and the dishes.

  “Give ‘em here,” I told them. “While I have the hot soapy water.”

  “You’re good to do the cleanup and the cooking,” said Keira. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Ah, I don’t mind,” I said. “This is a nice place. You have to leave it as clean as when you found it.”

  “That’s a very responsible attitude, Tavish,” smiled Keira. “Whenever you’re ready, I think we’re going to pop off to the hills.”

  “Yes, lass,” I said. I gave her a warm smile. “Can’t wait.”

  That’s it Tavish. Bide your time. Bide your time. Slow and steady wins this race.

  Chapter 12


  The next morning riding along in the van, I got to thinking. It was all I could do because I was stuck upfront again. I was the last one out of the inn and Connor and Tavish had already claimed the backseat with Keira. Now they were cuddling and touching her thighs, while Ronan and I had to just watch. It was frustrating.

  What’s in the mind of this Keira girl? She loves to flirt, doesn’t she? Sometimes I think she’s only interested in me, but other times I think she genuinely wants to be with all four of us. That can’t be true, can it?

  Granted, we have had the odd group couple situation in this village; the rare polyamorous relationship. Two very recently, that I know of. One even ended in marriage and they say the other is going to but, four men at once for Keira? Are these witches in competition or something?

  I tell you what, I am, that’s for damned sure. Keira is going to be mine and there ain’t a thing the others can do about it. Ronan and Tavish, they’re good lads and all, but not very experienced with women. Sure, Tavish almost got married, but that was like the first girl that he slept with.

  Now Connor, he’s competition in the experience department. But come on. He’s a broke college student and very full of himself. No way Keira will be able to tolerate him more than a couple of days. On and on he goes off spouting his historical whatever-it-is. He could put a stone to sleep with the way he drones on.

  Ah, fuck it. Maybe I should just go home. It is a wee bit crowded. But then, I’d never hear the end of it. Imagine if the four of them ended up together and I was the only one left out. How would that look?! No, I’m in this until the end or until Keira goes back to America; whichever comes first.

  Ronan drove to the beginning of the hiking trail in Fairy’s Valley. We had about a four hour hike to the rock wall we needed and the climbing guide was supposed to meet us there. So, it was just going to be us for a while. It was pretty scenic and all. I have to hand it to Ronan, he knows his way around the country. I’ve lived in Ireland all my life and never even heard of this trail. Not that I’m into hiking mind you. I am, however, in to milking sympathy.

  “How are you feeling today, Seth?” asked Keira, as we got out of the van.

  “I’m still a wee bit tired,” I said. “Mi allergies are still pretty bad. Is that seaweed out there in the ocean I see?”

  “Aw, you poor thing,” she said.

  I pretended to stumble, and she caught my hand.

  “Thanks luv,” I said. “I’m better now that you’re helping me.”

  I made eye contact with Connor. He was fuming. I smiled at him. It was all going smoothly until Tavish took her other hand. Dammit. Well, at least we boxed out Ronan and Connor for a while.

  We hiked a few miles along the coast towards Fairy’s Valley. Here and there the waves were crashing against rocks and sometimes on beaches. Keira ran down to the surf to run through the water a bit. There wasn’t any seaweed, so I joined her, still holding her hand.

  After a few hours, we stopped for a picnic on a hill overlooking the ocean. If you could picture a sweeping shot of the rolling hills of Ireland and then ending at the coast looking over the water, like in a commercial, you’d have it in your head. The sun was shining, and I had the perfect spot right next to the girl of my dreams.

  “Seth, shouldn’t you take another Benadryl,” she reminded me.

  “Nah,” I dismissed, shaking my head. “It’ll make me too sleepy to walk. I’m fine.”

  “Let me check your eyes to see if they’re red,” she requested.

“Okay, look deep in my eyes then,” I said.

  She did, and I took the moment to steal a kiss. At first, I thought it would just be a bit of a peck, but it turned quite passionate. Ha. Take that lads. Might as well get up from the picnic and go. She’s made her choice. Finally, Connor cleared his voice loud enough to be heard.

  “Well that dish looks best,” said Ronan, trying to make a joke.

  “Should we leave?” said Connor annoyed. His ears bright red.

  “No, of course not,” said Keira.

  She grabbed Tavish and kissed him passionately. Wait a minute. Then she grabbed Connor and kissed him. He took the opportunity to flip me the bird when she did so. Finally, she kissed Ronan, again, very passionately. These were not just quick kisses. They had tongue. They were intense.

  Keira was serious about dating all four of us, I guess.

  How did I feel about it? I have to admit, part of me was turned on by watching it. I guess it was the idea of porn, ya know? Men, we’re visual creatures. We like to see things as well as experience them. I could kiss her passionately, but I couldn’t see her kiss me passionately. I mean, I guess I could if I videotaped us, but that wasn’t going to happen, was it. But watching the lads kiss her, it was a bit of a turn on. I wasn’t watching them, but her and how she got turned on. I guess that’s the best way to describe it.

  So, four for one. How would that work, I wonder? One at a time? Two at a time would be more efficient. Eh, but I’d probably get paired with Connor and that wouldn’t work. We could share days, but what if one of us got sick? What then? Would we get make up days later? Seems like a scheduling nightmare, but I suppose I could work it out with the lads.

  After lunch, we continued the hike, we weren’t far from the rock wall now. As we rounded a hill, a big black ram came running towards us bleating at the top of its lungs. Keira backed away from it a bit; she wasn’t used to dealing with sheep. The ram ran right up to Ronan, who was at the front of our line.

  “What’s going on?” Keira asked. She cowered behind me a bit. “Is it going to hurt us?”

  Ronan bent down to look at the sheep closer. It seemed to be nervously shaking. “This one seems more upset than angry,” he explained. “But it’s always good to be cautious. Some of the rams can be very aggressive.”

  Connor walked up next to Ronan and looked down at the sheep. “I think that’s Gerald, Glen O’Sullivan’s sheep. Ya know the one with the reputation for being a trouble maker?”

  “Aye, probably is,” I said. “I’ve heard the Hennessey boys talk about him. Always doing his best to cause trouble.”

  “Just tell him to go on home,” said Tavish. “Go on home sheep!” He waved his hands at the ram, who just bleated more frantically and started running circles around Ronan’s legs.

  “I think he needs help, lads.” Ronan bent down and caught the ram by the scruff of the neck. The sheep stopped running in circles and looked up at Ronan. “If there is trouble, Gerald, lead us to it. We will help.” Then he let go.

  The sheep calmed down almost immediately and started walking off the trail. When we followed, he sped up to a jog and we had to hurry to keep up. Pretty soon the ram was out of sight and all we could hear was his bleats.

  After about ten minutes of us wandering off the trail we heard voices and more frantic bleats. Following the voices, we came to a fence where two sprites and a heard of sheep were gathered.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. O’Sullivan,” Ronan called out. “Can we be of any assistance?”

  A sprite with sparrow-like wings turned to look at us and flew over. Mr. O’Sullivan was getting on in years; he was probably old enough to be our grandfather. He scratched his tiny grey beard and sucked on his pipe as he looked over out little group.

  “Ya the Hallister lads?”

  “Yes, sir,” I answered. “I’m Seth and these are mi brothers Ronan, Tavish, and Connor. We’ve been taking Keira here on a hike. Yer ram gathered us from the trail through Fairy’s Valley. Seemed to indicate that there was trouble.”

  The sprite chuckled. “That’s the first time old Gerald has done something useful.” He flew over to the sheep and gave him a pat on the head. The ram bleated happily. “Come on lads, I’ve got a lamb stuck in a fence.” He flew back over to the group and waved his hand at us to follow.

  Amidst the rest of the heard, a little white lamb had decided to crawl through a post and wire fence. The poor thing got itself wedged in wire twist and had moved around till its neck and front legs were caught. I wasn’t even sure where it was trying to go or why it didn’t just go around the fence like the rest of the herd, but now the animal was thoroughly trapped.

  “Oh, the poor thing!” Keira squealed.

  “Aye, got herself caught good.” Glen nodded. “Mi son, Ben, and I have been trying to work an un-tangled spell to get the wee lass out but, she’s gotten so twisted, it’s beyond what magic can deal with. Think you big boys can hold her and unwrap the wire?”

  “Not a problem,” Tavish assured the little man. “Give me a hand Ronan.”

  Shooing away the other sheep, Tavish and Ronan went up to the little lamb. She tried to pull away at first, but Ronan talked softly to her until she relaxed. Tavish grabbed the lamb by her middle and held her firm. “There’s the end of the wire.” He pointed with his chin for Ronan. “See if you can get her unwound while I hold her.”

  As the lamb struggled in Tavish’s firm grasp, Ronan moved the wire around her little body. After a few minutes she was free. Tavish set her down and she went running over to her mother.

  “Ah! Thank ye, boys!” Glen slapped his little hands on his thighs enthusiastically. “Ya are good lads to help a farmer out. I’ll buy ya a beer the next time I see ya in Hennessey House.”

  We nodded, said goodbye and walked back to our original path. As soon as the sprites were out of sight, I put my arm around Keira’s shoulders.

  “Well, that was a bit of an adventure,” she said, smiling at me. “Does that happen often around here?”

  “Sheep in trouble? Yeah,” said Ronan. “I sometimes help out on the family farm when things are slow at the agency.”

  “When ya grow up around here, ya are either from a farm or know a bunch of people that are from one,” explained Connor, as we continued down the hiking trail. “It’s not like America. All built up.”

  “We have farms,” argued Keira. “Even New Jersey has them. You wouldn’t think of a state like that having farms, but down south, there are plenty. Plus, the whole middle of the country. People forget that.”

  I have to say that sharing her with the lads could work out. I mean, at first, I couldn’t really see it. But the thought of having sex with her and watching the other lads have sex with her? Well it would be like starring in a porno movie wouldn’t it? I could videotape that for mi own personal use. But are the lads that kinky? They seemed a bit vanilla.

  However, if they’re into having a gangbang with Keira, then they can’t be that vanilla, can they? How would one approach this, I wonder? Do we initiate or her? I imagine it’s her because, ya know, a group of guys suddenly making a move could be intimidating. Especially the first time. But Keira didn’t act like a wallflower, quite the opposite. She seemed at least a little experienced, unless she was putting on airs.

  As we approached the rock wall, the sun was high over the water. It was beautiful. Like a postcard in my shop.

  “Ronan, this is very nice,” I said. “You picked an excellent hike, lad.”

  “Thanks, Seth,” smiled Ronan.

  “Seriously, I’m impressed,” I said. “And this didn’t cost anything but the picnic. Ya know, I’d bet people would pay for a package deal, guide with lunch included.”

  “Oh, stop working the angles, Seth,” said Connor.

  “I’m serious,” I said. “That’s what tourists like. A package. Ya like a package, don’t ye Keira?”

  “I do,” she laughed. “I do like a good package.”

  “A nice big package,
eh? I’ll bet you’d like to get one of those,” I joked.

  “I’d like to receive a big package, yes,” she laughed, as her cheeks turned red.

  “Aren’t deliveries in the rear at most places?” joked Tavish.

  “That’s right,” I agreed. “You might have to take that big package in the rear, lass. Do you think you can take it?”

  “I will, uh, try,” she blushed, still laughing. “As long as the package is delivered slowly. You don’t want to deliver the package too quickly.”

  Okay, if that doesn’t mean we’re not all getting fucked tonight, nothing does. I smiled to myself. I was ready, I hoped the other lads were too. I didn’t want one of them blowing this.

  “Ronan?!” a man up the trail called out. He waved a hand at us.

  “Oh good! That will be Levi, our rock-climbing instructor,” Ronan explained. He waved his hand back and ran a head a little bit.

  “I’ve never rock-climbed before,” Keira whispered to me. “I hope the orb isn’t too far up.”

  “Don’t worry, lass.” I smiled at her. “Just do what ya feel comfortable with. Let us boys find the orb.”

  Keira smiled and wrapped her arms around me for a quick hug. She seemed grateful to have all our help.

  We arrived at the rock face and got instructors from, Levi the professional rock climber. We spent about an hour going over the gear and the harnesses. It took so long, I was almost ready to go back to sleep.

  “Okay, lass,” he finally said to Keira, wrapping up his lecture. “Let’s try doing a bit a climbing, okay? See if you can scale this wall. It’s about five feet up to that first ledge.”

  Hooked to a harness so she couldn’t possible fall, Keira started making the climb. Unfortunately, she got shaky after just a few feet. About three rocks up, her grip slipped, she fell off and was left hanging in midair. The lads and I flinched at see her fall, but the harness held. The instructor brought her down and told her to try it again and concentrate.


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