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Naked Hustle

Page 7

by Trey Parker

"Ahem. No kissing," she said.

  He went back down to sucking on her breasts. Rubbing them and caressing them. Then he eased down to her pussy. His tongue started licking her clit. He started doing tricks with his tongue like he was in a circus. That felt pretty good to her. She tried not to moan, so she just took a couple deep breaths. After a satisfactory job of giving head for like five minutes. He lifted his head up.

  "Are you going to return the favor?"

  "Fuck No. I will not. Just keep going."

  Not wanting to ruin his stride. He returned his head down there and went even harder. At this point, she put her hand on his head to give it a little guidance. She figured that she had already crossed the line so she might as well enjoy this part. He then got up. The part that she had been dreading had finally come. He started licking on her neck. She could feel his penis ease inside of her simultaneously. It hurt. So, she let out a slight screech. He chuckled. Then he replaced his mouth on her neck with his hand grabbing her throat. Loose enough for her to breath but firm enough for her not to move. He laid directly on top of her. Face to face.

  "You work for me now," he said as he pumped slowly.

  She closed her eyes.

  "You hear me?"

  "Ok," she said softly.

  "Say, ‘I work for you now, Marvin!’ Say it!" he said as he started pumping harder.

  She obeyed. Just because she wanted him to hurry up and finish. "I work for you now... Marvin," she said.

  "Who's the boss?"

  "You're the boss, Marvin," she said with a fake sexy voice.

  He smiled. Then gave her a peck on her lips and a wink.

  He stroked and stroked, working as hard he could to please himself. While she laid there. He stayed on top and he had his way with her for all of six minutes... Until he nutted all over the hotel sheets.

  Some of it got on her inner thigh and her stomach. He flipped over and laid on his back, panting.

  Latoya immediately hopped up. She wrapped the towel around her, disgusted with herself and went into the bathroom. She hopped into the shower. The shower was like a symbol of her washing away all of what just happened. She scrubbed every inch of her body, hard. She wanted to dump every remnant of recollection that she had for the last twenty minutes. After the shower, she put all of her clothes on. Her dress, her heels, and made sure that her hair was fine, trying to look as normal as possible. She came out the shower ready to leave. She was hoping that he was sleep and she could just slip out the door. But he was wide awake.

  "I'm headed home," she said.

  "Ok. You sure you don't want to stay and relax for a second, why rush out?"

  "I just fucked my friend’s boyfriend. What is there to talk about?" she said walking to the door.

  "I'm just saying. We're going to be working together so I don't want there to be any bad blood between us. We have to be natural friends and just act like this night never happened."

  "Believe me, I will most definitely act like it never happened,” she said opening the door and walking out.

  She caught an Uber back to Tina and Marvin’s place. She quietly wept in bed. She was praying that she wouldn’t see Tina anytime soon. There was no way that she could look Tina eye-to-eye after what she had just done. The house was so big that it was a possibility.





  14. Check Mates

  The next evening, Latoya was in her room in her bed watching an episode of Atlanta Housewives when someone knocked at her bedroom door. Latoya jumped in fear.


  “Girl open up, its Tina.”

  Latoya’s body grew cold. She tried not to shake from her nervousness. She got out of the bed and went to open the door.

  "Congratulations on the new job!" said Tina walking in.

  "Thank you,” said Latoya with a sense of relief.

  "Marvin told me that you accepted the job and that you should be starting soon."

  "Yea. That's what he told me too."

  "You don't seem excited girl. What's wrong?"

  "Nothing. I am excited. Just a little nervous, that's all. I'm new to construction, don't know much about it, but I'm ready to learn."

  "You'll be fine. I'm not worried about you. Marvin said he pulled a lot of strings to get you this job."

  "I'm sure he did," said Latoya, cringing inside.

  Two weeks on the job felt like it was two months. Why did it feel like it was two months? Because she had no idea what she was really doing there. Her job was really to just play along, as if she would eventually know what she was doing. She would sit with the project manager, Andy, and watch him work. Andy was a fat, middle-aged white guy that always wore his shirts too small. The smell of sweat, cigarettes, and bologna seeped out of his pores. Latoya knew nothing about construction. But Andy was very helpful and he was super nice to her. Most of the time she would be so quiet that Andy would forget that she was there. She stayed quiet so she didn’t sound ignorant. Her job was to shadow him for awhile until she was trained enough to possibly be a project manager herself. Thankfully, Andy didn’t quiz her on anything because she knew she would fail miserably. He just did what Marvin told him to do… let Latoya shadow him. Latoya knew Andy was probably wondering how this young prissy black girl barely out of school got the opportunity to shadow him. She did learn some things though. She learned how to be confident, even when she was clueless.


  It was payday. Latoya was excited to finally get her first paycheck for the job. Apparently for her first check, she had to pick it up from the main front office. Direct deposit kicks in on the second paycheck. That’s what Andy told her.

  After her shift, she made her way to the front office to pick up her check.

  The secretary was at the front desk with her head facing the computer, as if she was typing. She was a pretty dark-skinned girl with long hair, she looked like she was about 22.

  “Hi, my name is Latoya Robertson. I’m here to pick up my first paycheck,” said Latoya.

  “Ok. Hold on…” She opened her desk drawer and started looking through some envelopes. She looked through a couple of times. Then she looked back up.

  “What’s your name again?”

  “Latoya Robertson.”

  “Oh!! Yes. Your check is with Mr. Maples.”

  “Mr. Maples/ Who is that?”

  “The owner of this whole thing. Mr. Marvin Maples. He said that you have to report to his office for your check.”

  Latoya’s heart dropped. “Why do I have to report to him?”

  “I don’t know. He didn’t say. He’s in his office, it’s all the way down the hall and to the left,” she pointed.

  At first, she wanted to curse and just walk away. But she had to go so that the secretary didn’t think anything.

  She walked down the very long hallway to his office. There were no surrounding offices, just his. On the door it said CEO Marvin Maples in red letters. His office door was halfway open. She took a deep breath and knocked slightly. She could hear that he was on the phone. She peaked in. The office was huge. It had a conference table. Coffee table and coffee maker. Refrigerator. There were pictures of him on the wall with the mayor of Atlanta, celebrities, other business owners. He had on a tan colored sports coat with a red tie. He sat in his chair and motioned her to come in. He was speaking on his Bluetooth that was stuck in his ear. He motioned her to sit down in the chairs in front of his desk, but she just stood. He then got up and closed the door behind her.

  “Hey Barry, I’m going to give you a quick call back, someone just walked into my office. Ok. Call you right back.”

  “Ms. Robertson, how have your first two weeks gone?” Marvin said sitting down and loosening up his tie.

  “They’ve been fine. Andy has taught me a lot.”

  “Good! Andy is a great guy. He’s very good at what he does.”

  “The secretary said that you had my paycheck?�

  “Paycheck? What paycheck?” he said with a serious face.

  “Don’t fuck with me Marvin,” Latoya said sternly.

  “SHhhhh. Relax. I was just playing with you. Yes, I have it, right here,” he said holding up the envelope.

  “Ok, so can you give it to me, so I can leave?” Latoya held her hand out.

  “Not so fast. You have to earn this check.”

  By his desk he had a small safe cemented to the ground. He put in a code then threw the envelope into the safe and then closed it and mixed the numbers up.

  “What are you doing?! I already earned it Marvin. I came to work every day. Please just give it to me. Why did you lock it up?”

  “I’ll give it to you under one condition…”

  “No! We made an agreement Marvin. I will not do anything that you are suggesting.”

  “So, you’re going to walk away from your first $3400 check? Because of your pride? You worked hard for this money. If it wasn’t for me, you would not be employed nor would you have a place to stay. I’m like your boss and your daddy.”

  “Marvin. I will tell the whole world what you’re doing to me!”

  “Tell them what? That you agreed to have sex with me? I never put a gun to your head. Don’t forget that you have a record. You’re a felon. Yea, I looked you up. I know everything. You can’t find a real job. No one will I hire you. No experience. Plus, you don’t have a degree. I have connections all over this city, I can make your life a living hell if I really wanted too. But, I’m too nice of a guy to do anything like that. You fuck this up and you’ll be broke and homeless, again.”

  “What the fuck do you want from me Marvin?!” she said.

  He smirked. “Come here, for a second and find out.”

  “No.” she said standing there.

  “Well I’ll come to you…” He stood up and walked around his desk. He walked over and grabbed her neck firmly.

  She quivered. His hand was rough, dry, and as cold as a glacier. He pulled her shirt down with the other hand. Then pulled her bra down to the top of her stomach. And he began to suck on her breasts while standing up. She shook her head. Rolled her eyes. In anger. In disgust. In fear. She looked around on his desk to see if there was anything sharp, that she could pick up and stab him with. She wanted to murder him. But she was a couple steps to far away. The pen was the closest thing. She stood there and didn’t move. He had a firm grip around her neck. Tears fell down her cheeks. She just stood there and did nothing. He then grabbed the back of her head and guided her to the chairs in front of his desk. He grabbed her shoulder and pushed her back to bend over. He unzipped the back of her skirt and pulled it up.

  She tried to turn around. “No! Please Marvin! Just give me my check. Please! Why are you doing this!”

  He held her back and neck down. “Shhhh. Hush…! Be quiet. My secretary is still here. It’s going to be quick, just let it happen. Get it over with.”

  He adjusted her panties to the side. He pushed himself inside of her. It hurt because she was so dry, so forced. She grimaced with pain. She whimpered like a puppy. He jerked her to keep her quiet. She tried to play with her clit to get wet, just so that it would hurt less. He started thrusting back and forth. He let out a quiet grunt. She closed her eyes praying that he would finish soon. After about three minutes, he was done. He zipped up his pants. Wiped his forehead. He walked over to his desk and handed her the envelope. “I’ll see you at the house.”

  Latoya didn’t call an Uber yet. She just sat in the parking lot crying. She had her phone in one hand, her paycheck in the other. She was ready to call the police. She couldn’t stop crying. She was angered with herself more than anything.

  She dialed the number.

  “911, how can we help you?” they answered.

  She hesitated. Not knowing what to say. She looked at her paycheck.

  “Hello, is anyone there?” they continued.

  She hung up.

  Something was holding her back from telling. Fear. She wasn’t even sure what she was afraid of. What if he tries to harm me? she thought. What if it backfires and she ends up losing and taking the blame. Should she tell Tina? Just the police? Or both? Or no one.

  The first thing she wanted to do was move out. She called an Uber to go home. She got to the house and went straight to the room and started packing.

  “Knock, knock, knock.”

  She turned around in panic. It was Tina standing in the doorway.

  “Oh shit! You scared me,” Latoya said.

  “Everything ok? Why are you packing?”

  “Wooo. Tina. I need you to take a seat next to me. I have something to tell you.”

  Tina took a seat. Then Latoya heard the front door alarm go off and the door open and close.

  “What’s the problem? Talk to me?” said Tina.

  “Ummmm.” Latoya muttered.

  “Tina. Baby, where are you?” says Marvin from the main room.

  “I’m in Toya’s room, come here for a second. Something’s wrong with Toya,” she yells.

  A dark shadow approaches from the hallway. Marvin walks in.

  “What’s going on in here? Everything ok?” Marvin comes in with a concerned face.

  “Latoya has her bags packed. And I’m trying to figure out why,” said Tina.

  Latoya sat there silent with her head down. Not knowing how to respond with Marvin there.

  “What’s bothering you Toya. Whatever it is, we can fix it. But we have to know what it is,” said Tina.

  “It’s nothing,” said Latoya.

  “I think I know what it is,” said Marvin. “Work has her stressed out. The job can be very demanding. Especially in her position. There’s a lot of responsibility. Being new to this industry and getting over that learning curve can be tough. That’s the problem, isn’t it?” He looked at Latoya with a straight face.

  Latoya looked at Marvin and she couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth. She was so astonished that she didn’t say anything. She was just witnessing his evil devilish con artistry at work. She nodded in agreement. Just for the sake of being in the moment and not knowing what to say. She felt cowardly for backing down again.

  “That’s what I thought. The last thing we want is for her to leave here and quit the company because of the stress level. So, as the owner, I’ll pull some strings. I’m going to up her salary from 75K to 100K… That’s the least I can do.”

  Tina’s eyes got big. “Wow! See! All you have to do is speak up! Let him know what you’re struggling with and Marvin will fix it. He’s good for it.”

  “The only way that I’ll stay is if every check from here on out is direct deposit...and I want 115K,” she said to Marvin looking him in dead in his eyes.

  “It’s done,” he said quickly.

  “Well with that being said, I’m going to sleep, I need time alone please,” Latoya said.

  “Let us know if you need anything,” Tina replied.



  15. The Secretary’s Secret

  It had been a month and Latoya was getting the hang of the job. People at the company respected her and thought highly of her. Especially Andy. She hadn’t had any new issues with Marvin and receiving her money. She barely saw Marvin at all anymore, so that made her feel a lot better. She had made enough money to buy a new car. Additionally, she had been in talks with a realtor because she had planned on moving out and finding a nice condo in Buckhead. Or maybe even a house. She could afford it with the money she was making.

  She was just clocking out of work when she got a call from Tina.

  "Meet me at Sivas Hookah Lounge tonight. 8 p.m.," said Tina.

  "What's wrong with you? Everything ok?"

  "Just come," said Tina as she hung up.

  She had never heard Tina with that type of worried tone. Something must really be wrong. The first thing that came to her mind was that she found out about her and Marvin. This couldn't have come at a wors
e time. Everything was going fine at work. She tried her best to get her story together in her head. There was no right way to tell her. But she was ready for it. She was ready for a beat down from Tina. She wondered if she should tell her over the phone before they met up. Or should she could call Marvin to see if he knows anything about her finding out? Maybe he's at the Sivas Lounge too and she's going to interrogate the both of them? She decided just to show up.

  She got to Sivas Hookah Lounge. Worried like hell. Her mind wondered. Her heart rate had sped up. She looked around to see if Marvin was anywhere. No sign of Marvin. She turned to the right to see Wanda and Tina there. They both looked at her. Wanda was rubbing Tina’s back. Tina looked at Latoya. She looked like she had been crying. Wanda looked at her concerned.

  "What's going on, ladies, sorry I'm late," she said sitting.

  "Why didn't you tell me," said Tina looking at her with piercing eyes.

  Latoya froze. She looked at her in her eyes. She was caught red handed and there was no lying to get out of this one.

  "I'm sorry Tina. I was just desperate and I needed a job so."

  "Fuck your job!" Tina interjected. "Why didn't you tell me that Marvin was fucking his secretary?"

  "What?!" Latoya said confused. Looking at both Wanda, then back at Tina.

  "You knew all along, didn't you? Everyone knew except for me."

  "Ummmm. No! I assumed. But. I had no clue, I'm not just going to accuse your man of something if it’s not definitive."

  "She's right, Tina. She can't just say something if she doesn't know for sure," said Wanda.

  "Well, apparently, everyone at the job knows. The VPs, the managers, and I'm just sitting here looking like a fool."

  "How did you find out?" asked Latoya with a bit of relief.

  "One of the lower level guys named James that works there told me. We go to the same gym together. He has a crush on me. He doesn't like Marvin as his boss so he told me."

  As big of a relief as it was to know that she didn't find out about her and Marvin. This was still a problem. If Tina and Marvin have problems, or break up, that means Latoya doesn’t have a job. Marvin only gave her a job as a favor for Tina. Once he has no obligation to her, Latoya knew that it was over for her.


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