Redeemed (Bad Blooded Rebel #4)

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Redeemed (Bad Blooded Rebel #4) Page 9

by Mellie George

  Everleigh smiled and shook her head. “Oh no, it’s okay, Dr. Mitchell.”

  “So,” I blurted out, “do you have the results? Don’t keep us waiting any longer, doc, I’m dying here.”

  Everleigh tapped my arm hard and said, “Ryder, calm down.”

  Dr. Mitchell smiled warmly at me and said, “It’s okay, Everleigh. I do have the results of your exams,” she said, looking down at her iPad and touching the screen.

  Everleigh took my hand in hers and squeezed tightly, letting me know that she was just as nervous as I was. “And? Is everything okay?”

  “Well,” Dr. Mitchell began, “unfortunately there isn’t anything we can do right now to help you conceive.”

  I felt like I’d just been hit in the stomach and I held onto Everleigh’s hand as I felt her disappointment roll through me. “Oh no, baby,” I said, leaning down to kiss her hair.

  “It’s okay, I’m okay,” she said, her voice low. Her bottom lip was already starting to tremble.

  Dr. Mitchell cleared her throat and we both raised our eyes to look at her. “I’m sorry to interrupt but I need to give you the results of your tests.”

  Everleigh sniffed and nodded her head. “Yes, of course, please go ahead, doctor.”

  Dr. Mitchell smiled and said, “Well, all of your test results were normal and everything looks great.”

  I frowned and was starting to get angry. “What? If everything ‘looks great’ then why the hell did you just tell us that we can’t conceive a child?”

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t conceive. I said that there isn’t anything I can do to help with that because,” she paused, “as it turns out, Everleigh is already pregnant.”

  My entire world shifted in that brief moment. My heart was instantly divided between my beautiful wife and the tiny innocent life we’d created that was growing inside her. I was stunned into silence and Everleigh was the first to speak. “I-I’m pregnant? Are you sure?”

  “Blood work, a urine test, and a Pap smear never lie, Everleigh,” Dr. Mitchell said. “Congratulations, you two!”

  I looked from the doctor over to Everleigh who’d gone from devastated to floating on a cloud in a matter of seconds. She was so beautiful in her happiness and she already looked like she was glowing. Giving my hand a shake, she said, “Ryder? You okay?”

  I was going to be a father. My wife and I had finally started our family. The woman of my dreams was carrying my child. Leaning into her face, I said, “I am more than okay, gorgeous. We’re having our baby,” I said softly and she let out a little laugh as a tear fell down her cheek. “I’m going to be a daddy.”

  Another tear fell and she whispered, “You’re going to be a daddy.” I instinctively placed my hand protectively over her stomach.

  Dr. Mitchell told us a few more things, including the baby’s due date, but none of it registered in my mind. All I could think about was the fact that my beautiful wife was finally pregnant and we were going to be parents. I must have been pretty out of it because before I knew it Everleigh said, “Are you ready to go home, rock star?”

  I flexed my fingers around her belly and gave it a quick kiss. “I’m ready,” I said, and I helped her off the table. We walked out of the office hand in hand, happier than I can remember. “So, when are you going to call the girls?”

  She smiled. “Let’s just keep this to ourselves for a few days. We’ve been trying so long and now that it’s happened I kind of want to relish in it before we tell the rest of the family.”

  “Deal,” I said, kissing her forehead before opening the passenger door to the Escalade. “Have you heard from Danni, Jess, or Sadie yet?” As far as our music was concerned, Bad Blooded Rebel was had been better than ever. When our contract was up with Bulldoze Records, we chose not to resign with the asshole twins and with Jessie’s excellent organizational skills, we’d started Rebel Records and had put her in charge. Sadie had taken over all of our producing and we were incredibly lucky to have such a talented girl with an ear for music at the helm.

  We had just wrapped up a four month tour last month and when it was over all of us went off to do our own thing with our favorite girls. Kris and Jessie were married a few months after Everleigh and I tied the knot and went on a second honeymoon. Jessie hadn’t been feeling well the last few days of the tour and I had a feeling that they would have some baby news of their own sometime soon.

  Even though they weren’t a couple, Jude and Sadie had become inseparable. When we all got home, instead of getting some much needed rest they both decided to take a trip to Vegas of all places to do some gambling and have a good time. I knew most of us had our concerns about Jude and Sadie spending so much time together but luckily that fear subsided quickly. Jude was a man of his word and had kept his hands off Sadie when it came to sex, and Sadie seemed to have lost that goo-goo eyed look she got every time she saw him. I was glad to see him have a platonic relationship with a female…Sadie was good for Jude. She kept him and his dick out of trouble.

  Danni and Beau had a tough year after the shit hit the fan in New York. Even though they weren’t a couple when Beau slept with that girl at The Rock Steady, Danni was still devastated over it and moved back home to Muncie. She still wanted to be friends with him because she didn’t want to cause a rift in the band or in our friendship. Beau, however, took it pretty hard and drowned himself in a bottle of Southern Comfort for six straight months. We were all worried that he was going to drink himself to death. After we tried to convince him to get some help, he refused and Everleigh called Danni for help. She reached out to Beau and packed up and moved to Cincinnati to help pull him out of his drunken stupor and get sober. So far things were slowly getting back on track for them and even though they weren’t officially a couple again I hoped for both their sakes they could work it out.

  She shook her head. “No but they should be back anytime. My birthday dinner is this weekend and they were pretty bummed they all missed out on it last year.”

  “Hey now, we had a little party for you in Vegas. They shouldn’t complain, they were there for the wedding and I think that overshadowed me hogging you on your birthday.”

  “You’re right,” she said, climbing into the passenger seat. “Everyone I love will be at the party this weekend and once they learn our news it will officially be the best birthday ever.”

  “Yes it will.” I smiled and kissed her quickly before jumping in behind the wheel. “So, what are we going to name him?” I asked as I started the car.

  Everleigh chuckled and said, “So you think this is a boy, huh?”

  “I know it is,” I said matter-of-factly. “So it’s never too early to start thinking of names.”

  “Ryder, slow down. I’m not due until November seventh. We have seven and half months before we have to really decide and another fourteen weeks before we can even find out the sex of the baby.”

  “We won’t need to. This is going to be a boy, I can feel it,” I said confidently. “So, what do you think we should name him?”

  Everleigh laughed lightheartedly and sighed. “God, this is going to a long pregnancy,” she said and continued, “Okay, I’ll play along. What do you think we should name the baby if it’s a boy?”

  There was only one name in my mind that would be fitting for our baby boy. “When our son is born I think we should name him Max. Maxwell Alan to be exact.”

  Her breath caught in her throat and out of the corner of my eye I could see her smiling sadly. After a few quiet moments she took my hand and said, “I think that’s a perfect name. Maxwell Alan Matthews it is. I love you so much, Daddy.”

  I grinned after hearing her call me the one thing I never thought I’d want to be called before I met this incredible girl sitting next to me. “I love you too, Mommy. Come on, let’s get home,” I said, pushing harder on the gas pedal

  She giggled. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

  “Because we are finally having our baby, Evie. We have some naked horizo
ntal celebrating to do,” I said, and we drove the rest of the way to our home, her laughter filling the air and the joy of our growing family surrounding us.

  It is hard for me to look back on the life I led before I met Everleigh, and I wonder how the hell a bastard like me was lucky enough to truly have everything he’s ever wanted in life. I’d gotten to live my dream of being a rock star with my three best friends, our music touching lives all over the globe, and somewhere in the midst of it all an angel fell into my life…an angel that had made dreams come true for me that I didn’t know I wished for. I had one hell of a dad growing up and if I was one tenth the father he was to not only me but Beau, Jude, and Kris I knew I’d be damn near perfect. Besides, no matter what, I knew I would have Everleigh by my side to remind me not to fuck up…and that sounded perfect to me.


  Wow, do I have a lot of people to thank this time around! I know that I am the one that wrote about Ryder and Everleigh and decided to share their story with all of you, but it never would have been what it’s become without several wonderful people that believed in them as much as I did and I want to take the time now to thank them.

  First, I have to thank my husband James. These past three years haven’t been easy…actually they have just about sucked. We have been through some of the hardest times in these past few years than we ever did before in all the time we’ve been married. Some days I have wanted to strangle you and I know that you’ve wanted to do the same to me because we are both stubborn as hell and stand our ground when it means something to us. Writing my books hasn’t been an easy thing for you to accept but you’ve stayed quiet when you didn’t want to. You’ve stuck by me through every fight, every worry, every tear, and every bit of stress I have had writing all of my books because you knew it was important to me. We’ve come a long way in the past few years (hell the past few months), and your support for me now means more than I can possibly tell you. Thank you for having my back in this and not laughing at me when I have written something that made me cry or yell at my computer when one of my characters does something I wasn’t expecting. I can hear your voice saying, “You know, you can change all of it. You are the boss of them, they do what you decide for them to do.” (It’s so cute when you try and tell me things like that, lol.) Bottom line is, I love you, you big hairy bear, and I always will. Thank you for everything, even when you’ve made me mad and made me that much more determined.

  To my daughters…there are no words I can possibly say that will tell you how much I love you girls. You are the reason I get up every day and the driving force behind everything I do. No matter where we all go in life, just remember that everything I’ve ever written or done was to give you a better life and make you proud. I love you, ladies!

  Thank you a million times over once again to Terri Anne Browning for all of your help and getting behind me on this story. I never expected for one of my all time favorite authors to talk to me, let alone support something I’d written and I am beyond grateful for everything you’ve done to help me. If you ever need anything from me, all you have to do is ask and it’s done!

  To my Rebels…Fiona, my cute little Welsh chippy! You have to be about the sweetest woman I’ve gotten to know and you have been behind me since Say Yes was published. Thanks for your support and friendship! Leanne (my musical go-to girl), thanks for pimping me so hard all while starting a writing career of your own. I am proud to know you and am happy for all of your success! Dawn, there is so much I could say about what an amazing friend and supporter you have been to me but I don’t have enough space, haha. You have helped me in so many ways and I hope you really know how much I appreciate you. Sam…oh Sam, where do I even begin? It is a very rare thing to find a friend that you can truly tell anything to and they will either laugh or cry (depending on the situation, lol) and always listen with an open mind and heart. We have opened up and told each other things that we’ve never been able to tell another living person and I am so beyond blessed that I met you. You already feel like my family and I love you to pieces, mama! Just remember I am willing to get matching tattoos with you, girl…if that’s not love I don’t know what is, haha.

  To my fellow authors/friends…Danielle Taylor (I love you so hard you don’t even know) for all the amazing covers, being an ear when I’m frustrated or crying, letting me be someone you vent to, and for all of your help and support! I didn’t do too bad on this cover, did I? ;) Thank you also to S. L. Rain, C. S. Janey, Mel Favreaux, Ella Col, Kimberly Biller, Georgie Summer, Sophie Monroe, Kat Collins, and the countless authors that are doing it indie style and inspiring me every single day!

  To my salon family…you know how much I love you all. Thanks for being you and making me smile.

  Special thanks to all of my readers! It is so amazing how much you have all loved Ryder and Everleigh’s story. I have loved telling it, especially Everleigh. There is so much of me in her that it’s crazy, so the fact that you love her means the world to me! Don’t think their story is over yet, kids, because it isn’t!

  Everleigh’s story with Scott is one that is becoming all too common in our world today. When any relationship ends, both people should be free to live their lives without fear of retaliation. I was personally affected this year by the affects of domestic violence when one of my coworkers was murdered after ending a relationship. Domestic violence is NEVER okay in any way, shape, or form and it is up to us as a society to speak out to end it! If you or someone you know is being abused or stalked, encourage them to seek help! The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233. Get help now before it is too late!

  I encourage all of you to please donate to a special trust account set up for my late friend Casey Krebs’ children. She was an amazing mother and wonderful friend who was taken way too soon. She would have done anything for her children and I want to help them now that she can’t. The information is below…please donate if you can.

  PrimeTrust Financial Account #980224

  3700 W. Bethel Ave.

  Muncie, IN 47304

  Phone Number: (765) 281-6003

  I love, love, LOVE to hear from and interact with readers and other authors, so look me up! I am on Facebook (Mellie George), I have an author page for you to “like” (, I’m on Twitter (@AuthorMellieG), and I am also on Instagram and Pinterest! Come and stalk me, you know you want to, lol! See you all again soon!

  Also available from Mellie George on Amazon and Barnes & Noble:

  Say Yes (Glenbrook Girls Series) Book 1

  Back To Life

  Rebel: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #1

  Rogue: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #2

  Renegade: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #3

  Coming Soon from Mellie George (in NO particular order):

  Fighting For Us (Sequel to Back To Life)-coming in 2014/2015

  Come Back Home (Glenbrook Girls Series) Book 2-coming in 2015

  Spotlight (Working Title for Beau and Danni’s story)-coming in late 2014/early 2015

  Watch for Kris and Jude’s stories to follow!


  Ryder’s Playlist (All Novellas)


  1. Don’t Cry- Guns ‘N Roses

  2. Mystify- Saving Abel

  3. Bad Blooded- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

  4. Over and Under- Egypt Central

  5. Anywhere But Here- Five Finger Death Punch

  6. Miles Away- Memphis May Fire feat. Kellin Quinn

  7. Adrenaline- Shinedown

  8. The Hangman’s Body Count-Volbeat

  9. I Will Be Heard- HateBreed

  10. Off With Her Head- Ghost Town

  11. Can’t Forget You- My Darkest Days

  12. Next To You- Buckcherry

  13. Young- Hollywood Undead


  1. Coming Back Down- Hollywood Undead

  2. Lay Me
Down- We As Human

  3. Unity- Shinedown

  4. Addicted- Saving Abel

  5. Smile- Sixx:A.M. (um…SWOON!)

  6. Evil Ways (Justice Mix): Bues Saraceno

  7. Afterlife- Avenged Sevenfold

  8. Breakdown- Seether

  9. Legacy- Memphis May Fire

  10. Outside- Hollywood Undead

  11. The High Road- Three Days Grace

  12. Sure Feels Right- Sixx:A.M.

  13. Comin’ In Hot- Hollywood Undead


  1. I’ll Follow You- Shinedown

  2. Enemies- Shinedown

  3. New York Groove- Ace Frehley

  4. Fake It- Seether

  5. Best I Can- Art Of Dying

  6. Courtesy Call- Thousand Foot Krutch

  7. My Town- Hollywood Undead

  8. Far From Over- Rev Theory

  9. Head Above Water- Theory Of A Deadman

  10. All American Nightmare- Hinder

  11. Watch Me Burn- Landsdowne

  12. The Good Life- Three Days Grace

  13. What If I Was Nothing- All That Remains

  Everleigh’s Playlist (All Novellas)


  1. Sparks Fly- Taylor Swift

  2. Downtown- Lady Antebellum

  3. Between The Raindrops- Lifehouse featuring Natasha Beddingfield

  4. 93 Million Miles- Jason Mraz

  5. Tennessee- The Wreckers

  6. Who Are You- Carrie Underwood

  7. When You’re Gone- Avril Lavigne

  8. Watch Over Me- Hanson

  9. Don’t You Wanna Stay- Jason Aldean & Kelly Clarkson


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