Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance)

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Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) Page 37

by Sharon Hamilton

  “You figure out which of the females is Yanez’s little girl?”

  “Not quite. Have a hunch, but haven’t confirmed. I’ve been through their rooms, tossed all their gear. Nothing.”

  “Might have to turn on the charm. Get closer.”

  “Damn, we’re screwed,” Angel said, his voice dry.

  Cowboy laughed. “Only have three more days. We need to get to her before Yanez or any of Calderon’s boys gets wise. No time to be squeamish. If you have to, get her into bed. We need her to talk. Gotta be sure.”

  Angel grunted. Shouldn’t be too much of a chore with one of the two women, but he didn’t much like the idea of playing her. The thought of Maya’s soft brown gaze, staring up at him as he lied his way into her bed made his stomach hurt.

  “It’s for her own safety, Wingman.”

  “Roger, out.”

  Angel stowed the radio, then reburied the pack, careful to cover the mound with leaves and vines. Then he headed back down the mountain, reentering the camp from behind the barracks building and skirting the front to make it seem as if he’d just come from his room.

  “Hey, Angel,” a voice called from behind him.

  Angel shot a glare over his shoulder, instantly wiping his face clear of annoyance when another of the instructors, Mark Saunders, strode toward him wearing a wide grin.

  Saunders knocked his shoulder lightly with a balled fist. “See you made it back in one piece after taking the Cordoba woman out for a road trial.”

  “Not quite,” Angel murmured, offering a pained smile. “I left my fingertips embedded in the dash.”

  Saunders’s smile widened, and his eyebrows waggled. “She seemed a little shaken up when we boxed her in. Did she need a little comfort after her scare?”

  Angel grimaced at the crude sentiment gleaming in the other man’s eyes. Like many of the school’s cadre, Saunders was ex-special ops with little couth when talking about the opposite sex.

  Not that his own thoughts concerning the woman in question were exactly pure.

  Maya had been at the center of most of the instructors’ private conversations. Seemingly, they rarely got a student as attractive or inept.

  “I had her on the shooting range yesterday,” Saunders said, his face screwing into grimace. “Had to clear out everyone because she couldn’t remember to keep the barrel of her weapon pointing downrange. Never saw Migelito move so fast as when she waved it at him and let a few rounds fly.”

  “Woman’s a menace,” Angel said, then added, “Ever figure out why she’s here in the first place?”

  “She mentioned something about scoping out adventure vacations for her clientele.”

  Seemed as good a cover as any for a woman who might be the daughter of a notorious drug lord. “What about the other female?”

  “Maria Cortez is an ambassador’s daughter,” Mark said. “And a much better shot, although not nearly as interesting.”

  Maria’s mousy appearance and demeanor made her seem a far less likely candidate to be the flamboyant Yanez’s flesh and blood, but Angel was never anything but thorough. He’d keep digging into both females’ backgrounds until he figured out which was his target.

  “Gonna join us in the cantina for a beer?”

  “Maybe later.”

  Angel waited until Saunders headed to the mess facility, then backtracked to his room. Maybe he’d hunt down Maya after he’d had a chance to recheck the files on the two women in the administrator’s office. Time to dig a little deeper.

  And if he had to sleep with her, he’d just have to remember he was doing it in the service of his country—enjoying himself would just be an unexpected perk to an otherwise uneventful assignment.

  Chapter 2

  After twenty minutes under the rusty spigot that served as a communal shower, Maya draped her towel around her shoulders to keep her damp hair from soaking her shirt and headed back toward her cabin.

  Her teeth chattered. However humid and warm the air, the water came straight from a stream that trickled down the side of a mountain. In her opinion, the training camp took “roughing it” to extremes. A warm bath wouldn’t have been construed as coddling—just necessary to unkink shoulders still sore from the kick of a rifle butt and a neck too tight after her hair-raising drive in the countryside.

  Inside her cabin, she opened her tiny closet and stared at the clothes she’d brought for her adventure vacation. The silk dresses and slinky sandals she’d packed were useless in this environment and would be overtly inappropriate for what she had in mind, so she chose khaki cargo shorts and a tight-fitting black tee.

  Sure, she’d also wear her hiking boots since snakes and eight-legged critters crawled around the forest floor, but she’d slip them over a pair of black fishnet ankle socks with a flirty, lacy fringe.

  No way would Angel miss her little rebellion against the grim strictures of the school. Besides, the shorts left a long, tanned expanse of trim thighs and calves should he want to peek.

  She hoped he wasn’t so uptight he’d miss the invitation. This was her vacation, after all, and there was nothing as delicious as a little fling far from home to keep a girl…happy.

  Bending in front of a small mirror, Maya applied a thin stroke of gray to her eyelids and clear, glossy mascara to her thick black eyelashes, then finger-combed her curly hair. When she was through, she stared at the woman who was a far cry from the suited business person with the sleek French braid she was back in Chicago.

  What would Angel see? Her brown eyes looked enormous, her nude lips, pink and pouting. Without a push-up bra, her breasts sprang like small round apples supported only by the slim-fit of her cotton shirt.

  With three days of training left, she didn’t have time to play coy. She wanted him. Her nipples beaded, tightening at the thought of his gaze lingering over her breasts. Did he prefer a more ample set, or would he find hers exactly to his taste? A groan escaped at the image her thoughts created.

  She let herself out of her cabin and strode toward the rustic dining hall, wondering why she cared. Why she wanted him so badly. He’d gone out of his way to make sure she got his message loud and clear. His actions fell just short of warding off her every look and “accidental” touch with a cross and holy water. Was she simply intrigued by the challenge of breaking through his personal Kevlar-coated no-playing-with-the-clients rule?

  But she was getting to him. The stiffness of his back when he’d held her close, the tell-tale twitch of the impressive man-o-meter between his legs told her so.

  Still, why was she so obsessed with this particular man? After ten years of “testing” vacation packs for clients, she’d had her fill of anonymous flirtations with the locals. Not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, she’d indulged a time or two and left her lovers behind, feeling only mild regret.

  This time, however, she knew she courted real heartache. Besides the deep, sensual ache she wanted him to assuage, she thought a chance existed for a real connection. Because for once, she wasn’t the one in charge. Wasn’t the girl issuing glib, caustic barbs while leading a man on a chase they both knew was just a game—won quickly, effortlessly. A guilt-free, entanglement-free orgy of lust. An experience gobbled up quickly like fast food and forgotten.

  This time, she wanted to savor the journey. Not that she wasn’t ready to jump his bones this very second. But if she got the chance, she wouldn’t be so eager to slide from between his sheets and leave.

  Most delicious of all, she had the feeling he wasn’t the kind of guy to let her.

  The drone of the generator led her toward the dining hall, and she stood in the shadows outside, peering through the dusty windows for a glimpse of Angel.

  She didn’t find him at any of the long tables and turned, determined to track down her quarry. Perhaps he’d opted for that beer. She backtracked to the barracks where the trainers slept and caught a glimpse of a familiar set of broad shoulders heading toward the isolated shower hut.

  A smile
stretched her lips at the naughty thoughts running through her mind. Keeping to the deepening shadows next to the cabins, she followed stealthily behind him.

  Wearing only slacks with a towel hooked around his neck, a T-shirt wadded in his hand, his back was bare for her to ogle. The deep indention down the center was bordered by thick muscles. God, what might a man do with all that strength and power when focused on a woman’s pleasure?

  She couldn’t wait to find out.

  When the coiled spring hinges slammed the door behind him, she snuck up to it and flipped the wooden sign from “Men” to “Women.” Since only one other woman was in the camp, a mousy student in wire-rimmed glasses, she knew the chances were slim they’d be interrupted.

  Inside the hut, a long wooden bench stretched along one side of the wall. His clothing sat on top of it in a neat, folded stack. She slipped off her boots and socks, tugged her tee over her head and sauntered toward the entrance of the second room, following the sound of running water.

  A crumb of modesty had her keeping on the shorts, but she flicked open the button at the top and slid down the zipper halfway to bare her lower abdomen. Maybe he would think she really was there to shower, but had mistaken the sign outside.

  One naked light bulb glared from the ceiling of the shower room, shedding just enough light for Maya to get an eyeful of the rugged perfection she’d lusted after since she’d arrived at ADR, Inc.’s Executive Security Training Camp.

  His back was to her, his face lifted to the thin, gurgling spray. Ropes of suds slithered down his naked back and rock-hard buttocks. Fascinated, she watched the soap surge downward to his feet.

  She must have sighed out loud, because his head swiveled, and he looked toward the closed door before spearing her with a sharp glance. “Forget your towel?” he asked, one dark brow rising.

  The lie was on the tip of her tongue, ready to be blurted, but since she hadn’t raised her hands to shield her breasts from his view, she knew the pretense would seem silly. “Mind sharing?” she rasped, her throat suddenly tight.

  Something dark and fierce glinted in his gaze. His jaw flexed once, and he looked away, swiping his hands over his face and hair before he slowly turned his body to face hers. His gaze was unreadable, his jaw presenting a taut, hard edge.

  Not that she was intimidated for even a second. Her gaze slid hungrily down his lightly furred chest to his hewn abdomen and lower. His cock was pure, masculine perfection, rising slowly, slick and thickening between massive thighs.

  Maya’s breath caught and she swallowed, stepping deeper into the room. She ignored the muscle clenching alongside his jaw and his continued silence. Until he said no, loud and clear, she’d take his silence as a yes. Her hands went straight to the waist of her shorts to push them down. When they dropped to the floor, she raised her gaze to his again and walked slowly toward him.

  His gaze locked with hers for long moment, and she worried he might be trying to intimidate her into stopping by playing some sort of staring game, but then he blinked. Her heart stuttered then beat faster as his gaze swept her naked body, his expression hardening, his green eyes darkening. His chest rose around a deep breath, but he didn’t motion to her, didn’t make a move toward her.

  She understood. She’d started this, so he’d leave what happened next all up to her. Maybe he worried she’d call foul later and lodge a sexual harassment complaint. Maybe he could tell that his continued resistance made her nervous, and he wanted to see how far he could push until she turned tail and ran.

  When she stood within his reach, so close only an inch or two separated her trembling belly from his rising cock, she opened her mouth, but fell silent when she realized the only things her overheated mind could think to say would sound like begging.

  When he did finally move, a hand rose from his side and his fingers trailed her cheek, pushing her damp hair behind her ear. “You’ve already showered,” he said, his voice a sexy, deep rumble.

  “I was looking for you,” she admitted, feeling fine spray bounce off his body and hit her face.

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  With a shake of her head, she gave a faint snort. “If I didn’t take the initiative, would you have?”

  His fingers glided down her neck to the top of her breast, then stopped. His gaze lifted from the dewy skin to lock with hers. “You’re treading in dangerous waters.”

  “It’s only a shower,” she whispered, blood pounding in her ears. “I’m not going to drown.”

  “Baby girl, you have no clue.”

  “Then show me.” She stepped closer, closing her eyes briefly as her belly at last felt the weight of his cock pressed against it.

  His fingers spread, opening to cup her breast.

  Maya thought she might die. The moment was too perfect. His hand warmed her while it gently massaged, clasping, rubbing, lifting. His thumb flicked her turgid nipple, and she gasped. Her belly vibrated against his cock.

  He groaned, then cursed under his breath.

  Not the reaction she’d expected. “Look, if I misread anything, I’ll go. I mean…if you don’t want me—”

  Another short, harsh curse burst from him, but he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her snug against him. His face bent towards hers, his eyes squeezing tight. “This isn’t the time…the last thing I need…last place you should be.”

  Feeling torn between crying and leaping up to wrap her legs around his waist, she couldn’t help voicing her hurt…and annoyance. “Sure feels like that’s not true,” she gritted out, undulating softly to rub against his cock. Rising on her tiptoes, she slid a palm up his hard chest and behind his neck to pull his head closer.

  The kiss she laid on his lips wasn’t soft or sexy. She ground her mouth against his, letting him know without words how he’d hurt and embarrassed her. Hell, it didn’t matter that she’d done this to herself. Still, she couldn’t force herself to draw away. The heat of his naked body fed the hunger growing deep inside.

  He jerked back his head. “We shouldn’t do this,” he whispered, then dove back for another hard kiss.

  “I’ll come quick. Promise,” she said, then smiled against his lips at the absurdity.

  A desperate, choked groan broke from him. “I don’t have a condom.”

  “Don’t need one, unless you’re not safe,” she whispered in a rush.

  His hands slid down her waist to cup her bottom, his fingers splaying wide and tightening. When he lifted her, she nearly shouted her triumph, but he moved quickly, turning with her and slamming her back against the plank wall. Before she’d lifted her legs, his cock entered her, shoving upward.

  Her head fell against the wood and a long, loud moan ripped from her throat. Lord, she’d had eager lovers, but nothing like this explosive power. She locked her ankles behind his back and held on for dear life.

  His body rutted against hers, his hips churning, grinding his cock upwards, not giving her room to breathe. In the morning, she’d have splinters in her backside, bruises on her back, but she didn’t care. Right now, she had him…pumping hard and tunneling deep inside her body.

  Cool water sluiced over their hot skin, shocking her, invigorating him. Angel’s lips glided down her cheek to her mouth. This time, the kiss was everything she’d wanted—deep and devouring. His lips ate at hers, his tongue stabbed in time with the harsh thrusts that drove his cock toward her womb.

  Friction burned inside her channel, and the first faint ripples of her release clasped around his cock. She realized she hadn’t been exaggerating. Her release was already spiking hard.

  His movements sharpened, his hips stroking his shaft inside her faster and faster.

  Maya wrapped her arms around his shoulders and didn’t bother trying to quell the moans ripping from her, one on top of the other, as her orgasm exploded. Her body jerked against his, her head slamming on the plank behind her as her back arched and her mind flew free.

  For long moments afterward, Angel rocked against
her, his body shuddering, his mouth gulping air. Then his head jerked back, and his eyes narrowed into fierce slits. Without disengaging, he reached back and shut off the water.

  Sounds, like many boots crunching in gravel came from just outside the hut.

  When her lazy eyelids opened wide, he stared down, a bleak look sliding across his face. “You have to be strong.”

  “Not possible. I feel weak as a kitten,” she said, trying to smile, but too spent to succeed.

  “This is all wrong. God, how could I be so stupid?”

  “Don’t beat yourself up.” Her eyes widened and shock tightened her chest. “Unless there’s someone else…”

  “No, that’s not it.”

  Those booted feet stomped inside the outer changing room.

  Angel stiffened and his hands clamped hard around her ass, preparing to lift her off his cock.

  Maya groaned and hid her face against his neck. “Not now. Tell them to go away.”

  He backed away from the wall, slid her down to her feet and grabbed for the towel hanging from a hook. “Put this around you,” he said, his voice clipped. All business. Just like the look that wiped the passion from his face in a single moment.

  She wrapped the towel around her quickly, just before the shower room filled with uniformed men. The one at the front of the group held an AK-47 with the barrel leveled at her face.

  Angry at their insensitivity and embarrassed to be found wearing only a soggy white towel—madder still that Angel stood like a stump and let his friends play their game—Maya lifted a finger to push aside the barrel. “Don’t you know you’re not supposed to aim at something you don’t intend to shoot?”

  Angel nearly groaned at Maya’s ridiculous complaint. Was she really so naïve she didn’t know this wasn’t a part of the camp’s curriculum? Or that the men surrounding them were Calderon’s men, come to take his rival’s daughter? Yanez had a lot to answer for if he hadn’t prepared his daughter for the dangers she’d confront by returning to this region.

  Angel cursed silently at his own stupidity. He hadn’t expected them to make such a bold move.


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