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-Blood-Flesh-and-Spirit Page 9

by Hyacinth-Scarlet

  He had other plans, ideas he was struggling with in the long hours when nightmares wouldn’t let him sleep. The truth was that bloodkin were expanding beyond their current resources. Aran had been aware of that for quite some time, and in his arrogance, he’d gone against everything he’d once believed in while attempting to solve the problem. He had wanted to give Dante the world, but also to free his son, his heir from anything that would shadow his future reign.

  Seeing what he had done to his son had brought him back, but it still didn’t eliminate the issue. Aran needed to find new ways of acquiring sustenance without unbalancing the current state of affairs. There were a lot of humans who were willing to act as donors, but also an increasing number of bloodkin. Animal blood could work as a substitute, but it simply didn’t provide what bloodkin needed and wanted.

  Right now, Aran was interested in exploring the lands beyond the Great Waters a little further. Bloodkin had never gone so far before, mostly because a large part of the area was under the influence of Manturanael and the elves.

  But his first priority remained Dante and getting his son back. It was hard enough to have to be both a father and an Imperator at the same time. He didn’t need to be worried about having his older sons stab him in the back.

  “Do you understand your new duties?” he finally asked.

  “Yes, Father,” Gideon dutifully replied. “Perfectly.”

  “Of course, Sire,” Valerian said in turn. “Thank you for your trust.”

  “Excellent. You are dismissed.”

  As his two older sons left the room, a man drifted from the shadows and entered the throne room. “Watch them,” Aran ordered.

  The spy nodded and bowed. “It will be as you will it, Majesty.”

  Aran grinned. “Thank you, Thomson. Your loyalty will be, as always, greatly rewarded.”

  The wraith’s eyes glittered with lust as he leaned ever so slightly toward Aran. Aran arched a brow and shook his head. He was not in the mood for anything sexual right now, and the wraith hadn’t done anything to earn any specific favors.

  Swallowing nervously, Thomson pulled away. “I will return when I have more information for you.”

  Aran watched him go with a smile. He still had countless aces up his sleeve that not even Dante was aware of, and if anyone tried to betray him again, they would understand the true meaning of his wrath.

  * * * * After Eli’s awakening, the hours dragged on forever. At first, Dante had panicked when he had found Eli practically unconscious again, but as it turned out, his mate had only been sleeping. The priests expected him to make a complete recovery.

  Still, Dante didn’t move from Eli’s side. The fact that he didn’t actually have any physical necessities came in handy, and he waited there, next to Eli’s bed, wondering what he was going to do now. Eli wanted to try again and Dante had sort of promised that he would agree. But was he making another mistake in allowing Eli to persuade him? He knew himself well and he realized that if he was truly against something, he wouldn’t do it. However, he couldn’t help but remember Eli’s words. This went beyond a simple plea from his mate. Eli had asked him to have faith. How could Dante refuse?

  Time passed slowly as Dante mused over what to do next. There were so many things he’d have done differently if he had been given the chance, but now…Now it looked like his path was set out for him and there was nothing he could do but tread it.

  “You look so serious,” a familiar, beloved voice commented. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  Dante jumped, guiltily realizing that he’d been so lost in thought he hadn’t realized his mate had woken up. “How long have you been watching me?” he inquired, gently cupping Eli’s cheek.

  “Not long,” Eli replied with a small smile. “Now don’t try to avoid the question. What’s on your mind?”

  Dante wanted to be strong for Eli. He owed his mate that, after everything that had happened. But Eli had a way of crumbling his every defense, and Dante found himself blurting out everything. “I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know how to protect you, how to make you happy. I want to be a good mate for you, but I’m failing so miserably.”

  “You’re not failing.” Eli frowned and brushed his thumb over Dante’s lower lip. “Don’t ever say that. You’re the best mate a man could ever want. We’ve encountered a couple of hiccups along the way, but I believe we’ll make things work eventually.”

  Hiccups? Dante almost couldn’t believe his ears. “You’re truly a master of understatements, aren’t you, baby?”

  They chuckled together, allowing themselves the brief moment of amusement and relaxation. Sadly, they were once more interrupted by a knock at the door. “Your father again,” Eli said.

  Dante grimaced. He cared about his sire, but he was still not over what had happened earlier that day. “I trust he brings us better tidings now,” he answered.

  “Technically speaking, we did receive good news,” Eli pointed out. “We just didn’t have a clear grasp on how to handle it.”

  Eli’s continued optimism humbled Dante. He had to admit that, at times, he almost couldn’t understand his mate. Eli seemed determined to sacrifice his own welfare even for the slightest hope of getting Dante back. Dante wasn’t sure what he’d done to warrant that kind of devotion, but he kept himself from addressing it. Instead, he headed toward the door and let his father in.

  “Greetings, Father,” he said. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, of course,” Aran replied as he entered the room. “How is Eli?”

  “He’s actually just awoken, but he’s not up for another ritual.” Dante frowned, unable to contain his disapproval. “Surely you know that.”

  As he spoke, Eli slipped out of the bedroom and into the main receiving room. He threw Dante a reprimanding look, then said, “Your Majesty, thank you for taking an interest in my well-being. I’m on the mend.”

  “Excellent,” the Imperator answered. “I don’t mean to keep you from your much-needed rest. I just came to bring a small matter to my son’s attention.” Turning toward Dante once more, he added, “Your brothers wish to meet with you.”

  Dante froze in shock. So far, his father had kept him away from Gideon and Valerian. Dante had honestly preferred it that way, especially since it was likely they wouldn’t have been able to see him. Now, though, a meeting was possible, perhaps even inevitable.

  “Do you want me to see them?” he asked his father slowly.

  “A good question,” Aran commented. “I suppose that, to a certain extent, it would benefit me for them to learn that I’m not insane and pursuing shadows. On the other hand, I don’t particularly intend to involve them in any of my more sensitive plans. In the end, it’s your choice. I won’t force you either way.”

  It was true. His father would not push him into something he didn’t feel ready for. Nevertheless, Aran might not be saying it, but this was an important decision, more so than what it seemed at first glance.

  Eli seemed a little puzzled, still not fully understanding the family dynamics even if he intellectually acknowledged it. But Dante did grasp all the subtleties of it. Right now, for good or ill, there was a far larger chance that he would be able to come back and take his previous place in the imperial family. Gideon’s and Valerian’s reactions were important. The bloodkin were already in turmoil over issues that Dante couldn’t currently get involved into. At the very least, he could attempt to gain his brothers’ cooperation.

  “All right, Father,” he answered. “They are my siblings and deserve this simple courtesy. I agree.”

  “Can I join you?” Eli asked hesitantly. “I know this is probably a private meeting for the family, but I don’t like the thought of leaving Dante’s side.”

  “Oh, baby.” Dante wanted to hug Eli and never let go. “It wouldn’t be for long.”

  “Actually, your mate has a point. Hiding him here in these quarters is useless. It would be far more recommendable for people to
start meeting him, too.”

  Dante couldn’t argue against that. So far, the only people who knew Eli were the priests of Mother Earth. They were good people, and they got along with Eli well enough, but they almost never left their temples. This was actually why information on Eli was so limited amongst other bloodkin.

  If he wanted to be honest, Dante was more than comfortable with the current situation. It meant that the risk on Eli’s life was kept at the minimum. Exposing his mate to his brothers was unwarranted and a chance he shouldn’t take, especially when Eli had just gone through such a difficult experience.

  Nevertheless, it wasn’t only his choice to make. Dante could attempt to protect his mate all he wanted, but in the end, he respected Eli too much to truly keep him from something.

  “Be honest, baby,” he said. “Do you think you’re up for it? It won’t be easy. My brothers aren’t exactly the most pleasant people to be around.”

  “I’m not worried.” Eli shrugged. “I’m more resilient than you think, Dante, and I’m already feeling much better. This is important for you, so it’s important for me, too. I want to do it.”

  “We can hold the meeting here,” Aran offered. “We’ll keep it brief, so that Eli doesn’t get tired. I believe that the gist of what your brothers aim to learn can be said in a couple of minutes.”

  For the millionth time that day, Dante released a heavy sigh. Aran and Eli were right. They couldn’t hide here forever, not from his brothers, not from the world of the bloodkin. In the end, like Eli had said, it was all about faith. Dante had to stop doubting and believe. After all, no matter how many attempts either of them made to fix this, only love could truly help. And if there was anything Dante trusted in this world, it was his and Eli’s love. Against that, he could make no argument.

  So without further comment, he agreed to the meeting. He only hoped that he wasn’t making a huge mistake.

  * * * * The first thing Eli noticed about the older bloodkin princes was how different they were from Dante. He had seen them before, in passing and from the distance, but never from up close.

  But as they entered his and Dante’s quarters, he noticed it all now, and the difference shook him. These men weren’t like Dante. They weren’t even like Vane and Cole Bloodmoor, or like their father, who had many times shown emotion. Gideon and Valerian Bloodclaw were blank slates. Eli couldn’t read them at all, couldn’t even see a shadow of dislike or repulsion. He wanted to believe that it was a mask. Anything was better than the thought of his mate having such cold and emotionless siblings.

  Aran let the two princes inside, opening the door for them when they were led here by a group of guards. The Imperator then stepped aside, leaning against the wall and giving them space. Dante had not yet made his appearance, as he and Eli had decided to monitor their reactions to Eli first.

  Eli got up from the settee he’d been lounging on. “Thank you for coming,” he said. “Your interest is greatly appreciated.”

  “We have not come here for you, elf,” the younger of the princes, Valerian, said. Eli recognized him easily, mostly because of the difference in build and stance, but also due to Valerian’s very distinctive eye color. “We wanted to see our brother.”

  “Remember yourself, Valerian,” Aran warned. “Eli is a guest in my house, and I won’t have you slight him in any way.”

  Immediately, Valerian revised his behavior. “Of course, Father. It is merely impatience that sharpened my tongue. We are very eager to be reunited with Dante.”

  “I understand completely,” Eli hastened to say, “and your wariness toward me is understandable. But let me introduce myself. I am Eli Starburst, Dante’s mate.”

  “His mate,” Gideon said, speaking for the first time. He almost seemed amused, although Eli suspected it would be a mistake to interpret Gideon’s reactions by his normal standards. “I see. And I take it we have you to thank for our brother’s imminent return.”

  “Indeed,” Dante answered in Eli’s stead as he appeared from the bedroom. “Cut the sarcasm, brother. It was never your strong point.”

  Dante’s appearance caused quite a reaction. Neither of the two older bloodkin princes seemed to have expected their father’s claim to actually amount to anything. Eli actually experienced a great deal of satisfaction upon seeing the shock on their faces, one that not even they could hide.

  The surprise passed in but a moment, and both Gideon and Valerian snapped back. “Dante,” Gideon said neutrally. “I suppose it would be a foolish endeavor to ask if that’s really you.”

  “I expect you know me well enough to judge that for yourself, Gideon,” Dante answered. “Yes, it’s me. This is my…spiritual form, so to speak. My body remains in the temples. With Eli’s help, we are attempting to unite the two.”

  “I see,” Gideon replied. “And have you had any luck in this endeavor?”

  “To a certain extent, yes,” Aran piped up, “but it is very taxing on Eli, and we wish to make sure Dante’s mate is completely safe before we proceed further.”

  “Taxing in what way?” Valerian inquired.

  Eli wondered just how much they should be saying in this matter. Gideon and Valerian might be Dante’s brothers, but that didn’t mean they were trustworthy.

  “It is an energy exchange,” Aran offered, much to Eli’s surprise. “To return to his physical form, Dante needs a great deal of strength and support, one which Eli, as his mate, is struggling to provide. But it is of course not something easily handled, and we cannot rush the process.”

  “Of course,” Gideon repeated, his gaze scanning Eli from head to toe. “You do look a little pale, Lord Starburst.”

  Eli didn’t like being the center of attention like that. This meeting wasn’t about him, in the end, but about Dante. Alas, Gideon’s words did make Dante focus on Eli. “Are you all right?” his lover inquired. “Come on. Sit down.”

  Even if he hated being babied, Eli obeyed. The last thing Dante needed was something else to be worried about. “I’m fine,” he said as he sat down. “Please, continue your conversation.”

  “We can do so another time if you’d prefer,” Valerian said.

  Eli just shook his head, and Dante seemed to resign himself to the situation. “He’s stubborn,” he told his brothers, “and he’ll never forgive me if I asked you to leave now. Please, make yourselves comfortable. I’m sure you have a lot of questions. Maybe you’re even angry at me.”

  “We’re not angry,” Gideon said, staring straight at Dante and apparently choosing to speak in Valerian’s name as well. Then again, of course they weren’t furious. They had no reason to be, if they were emotionless. “We would like to know, however, how you made your way back and what your intentions are at this point.”

  As both Gideon and Valerian took Dante’s invitation and sat down, Dante chuckled. “My intentions? I have to be alive to proceed with any particular plan. Right now, I just want to do that. Once we manage—as we all hope will be the case—I trust Father will have numerous tasks for me, things to catch up on. The rest will come in time. As for how it happened, I cannot take the credit in any way. Eli brought me back. I believe Mother Earth gave us another chance to be together because of how much Eli and I cared about each other.”

  As he spoke, Dante plopped down next to Eli and gripped Eli’s hand. “Well, you definitely haven’t changed,” Valerian mumbled under his breath.

  The comment actually sounded derogatory, but Eli held his tongue and placed his head on Dante’s shoulder. At that, Aran clapped his hands together and said, “Well, in spite of what Eli might say, I think it’s high time we ended this meeting. There’ll be plenty of time to discuss things further.”

  “Indeed,” Gideon answered, now getting up. “We have a great many tasks to accomplish and we cannot linger.”

  Dante left the couch as his brothers readied themselves to leave. In spite of still feeling a little weak, Eli followed his mate’s example. “Again, thank you for your interest,” he sai
d, smiling. “I believe that your assistance would be invaluable in these difficult times.”

  It was his way to offer an olive branch. He didn’t know if it worked or not as the bloodkin princes remained as unreadable as ever. Still, he thought he detected a small smile on Valerian’s lips, just before the other man turned toward the door.

  Eli wasn’t sure what it meant, or if it was a good sign or a bad omen. Nevertheless, he was more than relieved when both the princes and the Imperator left the quarters he shared with Dante.

  “Well, that was interesting,” he commented.

  “If by interesting you mean excruciatingly awkward, yes,” Dante replied. “Let’s just go to bed, baby. You need your rest, and I need to hold you.”

  They were both aware that Dante couldn’t hold him, not really, no matter how much solidity the bloodkin had gained. Still, as they retreat to their quarters, he once more gave thanks that Dante had turned out such a great man. Comparing Dante to his brothers truly put things into perspective, and now more than ever, Eli was proud to be Dante’s mate.

  Chapter Five

  A few weeks later Dante had always had honest appreciation for more unconventional places to have sex in. He was by no means shy, not necessarily because he had no reason to, but rather because it simply wasn’t a smart thing to be in the bloodkin imperial family. However, he was gaining new appreciation for the comfort of a simple bed and the privacy of his own quarters.

  Dante shook himself as he climbed on top of Eli on the marble platform. He hated to say it, but he was beginning to have a visceral reaction just from entering this room. No sooner had he entered the temple than his cock hardened in anticipation of what was to come. But then, who could blame him, with such a lovely mate, waiting for his embrace, for his kisses, and of course, for his dick? But yes, he’d have much preferred to enjoy his mate in private, and it irritated him that he had to go through this process again and again.

  Eli arched a brow at him and grinned. “Don’t you look eager. One would think it’s a chore to have sex with me.”


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