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by Hyacinth-Scarlet

  Bloodkin 3

  Blood, Flesh, and Spirit

  After he is killed, bloodkin Dante Bloodclaw remains in the world of the living through the bond with light elf Eli Starburst. Enduring in an existence that defies everything he’s ever known, he is burdened by the knowledge that Eli deserves better than the shadow of a mate. But Eli is completely decided to bring Dante back. With the help of Dante’s father, the two attempt the impossible.

  But the bloodkin world is ripe with treachery and deceit, and enemies are waiting in the shadows, ready to strike. Dante and Eli find themselves not only fighting for their lives, but also for the fate of the entire world.

  Surrounded by uncertainty and hostility, Dante and Eli can only cling to the love that miraculously keeps them together in their quest to save themselves, and their loved ones. But can those feelings reunite a nation and end age-old animosities? Can bonds of blood, flesh, and spirit defeat death itself?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Vampires/Werewolves Length: 54,652 words


  Bloodkin 3

  Scarlet Hyacinth

  EROTIC ROMANCE MANLOVE Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  A SIREN PUBLISHING BOOK IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove BLOOD, FLESH, AND SPIRIT Copyright © 2013 by Scarlet Hyacinth E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-432-0

  First E-book Publication: March 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Bloodkin 3


  Copyright © 2013 Prologue

  In the beginning, there were only the elves. Living apart from the world of the humans, in their beautiful idyllic island of Manturanael, they attempted to achieve a perfect balance with nature, with Mother Earth. But in spite of the depth and knowledge they accumulated, not even elves were perfect.

  Two distinct types had existed from the dawn of time, the night elves and the light elves. There was a natural wariness between them, but they managed to coexist in harmony. Separated into two, the elven clans were nevertheless drawn to each other. As different as the elements they aligned themselves with, certain members still found their opposites attractive.

  Pairings were formed as light elves mated night elves. But the cross-breeding had an unexpected effect. A new species emerged from the mix, a different type of elf. It was with great dismay that the elven leaders realized that these half-breeds had an affliction that couldn’t be contained, the lust for blood.

  Exiled from Manturanael, the new species ended up on the main continent, in the lands of the humans. With great difficulty, they started to build their own civilization. This was how the race of the bloodkin appeared.

  In spite of their unfortunate beginnings, or perhaps because of them, the bloodkin adapted quickly to their new circumstances. Soon, their city, now called Tachaka, grew into a bustling metropolis. Unlike the elves, who knowingly isolated themselves from the rest of the world, they began to expand their area of influence, until their dangerous instincts became a problem from the humans.

  Fortunately, the bloodkin Imperators did not wish for unnecessary suffering. Seeking to prevent their people from attacking the weak, they created the Covenant, forbidding bloodkin from killing humans in the feeding process. Since they knew that in some ways, this limitation wouldn’t be received with too much enthusiasm, the institution of the Kin Lords appeared, meant to enforce the Covenant above all else.

  Alas, in spite of seemingly good intentions, the bloodkin throne was plagued by treachery and deceit. Constant attempts of assassination within the same family often shook the bloodkin political scene. The elves monitored the situation, but couldn’t get involved. In the meantime, other races, such as the humans or the avians, did their best to stay out of the range of the blast and hoped the instability wouldn’t affect them too much.

  To a certain extent, they succeeded. In the end, the bloodkin always snapped back, and a period of relative calm followed after the chaos. What would happen, though, when the desperate love of a handful of elves and bloodkin changed the very outlook on life of the bloodkin leaders? It was a good question, and one only these courageous warriors could answer.

  Chapter One

  A few months before “So, you’ll transmit this message to the bloodkin prince,” Eli repeated, just to make sure his messenger fully understood what he had to do. “Then return to me with a response.”

  “I shall,” the wraith responded. “I won’t fail you.” In truth, Eli knew the wraith held no loyalty toward him. However, the messenger he’d chosen had known Eli’s friend, Kier, as well as Vane Bloodmoor for decades. Eli had faith that the man would complete his mission, for the two of them.

  Distantly, Eli wondered what in the world he was doing. He must have completely lost his mind. This was madness, and he would certainly get punished for it once it all came out.

  However, Kier was in trouble. Eli had known it would eventually happen. He’d realized all too well that Kier’s involvement with the bloodkin would likely lead Kier to his death. But understanding it intellectually and actually being forced to face it were two completely different things.

  He and Kier had been lovers once. Not only that, but they’d also been best friends, as close as two elves could possibly get. Even if Kier had chosen Cole Bloodmoor over him, El
i couldn’t possibly abandon the night elf in his time of need.

  But his only ally in this matter was Marlais Hayden, the human whom Kier himself had brought here. Eli had needed more help. He’d used his father’s clout and influence to figure out what influential bloodkin figures would be more likely to assist him. This was how he’d run into the name of Prince Dante Bloodclaw.

  Dante was the youngest son of Imperator Aran Bloodclaw, notoriously close to his father, but also against recent policy changes. Many people called him idealistic, and in some circles, he was praised as a visionary. Eli hoped that Dante owned up to the information his father’s spies had provided. He was going to a lot of trouble to reach out to the prince.

  The only method he’d come up with was sending a wraith. After some digging, he found the same one Vane Bloodmoor had used, a man named Thomson. Ironically, Marlais’s presence had helped convince Thomson that Eli truly meant well, although Marlais seemed, on the whole, confused as to Thomson’s identity. Obviously, Vane Bloodmoor had zealously guarded his secrets from Marlais, even if there appeared to be a connection of sorts between the two.

  In the end, Thomson had agreed to deliver his discreet request for a meeting to Prince Dante. From this point on, there was nothing Eli could do but wait.

  Once Thomson was gone, Eli turned toward Marlais. “You have to be ready,” he warned the human. “This won’t be easy. Even if the prince receives my message, there’s no telling what he’ll reply. Likely, he’ll want something in exchange for his assistance.”

  “I don’t have anything of real worth,” the human confessed, “although I doubt any material possession of mine would interest a bloodkin prince. What would he possibly ask?”

  “I don’t know,” Eli answered. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  * * * *

  The next evening The first thing Eli registered as he stepped into the inn was a burst of boisterous laughter. The tavern Prince Dante had chosen as a meeting place looked, for lack of a better word, very human. Not that Eli had anything against humans. To a certain extent, he envied the freedom of their ways. But this inn was as foreign for him as a Tachakan establishment would be. If not for his strong resolve and his long years, he might have actually panicked.

  Instead, he stepped inside the large room, not hesitating for a single second. The scent of tobacco assaulted his nostrils, and he suppressed a grimace of distaste. Under the thick cloak of his glamour, he looked like just another patron, but his reactions could still give him away. Eli didn’t think that revealing himself as an elf would be a very good idea.

  Dodging swaying couples, intoxicated humans, and harassedlooking serving girls, Eli made his way to a free table. As he sat down, he quickly figured out why it had been free in the first place. An earlier patron had decided to show his dislike for the establishment in a very physical way. Eli had effectively managed to step in a puddle of vomit. What a great way to prepare for a meeting with the bloodkin prince. The table itself didn’t look that much cleaner than the floor. In fact, it seemed suspiciously sticky.

  Taking a deep breath, Eli prayed to Mother Earth for patience. He had to look on the bright side. Likely, there was no way any spy could figure out such an important meeting would take place in such a dubious locale.

  Forcing himself to relax, Eli waved a servant girl over and ordered some ale. At the very least, he could try to fit in. Unsurprisingly, the brew she brought over was abysmal, but it served its purpose anyway.

  As he sat there, pretending to drink the concoction, Eli scanned the room. Undoubtedly, the bloodkin prince would be under a glamour as well. However, some mannerism, the intrinsic grace of royalty, wouldn’t be easily hidden. Eli’s trained eye could detect them. Did any of the people here look like they would qualify?

  At first, the answer was a discouraging no. However, just as Eli started to wonder whether he’d been fooled by the bloodkin, he felt something like a prickling at the back of his neck. As discreetly as possible, he turned. Instantly, his gaze zeroed in on a darkened table in the corner of the room, where one lone man sat. Upon first inspection, Eli would have said that the stranger’s features were completely ordinary, but even from the distance and through the smoky room, Eli could see the other man’s eyes, shining like black diamonds. No human had eyes like that. Eli was instantly transfixed.

  He didn’t know how he’d originally missed the bloodkin’s presence. It seemed so obvious now. For a few moments, they just stared at each other, while Eli debated whether he should approach the second table or not. In the end, the prince took the decision out of Eli’s hands. He got up and sauntered toward Eli. Without even introducing himself, he slid onto a chair next to Eli. “You and I have a conversation pending, yes?” he asked.

  “Indeed,” Eli replied laconically. No matter how beautiful the man’s eyes were, he was reluctant to reveal anything until the stranger dropped his glamour. Besides, such sensitive matters were better discussed in private. If, in the process, Eli managed to escape this damnable place, that would only be an additional benefit.

  The other man smiled, his bright eyes glittering with amusement. Eli had the passing thought that those orbs reminded him of the stars in the Manturanael sky. Horrified at himself, he quickly pushed the treacherous idea away and did his best to seem impassive.

  “Perhaps we should continue our conversation somewhere else,” the bloodkin suggested.

  Relieved, Eli immediately wanted to assent. Although he felt a little apprehensive as to the true intentions of the bloodkin in front of him, it would be better to investigate them in a less frustrating and disruptive environment.

  “Agreed,” he told the other man.

  He got up, abandoning his practically untouched drink. The servant girl materialized at his side, a remarkable feat given the hustle and bustle she had to dodge. Eli threw her a couple of coins, leaving a little tip. He didn’t want to be remembered for either being cheap or particularly generous. The best choice under these circumstances would be to remain completely innocuous.

  The bloodkin had already gotten up and was walking away. Eli quickly followed, paying close attention so as not to lose sight of the bloodkin. When he finally exited the large room, Eli realized with a measure of dismay that the other man was headed upstairs to where the sleeping quarters were presumably located. He supposed it would have been too much to ask for them to leave this place entirely. In the end, the whole point of meeting here had been the absolutely unremarkable nature of the establishment, and that hadn’t changed.

  As such, Eli didn’t hesitate and obediently trailed after the bloodkin. As they reached the top floor, the other man entered one of the rooms, and Eli did the same. Once they were behind closed doors, the bloodkin turned toward Eli once again and said, “Perhaps we should introduce ourselves now.”

  Eli nodded, and in a sign of goodwill, allowed his glamour to fade. “My name is Eli Starburst. I’m here to discuss the welfare of a dear friend.”

  A spark of interest appeared in the bloodkin’s dark eyes. “Ah, yes. Kier Darksun. I believe he got himself in quite a predicament.”

  As he spoke, the bloodkin dropped his own glamour. Eli didn’t know what he’d expected to see. He’d met bloodkin before, and very attractive ones at that. Personally, he had never understood the appeal, never grasped the reason why his friend had decided to forego everything he’d ever known for a member of that species.

  However, as he stood there and looked at Dante Bloodclaw—the identity of his companion was unmistakable now—Eli was struck by the incredible beauty of the other man. His deep black eyes had offered a hint of the man’s looks, but it didn’t truly strike home until now. Dante had almost androgynous features, his long blond hair tied in a neat braid. And yet, there was something wild about him, a sense of barely leashed power that made Eli shiver. And those eyes…They seemed even more shocking now, deep pools of fathomless black. Distantly, Eli thought that he could have easily drowned in them.

bsp; Shaking himself, Eli focused on the reason why he’d summoned Dante here in the first place. All right, so the bloodkin was attractive. That didn’t change what Eli needed to do. He was well aware of his priorities, and they didn’t include drooling over the youngest bloodkin prince.

  “Yes,” he said, after a pause that seemed too long even to his own ears. The concern for his friend gave him something to focus on that wasn’t Dante’s full, oh-so-kissable lips. “Is Kier all right?” Remembering Marlais Hayden’s request, he hastily added, “I’m also interested in the welfare of Vane Bloodmoor.”

  “For the moment, they’re both as unharmed as can be expected,” Dante replied. “However, I expect that to change soon.”

  Eli took a deep breath, memories of his long years spent with Kier flashing through his mind. He couldn’t allow it. There had to be a way to save his friend. “Can you help me rescue them?”

  Dante hummed thoughtfully. “Why should I? What do I gain out of all of this? And what’s your interest in Vane Bloodmoor? I can understand a possible friendship with the dark elf, but Lord Bloodmoor isn’t in that situation.”

  “There is someone else, a human who is very worried for him,” Eli replied honestly. “I’d have brought him with me, but I decided against it since I didn’t know how risky this entire meeting was.”

  “I see,” Dante answered, plopping down onto the bed and crossing his legs. “But you still haven’t addressed my first questions. You’re asking me to jeopardize my position, perhaps even my life. My father doesn’t take being thwarted lightly. Why should I do it?”

  Eli’s heart started to race as he watched Dante stretch languorously on the bed. That simply wasn’t fair. He didn’t know if the bloodkin was deliberately trying to seduce him, but he would not, could not allow it.

  “For the same reason why you chose to come to this meeting in the first place,” he replied without missing a beat.


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