Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3) Page 50

by Casey Morgan

  I had no time for sharing a contraband beer with my normally rule-following RA at the moment. Nor did I have time for anything that typical college students might want to do at the moment.

  Truth be told, I was glad to have a reason to get the hell out of this place, even if I had no idea what might await me in the very different place I was heading to.

  Chapter Four


  “Call the orbs back,” I commanded my pack.

  We were called the Eira Pack but many in these parts just referred to us as my pack. Melchior’s Pack.

  My order was met with grumbles and complaints, per usual, from different members of the pack.

  “But I doubt they’ve been able to gather much information.”

  “I’m sure if they’d caught any sight of her, they’d quickly be back on their own.”

  “Let’s give it more time.”

  I stretched out my legs as best as I could, without falling out of the pear tree I was in, while I listened to their many complaints that all melded together into one long similar one.

  I so wanted to turn into my wolf form, so that I could growl at them and get them back into line. They were so pompous and disobedient, circling the tree on all four legs while I was up here looking like an idiot in human form.

  I had climbed up here as a wolf, of course, and that had helped me get my bearings. But then I shifted into human form so that if Marilyn was walking through this part of the woods, she could easily see me and not be freaked out.

  I doubt she knew what a shifter was. I doubt she knew anything about what was in store for her, and I needed to break the news to her in a gentle way.

  My pack members told me I was fucking crazy to be sitting up here as a human for so long. The orbs we had sent out to roam the forest looking for Marilyn have cameras that can pick up footage and bring it back to us, so we would know long before she was coming and there was no need for me to be perched up here all day and night.

  But I was paranoid that there would be some kind of technical malfunction, even though the whole set-up worked by spells, anyway. I was also worried that Jessalyn would sense that Marilyn was here before I did, and that that would mean disaster for certain.

  My entire pack was working a spell that should keep Jessalyn in the dark about Marilyn’s journey into the forest, just as it had kept her from knowing about all the letters that Marla had sent Marilyn over the years.

  Poor Marla. She had done what she could to fight off Jessalyn’s evil ways and powers, but she had never been able to leave her grasp and in the end, it was her undoing. She had never gotten over her mistreatment and in the end her bitterness and her attachment to the person she was the most bitter at was probably what ended up killing her.

  Of course, that wasn’t the official story, but I knew enough about the situation to figure out that more had gone down than what some people were letting on about what had happened. In any event, it all turned out tragically for poor Marla.

  Still, at least we had One True Hope.

  Or maybe two.

  We had the baby, of course – but not really, not yet.

  And we had Marilyn.

  But did we?

  I didn’t want to be arrogant and assume that just because I’d sent her the letter, she would listen to my request and make such a dangerous journey. I knew she didn’t know much about what went on in Bethel Forest, and I wasn’t even sure if she knew of its existence, beyond it being the return address on the letters Marla had sent her over all these years — and thank fuck that Marla had risked her life long before she actually lost it, by doing that.

  But I did know from the contents of her letters in response to Marla that Marilyn felt drawn to Bethel Forest and that she wanted to help save us. Even though she likely didn’t even know what it was — or who it was — that we needed saving from. I doubt Marla had felt safe enough to go into those details in her letters, especially knowing they could be intercepted by Jessalyn.

  “Here,” said one of the pack members — Elias — as he threw an orb up at me. “I called one back for you.”

  I caught it, which wasn’t hard, since it was aimed in my direction and had been trained by our spell to report back to me with any information.

  I was annoyed that he’d only gotten one orb despite my command to call them all back, but I guess that was better than nothing. My pack had definitely been disobedient lately, and I’d been too depressed about what had happened to Marla to reign them in.

  “I doubt you’ll see anything on there,” Elias said, as if explaining his defiance. “We’ll get another one later, after it’s had time to travel further, and maybe we’ll see her on the outskirts of the forest at that time.”

  I actually happened to agree with him, but patience had never been my virtue. I felt antsy, stuck in a pear tree, although its fruit was delicious and at least I had a lot to snack on.

  I wanted to make sure I was doing everything I could to find Marilyn, and protect her, before Jessalyn got to her and ruined everything. But I knew it was a fine line to walk, since Marilyn would be naïve and innocent, and too much information at once could scare her away, or, if revealed in the wrong manner, could even turn her to the dark side.

  I reached up for another pear and took a bite while I ordered the orb, “Show me Marilyn.”

  I didn’t expect it to be able to do as I requested, but to my surprise, there was Marilyn as recorded by the orb: wearing a red cape with a hood over her head, as if to protect her from the unpredictable elements of the forest.

  She was running and she had a flashlight and what looked like some kind of Mace or other spray to ward off enemies — I was impressed at her level of preparation — and she was trying not to trip over branches as she made her way, looking up now and again, as if to make sure she was following the North Star.

  She had made good time, much better than seemed humanely possible.

  But now that I thought about it, that only made sense.

  Good girl, I thought, as I watched her hurl her way to me.

  She had answered my call, and then some, going beyond what I had hoped for from her when I had written her the letter.

  I felt a tugging at my heart that I wasn’t expecting. Looking at her, the outline of her curves under her robe, even, tugged my cock into perfectly erect and hard mode, but that was to be expected.

  She was a beautiful young woman, and in the prime of her life sexually. Something told me she was inexperienced and truly innocent in that arena.

  It made sense I would feel lust for her gorgeous, curvy body. And an overwhelming urge to protect her, since I was the whole reason she was here, and since everything depended on her, as our last hope.

  But I wasn’t expecting to feel something else for her.


  No, that was impossible.

  I wasn’t the type to fall in love.

  Plus, I didn’t even know her.

  Not anymore, anyway.

  And yet I felt I had known her — or at least known of her, and all the possibilities she could represent — for her entire life.

  I had known her at one point, but it was a very long time ago, before she left the forest, which I still consider to be her home. Once a forest dweller, always a forest dweller, in my mind, but I was sure that her life was so different that she couldn’t imagine being back here. I wondered if she would remember knowing me.

  In any event, I hadn’t known her since she left. I had no business thinking I could love someone who I hadn’t even seen in so long.

  But I couldn’t help lusting over her, and I didn’t plan to try not to.

  It had been so long since I had felt attracted to anyone at all that I fully intended to indulge in my lust for Marilyn, even if nothing could come of it.

  Chapter Five


  As I watched Marilyn running in the video that the orb contained, I realized she was going to get tired. She needed to conserve her energy.r />
  She had no idea what kind of journey — and what kind of fight — lay ahead. I appreciated her coming quickly, but I didn’t want her to burn herself out.

  “Return to Marilyn,” I commanded the orb. “And make her sleep.”

  Waving my hands, I summoned a sleep spell, and put it into the orb, which would release it like a gas when it got near her, causing her to fall into a deep sleep.

  “Here, Elias,” I said, throwing it down to him. “The orb has another mission now.”

  He let the orb go, where it bounced off into the woods to return to Marilyn. I would get it back soon, to make sure that the spell had worked.

  “So, you really saw something in the orb?” Elias asked, a look of wonder appearing in his dark wolf eyes, his furry brow creased in confusion. “How did she get here so fast?”

  “She is our One True Hope,” I reminded him. “We have no idea what she is capable of. The fact that she could find Bethel Forest and get here so quickly means that she’s likely capable of way more than we could imagine.”

  “So, what now?” he asked.

  “Now we wait. Go see Silas and ensure that the spell we put on Jessalyn is still working. Also, take the rest of the pack members somewhere else. I don’t need their help right now; Marilyn won’t be here for quite some time, and I just want to rest.”

  “Of course,” Elias said, turning his head and growling a bit, to command the rest of the members of the pack to follow him.

  “Sleep well, Melchior,” some of them said to me.

  “Rest up.”

  “We’re ready whenever you need us.”

  I noticed that they had changed their tone, from the mocking one in which they were ridiculing my impatience earlier, to a more appreciative one that let me know they respected my authority now.

  It was a shame that they couldn’t be like this all the time. I sometimes felt that not only was the forest falling apart around me — I put a hand on the trunk of the pear tree, which already felt thinner, and as if its bark was disintegrating even more due to just the touch of my hand — but that my pack was, too.

  Nothing in Bethel Forest had been right since Marilyn had left. And it was my hope that her return would change that sad fact.

  Not to mention that the mood had been very, very sour ever since Marla had died. This was the beginning of the end, unless Marilyn — and the baby who had just been born — could save us.

  I climbed down out of the tree once the others had left and set up a little shelter underneath it. I would sleep here tonight, while Marilyn also slept, still far away from me, but on the path to getting much closer.

  I felt better knowing that she was safe.

  And I also still felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Raging desire.

  I reached down and felt my cock — my big, hard, human form cock — which was something I hadn’t done in a very long time.

  I hadn’t sensed the point.

  All the women in this forest were under Jessalyn’s power and leadership. There was no way I would be with any of them.

  Plus, none of them were as beautiful as Marilyn looked in that orb.

  I couldn’t get her out of my mind.

  I told myself to behave.

  I told myself to shift back into wolf form so that I could curl up under my shelter and sleep soundly.

  But I wanted to remain human because Marilyn was human.

  I wanted to be with her.

  I wanted to be in her.

  About an hour later, I still hadn’t been able to get any sleep. Elias reported back and let me know that it didn’t seem as if Jessalyn had any clue that Marilyn was in the forest, so our spell must have been working. He also brought back the orb that had carried my sleeping spell to Marilyn.

  “That spell seems to have worked as well,” he said. “The gas was released, at least. I’m sure the footage will confirm its success, but I thought you would want to be the one to inspect it.”

  “Thank you,” I told him.

  He was right.

  But the way he told me to “inspect” the footage of Marilyn it made my cock hard again.


  “The rest of the pack is sleeping in different clearings all around, forming a circle of protection that lasts until about a mile in each direction,” he said. “So, you can rest assured that if anything happens, we’ll let you know and we have your back, of course. Try to sleep now. Just like you said Marilyn needed to rest up, so do you.”

  “You’re right,” I told him. “I appreciate your help.”

  He nodded at me and took off, all four legs running swiftly as he returned to one of the clearings where some of the other pack members were waiting.

  I turned on the orb.

  I pushed play so that I could see the video of Marilyn, my cock swelling with such anticipation that it was nearly bursting out of my pants. This was such a foreign feeling to me, since I was long used to only being in wolf form for quite some time now.

  I didn’t see the point of being a man in a cursed forest. I stood a better chance as a wolf, but even as a wolf, my future was uncertain, as was every creature’s in this forest.

  I leaned back against the trunk of the tree, which buckled a bit under my weight, due to its weakened state. I tried not to think about that, returning to the delight that was in my hand: the power to see Marilyn.

  The spell had worked. She was lying down under a tree — not a pear or other fruit-bearing tree like I was under, causing me to worry that she wouldn’t get enough to eat — and closed her pretty brown eyes.

  She must have been hot, because she opened her robe a bit, exposing just enough of her dark olive-toned flesh that my cock was standing at attention again.

  I imagined kissing her while she slept, slipping my hand into that opening in her robe, feeling around for the folds of the most sacred part of her body. She would awaken and meet my lips for a kiss, because she knew she was destined to be with me and had called out to me in her dreams to come take her.

  I would push my fingers into her little pussy hole and find that it was dripping wet. After pulling it open, wider, to stretch it and get it ready for me, because I just knew she was a virgin, I would then suck on her tongue while fingering her pussy.

  “Take me,” she would beg me, opening her legs wider for me, grinding up against my hand, her juices flowing out onto my palm, as her tongue explored mine and allowed mine to grab her tongue back, just as hard as I was grabbing her pussy. “Take me for my very first time. Please.”

  “I will,” I would tell her, taking my fingers out of her pussy hole so that I could play with her hard little clit. “But first I have other ways of making you feel good.”

  In my fantasy, I was holding back. But in real life, I had my cock out of my pants, grabbing it and stroking it, wishing it was inside Marilyn instead of just my own hand.

  I would lay her back on the leaves and put her head on a pillow made of moss so that she was comfortable. Then I’d work her pussy with my lips the way I was just doing to her mouth: teasing, licking, biting gently, then sucking hard, while her pussy pulsed as it opened up even more for me and her eyes closed while she moaned my name over and over.

  “Shhh,” I’d tell her, not wanting news about us to travel throughout the forest. “We have to be careful.”

  I’d place a branch in her mouth for her to bite on while I went back to making slow, rhythmic circles with my tongue all around her clit. Right when she was about to cum, I’d stop, building her up so that when it finally happened, it would be amazing for her.

  I’d lick up and down her thighs, getting close to her pussy lips and then stopping before doing it all over again.

  Then only when she whispered, “Melchior, please,” would I suck on her clit while fingering her pussy so that I could feel her juices gushing out as she came.

  “Mmmm,” she would moan, writhing around on the floor of the forest, on top of the leaves and the moss, and under the
sky, which was brightly lit up with stars watching over us. “Yes. Yes.”

  I would see that she had a little piece of playful nymph in her, which I would want to explore.

  “Show me how much you want my cock,” I’d command her, and she’d obey me, readily and willingly, getting up on all fours, with her pussy and ass exposed to me, her robe now falling nearly completely off of her curvy, gorgeous body.

  I’d rid myself of the clothes that constrained me too tightly – I always hated having to wear clothes when in human form, anyway – as my cock felt like it was about to burst. Then I’d spread her ass cheeks even wider, so I could see her clit hard and aching for me, hanging down from her wet pussy, just below her tight little ass hole.

  Thinking about taking her virginity was almost too much for me to bear. I almost came right there under the pear tree, but I told myself to hold back just a little bit, just as I would for her, so that she would be able to cum again before I did. But now it was so that I could indulge myself in my fantasy world just a little more before it was over.

  I’d put the head of my cock up against her little pussy hole, hearing her moan a little bit and say, “Is this it?”

  “This is it,” I’d tell her. “This is the real deal. Are you ready?”

  “More than I even thought I was,” she’d say. “Especially since you didn’t steal any of my beer first.”

  “I would never,” I chuckled. “Stealing someone’s beer before taking their virginity would be committing the ultimate sin.”

  It was strange, how I heard her say that in my fantasy, and I wasn’t really sure what she meant. But I was sure it had some meaning that should eventually tell me, and we’d laugh together. So, for now, I just kept going with the fantasy.

  I’d push my cock in her gently, slowly, rubbing her clit to make extra lubrication and to distract her from the moment of pain I knew she was about to experience. She’d whimper a bit as my cock entered her further, stretching her virgin pussy hole open a bit more, until I was looking down to see it swallowing the whole wide girth of my cock.


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