Four Weddings and a Fiasco_The Wedding Snafu

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Four Weddings and a Fiasco_The Wedding Snafu Page 8

by Aliyah Burke

“Around the seventeenth, if possible.”

  “I do have Saturday the seventeenth open.” She leaned back. “Is this you and Ms. Mindy Watkins?”

  “Most people would assume Tiffany.”

  She rolled a pencil in her fingers. “I’m not most people. I’m paid very good money to pay attention to details.”’

  I suppose you are. “I’d like to reserve that spot and discuss some of the details.”

  She peered around him slightly toward the door. “Is Ms. Watkins joining us?”

  He pursued his lips briefly. “Not yet. I haven’t asked her to marry me, yet.”

  He’d managed to surprise the woman who ran this gorgeous chalet. It didn’t last long, and she was back under control, but he’d done it. “I see.”

  Donal paid the deposit, discussed a few things with her before thanking her and going on his way. He had it all set up; now, all he had to do was secure the acceptance to his proposal of his future wife.


  Donal swirled the dark amber liquid in the vessel he held. His gaze locked on the entrance to a private meeting room in the establishment. He’d been seated here for over an hour, but he wasn’t budging until he got what he came for. Or more aptly, who. He could be patient, especially for his prize. His woman.

  Mindy was there, behind those closed doors. Her secretary had imparted the information to him. The only reason she’d divulged it to him was because he and Mindy had been dating for a few months, now and she’d given her permission to pass along that type of thing, otherwise, he was confident her secretary wouldn’t have batted an eye when she told him no.

  Yes, it wasn’t enough. He was impatient for Mindy to become his wife, officially. Longed to fall asleep beside her more than every now and again. Not to mention he longed to share in her unquenchable joy of life. He was greedy, yes; he could admit that. He wanted his ring on her finger and his last name on her first.

  People began filing out of the room, and he sat up a bit straighter. Most were older men, but some were younger. Handsome, wealthy men. His body reacted before he saw her in the flesh, alerting him to her presence. He inhaled sharply as she walked into his line of sight.

  Between the two men who flanked her, she stood out like a splash of color upon a black and white photograph or painting. Her white shirt with red skirt and matching red suit coat and heels made her front and center. Red was a power color for her, and she wore the hell out of it. His mind went down a road better left for non-public displays.

  She buttoned her coat, a move which accentuated her curves and made him shift on his bar stool. The man to her right held up a black trench coat that she slid her arms into, giving him a grateful smile.

  Donal growled in the back of his throat. Yes, he was a possessive man when it came to her; he wasn’t going to even try to deny it. The proprietary emotion wasn’t one he was used to, for it had never happened before he’d met Mindy. No other woman had been able to squeak out any jealousy from him. However, with Mindy, it poured off in droves.

  He waited—impatiently—while they shook hands, and the majority departed but Mindy and the man who stood at her shoulder. Together, the two of them made a great couple. Knowledge that grated Donal to think or even acknowledge. The man locked eyes with him, one black eyebrow rising a fraction. He lowered his head—Donal clenched the glass tighter—and whispered in her ear. Mindy gazed in his direction, a wide smile lifting her full lips as she instantly headed toward him.

  “Donal,” she said warmly. “What are you doing here? How’d you find me?”

  “I missed you,” he replied honestly. He stood, reaching for her, needing to give her a proper hello. His heart swelled when she didn’t shy from him but met his kiss with a hungry one of her own. His slacks tightened.

  “Missed you, too.”

  “Who’s he?”

  “That’s Phillip Traeger. My best friend.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, thrilled to have her figure pressed against him, once more. “What did he say to you to get you to look over here?”

  “He told me you were here.”

  “He knows me?”

  Her laugh warmed him from head to foot. She waved Phillip over. “He does. I showed him pictures I have on my phone, and he’s seen the ones in my place.”

  That calmed the beast in a heartbeat. She’d shared him with others.

  “Phillip, do you mind if Donal joins us for dinner?” Mindy faced him. “Can you stay for dinner or do you have to leave?”

  “Fine by me,” Phillip said, offering his hand to Donal. “Nice to finally meet you.”

  Accepting the handshake, Donal nodded. “Agreed. And, yes, I’m here for a while.”

  She pushed up to kiss him when he looked at her. “Wonderful.”

  They didn’t get back to her place for another couple of hours. By then, Donal was more than ready to have her to himself, for a while. He could honestly say, he was much more comfortable with her relationship with Phillip after having witnessed them together. Their relationship was parallel to hers with Kurt. Strictly platonic, familial.

  He’d come to enjoy spending time in her space. Although much smaller than his, hers boasted love and happiness while his remained plain. She’d put a few things in his home, and he loved them, but it wasn’t anything like he felt in her place with her.

  She curled up beside him, and he took the wine glass from her, placing it on the coaster by the secondhand lamp she’d restored. “Thank you.”

  “You said you’d like a drink. Sorry, but if I’d known you were coming, I would have gotten you something other than the wine I have. I know you prefer scotch and whisky.”

  He brushed his lips along her temple. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” Snaking one arm around her midsection, he thought about the item in his bag and worried his lower lip. “I have something to ask you.”

  She burrowed closer to him, yawning. “What’s that?”

  “Have you given any thought to our future?”

  “I have. But, I’m not sure what more to do aside from thinking on it. I mean, look at us, Donal. We’re not just halfway across the country from each other. We’re all the way. You’re the CFO of a company you co-founded, and I’m the CEO here.”

  “We both have lives completely away from each other.” He hated to say the words, despite the truth to them.

  “We do. I think this dating thing is hard enough in the issues it presents to us. Hard to get time together. You’ve got your next big launch to think of, and we’re looking to buy up a smaller company. So, honestly, I’ve not been thinking much about the launch, or work in general lately.”

  “Do you remember when you told me out in San Francisco that I worked too much?”

  “I told you that more than once.” Her voice was light and teasing.

  “You did. And, I’ve cut back my work, but you keep taking on more. What was that meeting you had tonight?”

  “Last minute, Phillip asked me to run with him there. I had plans on taking an early night. Long hot shower then a movie, for as long as I could stay awake. Tomorrow is my day off, though, and that’s not changed.” She yawned, again.

  He loved this woman and wanted her to get more rest. “I want to take a vacation with you. Just the two of us. No phones. No outside distractions.”

  She laughed. “When do you think that’s going to happen?”

  It hurt his heart to hear her sound so much like he used to. No wonder his friends had been so concerned for him. He unwound from her body and went to his coat where he pulled out a brochure and walked back to her. The box, he slipped in his pocket. Handing over the glossy paper, he sat back beside her and sipped some wine while she read.

  “This sounds divine. Vatulele on Fiji. Hell, it even states no telephones, television. I would love to but, we can’t just head off. Both of us have obligations.”

  He nodded. “True. But, if we could, is this a place that would appeal to you?”

  “I’d be in heaven. How much is i

  He covered her mouth and shook his head. “No, you don’t get to worry about money, Mindy. Not for this.”

  “I worry about it for everything,” she mumbled behind his palm.

  “Not this time you don’t get to.” He took a deep breath and moved back to the question at hand he craved the answer to. “So, then, it’s a date?”

  She tugged on his wrist, getting her mouth free. “Donal, what are you talking about? We can’t go, now.”

  “I know. But, I am discovering I have to claim time in advance with you. So, the place is acceptable?”

  “I know that—”

  “It’s a yes or no question, sweetheart.”


  “Good. Now, for a date.” He shifted her a bit and prayed this was going to work out. “I know, now isn’t the time. We both have obligations, blah, blah, blah.” He waved a hand around then kissed her quiet and took a bit longer to end the exchange. I could kiss her forever. “I know this. Hear me out. I was thinking next year. September.”

  “Why September?”

  He swallowed his butterflies and moved the ring box into view. “Because I would love to have you as my wife when we get there.” With his thumb, he popped open the top, exposing the ring which had taken him weeks to pick.

  Her silence and stillness scared him.

  “I love you, Mindy,” he whispered in her ear. “If you need me down on one knee, I’ll do that. I want you as my wife. Please say you’ll marry me.”

  She reached for the ring, and he saw the slight tremble in her hand. “Yes,” she said. Her word was strong, even if her body shook. “I’ll marry you.”

  He slid the ring on her finger and turned her face to his for a kiss. She melted into him, and Donal knew this was the beginning of the rest of his life. Of their life. The other details would be worked out soon enough; he’d taken the hurdle and asked. For him, that was huge. Wrapping her closer in his arms, he moaned in the back of his throat as she wound her arms around him in return.

  One day, he would thank Kurt for sending her in his place. Right now, he had a fiancée to make love to.


  Mindy ran a hand down her the slimming skirt of her pearlescent dress. Lord, she was a bundle of nerves. Worrying the inside of her lower lip, she looked down at her feet. Shoes in the same shade as her dress—dyed to match—peeked out from the hemline. She moved the material, effectively hiding the tips. The lace on the sleeves converged to a point along the backs of her hands.


  She looked up to the man who stood beside her. “You’re looking handsome in that tux.”

  “Had to bring my A-game.” Kurt stroked a hand alongside her face. “My baby sister is getting married.”

  She blinked back tears. “I’m your only sister, dork. And, I’ll not forgive you if you make me cry and ruin my makeup.”

  “I’m adorable in this outfit. Hot, too. Plus the fact I’m your brother means you can’t stay mad at me.” He gazed at her and shook his head. “You look stunning by the way.”

  I will not cry, I will not cry. Instead of responding to that she gave him a small smile of thanks then she snorted. “Who made up that rule?”

  He kissed her cheek. “The older brother, of course.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  He held her gaze and nodded. “Perhaps to some, yes I am a bit on the crazy side. I love you, Min. And, I’m so proud of you.” Fixing her veil, he continued, “Mom and Dad would be, too, if they were here.”

  Tears pricked, again, and she took a shuddering breath. “You took care of me, Kurt. Gave me everything no matter what the cost to you. Both father and brother. The one who sat up late to help me with my homework, the one who dried my tears when a boy was mean to me.”

  “Foolish boys.”

  She tightened her hand around his, aware he was doing that to try and lighten the moment. “Regardless, Kurt. You never let me down; somehow, you manage to raise a teen sister, keep her in new clothes, a roof over her head, and show up at all my after-school activities. I guess what I’m trying to say is, thank you. For everything you gave up for me.”

  “You’re my sister; we’re family.” Another kiss to her cheek. “Let me get you married before you do something like get me emotional.”

  “Yeah, can’t have that, now, can we?”

  “Absolutely not.” He winked.

  Violin strains of “The Wedding March” filtered back to her, and she slipped her hand to rest upon her brother’s arm.

  “Just so you know,” he whispered. “You’re the prettiest bride I’ve ever seen.”

  “I love you, too, Kurt.”

  As they walked up the aisle, she locked her gaze on the man up there waiting for her. Donal O’Keefe. Even through her veil, there wasn’t any way to deny how handsome he was. The classic tux fit him to perfection. He stared in her direction, and the love in his eyes nearly took her to her knees.

  How different it is here from the last time I was here for a wedding. Instead of the ten bridesmaids and groomsmen on each side, there were two. They were having a much more intimate gathering. The no reporters was also a plus. In fact she wasn’t even telling her co-workers until after the fact.

  From the moment Kurt put her hand in Donal’s, her world shrank to the two of them. Sure, she heard the mumbled words from the minister, but they didn’t make sense. Nothing did but the man staring at her.

  Their path may not have been silky smooth to get here but they were. And, she planned on keeping him for the rest of their lives. After the exchange of rings, he stepped close and cupped her face in his large, strong hands.

  “I love you, Mrs. O’Keefe,” he murmured seconds before he kissed her.

  Mrs. O’Keefe. She smiled into his kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, anchoring them tighter together. I love you, too.


  The caterers, florists, DJs, dress designers, and proprietors of the Rose Chalet—the top wedding venue in San Francisco—do more than make a bride's big day the talk of the town, they find their own true loves when least expected. Will the next wedding bells chime for new Chalet staff members, Chalet staff siblings, men and women who meet at one of the Chalet weddings, or complete strangers? Read on to find out!

  Start with the original series by Lucy Kevin:

  The Wedding Gift

  The Wedding Dance

  The Wedding Song

  The Wedding Dress

  The Wedding Kiss

  Then move on to these amazing reads from the Four Weddings & A Fiasco Kindle World:

  A Wedding Miracle ~ Melissa Storm

  The Wedding Arrangement ~ Stacey Wallace

  The Wedding Bridesmaid ~ Jennifer Conner

  The Wedding Chaos ~ Isabel Michaels

  The Wedding Charade ~ Melissa McClone

  The Wedding Day ~ Sharon Kleve

  The Wedding Do-Over ~ Jennifer Faye

  The Wedding Gem ~ Ann M. Richardson

  The Wedding Fountain ~ Kathryn Le Veque

  The Wedding Photo ~ Pamela Kelley

  The Wedding Secret ~ Jennifer Shirk

  The Wedding Snafu ~ Aliyah Burke

  Wedding Rules ~ Dee Tenorio

  The Wedding Caper ~ Patricia McLinn

  The Wedding Dare ~ Steena Holmes

  The Wedding Date ~ Katy Regnery

  The Wedding Guest ~ Phyllis A. Humphrey

  The Wedding Promise ~ Carol Grace

  The Wedding Rehearsal ~ Kristine Caperoon

  The Wedding Scandal ~ Shelley Adina

  The Wedding Switch ~ Sharon Kleve

  The Wedding Toast ~ Tracey Lyons

  The Wedding Wine ~ Kathy Carmichael

  Wedding Wishes ~ Dee Tenorio

  Additional books by Aliyah Burke:

  Megalodon Team

  Kincade’s Rose

  Harrier’s Healer

  Connelly’s Flame

  Greeley’s Spyce
  Vittano’s Willow

  Dimitri’s Moon

  O’Shea’s Love

  Chayton’s Tempest


  A Love for Lera

  Graham Family

  Justice Is Always Ready

  And We’ve Come Full Circle

  Denim & Spurs

  With This Ring

  Dream Lover

  You Don’t Know Jack

  Cottonwood Falls








  Snake’s Salvation


  Keeper of the Stars Pt. 1

  Keeper of the Stars Pt. 2

  Keeper of the Stars Pt. 3

  Keeper of the Stars Pt. 4

  Keeper of the Stars Pt. 5

  Astral Guardians

  Chasing the Storm

  Highlands at Dawn

  Fields of Thunder

  Branded by Frost

  Driven by Night

  Moon of Fire


  Temporary Home

  Alone with You

  Till We Ain’t Strangers Anymore

  In Aeternum

  Casanova in Training

  Harbour of Refuge

  Protected by Shadows

  Polar Opposites

  Rakes & Rogues

  What the Earl Desires

  Her Reluctant Viscount

  Her Pirate Rogue

  Code of Honour

  A Marriage of Convenience

  The Lieutenant’s Ex-Wife

  A Man Like No Other

  When Stars Collide

  D.A.R.K Cover, Inc.

  Breaking All the Rules

  Trust Me

  Zulu Spectre

  Hearth, Holly, & Honor (3 in 1)


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