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Naked Hustle

Page 15

by Trey Parker

  Taq was silent. He stared at the ocean and watched the waves splash onto the shore. Then he got up and started walking towards the resort.

  “Wait where are you going?!” yelled Latoya.

  Taq said nothing and continued walking all the way back until he was back in the suite. Latoya followed him.

  “Are you going to speak to me? I’m sorry if I made you mad. Say what’s on your mind?”

  After about ten minutes of silence, Taq finally spoke.

  “I didn’t tell you that I was drug dealer because I was afraid that you wouldn’t think I was worthy of being your man. I didn’t think you would accept me. And I was right.”

  “Worthy? Me? Ha ha. Hello! I’m a stripper in case you didn’t know. There’s nothing you should feel like you should hide from me. I keep it real. But I haven’t always kept it real. I feel you on the fear of not being accepted because I used to tell lies so that people would like me or so that I could fit in. But I grew out of that though. And, don’t get me wrong, I don’t knock anyone’s hustle. But I just can’t date a drug dealer based on an experience with a past relationship that has screwed me up for life. So, it’s personal, doesn’t have much to do with you.”

  “Maybe if you knew my life story, then I would be the exception?”

  “Tell me your story. Who the hell is Taharq Taylor? We’re on vacation and I have nothing but time,” said Latoya hopping on the bed and folding her legs Indian style ready to listen.

  “Well to start, both of my parents died in a car accident when I was 5-years old. So, I became an orphan. My dad was black and my mom was black and white. So, I was a skinny mixed kid at this all black orphanage. All the girls liked me but the guys hated me because I was different. They bullied me. Every single day I was getting into fights with the other older guys. I stayed with a black eye. That’s where I learned how to fight. Nobody wanted to adopt me and I hated the orphanage, so I ran away. I was on the streets at the age of 11. I was homeless. I was starving. For me to survive, I would just steal things and sell them for money.”

  “OMG. What would you steal?”

  “Everything. Anything. Cars, computers, clothes. Anything that seemed reachable, I would get my hands on it. I had so much respect in the streets because I had a lot of money for an 11-year-old kid and I would beat up any and everybody that looked at me wrong. All the kids were afraid of me and they looked up to me. Even older kids that were 16 and 17 looked up to me or respected me. It got to the point where kids, older and younger started working for me. I would tell them to steal. I would show them how. Give them the keys to the game, then have them working for me. They would bring me a percentage of everything that they stole. They were loyal. Guess what our gang was called. You’re going to laugh.”

  “What were y’all called?”

  “Nacho Gang. I made it up because we really believed that anything we saw was NOT YOURS and it would eventually be ours. And we were all about our cheese. I had like 10 kids working for me when I was 14.”

  “So, how did you get in the drug game?”

  “Well there was this big drug dealer that we stole from. On accident. We didn’t know he was in the drug game. We stole a television from his house. The guy caught one of my kids and asked him who he was working for. He was going to kill him. The kid told him who I was. The guy called me to show up so he wouldn’t kill him. He didn’t know I was 14. Come to find out, he was Musa, one of the biggest drug dealers in Atlanta. When he met me, he was so impressed that he took me in. It was like he bought my little business. Nacho Gang now had an investor. It was like hitting the lotto.

  “So, y’all worked for him?”

  “Yes. We worked for Musa, but he adopted me too. He became my father. I was the only one from the Nacho Gang that actually lived with him. We had unlimited resources. I probably was worth half a million dollars at the age of 16.”


  “But the real money came from the knowledge that I acquired from Musa. He taught me about business, he taught me about life. He taught me everything, really.”

  “What was the biggest lesson that he taught you?”

  “The law of polarity. Without hot, there is no cold, without darkness, there is no light. Without, up, there is no down. So, I’m aware that life is always about cycles and seasons. You just have to be ready for both sides of the spectrum.”

  “That’s deep.”

  “He also taught me that if I wanted to last in this drug game, I would have to think smart and not be like every other dealer. I would have to invest and think like a businessman. He told me that I needed multiple streams of income and to own real estate and invest in companies to separate myself from the pack.”

  “So, where is your father Musa now?”

  “He’s dead to me.”

  “He died. How did he die?”

  “He’s not actually dead. I just don’t like talking about him. Let’s just say the student became the master. And he’ll never be able to accept that. He wanted me to continue to be his servant working under him while he continued profiting off my talents. When I told him that I wanted to branch out and start my own organization, he downplayed it and belittled my ambitions. He said that I would never last. All I wanted was his support. But he denied me. So, I left him behind and started my own organization from scratch. I knew that I was smarter than him. Now, I have more money than him, guaranteed. My organization is thriving. I’m expanding my operations. And he’s jealous of my success. My idol became my rival.”

  “Do y’all ever talk?”

  “I haven’t spoken with him since I left and I’ll probably never speak to him or see him again.”


  “Because our egos are too big.”

  “Do you still love him?”

  “I loved him at one point. He was my father and mother. He was my everything. He was like a God to me back then.”

  “I think y’all should meet. I mean. Maybe he’s changed. You ever heard of forgiveness. It’s for your sake, not his. Grudges are never good.”

  “Trust me, he doesn’t want to see me. And I for damn sure don’t want to see him. Maybe one day we’ll meet again. But let’s talk about something else, enough about him.”

  “Ok. What motivates you now? I mean you have pretty much everything you want. What keeps you going?”

  “First off, to prove everybody that doubted me and didn’t believe in me wrong. Also, when I was hustling to survive, money motivated me. But once I started to expand my mind, I read a book and learned about the Black Wall Street and that sparked a new kind of motivation for me and changed my life forever. Do you know about Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Oh shit. Well, let me give you a quick history lesson. See, I never went to school, but I know they didn’t teach y’all this. My father taught me this. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, there were striving black communities that existed. Black doctors, black lawyers, black-owned businesses. Black everything, a whole thriving black community similar to the Jews. But the government and the KKK burnt that shit down because they were hating on us.”

  “OMG! Are you serious?”

  “Yes. That is the shit that motivates me! That’s why I named my organization after it BWS, aka Black Wall Street Mafia. This drug dealing shit is only my way out. I’m cleaning up my money as we speak. I own multiple real estate investment properties. I have a dry cleaning business. I have a car wash. I got a barbershop. I’m trying to leave this game. But I have to become 100 percent legit, you know.”

  “You can do it! You’re on your way. Shit, I want to stop this dancing one day too. I can’t dance forever. I need an exit strategy.

  “That’s why I need someone like you to help me! To motivate me. To keep me grounded. We’re in the same boat. We both have big dreams. We both like to handle our business. I need a ride or die chick! That’s not in it for just the money. That’s in it for the journey. You’re like my second self. You understand what I�
��m saying?”

  “So, you’re considering me to be all of this?”

  “Toya. I have eyes everywhere. You may not have seen me, but I’ve been watching you for the longest. I know you are the shit. This Black Vanity character is nothing more than, little ole Latoya Robertson trying to create a better life for herself. There’s no other person on planet Earth that I believe can represent me, as well as my organization, better than you can right now.”

  “Ok. So, what are you waiting on?”

  “I’m waiting on you to accept it.”

  “Accept what?”

  “Accept the role of being the first lady of BWS.”

  “Oh, first lady? I don’t know about all that.”

  “What are you afraid of?” asked Taq.

  “I’m not afraid of anything. I just don’t know what I’m signing up for. What does it mean?”

  “That means I’m the president and you’d be my right-hand woman that’s willing to hold me and my organization down.”

  Latoya was hesitant at first. She said nothing. She thought it was kind of corny but cute at the same time. First lady? She looked into Taq’s eyes and saw that he was as serious as a heart attack. His eyes were yearning for some type of commitment from Latoya. Latoya felt pressured. She decided to play along. What did she have to lose? It sounded fun. She had never been the first lady of anything.

  “So, what do I have to do to accept this first lady role?”

  “Just give me a kiss,” he said smiling.

  She smiled and gave him a kiss. It was passionate. Real. It was like a signature on a dotted line. One of his hands softly held her neck and one of his hands firmly gripped her butt. For some reason, she had never been this turned on before. They locked eyes. Just to confirm that they were both serious about what was about to happen. Their lips touched again. And again. Then their tongues met for the first time. He kisses her then backs her up against the wall.

  She had on a dress, so it was easy to slide off her panties. As soon as they were off. He lifts her dress up, kneels down, and lifts one of her legs up and puts it on his shoulder. He slowly starts to caress her pussy lips with his tongue. It was warm. He definitely knew what he was doing.

  Then he starts massaging his fingers on her clit along with his tongue. She put her hand on his head. He then puts her other leg over his shoulder and lifts her up against the wall while on his feet. Then his tongue starts going crazy in her vagina. His tongue did tricks as if it was an acrobat in a circus. He made smacking and slurping sounds. Her toes curled, knees locked, and her body shivered as a rush of euphoria ran through her.

  She had an orgasm and he knew it. She had to return the favor. He let her down and immediately unzipped his pants. She could feel his dick. It was as hard as a college engineering class. She pulled his dick out and it was huge. She looked up at him. He smiled and shrugged. She then licked it like her favorite popsicle. She massaged it with her tongue. She kissed it. Then spit on it. Then she put it in her mouth.

  She used both hands. One grabbing on his nuts and the other massaging his dick as it went in and out her mouth. Her goal was to please him, just as he pleased her. His moaning turned her on.

  “How do you want it?” she said looking up at him.

  “Shhhh. Take your dress off and lay down on your back,” he said. Latoya listened and got naked.

  He got on top of her and their tongues met again. He had taken off everything but his gold chains. His chains rested on her breast and for some reason it turned her on even more. He eased inside of her. Her pussy was so wet that it was like fucking honey. He started thrusting inside of her. She was having orgasm after orgasm. At this point she just wanted him to do the same because she had already been overly satisfied.

  They changed positions and she got on all fours. He went inside again, this time, he started hitting her from the back. One hand pulling her hair, the other controlling her waist, he started pounding her. She could feel him in her stomach. It was as if he had touched her soul.

  “Taq!” she yelled. “I’m coming!”

  He immediately pulled out and she felt him burst all over her butt.

  “Woooo. Me too,” he said flopping on his back next to her in the bed.

  She laid there on her stomach. He got up and went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He wiped her off. He laid back next to her. “You good?” he asked.

  “Yea. Are you good?” she rebutted.

  “Better than ever now that I got you.” He smiled.

  “Oh really?” she said turning to him on her side and smiling.

  “Yep. Honestly though, are you ready for this life? Do you know what you just signed up for?”

  “Umm. To be your girl? Well at least I think that’s what I signed up for.”

  “Latoya, I’m not a regular guy. I want to mentally prepare you for this life. I’m a very powerful person. Probably more powerful than you could imagine. So, when people find out about us, they’re going to be jealous.”

  “I mean that’s obvious. That’s in any relationship.”

  “No. You don’t understand. You’re like Meghan Markle. You just walked into royalty. You have a throne now. I’m the King, and I just crowned you as my Queen. Hoes are going to hate you. They are going to try to size you up. They are going to discourage you from being with me. They are going to talk shit about me. They are going to try to sabotage us. You’re going to be a target. Hoes and niggas are going to hate on you… But you have to make a promise to me.”

  “I’m listening. Go ahead.”

  “Promise me that no matter what, we will stay down for each other. We will ride together and die together. No matter the situation. No matter the storm. We got each other’s back.”

  “I promise, as long as you have my back,” she smiled.

  “Of course. Pinky promise?” he said holding his pinky out and smiling.


  They locked pinkies. Then kissed.

  Back to the States, Atlanta, Georgia

  Taq and Latoya enjoyed first-class seats to and from Cartagena, Colombia. As soon as the plane’s wheels hit the ground and they landed at Hartsfield Jackson Airport, Taq started making recommendations for Latoya, his new first lady of BWS. He was determined to move her in with him as soon as possible.

  “Call a moving company. Move your stuff to my address. I’m sending you my address right now.”

  “Wait. I’m moving in already? I’m going to just break my lease?”

  “Fuck that lease. I’ll buy the shit. Yes, move in, what are you waiting for, if you’re serious then you’ll move in.”

  “Ok. Let me start googling companies then.”

  The next day, Latoya was relocating. She found a company called Synergy Moving to help her move. It took Synergy Moving a full day to pack all of Latoya’s stuff. She didn’t realize how much junk she had bought until she had to move. Latoya rode in the truck with the movers as they went down to south Atlanta where the GPS took them. It was a 45-minute ride. Once she finally saw Taharq’s place, she realized that he was right. He was not a regular person by far. The estate was so big she could not see the mansion from the front gate. The moving company workers kept looking at Latoya in disbelief, trying to figure out who she really was, and how she had gone from a condo to a multi-million-dollar estate. Latoya was in just as much of a shock as they were. The moving truck pulled up to the gate entry, then they pressed a button.

  “Yes,” someone answered from the speaker.

  “This is Latoya.”

  The gates slowly opened. They drove in and they finally could see the mansion. Latoya was certain her life had just changed.

  They pulled up to the place, there was a chunky black guy outside wearing a plain white T-shirt and khaki pants smoking a blunt. She remembered him from the club when she first met Taq. It smelled like it was some strong weed that he was smoking.

  He walked up to the moving truck.

  “Latoya?” he asked.


  “I’m Pat. Nice to meet you. I’m the general manager for BWS. I handle all of Taq’s affairs. I’m here to help you move in.”

  “Ok. Nice to meet you. Where is Taq?”

  “Taq is out handling business. He’ll show up later on. Go ahead and park in the front then y’all can start unloading.”

  The men parked and started unloading. They began taking her stuff in and she was able to get a good look around the place. She saw a lot of artwork. Pictures of Scarface. The Godfather. The Goodfellas. Big Meech. Malcolm X. And Barack Obama. There were old vintage pictures of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street. The living room was huge. Huge chandelier. Marble floors. Fancy-looking couches.

  “Follow me. I’ll show you where your room is,” said Pat.

  He took her down a long hallway. Then made a left.

  “This is your spot. It’s pretty much already decorated. But it’s up to you to fix this shit up however you want to.”

  “Ok. Thanks Pat. This is super nice. Question. How many rooms does this place have?”

  “It’s like 10.”

  “How many people stay here?”

  “Just you and Taq. I’ll occasionally stay here when I have meetings.”

  “Meetings? With whom?”

  “With some of the other leaders. Listen Latoya. You have to understand. This is a huge organization with a lot of moving parts. You’re dealing with the leader of a multi-million-dollar organization. The less you know. The better. Believe me. As a matter of fact, no one should even know this address without permission from Taq or myself. No visitors. All you need to know is that I’m responsible for Taq’s affairs, if there’s anything that you may need I’ll be able to help. Things that you don’t need to bother Taq about, just let me know. Comprender?”


  “Also. There’s another person that I’ll introduce you to. He’s new to the organization. Ay Poison, come meet Black Vanity… I mean the new Mrs. BWS!” Pat yelled.


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