Out of Darkness

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Out of Darkness Page 13

by Billie Turner

  “But if I hadn't been out alone at night, I wouldn’t have been attacked and…”

  “I wouldn’t have found you,” he interrupted leaning back so he could look into her eyes. “We wouldn’t have this. I wouldn't change anything. Well, maybe the attack. If I'd been there sooner, you wouldn’t have suffered at all.”

  “The attack was less your fault than mine. It’s not a good idea to be alone in that neighborhood at night. I’m glad it was you who came along. I doubt anyone else would’ve stopped to help me. It could’ve been so much worse. And if it weren’t for my injury, you’d have sent me on my way without a second glance. Everything happened as it did for a reason.” She slid her hand up to his neck and brought his head down to her. Stretching up to meet his mouth, she gently brushed his lips with her own. “I know it’s crazy, but I have no regrets. Not even the attack for the simple reason that it’s what brought us together.”

  “Look at what I would’ve missed if we’d never met.” Kai smiled. “I can't remember the last time I smiled before I met you.”

  “Really?” Emma smiled back. “I've been such a burden to you. Before you stumbled across me you’d never worried about anyone's safety but your own.” A frown wrinkled her brow. “I’m worried that one day I’m gonna be the reason you fall. Your concern for me can be overwhelming and it’s gonna get in your way. ”

  “It won’t. I won’t let it. This isn’t the only time I’ve had someone under my protection. It’s been a long time and I failed. I know where I made my mistakes and I won’t repeat them. That’s why you think I’m overprotective.”

  “I don't want to be a liability for you. It sounds like you’ve had the weight of the world on your shoulders. You deserve happiness, not just another burden to bear.”

  Kai's took Emma’s face between his palms. She liked it when he did that. He cradled her jaw and tilted her face so their eyes met. “You’re my happiness. Being with you, holding you, that's when I’m happy. It amazes me that the universe created someone so perfect, just for me. No matter what happens, I’ll always want you. You’re the other half of my soul.”

  Kai’s lips descended to brush across the trembling flesh of Emma’s own. The kiss was sweet and filled with tenderness.

  “Kai, I can’t be you’re happiness. It’s too much pressure.”

  “Don’t be afraid. For me it’s incredible in a good way. The cynic in me felt too world-weary for happiness. You’ve changed that for me.”

  Emotionally charged, Emma kissed him and immediately wanted more. She opened her mouth and caught the plump flesh of this lower lip with hers and sucked it between her lips. It was all the encouragement Kai needed to deepen the kiss. Emma wrapped her arms around his neck and ruffled her fingers through the hair at his nape. She slid from the edge of her chair and came up on her knees in front of him, melting her body against his. She let her head fall back and enjoyed the feel of his roaming hands under her shirt and coming into contact with her bare flesh.

  Emma’s desire flared and she yanked the edges of his shirt apart. Buttons popped off, shooting across the room. Emma giggled as a button flew past her head and pinged against the window beside her.

  Kai stopped exploring her neck with his lips. He lifted his head to look at her, “Did I miss something? What's so funny?”

  “I'm sorry. I ripped the buttons off your shirt and couldn't help thinking that this wasn't a good day for your shirts.”

  Kai smiled too. “Honey, you may rip away. My shirt is the last thing I wanna think about. I’m far more interested in getting you out of those jeans and me out of mine.” He followed this by releasing the metal button from her denim jeans and sliding the zipper down.

  He was too slow. Emma tried to shove his hands out of the way and finish the task but he took her hands and held them in one of his. “No, this is for me. I want to do this.” He proceeded to slide the denim over the swell of her behind and down her hips. He tugged the brief panties she wore down and skimmed them off her legs along with the jeans.

  Emma wasn’t one to remain uninvolved. She pulled her hands from his firm grip. Smiling up at him she undid the button fly on his jeans and began the same slow torturous process. She grazed the hard muscular flesh of his rear with her wandering hands. A thrill shot through her and she returned to give his butt a full squeeze. His hips bucked forward, his hard arousal pressed against her belly.

  At the point of no return, Kai removed Emma’s remaining clothing with frenzied hands. Her urgency matched his as she pushed his jeans down his hips, released him from the confining denim and took him in her hands. A shudder rocketed through her at the velvet touch. Uninhibited or restrained by clothing, their naked bodies melded together flesh against flesh.

  She guided him to her slick entrance and cried out with sweet desperation “Now Kai! I want you now!”

  He needed no further encouragement. He pushed her knees apart then raised her hands above her head. He thrust into the welcoming heat of her body. He groaned his intense satisfaction in her ear as her inner muscles welcomed him. Nestled between her thighs he rocked against her, pumping harder and faster, building until their passion exploded. Exhausted, he collapsed and rolled to the side and cradled her against his chest. Their bodies’ slick with sweat. “Whoa, that was intense,” Emma gasped. Her labored breathing spiraled down from the momentum of her climax. “I'm sorry if I rushed you. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't wait.”

  “Why are you apologizing? That was amazing.” Kai ruffled his hand through his hair and used it to prop his head up. He looked down at her. “I can't seem to be near you for more than five minutes without wanting to get you naked and out of control.”

  Emma lifted her head and looked around. “One of these times I would like to be able to make it to the bed.” They were near the kitchen counter in a pile of discarded clothes. “Every time you and I get within touching distance we end up on this floor.” Emma laughed and rolled away.

  She snatched Kai's shirt from the floor and slipped the soft fabric around her. She walked on wobbly legs into the rough kitchen as she fastened the few remaining buttons. Emma poured some water into a glass then drank deeply. She refilled the glass and held it out to Kai while he lay watching her approach. He took the cup and emptied the entire contents.

  “Thank you, I needed that.”

  “How do you feel about getting something to eat, then going up there,” Emma pointed to the loft, “and continuing where we left off?”

  Kai grabbed his jeans and slid them on, leaving the top button undone. His hand snaked out to pull her closer. He traced his hand up the back of her leg and under the hem of his shirt to caress her bare bottom. “I think that's a fine idea.”

  Emma teased him, planting a quick kiss on his lips then stepping back out of his reach. “Uh-uh. Food first. We have all night, and suddenly I’m starving,” Grinning, she spun and exaggerated a sashay back into the kitchen.

  It didn't take long for Kai to join her. Unfortunately, his presence in the kitchen was more of a hindrance than a help while she put together sandwiches. Strong arms wrapped around her from behind and she smacked the roaming hands that fondled her waist before they moved upward. He caressed the flesh on her neck with gentle nips and kisses. With his lips and teeth, he nibbled a path to her ear where he nuzzled and suckled the fleshy lobe.

  Emma nearly forgot what she was doing. Her hand stilled, hovering over her task while she leaned into the sensations he produced. She tilted her head back surrendering to delicious sensations rippling through her body. Emma twisted in his arms and reached up to pull his head down to meet her lips.

  Kai's hands moved over her body. He lifted her under her arms until they were almost nose to nose. He kissed the tip of hers then raised her higher, above his head. Kai nuzzled his mouth into the vee of the half-buttoned shirt between her breasts. Emma flung her head back, pressing her hands to his shoulders while he licked and sucked. She loved his strength. He held her above him as if she weig
hed nothing. Her body prickled with sensation as he allowed her body to slide down his. On the downward progression, his lips met hers in a loving kiss.

  Kai cleared the food from the counter, sweeping it to the side. He lifted her legs to cradle his hips and settled her bottom on the edge of the counter. Nestled between her thighs he took her again.

  Chapter 19

  Much later, Kai nestled Emma’s sleeping form against him in the bed upstairs. It never ceased to amaze him how every part of him responded when she was near. He felt like a randy boy with no control over his libido. Even now after making love all night long he felt a tug in his chest and the stirring of his body.

  Dark hair cascaded over the pillow like a flowing river. She looked peaceful as she slept. Kai noticed tiny love bites marked her pale skin. The rough stubble from his unshaven face left a faint pink path of whisker burn over her breasts, the ridge of her shoulder and the curves of her hips and thighs.

  While she lay sleeping, he replayed the events of their incredible night over in his mind. Kai threw the sheet back. He couldn’t stay awake in bed any longer. He’d be tempted to wake her again. Emma was exhausted and deserved the rest. He rolled from the bed after disentangling Emma’s limbs from his own. She’d matched his passion and enthusiasm through most of the night but unlike him, she didn’t have preternatural stamina. He put some distance between the constant temptation she represented and went downstairs. The more time he spent with her confirmed what he’d known from the start. She belonged with him. Emma was his and his alone.

  The cabin was quiet. A small fire still crackled in the fireplace when Kai entered the open living room. He wrapped an afghan around his naked shoulders and plunked down into the cushy padding of the armchair. It was still dark even though dawn was trying to break the horizon. Despite his incredible stamina, even he should feel tired after the energetic romps they’d engaged in. Yet here he was at four thirty in the morning, wide awake, contemplating a future. How long could he have with her? She couldn’t live forever and he never wanted to let her go. She was his. He wasn’t comfortable with this new possessive feeling but had no way of controlling it. Something else to add to the growing list of things he’d never experienced.

  He had to find a way for them to be together always. He'd never tried before. It was long past time he returned to the spring. He’d served as a protector for thousands of years and it was time to petition the Guardian to release him from his penance. Now that he knew the life that was possible even for him, he couldn't go back. He’d do everything in his power to get her to reverse his curse. Surely he’d proven worthy by now. If the unthinkable happened and the guardian refused him, he’d stand by Emma until the end. Once she was gone, he’d return to the Guardian and have her end him as she’d once offered to do. Living a life without Emma would be unbearably empty and he’d had enough of a lonely existence. Knowing Emma had taught him his solitary life was no longer enough.

  Kai's head snapped up, his senses on full alert, ready to spring to action. Something felt different. It was too quiet. The forest was never silent, not even at night. He cocked his head straining to hear whatever it was that alerted him. He dropped low and moved to the nearest window. Careful to remain hidden he peered through the split between the two curtains. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw movement near the base of the trees lining the lane. He watched four figures detach themselves from the shadows and slither their way closer to the cabin.

  Kai took the stairs to the loft two at a time. Emma’s eyes popped open when he covered her mouth with his hand. He held a finger against his lips, signaling her to remain quiet. He could see the concern blossoming in her wide eyes but she only nodded. He grabbed a T-shirt off the floor and tossed it to Emma. She slipped it over her head and shoved her arms through the holes. Kai snatched up the nearest clothes strewn about the floor. He dressed in the jeans and shirt then led Emma down the stairs, keeping low and silent. He left Emma by the stairs while he ducked across the room to grab the car keys from the hook by the door.

  Kai quietly worked his way over to the hope chest and moved it aside. He pushed down on one of the slats. It sprang up revealing the handle to a secret panel in the floor. He pulled on the handle and a door opened along the seams of the hardwood. The wooden slat would flatten when it closed and be undetectable from the rest of the floor.

  Kai motioned for Emma to join him. He positioned the hope chest over the end of the secret door so that it would look natural against the wall. A quick glance around the cabin assured him nothing seemed out of place. He ushered Emma down the narrow ladder, following close behind her. He pulled the door closed and secured the latch above them.

  The room beneath the building was pitch black. Kai’s eyes adjusted to the darkness fast. He left Emma momentarily to light the lantern hanging from a hook near the ladder. Flickering light lit the small room. The wall opposite the ladder was loaded with weapons. A narrow passageway led underground towards the back of the cabin.

  “What’s going on?” Emma whispered.

  “We’ve got intruders. There are at least four of them. We’re getting the hell out of here!” Kai wasted no time explaining. He grabbed a black duffel bag from a nearby shelf and started loading essentials. He took a handgun from the wall, loaded it and tucked it into the waistband of his jeans. He threw extra boxes of ammo and a spare clip into the bag. A canteen, some cylinders, and an assortment of knives followed the ammo into the bag. He loaded another, smaller handgun, set the safety and tossed it in the bag too. A pair of boots sat on a shelf. He grabbed them and a jacket. Emma watched him work quietly shivering. He wrapped the jacket around her. She was awesome. She was handling this like a pro. She asked no questions. She just stood silent and trusted he knew what he was doing. He had the boots on and was tucking extra blades into each boot in seconds.

  He tossed the duffel bag over his shoulder and lifted the lantern from its hook. He took Emma’s hand and led her down the long dark corridor. He pulled her along and didn't stop until the passageway came to an abrupt end.

  A small metal door like a submarine hatch with a small wheel in the center was the only exit. Kai spun the locking mechanism and pushed the door wide enough or him to poke his head through and scan the area. Assured no one lurked nearby he and Emma slipped through and closed the door. They re-adjusted the outer covering so the exit remained hidden.

  Kai motioned for Emma to stay quiet. He moved away from the gentle slope of the hill to do reconnaissance. When he returned, he leaned close to her ear and whispered, “I counted five of them. They’re closing in on the cabin right now.” Her eyes were huge and he hated scaring her like he had. “It’s okay sweetheart. They were counting on catching us unaware. The cars clear. It doesn't look like they've tampered with it and they came in from the opposite side.” Kai pointed towards the woods where the intruders first appeared. He handed Emma the keys, “I want you to wait until they enter. When I give the signal, run to the car as fast as you can. Jump in the driver’s seat and drive.”

  “No. I won’t leave without you.” She kept her voice low but Kai knew she would fight him on this.

  “Don't worry about me I'll be there beside you, and even if I'm not, promise me you’ll drive away. Do you understand?”

  “I won't leave you.” Damn she’s stubborn.

  “Yes you will. I know you don't want to, but I need you to give me your word. Promise you’ll leave even if I'm not in the seat beside you.”

  “I can’t promise I’ll leave you behind. Don’t ask me to.”

  “Emma, I’ll catch up. And if I don’t catch up, I promise you, I'll find you.” He stroked his finger along her cheek. “Do you remember how to get to the town we went to for supplies? I want you to drive there. There's a little bed-and-breakfast on the outskirts of town on the left side right as you come in. I want you to get a room and wait for me.”

  “I can't get a room. I have no money, no ID or clothes. I'm not even wearing shoes.”H
e looked down at her bare feet.

  “Shit! I’m sorry. There's a spare credit card and emergency cash in the inner pocket of my jacket. You can stop long enough to get some clothes, but then I want you to leave here whether I'm with you or not. Okay? I'll catch up.”

  “What if you’re hurt?”

  “I'm immortal. I’ll heal. Remember?” He shot her a grin. “I used to live for this shit. I’ll be okay it's you I’m worried about. That's why I want you to give me your word that you’ll go.”

  “All right, I don't like it, but I'll do it. You just better be there!”

  “Good, that's my girl.” Kai squeezed her hand for encouragement. He hauled her into his arms and kissed her like it was their last. This isn’t goodbye.

  Kai watched while they waited in silence. His plan would work. It had to. The intruders finally made their move and entered the cabin. Kai moved with incredible speed to position himself near the outer corner of the cabin. When he was sure that there were no stragglers he signaled for Emma to make a break for the car.

  Chapter 20

  Emma waited anxiously nibbling on her lip to keep silent. The moment Kai signaled her, she ran hell bent for the car. When she approached the driver’s side she slowed to avoid crashing. Nothing like the sound of a body slamming against metal to alert intruders. She flung the door open and dove in. Adrenaline pumped in her veins and her heart raced. Hands shaking, she inserted the keys into the ignition and cranked it over. The engine roared to life and Emma yanked the gear shift into reverse and slammed the door. She glanced into the rearview mirror while turning the wheel and stomped on the gas pedal. Gravel sprayed the underside of the car as she spun it in reverse.

  Popping the gear to drive, she looked up in time to see Kai remove a pin from the cylinder in his hand and throw it. It crashed through the cabin window and he ran toward her frantically waving for her to go. Emma obeyed for once without argument. She stepped on the gas. Kai reached for the door handle and yanked it open as he raced alongside the moving vehicle. With one hand holding the door open he braced the other on the roof and hopped into the passenger seat. Kai slammed the door shut and Emma kept driving as promised, spitting gravel behind her.


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