Billionaire's Nanny: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 47)

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Billionaire's Nanny: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 47) Page 1

by Flora Ferrari








  A Man Who Knows What He Wants Series

  Billionaire's Nanny

  One ~ Mary

  Two ~ Cash

  Three ~ Mary

  Four ~ Cash

  Five ~ Mary

  Six ~ Cash

  Seven ~ Mary

  Eight ~ Mary

  Nine ~ Mary

  Ten ~ Cash

  Eleven ~ Cash

  Twelve ~ Mary

  Thirteen ~ Cash

  Fourteen ~ Mary

  Fifteen ~ Cash

  Sixteen ~ Mary

  Extended Epilogue – Cash

  Extended Epilogue - Mary



  Copyright © 2018 by Flora Ferrari.

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.


  Book 1: Baby Lust

  Book 2: Veteran

  Book 3: Built

  Book 4: Bambino

  Book 5: Rescued

  Book 6: Leader

  Book 7: Professor

  Book 8: Burned

  Book 9: Worldly

  Book 10: Pistol

  Book 11: Policed

  Book 12: Driven

  Book 13: Lucky 13

  Book 14: Lumberjacked

  Book 15: Protector

  Book 16: Carpenter

  Book 17: Italian Stallion

  Book 18: Gardener

  Book 19: Budapest Billionaire’s Virgin

  Book 20: Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 21: Cocky CFO

  Book 22: Fireman’s Filthy 4th

  Book 23: Mechanic

  Book 24: SEAL’s Secret

  Book 25: Police, Pooch, and Smooch

  Book 26: Fireman’s Fake Fiancée

  Book 27: Billionaire’s Virgin Ballerina

  Book 28: Bitcoin Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 29: Veterans Day Daddy

  Book 30: Cowboy’s Christmas Carol

  Book 31: Police Officer’s Princess

  Book 32: Statham

  Book 33: Bodyguard

  Book 34: Greek God

  Book 35: Billionaire Single Dad's Babysitter

  Book 36: Mountain Man

  Book 37: SEAL’s Justice

  Book 38: Royal Romance

  Book 39: Doctor Mountain Man’s Special Delivery

  Book 40: Crocodile Dan D

  Book 41: Mountain Man’s Secret Baby

  Book 42: Doctor Bad Boy’s Secret Baby

  Book 43: Cop’s Babysitter

  Book 44: Nanny for the Cop Next Door

  Book 45: Small Town SEAL’s Saving Grace

  Book 46: Cop’s Fake Fiancée

  Book 47: Billionaire’s Nanny



  I’m a billionaire unchallenged, at least when it comes to business. But when it comes to my personal life my assistant thinks I’m just a billionaire unloved…an older man who’s not getting younger anytime soon.

  But the last thing I want to do in this small town is have my status unveiled as one of the country’s richest billionaires, attracting the wrong kind of woman.

  But when I go from watching my portfolio to watching my son as a new parent, suddenly I’m forced to open up my home and look for a nanny.

  Little do I know the younger woman I choose will be opening up my eyes to the possibility of the kind of partnership that’s formed in and out of the bedroom, and not just the boardroom.


  Changing this small town for the big city was my plan after college, but right now the only job I can find is changing diapers as a nanny.

  I’m expecting to be a glorified babysitter, but little do I know this older man is suddenly looking for more than just a perfect nurturing nanny for his little boy he’s had since December.

  This billionaire’s boy may be the cutest kid I’ve ever seen and when our bond grows deeper I can’t help but wonder if his dashing dad could become my very own billionaire baby maker.


  I always thought making more money was the solution to everything and that my billions was all I ever needed, but now I know the truth. What I really need isn’t a house with more hundred dollar bills. I need a real home with her, and nothing will stop me in my pursuit.

  What good is all the money in the world if you don’t have the perfect woman, and a fantastic family, to enjoy it with?

  I’m a man who knows what he wants…and I want her forever.

  *Billionaire’s Nanny is an insta-everything standalone romance with an HEA, no cheating, and no cliffhanger.



  I hit the horn for the third time but the moose just stands there staring at me as if I’m the one who shouldn’t be in the road.

  Welcome to Woody Creek, Colorado. This stuff happens more often than it should here and speaking of should I shouldn’t even be in this thriving metropolis of 263 people anymore. At least that was the plan after graduating college, but the saying that life is what happens when you’re busy planning has never been truer.

  Just three weeks ago, and two weeks before I was set to graduate, the company whose job offer I had accepted went belly up. I was out the money I put into an apartment in New York, the moving costs, and weeks of planning.

  No one was hiring now, especially on such short notice, and without a job living in the city that never sleeps isn’t exactly feasible. That is unless you have at least three or four thousand dollars a month you can blow through just to live in a box and eat noodles three meals a day.

  And to make matters worse my parents had gotten into a car accident and needed someone to help them while they went through physical therapy. The plan to come back home was pretty much made up for me by that point.

  And my new life plan was to just try and get a little income coming in while I was home so I’d be ready when I finally landed a job in a proper city. I was just praying that companies in the bigger cities would be willing to fly me out, if I made it that far in the process. If not my options would basically be limited to Denver, which is a lovely city, but this was my once in a lifetime chance to try my hand at living in someplace really exciting like New York, Miami, or Los Angeles and I didn’t want to miss it.

  And miss was exactly what I was going to do with my job interview this morning if this darn moose didn’t get out of the road anytime soon. But one thing you learn about moose when growing up in a place like this is that moose are aggressive, so you have to just stay in the car and wait it out. Just like I had to wait out the run of bad luck my parents and I had recently had.

  But this morning I didn’t have time. Job prospects in Wo
ody Creek are already slim enough and this one I found posted on a flyer at the post office, yes our small town still works that way, was about as good as it gets.

  Nanny for a private client, it read. Call for inquiries.

  I’d set up an appointment with a young woman who sounded professional with a voice that let me know she valued promptness.

  I hit the horn again and the moose looks at me like I’m completely wasting his time. Wasting my time? Definitely. Wasting my life? I sure hope not, although it starting to feel like it.

  Suddenly the moose takes off in a dash like something’s frightened it.

  Maybe a hunter, but all I care about now is that the road is clear.

  I throw the car in drive and just as I’m about to take off I see a giant grizzly bear rushing toward me from the side!



  “Mister Guy, your nine o’clock is here to see you.”

  I look down at the clock on my desk. It’s exactly nine o’clock. This candidate is right on time. We’re off to a good start.

  “Thank you, Bunny,” I say into the interoffice line. “Send her in.”

  I shake my head. It still floors me that someone named their child Bunny, but then again successful people, especially actors, are often a bit eccentric and sometimes it shows up in their naming choices for their children.

  Bunny and I have a good working relationship, and I’m hoping to get as lucky with my next hire as I did with Bunny. I have no idea what to expect when Bunny opens the door and if I did this girl just exceeded anything by a long shot.

  The second I lay eyes on her I lose my train of thought. I spend most of my day pouring over numbers in my portfolios, but she’s clearly a totally different kind of number…one of a kind.

  “Mary,” she says, extending her.

  I start to stand up out of my chair but bang my knees on the underside of my desk. There should be pain, but I don’t even notice it. I only notice her.

  “Cash,” I say, extending my hand towards hers. “Nice to meet you.”

  The second her hand is in mine I feel goose bumps shoot up my arm. My hand is so much bigger than hers it’s almost like I make her entire hand disappear. But making any part of her disappear is the last thing on my mind as I take in the sight of her.

  Her light brown hair flows well past her shoulders and I could stare into those hazel eyes of hers for days. Her lips are soft and plump and I’m not sure if she’s wearing one of those lip gloss moisturizing things or whatever they’re called but there is a bit of a glow to her mouth making me want to kiss her so bad right now.

  And kissing her isn’t the only physical reaction I’m having. In addition to the goose bumps and suddenly a dry throat I feel the groin area in my pants starting to expand…rapidly.

  I wait for her to return my, “nice to meet you,” but she doesn’t. Her eyes just glaze over and it looks like her mind has gone completely blank. Mine is dangerously close to doing the same.

  I manage the financial portfolios for a lot of Hollywood’s most famous, and beautiful movie stars but there’s no way any of them can hold a candle to her.

  She’s got this stunning natural beauty to her. The kind that doesn’t need any makeup or anything. I bet she just got out of the shower this morning, toweled off, put on her clothes and came here. That’s rare these days. Most girls are so covered in makeup I have no idea what they actually look like underneath it all.

  Not her. She looks fresh and natural, like a breeze through the Rocky Mountains.

  And this mountain that quickly became fully formed in my pants is starting to feel like a volcano that wants to erupt.

  This never happens to me. Never.

  “Anything else, sir?” Bunny asks.

  “No thank you,” I say, not taking my eyes off of Mary’s as her hand still rests in mine.

  Bunny shows herself out shutting the door behind her. I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea right now. I want to tear into her like a—

  “Wild grizzly bear,” she says.

  “Come again?” I ask. Her strange comment rattles my brain back into the present.

  I release her hand and immediately miss it. Why did I do that? Why did I let go of her touch? Am I a complete fool?

  I pull out a chair in front of my desk and offer her a seat.

  “I saw a wild grizzly bear on the way in this morning,” she says. At least now I know she’s not referring to me.

  “They’re out this time of year,” I say. “Did he charge you?”

  “He ran at my car,” she says. “But I drove off. He scared the moose that was blocking my path.”

  “The life us Coloradans lead,” I say wondering where she’s been my entire life.

  Is she from around here? She can’t be. There’s absolutely no way I would have missed her. Not looking like that. That’s for sure.

  “Yes,” she says.

  I sit down at my desk trying to adjust the raging erection in my pants. It’s not working. I lean to the side and lie back in my chair hoping to take the pressure of my pants off the angle my cock is pointing, which is straight up.

  But I’m not the only one who’s off today. I can sense she is too. She looks nervous…a sort of Bambi to my grizzly bear.

  I’m accustomed to dealing with powerful and wealthy people, but maybe she’s not. She listed an out of state address on her resume, but I think she’s local so I figure she’d be used to celebrities by now if she’s from around these parts.

  It all started years ago when Hunter S. Thompson moved here. Not long after Don Henley of the Eagles, John Oats of Hall and Oats, and Don Johnson moved here, just to name a few.

  Our tiny community is now a haven for the rich and famous, a place where they can escape it all. And right now I just want to escape somewhere alone and private with her.

  “Your resume says you’ve babysat before. Quite extensively.”



  “Yes. Growing up,” I reply.

  I’m still in a bit of a daze from everything. My life’s been flipped upside down these last few weeks and the wild animal adventures this morning were just the icing on the cake. Being chased a quarter mile down the road by a bear was the least likely way I expected my morning to begin, but since I saw him did it ever take a turn for the better.

  He has this way about him that’s very confident yet relaxed at the same time. The building he works out of isn’t overly big and it’s definitely not intimidating. It’s made of logs and has more of a wood cabin type of feel, but there’s something more to it. Everything is perfectly in place like someone who values control and order. Someone powerful, like him.

  I’m a bit of an introvert, but normally I can form sentences and carry on a normal conversation. Not right now. Right not I’m at a complete loss for words.

  Maybe part of it is the age difference. He looks to be in incredible shape, but something tells me he’s a good decade older than me, maybe even fifteen years older.

  But with that age he’s obviously mastered the art of being calm, cool, and collected. Three things I am anything but right now.

  I’m sweating bullets but my back, chest and forehead aren’t the only things that are wet right now.

  I’ve never had this kind of reaction to a guy before. Not this quickly.

  I’ve seen some really good-looking guys in college, but the connection was never so instant. With good-looking younger guys I almost expect them to ruin it when they open their mouths. They usually want to brag about how much beer they can drink or their success with women. Two things that turn me completely off.

  But he’s turning me completely on, yet he hasn’t said much. Just a simple greeting a bit mysterious his seems so powerful with me sitting in front of his desk and him there behind it, knowing he’s about to ask me whatever he wants.

  But I’ve got some questions of my own.

  Is he married? I don’t see any pictures on his desk.

bsp; How come I never heard of him before? The town is small, it’s strange that he could go undetected.

  What does he look like…with that suit off? His clothes are obviously expensive and tailored, but the real suit I want to see him in is his birthday suit, especially after catching a glimpse of his groin area earlier.

  Oh my god was that thing huge. And it wasn’t exactly at rest either.

  Was that because of me? Or is there something going on between him and Bunny? Bunny seems about right because she looks like a Playboy bunny. She’s definitely a head turner and the old adage about a businessman and his secretary could certainly be true in this case.

  But I don’t think it is. I didn’t sense a dynamic between them, nor anything in either of their voices when they addressed each other. I don’t know either of them, but something tells me their relationship is strictly professional, as I would assume it would be with me if I were to get the position.


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