Naked Hustle

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Naked Hustle Page 14

by Trey Parker

  As time went on, the case had been dismissed. Law enforcement could not conjure up enough evidence to indict anyone. No one knew anything. No one said anything. When it comes to drug crimes, everyone is afraid to give up names. Especially when it has something to do with the higher up drug dealers. No one snitched, no one got caught. There were some bigger drug names in play that had the power to keep everyone’s mouth sealed.



  27. Hot, New, Single

  The first time she heard the song, she was at Dreamville working. The DJ shouted her out.

  “Not everyone can have a song named after them. Black Vanity you changing the game,” said the DJ.

  Latoya had no idea what he was talking about. Latoya hated Lil Fresh after that one night, but what she didn’t know was that he came out with a new hot single titled Black Vanity Dreams. When she first heard it, she was afraid that he was going to put their sexual encounter out there. But the song was harmless and it basically just mentioned that she was a girl of his fantasy. The song had made her famous.

  Latoya started getting booked for club appearances. One night, Latoya was in her VIP section at this club called Prive. She could see everyone looking up at her. They realized that she was the girl on the flier and the girl from Lil Fresh’s song. She had on this bomb-ass blue dress. It fit her curves nicely. She was really there just to get her check and to leave. But for some reason the club was poppin this night. She was with three other girls that were associates, not friends. The section next to her was empty for awhile. Next thing you know. A group of three guys came over. All of them were pretty good looking. They looked hood but somehow sophisticated. They dressed nice. All black. Like business people. But they had big chains like drug dealers. So, It was kind of confusing.

  After taking another good look at one of the guys, Latoya came to the conclusion that he was fine. Not just good looking fine. His swag was just silent confidence, and he did not have to say a word. He was Puerto Rican-looking, but definitely African American. Good hair. Cute smile. He had a couple of tats on his neck. A gold chain with the label BWS.

  A guy with money doesn’t excite Latoya anymore because she had money on her own now. But she could tell these guys had some money. She got caught making eye contact with the leader.

  As the night went on, this mysterious group of guys ordered bottles back to back to back. Ace of Spades, D’Ussé, you name it, they ordered it. The DJ would shout them out. “I see the BWS boys are in the building, I see you Taq!! The richest niggas in Atlanta.”

  Next thing you know. She was sitting there minding her own business, and she saw sparkles headed to her section. The girls started dancing. Latoya looked at one of the girls. “Did you order another bottle?”

  “Umm. No,” she looked to the other girl. “No, I didn’t order anything.” There was no way that she was going to pay $500 for another bottle. It just wasn’t happening.

  The bottle service dancers were dancing with the sparkles. She couldn’t wait until she stopped so she could ask her why the hell she was bringing another. As soon as she put the sparkle down. Latoya whispered in her ear. “Ummm. I didn’t order another bottle.”

  “Yea, we know. The BWS guys over there ordered for y’all.”

  “Oh… ok. Ummmm. We don’t want it. You can take that back,” said Latoya.

  One of the girls said, “Wait! Why send it back?!”

  “Because we don’t know those guys! I’m not about to just drink this shit and then they expect us to do something in return.”

  “Girl! They bought it for us. We didn’t ask for it. Stop thinking so much. If they want to spend money on us let them.”

  The waitress stood there waiting on Latoya’s response. She looked across to the BWS boys’ section. They weren’t even looking their way. “Ok. We can just keep it I guess.”

  As the girls opened the bottle and poured it in their glasses, it didn’t last longer than five minutes. She sat there wondering why the hell these guys bought it. She decided to go ask herself.

  “Excuse me. Which one of you all are responsible for that bottle that was sent over.”

  They all looked at her like she was crazy. “I’m sorry, we don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Latoya was getting a bit aggravated.

  “So, it wasn’t y’all that sent the bottle? The waitress said it was y’all.”

  The leader spoke up. “I thought you were cute and I wanted you to come join us.”

  “Oh. Well, thank you. But you didn’t have to do all that,” said Latoya.

  “Why didn’t I? Did it not work? Are you not here?”

  “Yea, but that doesn’t matter. What do you want?”

  “I want your heart, and I want to be your friend.”

  “I don’t need any more friends, I have too many already, but thanks.”

  “I agree. That’s why you need to get rid of some to make room for me. Just like the ones in your booth that just want to be seen with you and that want to be scavengers. Quality over quantity,” he said with a wink. “My name is Taq by the way. What’s yours?” he said.

  “Latoya. Oh, so you’re the guy that the DJ keeps shouting out. And what the hell is BWS?”

  “We’ll discuss all that later over some dinner. Is that ok with you?”

  “Ummm. Maybe.”

  “Ok. Here,” he said as he handed her a phone.

  She just sat there with it. Trying to really figure out if she should give her number to him. She never gives her number out to guys anymore. Especially in the club. She would usually lie and say that she has a boyfriend. Or that she’s gay. Or some reject of that sort. But this time she just put her number in and gave it to him.

  “Looked like you passed the test,” he said as he got his phone back.

  She rolled her eyes playfully, “What test?”

  “Testing to see if you had good taste,” he winked.

  She laughed. “Whatever,” and went back to her section.

  It was Sunday morning and she got a text from Taq.

  "Good morning gorgeous, do you have a passport?"

  How random she thought. Out of all the questions to ask.

  "No, I don't. I need to get one though. Why do you ask?" she replied.

  "Ok. This week, go apply for your passport. Get your birth certificate and apply."

  "Umm. Ok. And why am I going to get a passport?"

  "Because next month, you and I are going to Colombia. I need you to be ready."

  "That's funny. First off, I don't know you like that. I mean we just met this weekend. Why would I just up and plan a trip with you? We haven't went on a date or anything."

  "Our first date will be to the post office to get your passport. Can you be ready at 1:00 p.m. on Friday?"

  She laughed out loud, then texted back. "What is wrong with you! You are crazy. You don't even know me."

  "I'm crazy enough to take a chance with you and to get to know you. Yes, I am. Friday at 1:00 p.m.? We'll get lunch afterwards."

  She was baffled. She just agreed. "Ok. I'll be ready at 1:00 p.m."



  28. Mr. Big Shot

  He was punctual. At 1:00 p.m. he was in her driveway… with a Lamborghini. A yellow Lamborghini at that. He hopped out wearing a very nice outfit, it was all white. It was some designer’s clothes that she didn’t recognize.

  "This is a nice place," he said looking around at the condominiums.

  "Ummm. Yea, but not as nice as your car.... Who the hell are you?"

  He smiled, "Maybe you can find out for yourself in due time."

  "Ok. Whatever... Taq!"

  They went to the post office with all of her documents and applied for a passport. He paid the $160 fee for her. Afterwards, they left and went to eat lunch at STK. They valeted the car and walked in.

  "Mr. Taq!" Yelled the host standing by the front door. "How are you?!"

  "I'm well. Thank you! This is my
girlfriend, Latoya,"

  Latoya looked at Taq with a side eye. “Umm. Don’t lie. Yes, my name is Latoya. I’m just a friend of Taq’s. I am not his girlfriend.”

  Taq smiled, “I’m sorry, not my girlfriend yet. Excuse my ambition, I like to speak things into existence.”

  The host smiled. "Well greetings, Latoya! It’s a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to STK! We're going to go ahead and get you all seated. Come right this way."

  They followed the host to a booth in the back and they were seated.

  "You must come here often. That host was overly excited to see you," said Latoya.

  "Yea. I'm a longtime customer here."

  Moments later, a 50-year-old looking handsome white man with a black suit walked up.

  "Taq. Good to see you again," he reached his hand out.

  "Mark. Good seeing you, man," said Taq shaking his hand back.

  "Latoya, I'm the restaurant manager here. Taq knows me very well. I want to make sure that you all have a wonderful experience with us. If there's ANYTHING. I mean ANYTHING, I can do for you all, please let me know."

  "Thank you. You know I will, Mark," said Taq.

  Mark then walked away.

  "Ok. Seriously, who the hell are you?" Latoya asked again.

  "Have you drawn any conclusions yet? I don't want to tell you, I'd rather you use your own judgement based on your observation," said Taq with a grin.

  "Ummm. Let's see. It seems like you are pretty successful, that's for sure. Pretty successful at something."

  Taq nodded. "Yes, I would have to agree."

  "I'm a little afraid to ask, but... what do you do?"

  Taq looked at Latoya and smiled. "Whatever it takes."

  "Well. I like that answer. Because that's what I do as well. Whatever it takes."

  “Welp. It looks like we’re going to get along just fine then,” said Taq.





  29. Stupid Cupid

  Dreamville 12:30 a.m.

  It was a slow night so, unfortunately, she had to go with the guaranteed money. Edwin. Latoya gave him a half-ass dance because she knew he would pay her either way. He was just happy that she would even talk to him.

  "When are you going to stop playing with me Black Vanity," said Edwin looking up at her from his chair.

  "What are you talking about? How am I playing with you?"

  "I called you the other night, but you didn't answer. And I texted you."

  Latoya stopped dancing and turned to him. "Wait a minute. You were that random 678 number that called me last week? I don't answer unsaved numbers. How did you get my number?”

  "Farren gave it to me. She said that you wouldn't mind."

  "Ugh. I'm going to kill her! What else did she give you! My address?!"

  "Yea. I had to beg for that though."

  She looked him square in the eye, "Listen Edwin. I want to make this very clear. If you ever show up to my house, I will call the police on you. And I will do whatever I have to do to make sure you go to jail. You don't want that, do you?"

  "Damn. It’s like that?!"

  "Yes! And I'm going to change my number too. UGH!"

  Latoya stopped dancing with him and started looking for Farren. Ever since the Booker situation she had kept her distance from Farren. And she really hadn’t talked to her at all since then. Just pretty much hi and bye. Latoya knew that Farren was trying to play petty games by giving her number to Edwin. Latoya was ready to curse her out. She went to the dressing room and busted open the doors and saw Farren talking to another chick.

  “Well, well, well, look who we have here. My little student has turned into a superstar. She got a song named after her and now she doesn’t know how to act. Busting through doors like she owns the place,” said Farren.

  "Ummm. Farren. What the hell is wrong with you?" Latoya said.

  The other chick looked at her "Oooop. I think that's my cue to leave," she left.

  Farren looked confused, "What's the problem, what happened!?"

  "You gave Edwin my address and phone number and shit! Have you lost your damn mind?!"

  "Ohh! Shit. Girl, you scared me. I thought something was seriously wrong," she began to laugh. "I'm sorry. Edwin just really, really likes you. I figured one day you'll give him a chance," Farren shrugged.

  "That's not funny. And. No! Never. Stop boosting his head up. It will never happen. Stop trying to be cupid. I already have a man."

  "Oh shit. You got a man? Who is he? Let me guess, it’s Lil Fresh, that’s why he named that song after you?" asked Farren.

  "No. Hell no. You don’t know him. Well, we’re not official yet but we probably will be soon. His name is Taq."

  "Taharq Taylor?!"

  "Taharq? No his name is Taq. Who the hell is Taharq? I think you’re talking about someone else."

  "There’s only one Taq. Is he tall and Puerto Rican-looking? Rich guy?"

  "Maybe. Why?"

  "Ahh shit. You have to be kidding me. Taharq is Taq. Taq is his street name. Everyone calls him Taq but it’s short for Taharq. I heard that he was messing with someone new that worked here, I didn't know it was you!"

  "Why does that matter?"

  "You should delete his number right now. Where's your phone?" Farren reached out for Latoya’s phone.

  Latoya refused. "No Farren. What's wrong with Taq?"

  Farren looked at Latoya like she was crazy. "You must not know who Taq is. Taq is the biggest name in the dope game. Like Big Meech type of big. He's rich as fuck. He’s very powerful. But he's very dangerous. You’re not built for that type of life. Don't let all of the cars, real estate, and boats fool you. All of his businesses are a cover up. Plus, he's a no good dog just like any other nigga out here. He ain’t serious about wifing you girl.”

  "And how do you know all of this, Farren? Let me guess, you heard it from someone," said Latoya with her hand on her hip.

  "I just know, Latoya. Believe me. I suggest you stay away from him. It’s ok to know him, just keep your distance," said Farren.

  “Thanks for the advice. But I’m a grown-ass woman, and I made a grown-ass decision to talk to Taq. Let me deal with the consequences.”

  “Ok. Do you. Just remember, you’ve been warned,” said Farren.

  Latoya didn’t trust Farren anymore, but what Farren explained about Taq being a big time drug dealer in the streets made too much sense. Especially since he didn’t reveal exactly what he did when Latoya had asked. Latoya still could not understand how Farren was so against Taq. Especially since the guys that Farren previously had relations with were mostly dope dealers. Dangerous? They were all dangerous. Probably more dangerous than Taq because they were lower level dope dealers. Latoya was more skeptical about taking Taq serious now, even though she admired him. But there was no way she was going to renege on a free trip out of the country. She still needed a vacation.





  30. Baecation

  Cartagena, Colombia

  “Why are you doing all of this?” They sat on the beach and had the locals feeding them native cuisine. Treating them like royalty.

  “Doing, what?” Taharq said while eating his fish.

  “Doing all of this? Flying me out and shit. I mean. You probably do this with all of your groupies and hoes.”

  “Which one are you? A ho or a groupie?”

  “Ugh! Neither!”

  “Ok then. I won’t fly a ho or a groupie out. I never did. I never will,”

  “So why me then? Why fly me out if I know you got all these girls chasing you?”

  “What makes you think that I have hoes chasing me?”

  “Come on Taq. You’re good looking. You got plenty of money. Nice-ass cars. These hoes all over you. Let’s not play dumb. Why me though?”

  “You’d be surprised. I know what I’m looking for.”

that is…”

  “I’m not looking for any hoes, I’m looking for a queen.”

  Latoya rolled her eyes. “Here we go.”

  “I’m serious. Trust me, I have had my share of hoes and groupies. They were all expensive. They wanted me for my name, my money, and this lifestyle. But see you’re different. You’d be a bonus and not a burden. You don’t need me, you’ve got your own and that’s what I like about you. I’m looking for someone that’s actually worthy of my time. Someone that I can build a dynasty with. Someone that I can trust with my life.”

  “You think I can be that?” asked Latoya.

  “I don’t know. Do you think you can be that? Trustworthy? Loyal?”

  “For the right man, yes.”

  “Who’s the right man for you?”

  “Hmmm. Let me think. Someone that I can trust. Someone that is faithful. Someone that I can build with too. Someone that is about their business.”

  “Sounds really familiar. Can I put my application in? I think I’d be a good candidate,” said Taq.

  “What makes you think that you’re a good enough candidate?” asked Latoya.

  “Because you’re interviewing me right now. So, I must be doing something right.”

  Toya was silent for a second.

  “What’s wrong? Say something,” asked Taq.

  “To be completely honest with you. I heard something about you that was very disturbing, and it made me question if I could ever be with you.”

  “What is that?”

  “I heard that you’re a drug dealer. Is that true?”

  “Ummmm. I’m an entrepreneur.”

  “You lied to me. You didn’t tell me that you were a drug dealer. That’s unacceptable.”

  “I told you I would do whatever it takes. By any means necessary to live my dreams. I have a lot of different businesses.”

  “Well, I don’t appreciate the fact that you lied to me. Plus, I told myself that I would never date a drug dealer a long time ago. And I don’t know if I can break that promise. So, I really appreciate all of this hospitality but I don’t think we can become anything more than just friends.”


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