Shared Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 2)

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Shared Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 2) Page 19

by Lizzy Bequin

The omega.



  The anticipation is pure torture.

  We are standing in the dark, in the broad corridor of what must have once been a lavish hotel. The only light comes from the candles held by Lily on my right and another omega named Hannah on my left. In front of us, closed and locked, are a pair of fancy double doors that are stained and worn with time.

  “How much longer?” I whisper.

  “Any minute now,” Lily answers. “Just try to be patient.”

  I nod and look down at my body.

  After the gathering, I was rushed to the hot baths which are supplied by underground springs in order to cleanse my body in preparation for the coming ceremony. It was the first real bath I’ve had since coming into the Zone several days ago, and it was a welcome luxury. The steaming water washed away the dirt and sweat of the past days and relaxed my muscles.

  But it couldn’t wash away the nervousness of what I’m about to do.

  What I have to do.

  Now my body is clothed in a sheer white gown. It covers my breasts and my sex, but the high slits up the sides leave my thighs exposed all the way up to my hips. Besides, the thin, see-through fabric actually does little to hide my nakedness. Even in the low light of the candles, the color of my nipples bleeds through the gossamer fabric.

  The gown has been patched together from numerous old garments that date back before the Cataclysm—wedding dresses from the looks of it.

  In the old traditions, the white of a wedding gown represents the bride’s virginal purity.

  I almost laugh at that thought.

  I’m no virgin, not after the events of the past few days. And I’m certainly not pure.

  My body has been well soiled by the flowing seed of three dominating Alphas, and before this night is over, it will be sullied once again in the most shameful ways imaginable.

  Some pieces of my gown have lacy patterns while other parts are simply thin veils. The ragged and patchwork nature of the outfit makes it clear that it has been ripped to shreds and re-stitched countless times.

  And I know that it will be ripped again tonight.

  Lily has told me all about the ceremony.

  I tell myself that I can handle it. I can handle anything these Alphas throw at me. After all, I’ve already mated with all three of them, one right after another, by the little ruined wall outside of the city.

  But tonight will be different.

  In front of us, the doors swing open with a sharp, painful groan. Startled, I jump a little at the sound.

  Ahead of us now is a dark, empty space lit only by a ring of candles in the center, which does little to push back the deep shadows.

  I don’t know if I can go through with this now.

  For a split second I consider turning tail and making a run for it.

  But this has to be done, and I can do it. I’m a marine, after all. I’ve put my life and my body on the line numerous times in order to complete my mission.

  Now I have to offer up my body as a sacrifice to the Alphas in order to fulfill the biggest mission of all.

  “Let’s go,” Lily says, giving my hand an encouraging squeeze.

  She and the other omega lead me forward into the room.

  As we step inside, I start to get a feel for the place. It is an oblong ballroom with arched galleries running around the sides and an upstairs balcony. My bare feet are cushioned by a layer of soft, green moss which covers the entire floor, including the central dais where the ring of candles are burning.

  The air is thick with the mingled scent of many Alphas.

  I can barely see them at first, little more than shadows standing and crouching in the archways of the outer galleries and perched upon the bannister of the upper balcony. There are smaller forms as well—their shared mates, their omegas.

  Their eyes catch the wavering candlelight, sending it back with a greenish glow.

  A tingle of pins and needles rushes up my spine.

  More than half the entire population of the city ruins must be here, and they are going to watch.

  They are going to look on while I am claimed and shared by my pack. While innumerable shameful climaxes are ripped from my helpless body.

  Of course, this won’t be the first time that my mating has been observed.

  Everything that has already happened between me and Dog and Truk and Kane was recorded by my neural implant chip before it was removed. Every thrust and gasp and shuddering orgasm was recorded and transmitted back to the city hive for the SynerGen scientists to witness and analyze.

  But that was different.

  It’s not like they were crowded around me in the very same room, watching with their naked eyes. Before, it was easy to ignore the fact that I was being observed. To push it out of my mind.

  Now, however, that will be impossible.

  This time my audience will be mere meters away. Every inch of my body will be on display as I get fucked and used and shared.

  The Alphas want proof of my allegiance.

  They want to know that I can be trusted.

  They want to see me forced into submission by my Alphas.

  At last we reach the central dais and ascend the steps. My two companions lead me to the middle of the ring of weeping candles. Lily gives my hand one more light squeeze of encouragement, and then she and Hannah depart, their bodies merging into the shadows.

  Now I’m alone.

  Hundreds of eyes are on my body, which is only barely concealed by the sheer fabric of my patched and tattered ceremonial gown.

  My pulse quickens, and my breath catches in my throat.

  Around me, the murmur of voices drops off into silence. Something moves at the edge of the candlelight. Three dark shapes, slowly circling and drawing closer with each step as they spiral in on me.

  My Alphas.

  Dog, Truk, and Kane.

  They are moving as a pack now, their movements synchronized like stalking predators closing in on their prey. All three of them are completely naked, and as I watch, their three massive cocks harden and hoist in preparation of my shared claiming.

  A sudden wave of deja vu surges over me as I remember Lily’s neural implant recording that I watched during the briefing. God, that seems like such a long time ago now.

  At that time, I experienced a strange connection with the images I was witnessing on the holographic projection. It felt as though the events I was watching were happening to me.

  But now it really is happening.

  This is the real thing.

  And this time, the Alphas are mine.

  I spin around, letting my eyes fall on each circling Alpha in turn.

  There is Dog, stoic and militaristic with his dark, close-cropped hair and short beard. His eyes capture mine with an intense protective stare. The memory comes flooding back to me of that first night in the ramshackle house, looking up into those eyes as he slid his hard cock between my lips. And a pulse of arousal ripples through my body, stiffening my nipples and moistening my cleft.

  Next my eyes light on Truk, the wild man, the savage. With his long, golden hair, he is strangely beautiful, despite his heavy brow and animalistic features. In fact, his bestiality and numerous scars only serve to heighten those other pretty features, his piercing eyes, speckled and blue, and his full lush lips that have been everywhere on my body.

  And last, of course, there is Kane. The brutal one. His body is thick with carved muscles, and his multiple body piercings wink in the candle light, especially the steel ring through his urethra. I have felt that hard metal pressed against my opening, but soon it will be deep inside me, stimulating my tenderest parts.

  They draw closer and closer, taking their sweet time, savoring the tension as their bare feet slowly climb the dais steps, nostrils flaring as they drink in my omega scent.

  I haven’t even been touched yet, and already my arousal is spilling from between my legs and trickling down my inner thighs. />
  Then I hear it.

  The chorus of low, rumbling purrs. The sound is so deep and soft that I feel it more than I hear it, reverberating straight to my thrumming core.

  Dog is the first to pounce.

  My yelp echoes through the spacious darkness of the ruined ballroom as he envelops me with his arms and his rich, masculine musk. The other Alphas join him a moment later.

  Six arms coil around my body. Six roving hands caress and squeeze every inch of my body—my throat, my breasts, my crotch where the thin fabric of the sacrificial gown is clinging to my sticky, wet center.

  “Omega,” they growl, one after another until their voices blend into one sound.

  Snuffling noses bury themselves in my recesses—the hollow of my throat, the warm pits of my arms, between the cleft of my ass—inhaling deeply the heat-scent that is wafting from my glands.

  “So sweet,” a wolfen voice growls. “So fucking ripe.”

  They grow drunk on my smell. With each whiff they become more feral and savage. It doesn’t take long before they have whipped themselves into a frenzy of violent lust.

  My screams mingle with the sounds of ripping fabric as claws and teeth shred my garment. Rough hands whirl me about helplessly. Sharp fangs graze my increasingly exposed flesh. Within a matter of seconds, my garments have been reduced to ribbons, leaving me naked and vulnerable.

  Their hands and mouths never stop moving, exploring every inch of my skin. Every contour, every goosebump. Every hot, moist crevice.

  “Oh God,” I whimper.

  My body shivers with a mixture of fear and raw lust.

  I want them to stop, but I need them to keep going.

  As my body is spun around, again and again, I catch glimpses here and their of mirrored eyes gleaming in the shadows—the crowd of primitive Alphas and omegas bearing witness to my ravaging.

  This is a ritual.

  I am the sacrifice upon the altar.

  And tonight these three dominating Alphas are the high priests of my flesh.

  “Oh God,” I moan again, unable to form any other thoughts or words.

  My mouth is silenced as someone claims my lips in a bruising kiss. Instinctively, my tongue darts out, licking the lips and tongue that are claiming me. It is Dog. I can tell by his flavor, raw and tangy.

  A moment later, I am spun again. Other lips press to mine. Other tongues explore my mouth, not waiting for permission to enter. Kane and Truk add their own distinct flavors to the mix until my mouth is smeared with the wet melange of these three possessive Alphas.

  I become dizzy with this whirlwind of insistent mouths and pawing hands, spinning around and around.

  Until at last a firm hand catches my throat.

  I am face to face with Kane.

  The massive Alpha stares down at me. The piercings at his brows and nostrils glint in the candlelight. His intense eyes flicker with lightning beneath his dark eyebrows the color of storm clouds.

  “The time has come, little omega,” he rumbles.

  I whimper and tremble beneath his touch. One hard squeeze of that massive hand could easily crush my larynx. My life is quite literally in his hand. This is an exercise in trust.

  He whirls me again and drags me against his body so my back is pressed against the hard smooth muscles of his front. His erect cock wedges between the cheeks of my ass and pulses with his heartbeat.

  “Kane,” I whimper.

  His hand still clasps my throat, holding me firmly in place. He squeezes a little tighter, restricting my breathing but not cutting it off completely, and he lifts me so that I have to stand on my toes to keep from strangling.

  I’m staring out into the darkness, where hundreds of glowing eyes are gazing at my nakedness.

  Kane’s other hand smooths down my belly, all the way to the tuft of fur between my legs.

  “This is your big night, omega.” His hot breath tickles my ear. “Tell me what you want.”

  I whine and writhe as that hand moves lower, tracing the ridge of my hood and drawing it back to expose my tender clit. The pads of his finger tips circle me there, occasionally dipping lower to gather my slick lubrication.

  “Does that feel good?” he purrs.

  I nod, struggling to stay on my tip toes with his fingers clamped around my throat. My calves are aching.

  “Say it,” he growls.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Louder,” he roars.

  The volume of his voice startles me and prickles the fine hairs all over my flesh, His fingers work me with a steady pressure, elevating my bliss with each stroke.

  “Louder! Say it louder!”

  “Yes!” I almost scream. “It feels good! It feels so fucking good!”

  Shame washes over me, filling every cell of my body. I’m being pleasured in public, and I’m begging for it, desperate for my release. But I can’t help myself. The more Kane touches me down there, the more I need him to touch me.

  “Don’t stop!” I shout. “Oh God, please don’t fucking—“

  His hand cinches tight on my throat, cutting off my voice and my breath.

  “Don’t worry, little omega,” he growls. “We’re just getting started.”

  He’s choking me. My lungs start to burn and my legs start to wobble from staying on my toes. I feel myself beginning to panic.

  And all the while those merciless fingers are working me over down below.

  “Oh God!” I gasp as his grip finally loosens.

  Oxygen rushes to my brain at the exact instant that I come, intensifying my orgasm to a frightening degree. My body writhes and spasms against Kane’s muscular body as hard as a carved statue.

  His fingers clutch tightly, choking me again.

  “Do you submit to me, omega,” he growls at my ear. “Do you submit to your Alpha?”

  I nod again. I try to speak, but his firm grip has stolen my breath and with it my voice.

  “Say it. I want to hear you say it.”

  A whole mixture of emotions churns inside me. Part of me is angry that he’s demanding me to speak when he’s the one blocking my voice. Another part of me is afraid, terrified of handing over absolute control to this vicious beast of a man.

  And part of me is hungry.

  Hungry to be dominated.

  Hungry to be speared on that long, hard cock pulsing against my backside.

  Just when I think I can’t take any more, his hand lets go completely, dropping me to the floor where I land on my hands and knees, defeated.

  “Do you submit?”

  Kane drops to his knee behind me with a heavy thud. I try to look back at him, but he forces my head forward. Dog and Truk are somewhere nearby, but I know they aren’t going to help me now.

  By right, Kane is the leader of this pack; he is going to claim me as he chooses.

  And he’s choosing to do it roughly.

  His hand spanks my ass. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the great hall, followed immediately by my yelp of indignation.

  “Say it, omega!” Kane growls. “Say you submit.”

  He smacks my ass again, then a third time, and a fourth, swatting me with alternating forehand and backhand strokes.

  This goes against all of my training. Everything that has ever been instilled in me as a marine. Never submit. Never surrender.

  But that was before. Things are different now.

  I’m an omega.

  “Yes!” I shout. “I submit. My body is yours, Kane.”

  My skin heats with embarrassment at my shameful words, spoken so loudly in front of the watching crowd. But there’s no way out of this.

  I bend my face all the way down to the floor and rest my cheek against the mossy carpet. I arch my back and raise my ass like an offering.

  “Use me,” I shout in a ragged voice. “Use my body.”

  Behind, Kane grunts his approval. But I sense a bit of disappointment on his part, as if he wanted me to resist more, to give him more of an excuse t
o spank and abuse my stinging ass.

  Well, I’m not going to give him that pleasure.

  I’m submitting.

  “Fuck me,” I beg, wiggling my behind to entice him. “Please fuck me.”

  He grunts again and rubs his cockhead against my dripping slit, slathering his pierced tip with my arousal fluid and smearing my hole with his precum.

  He pauses.

  “Fuck me,” I whine.

  Behind me, Kane growls. It’s a frightening, cruel sound. He spits onto my ass, and the warm saliva trickles down the wide open gully of my crack, tickling my exposed anus. Kane spreads the thick fluid with his fingers, rubbing some against the head of his cock for lubrication.

  He levers his dick upward, pressing his tip against the ring of my tight rear hole.

  Oh God, he’s going to fuck my ass.

  “Kane, wait, I—“

  But he doesn’t wait. The Alpha is in control now, and he’s going to claim my ass whether I like it or not. His pierced cock presses against my rear hole, demanding entry. I tense at first, but I quickly force myself to relax.

  Grunting and growling, he works the head of his rigid member into my ass. I tremble with discomfort as his cock invades my tight channel.

  “Oh fuck,” I howl.

  He slides in more until he is seated full-depth in my ass. At first my muscles flutter and contract, as if trying to expel him, but I take a deep breath, forcing myself to relax further.

  I’ve never felt such fullness before.

  “Kane,” I whimper, “You’re so fucking big inside me.”

  He answers with an animal growl and starts to move, first with slow gliding strokes, then faster and harder. My inner walls conform tightly around his shaft. I can feel every detail of his thrusting penis—every ridge, ripple and vein, not to mention that hard steel ring through his tip. My body jolts violently with each hard pump.

  This shouldn’t feel good, but it does.

  In fact, it feels amazing. A deep tension is welling in me, like the onset of my orgasm but targeted inside my ass.

  My nails bite into the mossy carpet to steady myself.

  “Submit, Outsider,” he snarls aggressively as he slams into me. “Take my cock, omega.”

  I understand now what Kane is doing.

  He’s hate-fucking me. He’s taking out all of his fury and aggression on my ass. He’s punishing me for being an Outsider.


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