Christmas Present

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Christmas Present Page 36

by Lauren Wood

  I stared at him with wide eyes. My heart was in flutters and I could feel the possibility of going into shock. Eros Carmichael, the bane of my existence, the notorious bad boy was in love with me. "Why?" I asked. "I've seen you grow up little Grace. You have the most beautiful heart. And you're so passionate and kind about things. You're fierce and not afraid to speak your mind. You're smart and beautiful... And most of all you're not afraid of me."

  That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me. I never knew someone looked at me in such a way. "Grace," he grabbed my attention. "You heard a lot of bad things about me and I might be mean to other people but to you... I'm different. I want you to understand that no matter what I'll never hurt you." And I believe him. "I've made mistakes and I've done terrible things, and when I look at you I know for a fact that I don't deserve you. Hell, no one does. But I'm a selfish person and I want you all to myself."

  He pushed himself into a sitting position I tried pushing him back down but I wasn't stronger than him. He then started leaning towards me and my heart was beating rapidly I think that it's about to leap right out of my chest. I closed my eyes expecting him to kiss my lips but instead, I felt his soft lips upon my head.

  "You're my saving grace."

  Chapter 5

  I haven't been able to sleep a wink of sleep since my visit to Carmichael residence last night. His words echoed through my mind and the touch of his lips left a lingering sensation on my head. I was in complete bliss ever since his confession.

  As much as I want to think that he's just playing games with me, last night I saw another side of him. It's like Eros has all these different sides that no one knows and he's only showing them to me. I blushed as I tiredly made my way out of my house to head to school. But as I looked up I saw Eros leaning against his car wearing shades as he smiled at me.

  My breath was taken away by how his dark hair was gelled back and he wore a leather jacket that hugged his muscles. He was the epitome of a handsome bad boy. I stood frozen as he slowly made his way towards me. It was like he was walking in slow motion

  "Good morning beautiful," he greeted as he kissed my cheek and pulled me against him. "Morning," was all I could muster. "Shall we?" he asked as he held out his hand for me to take. "Where are you taking me?" I asked and all I could think was him taking me to his Mafia headquarters and torturing me. "To school, of course," he replied.

  He helped me into his car and drove me to school. He didn't even park where the other cars are parked. Instead, he parked right in front of the stairs going up to the front doors of the school. Teenagers were littered everywhere either going inside the school or simply hanging out but as soon as the car screeched to a stop, all eyes were on us.

  Eros quickly got out of the car and literally slid across the hood of the car to get to my side. He opened the door for me and helped me out. Who knew the infamous dangerous man could be a gentleman. "Have a nice day at school sweetheart," What's up with the terms of endearment?

  He had his arm wrapped around my waist but before he could lean in and kiss my cheek, I held up a finger to stop him. "Eros," before I could get anything else out, he moaned in delight which made my cheeks heat up. Some people even looked at us with wide eyes. "I love it when you say my name," he growled out. I still had my finger held up as I gulped and said "No need for PDA. I'm not your girlfriend but thanks for the ride," He smirked as he leaned in and kissed my finger making me tremble with an unknown desire. "Yet," was all he said as he walked back to his car and drove off.

  Still shocked and mesmerized about what happened. People started whispering and Melissa appeared by my side with wide eyes. "Did I just see that happen?" she asked. I nodded and I was expecting Melissa to start telling me how in danger I am or how it was nice knowing me. But she surprised me by squealing in delight. "I can't believe my eyes, Grace. This is so romantic. You changed the bad boy!" she shared her thoughts.

  "That can't be Melissa. Bad boys never change especially for girls like me." I told her as we both started heading to class. "But that's the point Grace. It's entirely unexpected that's what makes it so romantic," her head clearly on cloud nine. "One day he'll get tired of me and toss me aside like all his other girls back then," I said.

  "Whatever makes you sleep at night. But one thing is clear Grace, the guy is totally in love with you," And there it was again. Eros in love with me. I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around it but I'm downright stubborn. Through all my classes I've either slept right through it or thought about Eros being in love with me.

  I'm so caught up with Eros that my grades are slipping. I could see my career as a doctor slip right through my fingers. This is why I never bother with any boys, they're nothing but a distraction. When school was done, I walked out readying myself to drink lots of caffeine back home and study. What I wasn't expecting was Eros waiting for me in the parking lot. A lot of unexpected things are happening for a while and I wouldn't be surprised if Eros unexpectedly disappeared. I stopped dead in my tracks as I see Eros walking up to me with people moving to the side giving him way. This man is driving me crazy.

  "How's your day gorgeous? How about we go have some dinner?" he asked as he started leading me towards his car. I stepped out from his hold and said "I can't Carmichael, I have to do my homework and study,"

  He sighed "Back again with my last name? And haven't you studied enough?"

  "I have to study every day. I can't afford to lose my scholarship to college." I said as I started walking away from him. He grabbed my arm to stop me and said "Then let me pay for your college. Any school you want, I'll pay for it. Want to go to Stanford? Princeton? You name it," My eyes widen at his suggestion. "Carmichael, I don't want your Mafia business or whatsoever meddling with my perfect path towards my career," Once those words escaped my mouth he tossed his head back and let out a laugh. And let me tell you how sexy it sounded.

  Shaking my head from nonsense thoughts, I glared at him. "Mafia? You think I'm a Mafia boss little Grace? I'm flattered but I'm not," I felt relief just hearing those words. "Look, Eros," it's like I can't decide which name to call him. When I'm trying to avoid him and when he's annoying me he's Carmichael. But when he's a gentleman and sweet he's Eros. "I can't afford to have any distractions. I need to be perfect." I told him seriously.

  His hand caressed my cheek as he said "But you're already perfect,"

  Annoyed and touched I decided to give him a piece of my mind. "Why are you sweet? Planning to use me and when you're tired you'll toss me to the side like all your other girls? And what's up with the terms of endearment huh? I can't get my head wrapped around the idea of you in love with--" but I didn't finish my sentence because his lips were on mine.

  We spoke a thousand kisses with our eyes but nothing prepared me for the fireworks I felt inside. I didn't notice I was kissing him as well until he pulled back and leaned his head against mine.

  "I told you. Absolutely, perfect."

  Chapter 6

  I've been pacing back and forth pondering on that one mind-blowing kiss. It's the best I've ever had. Well, it's the only kiss I've ever had. There's no denying that I'm attracted to Eros and especially after that kiss it makes me think it's more than just a petty crush.

  But what worries me is that if he's not in the Mafia, then what is he in? There must be a reason why he's the most feared man in town. It can't just be him wearing a leather jacket and breaking hearts left and right. I frustratingly ran a hand through my hair as I glared at the stuffed Panda. Annoyed and bested by my little traitorous heart, I stormed out of my house and over to the Carmichael residence.

  As I climbed the steps to his porch I noticed the front door was slightly ajar, just like last time. Déjà vu hit me like running into a brick wall, and I started panicking. Wondering what state Eros would be in this time. I marched into his house but this time there was no shattered glass or wet footprints. But I did hear shouts and groans which seemed to be coming from the basement. Thinking the worst
I dashed for the entrance of the basement and walked down the steps.

  The lights were dim but I was able to see that there was a hallway with four doors but only one door was slightly open. I hesitatingly walked down the hallway and heard the groans of a person grow louder and louder. A bloody and beaten Eros appeared in my mind which gave me the courage to open the door but nothing prepared me for what was actually happening.

  A man who looked to be in his late thirties was tied to a chair. Four men in black hoodies stood to the side while Eros started punching the poor guy. Eros' hands covered in blood, and I doubt it was his blood. His eyes held a certain danger to them and his aura was so intense I felt like suffocating. I expected myself to shed tears but instead I was filled with a boiling rage.

  "Stop!" someone said but I didn't know who it was till all eyes were on me. It was me. Once Eros' eyes met mine, the dark fury from his eyes disappeared and was replaced by the look of horror. "Grace," he gasped.

  "What are you doing to this man? You're killing him," I said, astounded by the amount of courage I have. "And for good reason," was his excuse but I wasn't having any of it. "Good reason? What good reason is there to beat a man who can't even defend himself," my voice raised.

  The men standing at the sides were trying to keep their eyes away but they seemed shocked as if they've never seen Eros being this soft to someone. They say that kindness can get you anywhere, anywhere except with me. "You frustrate me to no end, Carmichael," I told him, my anger totally turning into tears. You know why women cry when they're angry? It's because murder is illegal. And what he’s doing is definitely illegal.

  "You've been on my mind ever since you got back. I don't know whether to trust you or not and here I am entering your home because I'm concerned because I have these unknown feelings for you," I added.

  "You have feelings for me?" he asked in disbelief. Out of all the things I've said, that's all he got?

  "Too late scumbag, they're long gone now." I lied. "Because you're a monster," And it infuriates me that even after I saw him brutally beat a man still the feelings I had for him were strong. Eros bowed his head in defeat as he said something that people barely heard "Get out,"

  His men looked at him in confusion until he yelled out angrily "Get out!" His men jumped as they started walking out carrying the injured man. Even though I knew he was talking to his men I spun around and walked out of the room not wanting to see Eros. But before I could leave the basement I felt arms wrapped around my waist and without turning around I told him "Let me go, Eros."

  "No," he sounded like he was crying. "I told you I'm a selfish man."

  I turned around then he leaned his head against my stomach, hugging my waist as if his life depended on it. "Please give me the chance to explain myself," he begged and before I could reject him, he looked up and my heart jumped into my throat. His intense eyes filled with tears that held an aching sorrow to them. My heart reached out to him as he bared his soul to me. I couldn't exactly say that he also cried to his other girls because Eros didn't seem like the type to cry. And I had a strong urge to hug him and kiss the tears away.

  I didn't want to hear any of his excuses and I had a hidden desire for him to fight for me. To never give up on me even if I'm stubborn. To ignore my rejection and sweep me off my feet. It was a desire every girl dreamed of. I wanted so badly to hate him but as I said before my heart is a traitor. The heart wants what it wants even if I tried fighting it I knew my heart would win in the end. I slowly nodded expecting him to be all happy and flirty like he always is.

  Instead, he scooped me into his arms making me yelp and carried me towards the kitchen. He sat me down on the counter of the kitchen as he put his hands on either side of me. "Little Grace," he started out "You mean a lot to me. And I want you to stay in my life for the long term. But I know for a relationship to work you have to be honest, and the skeletons in my closet isn’t something easy to tell."

  The worst thoughts came to mind. Secret assassin, murderer, and Mafia related stuff. "I get my money from my businesses. Nothing big or illegal just a few stores I own but I have a side job but this particular kind of job doesn't earn any money just respect and satisfaction." I felt sick to my stomach. Did he beat people up just for satisfaction?

  "But before I tell you about my side job you have to know the whole story," he nervously said. I couldn't help but reach out and caressed his face with my hand urging him to go on. "As you know that my parents used to fight a lot. But it's usually just my dad. He wasn't exactly the perfect father nor was he a normal father. He'd come home almost every night drunk out of his mind and..." he trailed off and as he explained, I couldn't help but beat myself up for thinking the worst of him.

  "Eros... You don't need to go on," I told him sincerely. But he shook his head and said "I have to... I want you to be in my life little Grace and for that to happen you have to know everything." he swallowed the lump in his throat as he continued "It was only me at the time. Being the rebellious child I was, didn't settle well with my father. So he'd take out all his rage on me but my mom... she's kind and caring. She's like every mother should be and because she loved me with every ounce of her body she took the beating for me," my hands flew to my mouth holding in a gasp.

  "But one night, my father went too far with my mother by pulling out his gun. This happened sometime during my senior year in high school. I was able to take on my father and call the cops. But ever since then my mom hasn't been the same. Those years were the worst years of my life and I was tempted so many times to run away but there was one thing keeping my feet grounded... you,"

  My eyes widen at his words. How can I keep someone like Eros strong? We barely even talked before. "I was nursing my wounds one night and then I saw you. You were in your room doing your homework and it looked like you were tired because your eyes kept drooping shut. Your head kept falling but you'd always catch yourself but after a few minutes your head fell forward and you hit your head on your desk. You bolted right up thinking someone hit you or something but as you realized that you just fell asleep and hit your head on your desk, you laughed. You were so innocent and so full of life and that was the moment I knew that I was in love with you. The more I got to know you the more I fell in love with you." he confessed.

  I felt exhilarated and terrified at the same time. My heart felt like soaring through the sky. My stomach filled with angry butterflies and my legs shook involuntarily. It scares me how Eros has this much effect on me.

  "I moved away, leaving you was the hardest thing I had to do. I got a business degree and opened up a few businesses but my side job. I call it my own personal rehab for people like my father," he spat out. "Relatives who lash out on their own blood. I take them in, beat them a few times and make sure they're sober before they go back to their families. But if ever they can't change then they face my beatings and I hand them over to the police." it was silent for the next few minutes. I was still processing what he said.

  "I understand if you'll leave a monster like me. My mom is at a nursing home. Ever since dad's beatings, she's never been the same. She lost her mind and the will to live. I blame myself every day for what happened to her... if only I was stronger," he had a longingness in his eyes.

  I tried processing what he said and come to terms with what he is but my feelings for him were still strong. I pushed aside all thoughts and let my heart take the wheel. I grabbed his face and pushed my lips upon his. He was shocked and didn't respond at first but after a while, he gripped my waist and kissed back. Unfortunately, we had to pull away to catch our breaths. I leaned my head against his and told him softly "What happened to your mom wasn't your fault. You’re a hero Eros if not to others than to me. And no matter what you do, I don't have the will to walk away from you. I'm here to stay."

  Who knew that love could feel like soaring and melting all at the same time? I was nervous today because Eros was taking me on our first date. Claiming that he could sweep me off my feet. I have no
doubt he would.

  Like the gentleman that Eros was he picked me up from my home, even though we lived right next door to each other. Still he picked me up and started driving towards dinner. “Where are we going?” I asked him. He looked even more handsome today wearing a white button-up shirt with black jeans. His hair was carelessly brushed on his head giving him a bedhead look.

  “It’s a surprise,” he said with a wink. I frowned and told him “I hate surprises.” All of a sudden he leaned towards me and stole a tender kiss from my lips leaving me flushed. “From the looks of it, you love surprises. Trust me on this little Grace, you’ll love it.” He said obviously he was in a chipper mood.

  By the time we arrived at a restaurant that was on the outskirts of town, it was raining lightly. Eros parked the car and quickly made his way to my door, and Eros being tall and all his body shielded me from the rain. When we entered the restaurant he wrapped a possessive arm around my waist. “Reservation for Carmichael,” he told the waitress. The waitress checked her book while Eros looked at me lovingly. I could definitely get used to this.

  “Sorry sir, but there’s no reservation for Carmichael,” the waitress said making Eros’ head snapped dangerously at her. “What?” he seethed. “There’s no reservation under the name of Carmichael.” She stated. “I called hours ago reserving the garden table.” Clearly, Eros was irritated. This won’t end well.

  “Sorry sir but our garden table is unavailable at the moment. If you’re willing to wait—” But the poor girl didn’t get to finish when Eros literally growled at her and he sounded menacingly. “Look here wench, I’m here to impress my girlfriend,” I couldn’t help but blush when he called me his girlfriend. “And clearly, you’re ruining it. I’ve made my reservations. Check. Again.” He hissed, his face red from anger.

  The waitress panicked as she quickly scanned through the book in hopes she’d find his reservation but by the time she looked up, it was obvious on her face that she didn’t find it. Eros unwrapped his arm from my waist and pushed me behind him. I could feel his aura getting more dangerous by the second. “I want to know who’s responsible for the reservations! I will kill—” I knew where this was going so to calm Eros down I wrapped my hands around his bulging biceps.


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