Tyson: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 4)

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Tyson: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 4) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2020 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design By: Sheridan Anne

  Photograph By: Oleh Phoenix

  Proofread By: Heather Fox

  Editing & Formatting By: Sheridan Anne



  It was supposed to be a one-time thing which quickly turned into two, and then three. Don’t ask me how, but now I can't seem to count the times on one hand, let alone two.

  I'm in trouble.

  I never intended for this to be something more, but he has the ability to keep drawing me back in.

  He's coming for me. He's always wanted more, but this time, I don't think he's going to let me go.


  I'm her dirty little secret, the guy who she comes running to whenever she's feeling lonely, and up until now, I've loved it. She has her walls up and all I’ve wanted is to knock them down.

  Brylee is that one girl that I've always put up on a pedestal and that’s exactly where she deserves to be. She’s incredible, beautiful, and lively; the perfect example of nerd sexy.

  But I'm done.

  I want to be all in, but I refuse to be the guy who waits around for some girl, only to be kicked to the curb later on.

  Brylee Anderson has a choice to make and she better make it fast.

  I'm giving her one last shot.

  WARNING: The Broken Hill Boys Series is a Young Adult / New Adult Romance filled with LOL moments, teenage angst, and of course, all the swoon-worthy moments I know you’re all dying for.

  The Broken Hill Boys Series is made up of five Novellas, each approximately 30K words and written in Dual POV between the two main characters.

  This series is recommended for mature readers due to cursing and sexual content. If this offends you, then steer clear of this bad boy romance!

  For everyone else, dive in and have fun!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Where to Next?

  Author Biography

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1


  My arm curls around her waist, drawing her in as I try to remember her name. Screw it. I don’t need it anyway. She’ll only be hanging around for another hour or two. The only one who should be worried about a name is her when she’s screaming mine out later, and I can assure you that any chick at this party, already knows who the fuck I am.

  The music booms in my ears as I bring the glass bottle to my lips and tip it up. This beer tastes like warm piss, but in order to get a new one, I’d have to step away from this girl and right now, her ass is grinding back into my dick and it feels too fucking good to step away.

  I glance across the room to find my best friend, Jesse, being led up the stairs toward his bedroom by his girlfriend, Kaylah. He nods my way before disappearing completely out of sight. Jess and Kaylah have been together for nearly a year now and the second we took over the roles as the fucking kings of Broken Hill High, the world has been mine for the taking.

  Everyone who knows us either wants to fuck us, be us, or join us, and I’m absolutely fine with that, especially as Jesse is loyal as fuck to Kaylah, meaning where pussy is concerned, it’s all coming my way.

  My hand rests against this chick’s waist as she dances upon me. She thrusts her ass back into me and I groan as she continues to move. This one is a little cock tease and I fucking love it. My hand travels down her toned waist and slips into the waistband of her bikini bottoms as bodies crowd around us, dancing and losing themselves to the music, completely unaware of what’s going on around them.

  My hand continues its descent until my fingers are brushing over her clit. I grin, finding her already soaking wet and apply a little pressure as I rub small circles. The girl arches her back, thrusting her tits out as she drops her head back to my shoulder and grinds down against my hand.

  That’s right, baby. You fucking love it.

  With her head back on my shoulder, her neck open for the taking, and her ass rubbing firmly against my dick, I get the show on the road. I drop my lips to her neck and kiss her, loving the way a needy moan slips from between her lips.

  I taste her perfume on her skin and it’s fucking gross, but I don’t stop. Nothing beats watching a chick get off while your hand is down her pants and her soft little clit is beneath your fingers.

  The girl adjusts herself so that her hand replaces her ass on my dick and while it feels fucking incredible, I can’t stop the fleeting feeling that it’ll never be as good as when it’s with…no. Don’t go there, Tyson. Don’t fall down the rabbit hole.

  A second pair of hands curl around my back and I drop my gaze to the newcomer as she steps around to my side and watches the look of euphoria on the girl’s face. Her eyes brim with excitement and I see the devilish idea forming in her mind. She’s down for a threesome, and fuck it, I’m not going to say no…but, we’ll need the third party to agree.

  I reach over and toss my empty beer bottle onto one of the many tables of the Ryder household and instantly replace it with this new girl’s perky ass. She grins up at me with fire in her eyes and her tongue shoots out over her plump lips, making me grow impossibly harder. This is going to be fun.

  She presses up onto her tippy-toes and presses her wet lips to mine, inviting herself in. The girl notices my absence on her neck and turns to find the newcomer’s tongue down my throat and I watch on with caution. This is usually when chicks become territorial, but as the newcomer’s eyes blaze with excitement and she brushes her fingers down the girl’s waist, sending a shiver over her skin, we suddenly have a party.

  Fuck, yeah.

  Not wanting to waste a second, I take the girls upstairs and give them exactly what they’re both wanting, and I wasn’t wrong, they know my name better than they know their own.

  I lay between them, all three of us utterly spent. One is laying against my chest with my arm curled around her tight little body and my hand firmly on her ass while the other is laid back against the pillow with her leg hooked high over my hip and her hand still gently stroking up and down my dick.

  I close my eyes. While I’m more than fucking satisfied, I’m still missing something, and it’s something that I’ll never get from these two.

  The party rages on downstairs and considering that Jesse is probably still balls deep inside his girlfriend, it’s on me to get down there and make sure his home is still in one piece.

  I spank the girl on the ass. “Alright, time to go,” I say, sitting up between them.

  They adjust themselves and judging by the looks on each of their faces, I know exactly how this is going to go.

  The wild one on my right instantly sits up beside me and dangles her legs off the side of the bed. “Thanks,” she murmurs, looking back over her shoulder with a grin. She bends down and finds her clothes on the floor as I scoot out of bed and I don’t doubt that within the blink of an eye, she’ll be out the door and ready for her next victim. She knows the fucking drill.

  The other girl tho
ugh, she sits up with a pout on her lips as I step into my jeans and start working on my belt buckle. “You don’t need to go,” she tells me.

  “Sorry, babe,” I say, grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head as the other dresses and begins searching for her shoes.

  “Can I at least get your number?”

  The wild girl chuckles before turning on the other. “Sweety, that’s not how this works. It was a little fun, and honestly, a guy who’s willing to fuck you like that and is so easily ready to include other girls is not the guy you want to be going after. Do yourself a favor, cross it off your bucket list and hold out for a guy who isn’t going to fuck you dirty in some stranger’s bed.” She looks to me with a cringe. “Sorry, no offense.”

  I hold my hands up, grateful that she said exactly what I was thinking without making me the bad guy. “None taken.”

  She nods before walking to the door and opening it wide, making the sounds of the party flow right through Tora’s old bedroom. “Excellent,” she says, looking back over her shoulder. “We should do this again sometime.”

  She doesn’t wait for my response before walking out the door and pulling it closed behind her.

  Well, fuck. That girl is a force to be reckoned with and one day, she’s going to make some guy an extremely happy man. I wouldn’t mind doing it again, but I have a feeling I’ll never see that girl again, though despite how much fun that was, I’m not exactly torn up about it.

  I walk towards the door when I hear a squeak from the first girl and I cringe. How is it possible that I’d already forgotten about her? “So, I really can’t get your number.”

  “Sorry, babe. She was right, that really isn’t how this works, but thanks. That was fun.”

  “Uhhh, yeah,” she says, slightly confused, but I don’t hang around for more. I step through the door, leaving the girl to pull herself together.

  I make my way back down to the party and find myself beelining for the bar. I grab a bottle of bourbon and start pouring myself a shot.

  “Fuck, bourbon?” Jesse’s familiar voice asks from behind me. I look back over my shoulder to find him shaking his head in disappointment. Just great; a lecture. That’s exactly what I want after making stupid decisions. “Who’d you fuck this time?”

  I shrug my shoulders as I scan the party and find the needy chick making her way down the stairs. I nod toward her. “That one and…” I continue scanning in search of the wild one.

  “And?” Jesse cuts me off. “At the same time or have you just been really busy?”

  “Same time.”

  Jesse nods. He’s certainly no stranger to a threesome, but I’d dare say he hasn’t had the pleasure of having one in a while. “And considering you’re about to drown yourself if bourbon, I’m assuming it didn’t work?”

  I shake my head, bringing the shot to my lips and throwing it back.

  “Fuck, man,” Jess says with a heavy sigh as he helps himself to a beer. “You’re going to have to find a way to get over Bry at some point. She’s not fucking interested. She’s halfway across the country at Yale and will be for years.”

  I groan, helping myself to another shot. Usually, the boys let me wallow in my own pity, knowing it’s a sore spot, but apparently, tonight Jesse actually wants to talk about the fact that I couldn’t close the deal with the one chick who actually mattered.

  Brylee Fucking Anderson.

  She was my fucking world. I was obsessed, in fact, I think I still am and over the course of my junior year, while the rest of our friends were coupling up, Bry and I fucked around and she was absolutely perfect. The only issue was that she wasn’t interested in dating, especially dating a junior who was only interested in fucking around and partying.

  Brylee was down for occasional hot as fuck sex and wanted to focus the rest of her time on her studies. She has high aspirations in life which I completely understand. Her dream was to get into Yale, and while I hate that she’s all the way over there, I’m so fucking proud of her for making it happen.

  She turned me down time and time again and it got to the point where I just stopped asking. I would have traded in all my filthy ways for her. She was my game changer, but unfortunately, she wasn’t interested in changing my game.

  It was a hard pill to swallow, especially considering that I fell fucking hard for her. She’s everything. She’s the kind of girl who could get any man to cave to her will. She’s a fucking fire-cracker and now she’s halfway across the country, probably giving some ivy league douchebag everything that I considered to be mine.

  That very thought has me raising a third shot to my lips.

  This year is supposed to be our year. We’re seniors and at the top of the food chain. I should be living it up instead of drowning in my sorrows. Jesse’s right. It’s time to move on, but the question is how? Moving on from a girl like Brylee isn’t going to be an easy task. She’s not interested and I’m wasting away what should be incredible nights making memories by opting for getting drunk off bourbon, hoping to forget her for just a moment.

  Jesse grunts and I realize that I’ve just missed his whole lecture while my mind has been caught on Brylee. He shakes his head in annoyance, but instead of leaving me to it as other guys would do, he does what he does best and grabs a shot glass for himself.

  He fills it to the brim before throwing it back and instantly refilling it to play catch-up. “Well, I guess we’re getting messy tonight.”

  The corners of my lips lift into a grin and I grab my shot glass before clinking it against Jesse’s. “Damn fucking straight we are.”

  We down our shots and before we know it, the bottle of bourbon is empty and we’ve worked out that Australian singer, Sia, was onto something. The chandelier can more than carry our weight and swinging from it isn’t such a bad idea after all. At least, we didn’t think so until some prick from Haven Falls decided to ruin all the fun by copying and fucking it up. He broke his arm in three places and just like that, the party was shut down, leaving me and Jesse to a very pissed off momma Ryder.

  Chapter 2


  A yawn rips through me first thing in the morning as I roll over and check the time. Shit. 8:43 am. If I don’t get up now and get myself going, then it’s never going to happen. College life is so much more than I had thought. Sure, I knew it would be hard work, but I didn’t expect how tired I’d be. I’m up every night studying and making sure I’m always at the top of my classes. I didn’t come here to fuck around. I want to make something of myself and I want to do it in a big way.

  I throw my blankets off and stretch out my arms before giving my legs a good stretch too. Today is different. I’m not waking up and rushing around for my usual classes and busily being the teacher’s pet to all of my professors. Today, I get to go home.

  It’s been way too long. Well, by that it’s only been a few months, but still. That’s a lot longer than I’ve ever gone away from my family and friends. God, I miss them so much. I usually have too much studying to get through and it helps to keep my mind off them, but I got everything done last night to ensure that I can actually enjoy my time in Broken Hill, but the second the work was out of the way, it all hit me.

  I miss my home. I miss Courtney and her ridiculous blabbering. I miss Elle and her skanky comments. I miss watching Tora get her ass handed to her by Nate. I even miss all the boys, but there’s one boy in particular that I miss the most and well, I have absolutely no idea how that’s going to go down. I’ll only be home for a few days so there’s a possibility that I won’t even see him, but the one thing I do know is that under no circumstances am I to fall into bed with him.

  Tyson Wilder is a dangerous game. He comes with the body, the panty-dropping smirk, and the bad boy persona. Did I mention that he also has the ability to say exactly what a girl wants to hear that has her desperate to pull on a cowboy hat, scream ‘Yeehaw’ and ride him until the sun comes up?

  As I said, Tyson Wilder is dangerous.

I get out of bed and get myself ready for a run. I’ve been seriously lacking in the exercise department lately. I tell myself that I’ll run every night after my studying gets done, but by the time I finish, I’m collapsing into bed, completely exhausted. Not to mention, I talk myself out of it, convinced that the one time I actually do run in the middle of the night, something awful will happen to me. I seriously doubt it. A place like this would be one of the safest campuses in the country, but I can’t help my female brain taking me there.

  Today is the day. My flight back home isn’t for another three hours, so I have just enough time to get in a quick run before making sure I’ve packed everything and then finding my way to the airport.

  My run is exhausting, just as it should be, and helps me clear my head of all my school work and get in the holiday spirit. I have three days at home, and I plan on making every last minute of it count.

  I somehow get to the airport with plenty of time to spare and stand at the big window, staring out at the tarmac while taking in the big plane that’s about to take me home. I hate flying. I’m not a great flyer at all. I get panic attacks and anxiety while always thinking the worst, and don’t get me started on turbulence. That shit is a bitch despite it being perfectly safe.

  Forty minutes later, my flight is called and that’s when the nerves really set in. God, I wish I had someone flying with me. Mom knows just how bad my anxiety is and offered to fly here just to help me get back and in a moment of dreaming that I was a badass bitch, I told her no, thinking I could handle it. I’ve never been so wrong.

  I get my boarding pass checked and within the space of three minutes, I’m clicking my seatbelt into place and tightening it as much as I possibly can. Though if this plane was to go crashing down and burn, I’m not sure how much this little seatbelt would actually help.

  Shit, Bry. Don’t go there.


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