Caught (Grave Diggers MC Book 2)

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Caught (Grave Diggers MC Book 2) Page 13

by Michelle Woods

  “Shut up, Joker. Your dick doesn’t have to be in every conversation,” Buck muttered, shaking his head.

  “I wasn’t talking about my dick, asshole. I was talking about chicks,” Joker complained, his mouth half full as he protested.

  “Gross. Stop talking with your mouth full, idiot. He means you don’t have to tell us you’re a man whore, we are already aware. This is a big boy conversation so stay out of it, prospect,” Dice growled, shaking his head.

  “Fine, I’ll just eat and leave then,” Joker pouted.

  Gunner was reminded of a kicked puppy and let out a long sigh. He liked Joker, as did most of the men in the club and he’d bet another month or two and he’d be getting his bottom rockers. Joker grabbed another burger and began stuffing it into his mouth and his sympathy for the other man disappeared.

  “What’s the issue this time? Thought you were patching her?” Buck asked, eating his onion rings watching him.

  “I will be if she doesn’t refuse after tonight’s bonfire.” Gunner leaned back into the chair staring up at the ceiling, his mind going in ten different directions about what could go wrong or what could happen that would drive her away. Margo was pretty easy-going and she seemed happy with him over the past few months.

  “I don’t get why you’re all panicked. Haven’t you been introducing her to the club for like six months? If she hasn’t run yet, I think you’re good.” Buck rolled his eyes as he grabbed some ketchup and squeezed it out on one of the food wrappers to dip his fries in.

  “Yeah, I mean hell, you brought Stoner over the other night and he was tweaking like a mother fucker and she was cool with it. She just went in her room and painted. You’re the one acting like a girl here. She seems like a sweet woman and I don’t think she is going to dump you because your friends are idiots. As long as you don’t start pulling any of the shit they do, you’re good.” Dice punched him in the arm after his little speech. “Stop being a whiny bitch.”

  Buck chuckled nodding, “I already told him that. His balls must still be under Margo’s bed.”

  Gunner didn’t appreciate their amusement at his expense and he couldn’t say after this chat with these three assholes that he would be any calmer than he had been before. He just hoped they were right and Margo didn’t jump ship after tonight.

  Margo looked at her clothes, frowning. Her nerves twisting her into knots. What did one wear to a bikers’ bonfire party? She had no freaking idea. After six months with Gunner, she knew that despite the club seeming like it would be frightening, it really wasn’t. She wasn’t deluded, she knew that they weren’t angels or just misunderstood. Nope, they were hard men, but they lived by a code, one that included protection for anyone they called their own.

  Margo hadn’t thought knowing she could ask any one of the men in Gunner’s club to handle any problem she had would ever feel comforting but somehow it did, even if it involved something illegal. She knew that if she was with Gunner she could count on the men he ran with to have her back. The past few months had taught her that the club was more like family than she would have expected from watching the news reports about them. Having a mother like hers allowed her to see the benefits to having a family you could count on.

  Yeah, maybe they didn’t stay on the right side of the law most of the time, but she would never find a group of people more willing to help you when you needed it. Gunner said they didn’t sell people the hard stuff—meaning heroin or cocaine—and if that was true she didn’t have any issue with them doing whatever it was they did, as long as she wasn’t involved. Gunner had explained that she’d never be a part of the illegal stuff because they kept club business on a need-to-know basis. She was good with that, although it worried her a little when he left on business because she knew he could end up in jail, hurt, or even—Lord forbid—dead.

  Thoughts of Gunner being gone from her life nearly broke her because she was already in love with him. Margo couldn’t imagine her life without him after eight months. When they’d gotten back together, she hadn’t been sure how they would work with his world being so dark, but somehow they did. Gunner had moved in after a month. She’d thought that she wouldn’t like being around his brothers, but even with them showing up to play poker or to pick him up, she’d discovered that most of them were just people.

  They goofed around and messed with each other’s heads like real siblings and they were respectful of her. Hell, last month when Gunner was on a run, she’d taken some of her work to an art show in town to see if she could sell any of it. Zoey had come over to help her transport it to the event, but Joker and Bunny had arrived, just before she did. Margo had been surprised to see them and when they’d asked what needed loading, she’d realized that they were there to take her to the art show. The two of them had loaded everything into a large van and drove her and Zoey to the event. They’d helped set up the tent she’d rented from the venue and hung all her work for her while she and Zoey had chatted.

  Zoey had commented on how sexy both men were and that she wouldn’t mind getting busy with one of them. Margo had laughed and told her in a whisper not to go after Joker because he was a man-whore. She’d discovered that from Gunner and the boys’ teasing. Margo had expected them to leave after setting up, but they hadn’t. Standing off to the side of the booth they’d stayed out of the way, but were keeping an eye on her. When she would sell a piece, they carted it out of the tent or hung a new one in its place. That was the moment she realized that they weren’t only there for Gunner when he needed them—they were there for her too. It was a novel experience since Zoey was the only person in her life that had ever filled that role. Having a group like Gunner’s band of bikers at her back was a nice feeling.

  Margo reached out grabbing a black leather skirt that hit just above her knees, but had a slit that went up to mid-thigh on one leg. Maybe with pink accessories? She couldn’t decide. Gunner had left this morning to help them set up the bonfire, but he’d said he’d be back at six and it was five twenty. She needed to figure this out. Wearing a skirt on Gunner’s bike was hard, but she’d gotten good at not flashing her panties to the world over the last few months. Her car wasn’t something she used often anymore because they always took his bike. That meant it only got driven when he wasn’t with her, which was rare since he’d moved in with her.

  She walked over to her drawers, finding a hot pink top she’d always loved. It was a V-neck with short sleeves and a funky skull painted on the front. Skulls and leather seemed like they’d work at a biker’s party. Gunner had warned her that things sometimes got a little crazy at these parties, but she already knew these guys partied hard. She’d seen it when they were over playing poker with Gunner. How he thought she couldn’t see the huge amounts of alcohol they went through, or smell the drugs they smoked while playing, was beyond her.

  It didn’t bother her, as long as Gunner wasn’t drunk constantly or drugged out of his mind on something heavy like heroin. In college, she’d smoked a little weed, but she hadn’t really felt like it did anything for her, so she’d never really gotten into it. Gunner didn’t do drugs for the most part, but she’d seen him take a few hits off the bong a time or two. Margo didn’t know how he could think she was that clueless.

  She pulled on the skirt and shirt looking at herself in the mirror. It needed something. She found some bracelets in her jewelry with pink skulls and earrings that matched. Wearing them she decided that she looked good. Hopefully this was okay for a bonfire party, because Gunner had been little help. His wear-whatever-you-want babe, hadn’t told her anything about how to dress for this thing. She went into the bathroom adding a few pink streaks to her hair before grabbing her half boots. She sat down and turned on the TV deciding after flipping through the channels to watch a re-run of The Walking Dead while she waited on Gunner to get back.

  Gunner unlocked the door feeling his tense muscles clench as he entered the apartment. He needed to change his clothes and give her his patch before they left f
or the bonfire tonight and it wasn’t something he wanted to rush. Giving Margo his patch was a big deal to him and the club. Holding the small package he’d wrapped her patch in, he walked into the living room and set it down on the end table. Margo was sitting on the couch in the cutest pink shirt, with pink streaks in her hair. Her breasts were displayed nicely by the top and he wished they had time for him to strip that top off her and worship those tits before they left but they didn’t. She was using the throw to cover her legs making him wonder what she was wearing with that top. Maybe those jeans he loved seeing on her because they cupped her ass just right. Or maybe those shorts with the pink stripes that were easy to slide off her? Damn, he really wished he had time to fuck her, but he needed to get his patch on her and get her to this party before it got too wild. She glanced at him smiling sweetly, making his cock tighten as he walked closer to where she was lying on the couch.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Hi, is this outfit okay?” she asked standing up, making Gunner almost swallow his tongue. Holy fuck, now that was a hot outfit. His cock nearly ripped through his jeans trying to get at her pussy it was so hot. He hadn’t ever seen her wear that skirt and he wanted to push it up her legs and slide his cock into what he knew would be her wet cunt.

  “Um—what?” he asked, unable to focus on anything except the fantasies that were playing out hot and heavy inside his head.

  “Is it okay to wear tonight?” she asked, her head tilting to the side as she frowned at him.

  Gunner knew she was waiting for a response to her question, but his brain wasn’t processing anything other than his need to grab her and shove his cock into her. He stepped closer, his hand sliding up her legs groaning when he discovered a long slit in the side of the skirt she was wearing.

  “Damn babe, are you trying to kill me?” he asked with his hand caressing her thigh under the skirt.

  “No, why, is this not okay to wear?” Margo asked as her body pressed into his.

  “Depends,” Gunner muttered, his hands cupping the globes of her ass under the leather.

  “On what?”

  “Are you going to let me kill any man who looks at you for more than a minute while you’re wearing it or not? Because if any of these fantasies going through my head are in any other man’s head, I’m going to rip his nuts off.” Gunner growled against her lips as he kissed her. His tongue thrust into her mouth and he rubbed his aching cock against her. Her tongue met his, in a duel of mutual need as he slid her panties off with his thumbs. Fuck waiting until they got back, he needed to be inside her now. The skirt was too hot not to explore—but she wasn’t wearing it to the fucking bonfire because any fucker could visualize her the way Gunner was, and that just wasn’t fucking happening.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Gunner helped Margo pull on her jeans and buttoned them up for her, his hands reaching around to caress her ass. He’d just made love to her while she held onto the back of the couch in that hot little skirt, but now they needed to get a move on.

  “I still think it’s silly that I can’t wear that skirt out Gunner. I’ve worn it before when Zoey and I went to the club,” Margo muttered looking up at him.

  “Yeah, we are not going to talk about that, it’s not up for debate. That skirt is only worn in this house and nowhere else babe, end of discussion. I don’t ever want to hear about you wearing that out because it’s going to make me insane thinking of some asshole fucking you in his mind while you were wearing it,” Gunner grunted stepping away after a loving squeeze of her flesh.

  “That’s ridiculous.” Margo rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t make me burn my favorite skirt Margo. I will do it despite how I would morn the beautiful thing.” Gunner wasn’t kidding, after being driven to fuck her instantly in that leather skirt, he wasn’t letting her wear it anywhere that it would make other men lust after his woman.

  Wasn’t happening.

  “That’s crazy Gunner, you know that’s crazy but whatever.” Margo shrugged and he smiled back at her. He nodded and headed into the living room to get her patch. It was already almost eight and they needed to get this show on the road if they were going to the bonfire party before it got crazy.

  “I have something to give you.” Gunner felt nerves pull at him, but he shoved them down, went to the living room and reached down for the colorfully wrapped package he’d dropped on the table earlier.

  “I’m sure you already gave me that Gunner and we’re supposed to be getting ready to go to a bonfire party, not having multiple orgasms again.” Margo laughed as she walked out of the bedroom after him.

  “I always want to give you those babe, but I meant this,” he said holding out the gift, his hands a little unsteady as he saw her eyes land on the colorfully wrapped package in his hand. Gunner watched her eyes widen and felt his heart start to pound in his ears as he waited on her to take it. Gunner wasn’t sure why handing her his patch was so nerve-wracking. He knew she would understand because after her first few interactions with the club, she’d asked about Gator’s old lady’s patch. He’d explained that it meant she was Gator’s property. She’d freaked out and gotten angry until Sandy—Gator’s old lady—walked up having heard them talking.

  She’d laughed and told him he wasn’t explaining it right. Margo had turned and demanded that the woman explain. She told Margo that a patch meant that they were married in the eyes of the club. She was Gator’s wife and they treated her with respect because she belonged to him. That had calmed Margo down and she stopped freaking out on him. Gunner had appreciated Sandy’s help because he’d be at a loss as to how to explain it to Margo.

  Gunner was holding out a package wrapped in what looked like a little kids birthday paper. Margo felt a grin tug at her lips as she stepped closer to him. It wasn’t even wrapped well. The corners were oddly folded and there were tears taped up all over the paper.

  “Did you wrap that yourself?” She asked trying not to laugh.

  “Yeah,” he grunted. “I thought it would be nice in some colorful paper. You like color so I found the colorful paper.”

  She couldn’t stop the laughter anymore because it was just too funny to imagine Gunner standing in the store beside a display of wrapping paper grabbing the most colorful paper he could find. Paper that happened to be sporting a bunch of abstract Angry Birds. It wasn’t what she would have chosen to wrap a gift for an adult, but it was the thought that counted and he’d put a lot of thought into his selection.

  “What’s so damned funny?” Gunner asked, a worried frown on his face.

  “You realize this is kids wrapping paper, right? I’m not complaining or anything, but just thought you should know that,” she said to him as she took the package from him. He frowned and glared at the box in her hands.

  “I just thought it was colorful and you like colorful wrapping paper. Gator didn’t tell me it was kids paper, damned asshole,” Gunner growled, looking angry.

  “It’s fine, I do like it. Angry Birds are my favorite anyway.” Margo lied, soothing his angry because he’d tried to do something nice for her and that was what mattered. It was more than her mother had ever done when she was younger. Her sister had been the only reason she’d ever gotten anything for Christmas or her birthday. Despite her mother’s obvious favoritism, her sister had never been cruel or mean to Margo. Her sister had a kind and giving soul, and losing her had been hard for Margo as a teen.

  She stood holding her package wishing she could snap a picture without upsetting him. This would crack Zoey up, it was the homeliest package she’d ever received. She pulled at the tape on the edge of the package because she had no idea with the amount of tape on the darned thing, how the heck she was getting it open otherwise. The tape wouldn’t budge so she tried another corner. Gunner made a sound of impatience and took it from her hands jerking the tape off making her laugh at his put-upon expression and his little eye roll.

  “It’s tragic, I know. I never wrapped shit before and apparently OCD
doesn’t help,” Gunner grimaced handing her back the box, minus the paper that was now lying on the table next to them. Margo couldn’t help another little laugh as she took it from him and opened the box. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart felt like it skipped several beats. Inside the box, folded oddly into a very neat even square was a leather vest like the ones the old ladies wore. Only this one said, property of Gunner - Grave Diggers MC on it. She couldn’t believe it, he’d just pretty much asked her to marry him.

  Holy shit! Margo felt tears stinging her eyes as she stared at the vest she’d greedily removed from the box and unfolded. She didn’t know what to say or do with this because it was something she hadn’t really expected from him. Sure, he’d moved into her apartment and introduced her to his club, but hell she hadn’t even met his mother yet.

  “But I haven’t even met your mother yet,” Margo blurted out and almost groaned as she realized how stupid those words sounded. For cripes sake, she was an idiot. Gunner’s head tilted and his brow raised.

  “Is that a requirement I’m unaware of babe?” he asked deadpan.

  “Um, no I guess not, but typically before a man asks a woman to…er, be his wif—old lady, wouldn’t he at least introduce her to his mother?” Margo wanted to hit her head on the table because she suddenly had verbal diarrhea.

  Shut up! Just shut up, Margo.

  “She doesn’t decide who I make my old lady. My brothers voted you in and that’s what matters,” Gunner advised, tilting his head to the side watching her. “But if you want to meet my mother I’m not opposed.”

  “Your brothers voted on our relationship?” Anger was starting to burn inside her and Gunner must have sensed the brewing storm because he rushed to explain.


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