A Billionaire's Connection: Marceline's Kiss (Molding Clay Book 2)

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A Billionaire's Connection: Marceline's Kiss (Molding Clay Book 2) Page 2

by Rusalov, Vladimir X.

  Oh and not forgetting those amazing smoldering gray eyes.

  Marceline was petite with long dark brown hair and beautiful big blue eye's. She would turn the heads of every guy when she walked into a room even if she was just wearing sweats yet she never noticed and didn't think she was anything special. She always had guys asking her out but she was never interested. She just thought they were being polite or only asking her because she was the only girl left to ask. Cathy kept telling her just how gorgeous she was but Marceline just said she was saying that because she was her best friend. Ever since the incident Marceline found it hard to trust many people, especially any of the men she would meet. She didn't want to ever get hurt again.

  As soon as Marceline had said to Cathy that she was definitely going to go out to dinner with Victor, Cathy dragged her out of their hotel room and into the town center to go shopping and find her the perfect outfit to wear to their date. Marceline wasn't one for getting all dressed up. She would have been much more comfortable in a pair or fitted jeans, a nice top and a pair of sensible pumps. Cathy insisted that she needed to dress her up as she knew that he would be taking Marceline to a really fancy, expensive restaurant and she had to look the part. Once they had the outfit it was time to get her hair, make-up and nails done. Marceline really didn't want to make this much fuss but Cathy insisted and said it was her treat. After a total of 3 hours shopping and pampering they were finally done so they headed back to their hotel room. It was 6.50pm and the table was booked for 7.30pm. Luckily the restaurant was just a few blocks away from the hotel so she had about 40 minutes to get dressed and make her way there. Victor had wanted to get Max (She assumed he was his driver) to pick her up and take her to the restaurant but Marceline refused and said she would prefer to take a cab. She had a feeling that he wasn't used to being told no and this made her feel good. Powerful even. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of defying his wishes. She said goodbye to Cathy and made her way outside to hail a cab.

  Victor was at his Escala apartment sitting in his office reading over the files he asked Welch to get on Marceline. Welch could dig up almost anything for anyone that Victor wanted him to. Marceline however, was one of the few people who even he wasn't able to get full details on. There were some classified files that he couldn't get access to and this frustrated Victor. He didn't like not being able to do a full background check of prospective subs and this annoyed him.

  I was right when I thought I saw a pain in her eyes. Whatever those documents hide it must be what that pain is about. What could have happened to her that would mean even Welch couldn't get the details of it?

  Knowing that she too had a secret and a suspected troubled past only made Victor want to know and be with her even more.

  I have to find a way to discover what happened to her. I need to protect her and make her feel safe and cared for.

  He stopped for a second.

  What? You want to protect her? You've never wanted to protect any of your previous subs what makes this one so different?

  He didn't know, he just knew that with Marceline it was different. She was different. He'd never felt a connection like this before. He continued reading her profile. She was raised in Montesano with her mother June and her step father Jay. They apparently met and married just shortly after the incident as Victor called it. She was top of her class in high school and is currently studying literature at WSU and in her last year. She hadn't done much socializing and had only ever had one short-term boyfriend called José.

  He's the bastard who took my pictures today. Why the fuck is she still friends with that prick! His inner voice shouted.

  Hold up Fischer it say ex why are you getting so worked up about him? Do you even really want her as your sub? There's something about her that you feel drawn to. Could it be that you want more?

  The idea had crossed his mind on a few occasions since he met her.

  Oh behave Fischer you don't have a heart or soul remember. You're just intrigued because you don't know everything about her... Yet. You'll never want a normal relationship. You've tried that before. Remember Yasmine? She wanted more and you tried to do it and it failed miserably. You can't do the hearts and flowers thing.

  Max knocks on the door and pulls him out of his train of thought to tell him it's almost 7.10 and he needed to leave for the restaurant soon to make his reservation.

  He arrived at the restaurant wearing a dark gray suit and white shirt. He decided not to wear a tie to make it feel a bit more casual. He was shown to his seat straight away and, of course, it was the best table in the house. Right at the back in a booth which is fairly private but with a window which has a great view out over the city. He had called to tell Marceline of the time and place and said he would have Max come and pick her up. She refused his offer and this pissed him off as he wanted to make sure she would get there safely, yet at the same time he was turned on by her assertiveness.

  Jeez Fischer you are loosing your control over this one. I haven't felt this turned on about not being in control since... No you're not going to think about her. That was in the past. But fuck what you would give for Marceline to cane you. What is this girl doing to you man?

  It hadn't even been five minutes but he was starting to get agitated and a little fidgety waiting for her.

  What if she's changed her mind? Oh I really do hope she shows up. If only she would've let Max pick her up then I'd know whether she was going to come or not.

  He looked up and scanned the room eventually looking towards the entrance to the restaurant. He's amazed at what he sees that even his subconscious can't find the right words. All he can think is WOW!

  Marceline arrived at the restaurant just in time. She is clearly a little nervous as she hadn't really been on any dates in the past. Unless you count José but she was already friends with him before they dated so she knew she could trust him and it wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Victor was completely different. She didn't know anything about him other than the information Cathy had given her. That didn't matter because she already felt like she could trust him. She couldn't stop thinking about him all day. Her mind would just wander off and it always centered on Victor. Her thoughts even surprised her sometimes as she would find herself fantasizing about sleeping with him. Only this wasn't just the standard everyday kind of sexy daydream, these were very racy and the thoughts alone had her feeling things she had never felt before and she would catch a glimpse of herself blushing. She walked into the restaurant and was about to walk over to the maitre DI when she spots Victor sitting in a booth near the back by the window. She notes that he is staring right at her with his mouth open in what looks like shock and desire. She starts to walk over to their table with her eyes fixed on his. Once she's there Victor stood up and took the shrug she has worn and motioned for her to sit down. As she sat she suddenly felt more at ease and is ready to enjoy her dinner with this beautiful man.

  Victor's Jaw is hitting the floor as soon as he has laid eyes on her.

  She looks amazing. Man she really does scrub up nicely. I didn't think it was possible she could look any sexier but my god I want to turn her around and take her straight back to my place now.

  She was wearing a tight navy blue 50's style wiggle dress with a cream shrug covering her shoulders. Very Mad Men, I like it. Her hair was down and worn in long, loose waves. The make-up was fairly minimal apart from the dark pink, almost red lips, just enough to still show her natural beauty. She walked in looking a little hesitant but when she saw him looking at her that look vanished and she smiled and started to make her way over to the table. Victor watched at her the entire time but couldn't help noticing the look on every guy's face when she walked into the room. Their eyes all follow her as she walked towards the table waiting to see which one of them would be the luck guy she was there to see. As soon as she stopped they all had that look of disappointment, that it wasn't their lucky night.

  That's right fuckers, she's here with me. You can a
ll put your tongues back in your mouths and your Dicks in your pants because you can't have her. Only I can. He thought as he stands and takes the shrug she was wearing and motions for her to take the seat opposite him.

  "Good evening Miss Greene. May I say you look amazing tonight."

  "Well good evening Mr Fischer and thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." She replied very flirtatious.

  "I'm so glad you got here in one piece. I was a little taken aback that you refused my offer to have Max pick you up to bring you tonight. I'm not used to people saying no to me. You are a brave woman Miss Greene and I like that." He said with a wink.

  "I'm sure you're not and I really would prefer you call me Marceline. This whole Miss Greene business makes me feel like I'm at some sort of interview."

  Well you are if I come to think about it. However you've never taken any of the others out to dinner. Victor thought to himself.

  He was always much more formal when it came to choosing a new submissive.

  Come on Fischer you can't even admit it to yourself. You really like this girl and not just because you want her as your new sub. Hell you'd probably let her make you her bitch if it meant you had her as your own. But can you really be that? Can you really do the hearts and flowers thing? It hasn't worked out for you before.

  Marceline is different, she is like me. She has something she is hiding and it had to be bad if the files were classified.

  They sat talking for a few minutes, mostly Victor asking Marceline about school and her plans after she graduates. He was going to save the more personal deeper questions for after they had ordered and he had started to get her to feel more at ease. Little did he know that Marceline would tell him anything. Any question he was going to throw her way, she would answer honestly. She just couldn't help feeling so comfortable around him, like she was talking to, dare she think it, her soul mate?

  You've only just met the guy Marceline you can't possibly believe he's your soul mate. You need to let him know about your past. If he doesn't run for the hills then you know you can fully trust and be with him in the way you know you want. He's had you fantasizing about him all day and the way you feel when you are near him and he touches you. That can't just all be in your head. He asked you out tonight so he must feel something too.

  The waiter walks over to take their order.

  "I'll have the chicken liver parfait to start followed by the salmon. We can decide on deserts later."He says with a flirtatious look towards Marceline and this makes her blush.

  Oh Mr Fischer I'd love for you to have me for desert. She blushes again at this thought.

  You know you want him Marceline so why don't you just tell him your secret and see if he still wants you. Or at least you hope he wants you. The way he's looking at you and the twinkle he has in his eyes makes you think he is wanting more than just your company.

  The waiter turns to Marceline "I would like to have the garden salad to start and the halibut please."

  Good she is going for a hearty main. She likes to eat and she chooses well.

  Victor has a thing with food. It's like an obsession really. He hates food going to waste.

  I remember what it's like to feel hungry he shakes the thoughts from his head.

  Once the waiter had gone, Victor decided to really push the boundaries and try to delve deeper into Marceline's life. Especially wanting to know more about what happened to her that had been kept so guarded.

  can't expect her to talk about her past if you won't discuss what happened in your's Fischer.

  He's right. He would have to try be honest with her if he was to ever gain her trust and get her to open up to him.

  She'll run a mile if you tell her what happened and why you can't trust anyone.

  But you trust her?

  This was more of a question he was asking himself than a statement. He had spoken to and opened up to his shrink Vinge about his past and of course his family knew to an extent what had happened to him as a child but he had never truly let anyone in. He had never opened up his heart to anyone about the pain and hurt that he still carried to this day.

  Well you really like this girl so you can only try. Telling her isn't going to change you.

  Oh how wrong that would turn out to be.

  "So Marceline, tell me more about you. I'd like to know everything."

  Everything? Should I really tell him everything just yet? You hardly know anything about him other than what you've read. Right I have a plan. Marceline thinks to herself.

  "Well, I think it should go both ways Victor. I tell you something about me and you have to tell me something about you. Oh and it can't be something that everyone has access to. I mean something only your friends would know. If you're willing to go along with that then I will tell you anything you want to know."

  I love how my name sounds on her lips, oh those lips. Ok Fischer she wants to wager a deal, only seems fair she'd want something in return. Victor ponders for a few moments.

  "Alright then, who shall go first?"

  "If you don't mind Victor I'd like to ask the first question."

  "Ok, shoot."

  "Where are you from?"

  "London. That's where I was found as a child."

  "Found? Oh right you were adopted. I thought you were adopted here in New Orleans?"

  "No we moved to New Orleans about a year after my family adopted me. Elizabeth, that's my mother, got a new job as head of the pediatric unit at the University of London Medical Center. My father Noel, he is a lawyer, already had a practice here in New Orleans so decided to come and run things here."

  Wow he is being rather open. Maybe I could prob a little further with my next lot of questions. Marceline's tries to think of a good question for her next one.

  "So Fischer, what would you like to know about me?"

  For starts what could have happened to you to have a secret file that I can't access. Too soon for that just yet?

  "Ok, I have a little confession to make. I've already done a little background check. Please don't look so shocked Marceline it's something I do with everyone. You can never be too careful about the people you meet."

  Shit does he already know about my past? No Marceline he couldn't, if he did he wouldn't be here now. Ok you just have to be completely honest with him.

  "Ok, so you already know everything about me then. Even my past?"

  "No not everything Marceline, like I said it was just a background check, nothing to in-depth. However, there were two years that came up blank. I don't want you to feel like you have to explain what happened to me but... well, there is something I see when I look at you, something that is dark and must have hurt you. I know this because it's the same look I see when I look at myself. I too have had pain and hurt and it's one of the reasons I am the way I am now. It's also one of the reasons I feel so drawn to you Marceline. Yet you don't seem to let it affect you the way I have let mine affect me. You amaze me Marceline."

  Marceline just sits there looking dumbfounded. She's trying to process everything he's just said. Victor looks so nervous.

  Shit I've completely blown it, you're so stupid sometimes. You weren't going to say anything until later you idiot, now you've freaked the girl out.

  The waiter comes over with their first order. Marceline smiles and thanks him and starts to eat her salad.

  Ok she's eating so she must be staying? Then again she's probably thinking she may as well get a free meal out of this.

  Marceline looks up at Victor and see's he's not eating but just looking at her with apprehension.

  "Victor, what is wrong?"

  "What? You're asking me what is wrong? I just... ok I'm a little confused. You're still here. After what I just said I thought you'd be out the door quicker than Usain Bolt."

  Marceline giggles "Look Victor, granted what you did is a little like a stalker but it's not like I didn't read up about you before I came to dinner. I can't be mad at you for that. You are right though." She pauses
wondering whether to just come right out and say what happened to her. "I'm not quite ready to tell you about what happened yet. I want to know that I can trust you first and with you being honest and telling me you already looked into my past and know almost everything about me, well I appreciate it. I don't want to build a relationship on lies."

  Oh crap did I just say a relationship? Damn I did. Maybe I'm going to make him run a mile now.

  Victor is now the one looking back at her shocked. He never thought she would still be sitting here with him after what he said.

  She wants a relationship? Admit it you like the sound of that. A relationship. You want to have her as your girlfriend. Is that what she ment when she said a relationship?

  "So you aren't upset with me then? You still want to get to know me?"

  "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? Just because you did some research doesn't mean I don't like you Victor."

  She likes you Fischer, she said it herself. Without being forced and whipped. She is definitely a keeper.

  "Now, you said that you also have a painful past. Will you also share that with me if I were to tell you about mine?"

  Oh yes she is a crafty one, she is going to keep me on my toes.

  "If you feel that you can trust me with your past then I'm sure I can do the same."

  They continued with their meal and talked the entire time, about almost everything. They both agreed to discuss what happened to them after they got to know each other a little better. Marceline told Victor about her love of classic novels and how she wanted to get into publishing after she graduated. She spoke of her parents and her life growing up after the incident. Victor spoke more of his family and about his time at Harvard and why he dropped out. Then spoke more about his company and how he started out, working his way up to the empire he has today. Marceline was fascinated at just how much he had accomplished so far.


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