His Irresistible Darling

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His Irresistible Darling Page 10

by Sarah Randall

He barely contained a growl from leaving his lips as his gawping was interrupted. “What did you say?”

  Kahlid smiled knowingly at him as he drank from his glass of champagne. “I said you’re a very lucky man, Aldabbagh.”

  Jumal turned his head back to Kahlid. “Luck has nothing to do with it, as you well know. My company had the finest proposal and will provide your country with the most robust, forceful military ships available in the world—” he drank from his own glass and nodded “—and you know it. Why are you smiling at me?” he asked, confused.

  “I’m not talking about the contract, Aldabbagh.”

  He sighed heavily. “Then what?” He was getting annoyed at the continued riddle.

  Kahlid continued to smile and nodded towards the far side of the large dining room.

  Jumal followed his gaze until it landed again on Pippa, who was now engaged in an animated conversation with a group of captivated government officials who all but surrounded her, observing her every move and hand gesture. He was sure if he looked close enough that he’d see tongues hanging out and drool. Jumal returned to glare at the man, but managed to loosen his tight grip on the stem of his glass before it shattered.

  “Your fiancée, of course,” Kahlid explained.

  “She is not my fiancée,” Jumal corrected, unwilling to dwell on the ache that statement caused. “She is my assistant.” And general pain in my arse, loins and heart…

  Jumal regarded Kahlid as his lips thinned and he responded, “Huh,” before taking another drink from his glass, apparently shocked by the revelation.

  “What does that mean?” Jumal pressed, shaking his head, confused by the response.

  “Oh nothing,” Kahlid countered quickly. “I knew you were recently engaged and I just assumed, what with the way you are with her. Hey, my mistake,” he quickly added, holding his glass up. “So, is she single?” he asked, raising a brow.

  Jumal wanted to punch the man. “No,” he responded curtly, glancing back over to the woman in question. “She is not.”


  Pip was pleasantly surprised that she was enjoying the predinner conversations with the various government representatives she’d met earlier in the day. They made her feel welcome and involved in their conversations and treated her like a lady, an adult. She took a sip from her glass of champagne and tried to steal a glance at Jumal, who appeared deep in conversation with Kahlid, but quickly turned her eyes away when she saw Kahlid nod his head towards her. However, she was not quick enough to avoid catching sight of Jumal’s icy stare. Clearly he wasn’t happy about something she’d done. Shocker.

  She fidgeted, feeling his dark eyes glowering at her. Had she committed some breach of custom or etiquette by drinking the champagne or talking to the men? She took a deep breath and decided to try to ignore the man. If he had a problem with her, he’d just have to tell her.

  As dinner was announced, she thanked the gentlemen for their company and started to make her way towards the large dinner table, but her confident stride was hijacked after only a couple of steps as Jumal took hold of her elbow to guide her to the room. He bent towards her and whispered in her ear, “What the hell are you wearing, Pippa? I said conservative.”

  “What?” she growled back through gritted teeth, trying to keep a smile on her face, “This is conservative. It’s a cocktail dress for God’s sake, designed by the one and only Alix Anderson. You’ve met him, right? International fashion designer, best friend of my sister-in-law? So what is your problem?” she asked, smiling at the fellow attendees and trying to pull her arm away from Jumal’s tight grip.

  “The problem,” he said, clearing his throat, “is that it is almost transparent and it looks like something you should be wearing under a dress.”

  “No it isn’t,” she replied, glancing down. “It’s a black lace overlay and my arms and knees are covered, so it is completely conservative.”

  Kahlid interrupted their debate. “I believe we are to be dinner companions, Miss Darling,” he said partially bowing, his eyes not leaving her. “Shall we?” he asked, politely offering his arm.

  “Oh, how lovely,” she replied, returning his smile, taking his arm and allowing him to escort her to her seat.

  She felt the brush of lips at her ear and tried to hide her gasp of pleasure as she placed her napkin in her lap, keeping her eyes focused on the glass of water being poured for her by Kahlid.

  “This conversation isn’t over, Pippa.” She quickly turned to see Jumal straighten and leave to make his way to his own dinner place.

  She let out a loud stage gasp. “You want to do what to me, Jumal? Is that even legal?” she asked audibly, feigning shock, her hand clasped to her chest.

  If looks could kill…but she still smiled as he took his seat, knowing that she’d likely pay for it later and deciding it was worth it.

  “Yummy,” she said to her dining companion as her starter was placed at her setting by a waiter. “This looks delicious.”


  Jumal could barely contain his frustration. His fists were clenched tightly under the table and he was rudely ignoring his neighbour’s dreary conversation. His anger wasn’t directed at Pippa. Not this time. He was growing quite accustomed to her sense of humour and constant teasing. Other than his close friends, which he could easily count on one hand, she was the only one who really treated him like a human being.

  Kahlid Al Ari was a marked man as far as he was concerned. The pair were sitting directly opposite him and the suave bastard was fawning all over Pippa, pouring her wine and generally fussing. The slimeball had even offered her a taste off his dessertspoon. The fact that Pippa had graciously declined, appearing to pat her stomach, saved the man’s life as far as Jumal was concerned.

  His emotions were a complete mess. He’d never been a jealous man before. Never, ever reacted with such caveman aggression whenever a man had approached Faridah, never wanted to punch a man for simply offering his woman their arm. His woman? Christ, when had he started to think that she was his? He raked his fingers through his hair and took a sip of water.

  Oh great, now she was laughing at the slimeball’s jokes. So Pippa liked a funny man, did she? Jumal cursed silently. When had he ever made a woman laugh out loud? In fact, the better question would be: when had he ever cared? Never.

  Chapter Six

  He closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to avoid having to watch Pippa have a good time with another man. He laughed bitterly to himself as he recalled his stupid attempts to get over his interest in Pippa Darling. He had tried to simply ignore her initially; that was never going to work though on the basis that she was his PA. He’d thought about dating other women, but that would simply lead to him comparing them unfavourably to Pippa and even he knew that wasn’t fair. Hell, he’d even agreed to the farce of an engagement not long after having returned from England having met Pippa again, amend that, having met the all grown up Pippa again.

  With the benefit of time and reflection, even he could see that he and Faridah were a mistake from the start, even ignoring her traitorous actions. Marriage would have made them both miserable, but he had once again allowed his father to ride roughshod over his personal life, because he’d decided that it might help him put Pippa out of his mind. Ha! What a joke. He’d once started to write a list of “reasons not to like Pippa.” He’d gotten as far as “Matt will kill you” before shredding it in self-disgust.

  “Brandy, sir?” The waiter’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

  “No thank you,” he declined and pushed back his chair as he spotted Kahlid stand simultaneously and move to pull out Pippa’s chair for her. No way in hell was the slime going to be dancing with her too. Jumal stalked back around the dinner table.

  “Oh Jumal,” she said, startled by his presence. “Wasn’t dinner lovely?” She smiled widely, placing her napkin on the table.

  “Yes lovely,” he replied brusquely, holding out his hand. “I need to speak with you, Pippa. Will you exc
use us, Kahlid?” But he wasn’t asking. He was secretly relieved when she actually did as he’d asked and put her hand in his.

  “Certainly,” Kahlid conceded, bowing slightly. Jumal let out an impatient breath. “Thank you for your company, Miss Darling. I look forward to seeing you at the polo match. Perhaps you would save a dance for me then?” he suggested far too keenly. “Jumal.” He nodded stiffly in acknowledgement and sauntered away.

  “Ow, Jumal, you’re hurting my hand,” Pip complained as he pulled her towards the dance floor. He released his grip quickly, taking her in his arms before she had chance to argue.

  “Why is he talking about the polo match? He seemed to be under the impression he was invited?” he said, flexing the muscle in his jaw.

  “Ah, well yes—” She dropped her head in avoidance of his intense gaze.

  He pulled away from her and stopped moving. “Pippa,” he growled.

  “I just mentioned it to him and he volunteered to offer a donation.” She shrugged. “I couldn’t very well accept it and not offer an invitation, could I?”

  He pulled her body back into his and resumed their slow dance around the small dance floor, finally allowing himself to take a deep breath and indulge in the soft scent of her hair shampoo—something fresh and light and oh so tempting. Apple.

  There was no style to the dance, just a simple movement of their bodies, but had he ever felt so close to another person? He didn’t think so and when he felt her body relax into his frame, the rest of the room simply fell away.


  She was in his arms finally, held so close to his body that she could feel the heat radiating between them, feel his heartbeat and his soft breath against her hair. Pip finally allowed her body to relax against his and she enjoyed the moment. She’d allow herself the guilty pleasure of one dance only—a reward of sorts for laughing along with Kahlid whilst trying to politely avoid answering his questions about her personal life. One dance, then she would leave.

  Her right hand was clasped in his and she allowed her left hand to slowly move around his waist to the middle of his strong back. She could feel the definition of his muscles either side of his spine as her head rested against his shoulder, and she could happily have stayed in his arms for the rest of the evening.

  She’d played her role as supportive PA to Jumal all day and even laughed at Kahlid’s bad jokes all evening. Now was the time to enjoy.

  Pip had given up trying to kid herself that she could ignore her feelings for Jumal. She wanted him with a desperation that frightened her. She had never had such feelings for any of her earlier boyfriends and was appalled that she couldn’t simply get over him. He was engaged and completely unavailable but she was frustrated by circumstances—anxious to speak to anyone about her feelings but having no one to share them with. She couldn’t turn to anyone in Dubain as they all knew Jumal and she wouldn’t run the risk of anything somehow getting back to him or, worse, to Faridah.

  The same went for her friends at home. There she ran the risk that it would somehow get back to Matt. She’d almost brought it up with James but chickened out at the last minute. Ana, her sister-in-law, would be her usual confidante about such “man matters” but there was no way that she would put her in such a predicament with her husband. What she really needed was someone to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her, highlight the man’s bad points to which she was so obviously blind.

  The music ended.

  “Thank you for the dance,” she said, reluctantly tearing her body from his. She needed to escape, get some distance. “I’m tired now. Am I off the clock?”

  “Of course.” He nodded, stepping back. “I’ll see you back to the room.” He dropped one hand to her lower back and motioned away from the small dance floor with his arm.

  “No,” she said quickly, putting her hand to his chest and gasping as she felt the reaction of his body to her touch, his muscles flexing. The last thing she needed was to be in his presence in their suite. “Erm, sorry, I mean, no it’s fine. You stay,” she urged, stepping back. “I’ll, er, see you in the morning, okay?”

  Jumal nodded in agreement. “Goodnight, Pippa. Thank you for your help today. You did well.”

  She was startled by his rare praise. “Y-you’re welcome. Night,” she added softly before taking a step towards the exit.

  “Pippa,” Jumal called after her and she spun around to face him.

  Her eyes were drawn towards his chest as it expanded with a deep breath. “Anta jameel. You look beautiful in that dress, by the way.”

  She felt her cheeks flush brightly before she turned and made her escape from the room, forbidding herself a look backwards. She knew she was running away but it was surely better than embarrassing both of them by doing or saying something she’d later regret. Something had changed on this trip. Something she couldn’t put her finger on. Whatever it was, it had scared her and she was now running like a frightened rabbit. That’s it, she dictated to her own wayward thoughts as she climbed the broad staircase to their suite. Concentrate on your job for the next few months and then head home, she lectured herself. Simple, her head thought. If only her heart would get on board with the plan…


  “Ah, bliss,” she moaned, lowering her body into a hot bubble bath. A treat after a whirlwind week that started with the visit to Dubai with Jumal, spending some time with James celebrating her actual birthday with a lovely meal before his onward flight to continue his holiday, comforting a heartbroken Melina, finalising the details for the polo match and charity auction that weekend and climbing mountains with Jake.

  She could finally relax now, happy with all the arrangements for tomorrow. She had thrown herself into her work that week, perfectly executing stage one of her “Get over Jumal plan”. The co-star of her plan had been suspiciously absent from the office which, rather than helping, only made her think about him even more than usual. Where the hell was he? He’d simply emailed her from his phone to cancel his scheduled appointments for the week and marked his diary out as “unavailable/no appointments”. Probably busy enjoying himself with the long-legged freak.

  She took a sip of her red wine and allowed the glass to bob alongside her body in the warm water as she reached for a chocolate. Hmm, red wine and chocolate from home courtesy of James—definitely bliss. She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to drift for a moment… Where is he right now? Agghhh, she jerked her eyes open moments later, grabbing desperately for her glass before it spilt in the water. “That bloody man.” She cursed at her treacherous and wayward thoughts. “Can’t even let me relax in the bath in peace,” she grumbled to herself.


  So Saturday had arrived without Pip having spoken to or seen Jumal all week. He hadn’t even checked in with her to see if she needed any help with the polo match. Jerk.

  The morning of the polo match hadn’t started well and she hoped it wasn’t an omen. She’d stepped out to her car that morning, already running a bit late, to find the tyres on her car flat. Not just one, which would be perfectly understandable, but all four. Slashed. She didn’t have time to sort it but thankfully a red-eyed Melina was on hand to give her a lift and was now helping her put the finishing touches to the arrangements. She’d already checked the reception marquee and the place setting and organised the prizes and donations for the charity auction, which was planned for later that evening after the match and dinner dance. Thankfully her bad luck from this morning did not appear to have lingered…

  “Hello Pip.”

  Pip jumped at the American accent behind her and quickly spun around. “Oh, Jake. Hi, how you doin’?”

  His cheeks reddened and he kicked at the grass nervously. “Good thanks.” He grinned back at her. “You look lovely in that dress. Can I do anything to help? You look like you have your hands full.”

  “Ah, no thanks. Melina and I have got it all sorted. You just go on and enjoy yourself. I’ll come and find you.”

,” he said, the smile falling from his boyishly handsome face. “Okay, if you’re sure.” He shrugged, dropped his head forward and continued to kick at the grass.


  “Yes?” he jumped in eagerly.

  “You could help me carry these boxes across to the reception marquee.”

  “Great. Yeah. Sure, I don’t really want to hang around with the big bosses. Feels like they’re always watching me,” he answered eagerly, like a puppy anxious to please. “So how are your aching muscles?” he asked, picking up the boxes full of table gifts.


  The jerk hadn’t even bothered to say hello to her before mounting his bloody horse for the first chukker. But damn the man looked good sporting his team’s pale blue jersey, white jodhpurs, brown leather boots and white helmet. Trust him to make that ensemble look good, especially when teamed with his jet-black horse. The animal looked like it belonged to one of the horsemen of the apocalypse. It was panting and snorting tensely. She’d tried not to stare as he’d mounted his horse confidently and cantered around the pitch, conversing with the other three teammates. She hadn’t missed the intense stand-off between Jumal and Yves. Not that she’d been staring of course…but it seemed that the grudge match was very much on. The only saving grace was the apparent absence of Faridah. Again. Hmm, maybe the mother ship had finally called her home…

  By the end of the seventh chukker the match was still even at two each and it was now sudden death. The excitement of the crowd was thrilling as the next scorer would take all. Pip had been remarkably reserved so far, only drawing a warning glare from Jumal on a couple of occasions.

  She and Jake had taken up a position at the fence in the middle of the pitch, which afforded the best vantage. “So guess what?” Jake asked, leaning over to speak into her ear over the cheering. Pip smiled back, her eyes wide. “I’ve been contacted by the head honcho at Goldbergs in New York.”

  “Yeah?” she encouraged. “How come?”

  “They’ve apparently decided that it was short-sighted of them not to offer me the apprenticeship and—”


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