Shared Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 2)

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Shared Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 2) Page 13

by Lizzy Bequin

  We are downwind here, so they have not caught our scent yet. I have no doubt they have spotted us, however.

  “Why are we stopping?” Truk asks.

  He is standing beside me, and I can sense Sloane’s presence behind him, protected by his body should Kane decide to make a move.

  But the Alpha doesn’t move. He simply answers without looking at us. His eyes stay focused on the city ruins.

  “You three will wait here,” he says coldly. “I will go ahead to herald our arrival, and then I will return for you.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  Now Kane turns. He makes no attempt to hide the hatred in his eyes. He despises Outsiders, that much is clear. It could be said of all the inhabitants of the Zone, but his enmity seems to run much deeper than normal.

  But he hasn’t tried to kill us yet.

  “Why?” Kane repeats my question back to me. “Because you are Outsiders, and a half-breed. The guards will attack as soon as they spot you, and I may not be able to stop them in time. But more than that…”

  He gestures toward Sloane where she is standing behind Truk’s protective shoulder.

  “You have an unmarked omega in your company, and she is deep in estrus. Have you no idea what kind of frenzy that will send the Alphas into?”

  I know full well about that.

  But I also know that once an omega has been marked, there is no going back. It cannot be erased.

  Once an omega has been marked by her Alphas, she belongs to them. The change is physical. Her scent markers signal that she is possessed and protected by her pack, and all other Alphas will leave her be.

  But an unmarked omega is fair game.

  Kane goes on, “I will go to the city and warn the guards that I am bringing you in. I will make sure they have moved away to a safe distance so that they will not be driven into a frenzy by the omega’s scent. Then I can take you to meet with the one named Lily.”

  He nods toward Sloane’s gun.

  “You won’t be allowed to bring that with you,” he says. “Take it apart for me.”

  Sloane draws the pistol from its holster. She removes the mag, which is empty. Next she removes the upper slide and recoil spring as well. There is no round in the chamber either. She’s been bluffing this whole time. Kane flashes a wry smirk.

  “Let me see,” Kane says, extending his hand.

  Sloane places the pieces of the disassembled gun into his palm. They look comically small in the big Alpha’s enormous hand.

  Kane just stares at the gun pieces mutely for a moment, then tosses the pieces one after another as far as he can throw them. Each metal piece winks briefly in the sun before disappearing into the high grass. We could look all day and never recover all of the parts.

  “What the fuck?” Sloane shouts.

  “You won’t need it,” Kane says. “After all, you are on a rescue mission, right? And you don’t have any ammunition anyway. I may not know much about guns, but I’m not completely ignorant, omega.”

  Sloane sighs and shrugs.

  Kane grins coldly.

  “Besides, you’ve got your two pets to take care of you, little one. Anyway, no Farlanders would be stupid enough to venture this close to the city.” He glances at Truk. “Present company excluded, I suppose.”

  Kane looks at us each in turn, and once more I sense that there are secret calculations going on in his brain.

  “I’ll be back soon,” he says, and then with an edge of menace in his voice. “Don’t try to run off. If you do, I will find you, and I will kill you. That I swear by the Source.”

  And with that, he is gone, racing down the other side of the hill toward the city limits, his charging body parting the high grass like a ship plowing through waves. For a minute we just watch him go.

  A cloud passes overhead, covering us in its shadow.

  “I don’t trust him,” I grumble. “He’s leading us into a trap.”

  Truk steps beside me, shaking his head of long blond hair.

  “But he swore by the Source. An Alpha would never break such an oath.”

  “You’re infatuated,” I scoff. “You’re letting your desire to be accepted into the fold cloud your judgment, boy. Think about what he actually said last night. He swore to us that he knows where Lily is. That is all. But he has no intention of really helping us find her. He’s setting up an ambush. I’m sure of it.”

  Truk starts to speak again. “But—“

  “But nothing,” I cut him off. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to trust my instincts. And my instincts tell me that Kane is leading us into a trap.”

  “I agree,” Sloane says.

  She is leaning against the sill of the window set into the broken wall, watching Kane as he races toward the city.

  “You do?” I ask.

  I’m somewhat surprised. So far it seems that Sloane has been giving Kane the benefit of the doubt. Hell, she even handed over her gun. But if she really thinks it’s a trap, then why did she want to go along with Kane’s plan up to now.

  Sloane turns and hops her perfect little butt up into the window. Her white shirt is still slightly damp from last night’s rain, and it clings to her delicious breasts. Even in these dire circumstances, just looking at her sends a rush of desire through my blood.

  She is a treasure that must be protected.

  “I have an idea,” she says.

  Truk and I look at each other in surprise, then back to Sloane.

  “Okay, so it’s not a super well thought out plan,” she admits. “But Kane said something about marking.”

  I step forward to where she is sitting in the window and position myself between her legs, my hands resting on her thighs. She gazes into my face with those incredible blue eyes shaded by her long lashes. Her sapphire irises are still dilated with her estrus.

  “Sloane, do you even know what marking entails?”

  She drops her eyes and shakes her head, as a blush rises in her cheeks.

  “No,” she answers. “Not exactly. But I have some idea.”

  I knuckle her chin and tilt her face up to mine once again. Just then, the cloud passes, drenching her in golden sunlight, and my desire to claim her and protect her flares anew.

  “Sloane, the mark is permanent. Once you are bound to a group of Alphas, that bond cannot be broken except by death.”

  Truk steps forward and leans against the wall beside her. He strokes her bare arm with his knuckles.

  “Besides,” he adds, “It won’t make any difference if Dog and I mark you. The Alphas who dwell in the city ruins only acknowledge the mark of their own tribesmen. To them, the marks of an Outsider and a half-breed like me wouldn’t mean much.”

  Sloane nods, thinking.

  “What about Kane?” she whispers.

  “What?” Truk and I shout in chorus.

  “Sloane, you’ve got to be kidding,” I growl. “You must have seen the hatred in his eyes. That Alpha wants nothing more than to tear you to pieces.”

  Truk nods in agreement with me. Even though he is filled with admiration for the Alpha warrior, he doesn’t want to give up the omega that we now share.

  “I agree with Dog,” he says, “I’m not going to just give you up like that.”

  Sloane reaches out and places her small hands on us—one on Truk’s chest and one on mine.

  “I don’t want you to give me up,” she says. “You’ll mark me too.” She flicks her eyes toward me. “Omegas usually have at least three mates, right?”

  I’m forced to admit that she’s correct. She knows more about the ways of the Zone than I realized. Still, I fear that she doesn’t know exactly what she’s getting into here.

  I touch her face.

  “Sloane, what you are talking about—it’s too much. It’s too big of a step. There must be some other way to complete the mission.”

  There is a flash of blue fire in those lovely eyes, and I realize it’s not just about the mission. Not entirely.

e needs this. Her body needs this. Her heat is so strong and so deep, it requires three Alphas to quell it.

  “All right,” I say at last. “So what exactly is your plan?”

  “I’ll tell you,” she answers, “But first, I need you to tell me exactly what the process of marking involves.”


  I smile to myself as I run through the open sunlight.

  The arrangements have been made, and the trap is set. Two packs of the city’s strongest Alphas are lying in wait now. As soon as I lead the Outsiders and the Farlander inside, they will be subdued. We will take them alive.

  Now all I have to do is return and lead them to their fate.

  I would have liked to have killed them all last night. But when they mentioned the other omega, Lily, I knew what I had to do.

  The Outsiders had to be brought in for questioning.

  They said they are here to rescue her. Well, that’s a pack of lies. I know damn well that Lily is happy with her Alphas—Addom, Hasker, and Kadmon.

  These Outsiders are lying. They are here for another reason. This has to do with those transmissions that Lily has been sending to the outside world beyond the wall.

  I told Addom not to let her do that. I knew it would just bring more Outsiders into the Zone.

  No matter. I’ll enjoy hearing these Outsiders scream as we “interrogate” them.

  I grin to myself, pleased with my clever trap.

  But my smile drops as I near the ruined wall where I left the Alphas and omega earlier. There is no sign of them now. I slow my pace to a walk and test the air.

  They are still nearby. I can smell them.

  Why are they out of sight, though? Are they hiding from me?

  Perhaps they have planned a trap of their own.

  The omega’s scent is extra strong. Even though her Alphas tended to her last night, her heat seems to have come back even stronger now. It is because she is unmarked. If something is not done about that soon, she’ll fall so deeply into a frenzy of lust that her mind will be broken.

  That’s fine.

  It will make it all the easier to extract information from her later. The two Alphas will be tortured by the usual methods involving pain. I doubt they will talk, but it is worth a try.

  The omega, however, can be tortured much more effectively by withholding her pleasure.

  I can hear her now, her soft moaning sounds drifting over the jagged top of the broken wall, its pale stones bright in the slanting morning sun. Her scent hits me again like a punch in the face, and my cock pulses with engorgement.

  Struggling to keep my body under control, I stalk slowly, sweeping a wide circle around the end of the wall. I dart my eyes around the grassed hillside, looking for signs of the Alphas, but there is nothing there except for the insects dancing over the weeds in the morning light. The wind rustles the grass and my beard. The only other sound is the omega’s light moaning.

  Something feels off about this. My senses tell me it could be a trap. They could be using the omega’s scent to lure me while the Alphas lie in ambush.

  As I come around the edge of the wall, however, I see that is not the case.

  Both of the Alphas are there, kneeling side by side with their backs to the wall. The Outsider’s head is thrown back in seemingly painful ecstasy. Beside him, the half-breed’s eyes are cast down as he watches the omega suck.

  The omega is on all fours in front of them, her blond head bobbing on Dog’s cock, then on Truk’s, then Dog’s again, mewling submissively as she alternates pleasuring the two Alphas.

  She is mostly naked too. Her clothing and boots are strewn about on the ground as if they were torn off in a frenzy. The only thing that she has on now is her pair of cotton panties.

  Her back is arched deliciously, and her ass is raised high, exuding invisible clouds of her intense heat-scent. The smell is enticing, and I can’t help but step closer, inhaling it with deep, greedy breaths.

  My foot jostles a loose stone, getting the group’s attention. The omega glances back at me over her smooth shoulder. Her blue eyes are burning with lust.


  She whimpers my name. Her tone is so submissive, so pleading. My cock hoists to full height, bobbing with each step I take.

  “Kane, please…”

  Her plump little rear end wiggles enticingly. Her knees are splayed wide, and her round cheeks are spread open. The thin strip of her thong only partially conceals her tight puckered rear hole. Below that, the groove of her sex is clearly visible through the fabric.

  “Fuck,” I mutter under my breath.

  This isn’t how this is supposed to go. These are enemies. I’m supposed to be leading them into my trap. But now they’ve caught me in a snare of their own.

  That ass is too perfect to resist, plus the overpowering scent of her omega cunt in heat.

  Source help me.

  With stiff movements, I lurch forward, unable to stop myself. My feet are like two wooden stumps. In fact, my whole body feels numb. The only sensation is the throb of blood rushing through my member and the deep, delicious ache inside my swollen testicles.

  “Please help me, Kane,” she begs, shaking her ass for me. “I need you here.”

  Somehow, my numb fingers manage to unfasten my loincloth and toss it aside. My cock juts hard and red in the sunshine. I step into the shade of the wall, and another stronger wave of that odor hits me, drawing dribbles of precum from my pierced tip.

  The Outsider, Dog, snarls and bares his teeth at me.

  “Stay back, Alpha.”

  The omega smooths her hand over the muscles of his abdomen and purrs soothingly.

  “It’s all right, Dog,” she whispers. “I need this. I need all three of you, okay?”

  At first, he seems unconvinced by her words. But she uses her lips and tongue to persuade him in other ways. As she sheaths his cock inside her wet mouth and starts to bob again, his eyes roll back into his head, and his growls of aggression transform into grunts of satisfaction.

  I snort with amusement.

  The “dog” who does his omega’s bidding.

  Some Alpha.

  Then again, I’m hardly any better. That succulent ass and ripe cunt are reeling me in. I stumble forward, and drop to my knees behind the omega, gripping her ass in two handfuls and spreading her even wider.

  Even more of her scent wafts from that wide-open crevice. I groan with agony as my cock throbs painfully.

  “By the Source, you smell good,” I growl. “So hot and so ripe.”

  The omega answers with a moan. She comes up gasping and switches to the Farlander boy, giving his cock a turn, and he pants lustily, guiding her short-haired head with his hand.

  “So ripe,” I mumble again.

  I lean down and press my face in between those two tender mounds of flesh, inhaling deeply. The mixed smells of her sweat, cunt, and ass fills my nostrils and my lungs like a drug.

  “I need to taste you,” I groan.

  This is so wrong. This is no ordinary omega that I’m sniffing. She is an Outsider. My sworn enemy. Yet I find myself powerless to resist her. Never before have I smelled an omega’s heat that was this strong.

  “Yes,” the omega gasps wetly as her mouth switches cocks again. “Do it, Kane. Eat me. Eat my pussy and ass.”

  The plaintive tone of her voice pushes me over the edge. With a deep, involuntary roar, I shred her panties. I pause just long enough to press the ripped cloth to my face. It is saturated with days upon days of her scent, and it sends another pulse of blood into my dick. I swear if I get any harder, my cock will burst.

  I cast the reeking cloth aside and plant my face hard against her backside and start licking, drinking her wet arousal straight from its wellspring.

  Up front, the omega moans through a mouthful of cock.

  I lick her up and down with long, hard strokes, running the flat of my tongue all over her pussy and crack and puckered anus until her entire backside is o
ne wet mess of my saliva and her own dripping slick.

  “Oh fuck, that feels so good,” she cries before switching back to the Farlander’s dick again.

  Keeping her ass pried apart, I focus in on her wet slit. My tongue tip separates her folds. I tease at her tight entrance, and when I push my tongue inside, I realize that it’s going to be far too tight for my cock.

  These stupid Alphas have done a terrible job of breaking this omega in.

  Fuck it. I’ll show the bastards how it’s done then.

  Giving her spread ass one last long lick, I raise myself up, and walk forward on my knees until my hard cock is prodding her ass. Gripping my shaft, I lever it up and down, working my helmet against her pussy and crack, slathering it with my spit and her arousal fluid.

  “Is this what you need, little omega?” I growl. “A real Alpha cock?”

  The other two Alphas tense up and snarl at my taunt, but the omega calms them again, quickly jumping her head back and forth between their dicks.

  I press my cockhead against her puckered asshole and circle it, making her moan some more. Then I rub it down her spit-slick taint and along the groove of her parting. I work it up and down, spreading my sticky precum onto her slit.

  “Is this what you need?” I purr.


  The omega hums her assent with her lips wrapped around the Farlander’s shaft. I glance at the dog. He gives me a hateful glare, clearly unhappy about sharing his omega.

  He is possessive and protective of her. I can admire that in a way. She is no doubt a special omega.

  But she’s an Outsider too, I remind myself. She is tainted with their evil technology and their deceptive ways.

  Still, perhaps I can enjoy her just this once.

  I need to be careful though.

  I mustn’t lose control.

  The omega tosses her head back and cries out as I stroke the head of my dick over her tender, erect clit, which is well lubricated with a mixture of many different slippery fluids. I thrust my hips, grinding my cock against her little bud until she is shivering with pleasure.

  But when I work my finger between her petals to check her entrance, I find she is still much too constricted.


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