Still Fine at Forty

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Still Fine at Forty Page 7

by Madison, Dakota

  The closeness of his face to mine and the suggestion of intimacy sent shivers down my spine.

  “I know you must be tired, so that will have to wait for another day.”

  With the electricity he had just sent coursing through my body, tired was the last thing I was.

  He gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. I wanted more. So much more. My body was aching for more of his touch.

  “I’d better get you back to the hotel.”

  And with that, he helped me back into the Jeep and we were off.


  I was glad when he parked the Jeep in the lot rather than pulling up to the drive. It would have been awkward saying goodbye in front of the hotel. And parking meant there was a chance, no matter how slight, that he would stay with me, even for a little while. I don’t know why, but I just wanted to be near him. I felt safe in his presence. And desirable. It had been a long time since I felt either of those things.

  “I’ll walk you to your room,” he said and it wasn’t a question.

  I smiled. Was he still taking care of me? I wanted to tell him that he could take care of me in my room, too. But I didn’t want to sound like an idiot, or even worse, be rejected.

  He held my hand as we walked through the lobby and headed toward my room. It was a bit awkward when we both stood outside the door.

  “Would you mind getting the key out of my purse and opening the door for me?”

  He did as I asked, but when I entered the room, he waited outside. I was a bit disappointed.

  “You can come in,” I invited hopefully. I felt so vulnerable. What if he was just being nice and really didn’t want me after all? Or even worse, what if he changed his mind? I looked down at my torn and dirty clothing and realized what a mess I was.

  He stepped into the room but seemed to still have some hesitation in his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He stepped closer to me and cupped my face with his strong hands. He looked into my eyes with a serious expression. “I want you, Jenny. I’ve wanted you from the moment we met. But I’m not sure this is the best time. You’re injured and I don’t want to hurt you. When we’re together, I want it to be perfect.”

  I sighed. He had a point. But I just couldn’t stand the idea of him walking out the door. “Do you want to just lie on the bed and take a nap with me?”

  He grinned. “If I lie on that bed with you, there will not be any napping going on, I can assure you of that.”

  I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. He was going to leave. I tried my best to hold myself together. He bent down and kissed my forehead. “You need to get some rest.”

  How could I possibly rest with all of the sexual tension now running through my body?

  “I’ll call you later,” he said.

  I just nodded. I didn’t dare speak for fear of crying. What had come over me? I was acting like a baby. But there was part of me that was afraid that I might never see him again.

  When the door shut behind him, I allowed the tears that had been welling up to stream down my face.

  By dinnertime, Cody still hadn’t phoned, so I made plans to meet Mel and Marvin for dinner. I made it clear, though, that I had no interest in going out with Walt again.

  We decided to get something light in the hotel restaurant. When Mel and Marvin saw that I was wearing a bandage on my hand, both of their jaws dropped simultaneously.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Mel gasped.

  “I’m fine. I fell when we were hiking.”

  “Did you fall all the way down the mountain?” Mel asked. Even though I knew she was concerned, I also knew she couldn’t help her sarcastic side.

  “Just a few hundred feet,” I said.

  Marvin whistled. “You’re lucky you just hurt your hand.”

  “The good news is, it’s not broken,” I said. “The bad news is, Mel’s new silk shirt is.”

  “At least tell me you got laid,” Mel retorted. “Tell me ruining my shirt was worth it.”

  I felt myself getting red. Mel and I often talked to each other in such blunt terms, but I wasn’t used to talking about my sex life (or lack thereof) in front of Marvin. I glanced up at the man and he was grinning from ear to ear as if we were having the most normal conversation in the world.

  “I wish I had better news, but alas I do not,” I said. “Not that I would have sex on the first date anyway.” I didn’t want to mention that I probably would have if Cody had made a move.

  “Mel’s right,” Marvin said. “You two really are complete opposites.” He leaned down and nuzzled her behind the ear. Then I swear I heard him growl like an animal.

  I sighed. I didn’t know how I would ever have an appetite watching these two practically making out all night.

  When it didn’t look like Mel and Marvin were going to stop their public displays of affection on their own, I cleared my throat. Loudly. They finally got the hint and backed away from each other.

  Mel looked a little flustered, which was a first, but she quickly came to her senses and said, “At least tell me you got another date to redeem yourself and get some goodies.”

  “Not yet,” I sighed. I was so disappointed I hadn’t heard from Cody, I could have cried.

  Mel raised an eyebrow. “I told you, you have to give them something to keep them coming back for more.”

  Marvin snickered then he leaned in for another kiss and they went right back at it for another round of making out. Ugh. It was going to be a very long night.


  I was back in my room by eight and under the covers reading my book by firelight by nine. Still no calls from Cody, though. Maybe I had imagined his interest in me. Or maybe he changed his mind about me when he really thought about the difference in our ages. By ten o’clock, I was about the give up on him when my cell phone rang.

  “How are you feeling?” Cody asked.

  “Better,” I said in a little too short of tone, but I was disappointed that he had waited so long to call.

  “I ended up going into work,” he explained. “I would have phoned earlier, but we were swamped. I just closed.”

  “Thanks for checking in on me,” I said, my tone softening. “I know you’re busy.”

  “So I wanted to find out if you have plans tomorrow for dinner. I want to take you on a proper date. One that doesn’t involve tumbling down mountains.”

  I laughed. “I would love to go out with you tomorrow.”

  “Great, I’ll pick you up at six.”


  I phoned Mel as soon as I got up the next morning.

  “Why are you calling so early?” she moaned.

  “It’s nine,” I said. “That’s not exactly early.”

  “It is when you’re up all night, um, never mind.” She yawned then continued. “What’s up?”

  “I have a problem,” I said.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m the one who has been trying to get you laid, remember?”

  I was glad to see her sense of humor had finally woken up. “Cody phoned last night and I have a date tonight.”

  “You’re right. You do have a problem. We need to go shopping ASAP. You need a killer outfit and something even sexier to go under it.”

  “Let’s not get crazy,” I said. I was still having a hard time accepting the notion that a man was actually going to get underneath my outfit. Of course, if anyone was going to go there, I was glad it would be Cody.

  “Marvin already left for his tee time, so I have at least until lunchtime free. I’m sure we can find something for your big date.”

  Mel and I found a cute little women’s clothing shop a few blocks from the hotel. The place was intimate but it carried quite a selection of designer fashions. With the price tags to match. I suddenly had a difficult time with the idea of paying nearly a week’s salary on a dress.

  Mel narrowed her eyes at me. “What up, Chica?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. I didn’t want to admit that the pla
ce was way over my budget.

  “The dress is on me,” she said.

  “I can’t let you buy me a dress,” I said. “You’re already paying for the vacation and I ruined your new silk blouse.”

  “It will give me tremendous joy to know that I helped you in your quest for a stud. But you’d better do the deed tonight or I’ll be pissed.”

  “Okay,” I said. “I’ll do my best not to disappoint you in the sex department.”

  Mel’s attention was drawn to something on the other side of the room. She floated over to an emerald green cocktail dress. “This is it,” she said. “Let’s hope it’s your size.”

  She pulled the dress from the display and held it up. “What do you think?”

  “It’s gorgeous.” The dress looked like something right out of a high-end magazine advertisement.

  Mel glanced at the tag. “It’s your size. Now all you have to do is try it on.”

  She handed me the dress and we both turned toward the shopkeeper, who was headed in our direction. She was young and looked like a model. She even towered over Mel, which was a feat not many accomplished.

  “That’s a lovely,” she said. “I just got it in a few weeks ago. Would you like to try it on?”

  I nodded.

  “Follow me,” she said as she turned and headed toward the dressing rooms.

  I took the dress into the fitting room. I held it in front of me and looked into the mirror. The color was perfect with my complexion and hair color. I quickly undressed and pulled the dress over my head. When I zipped it up, it was a perfect fit. The dress could have been made for me.

  A wave of excitement rushed through me as I thought about Cody’s expression when he saw me in the dress. Hopefully, it would be lust-inducing.

  When I stepped out of the dressing room to show Mel, she applauded. “If that doesn’t get you laid, nothing will.”

  I glanced at the shopkeeper and she was scowling. I guess she didn’t have much of a sense of humor.

  “We’ll take it,” Mel said. “And what shoes do you have to match?”

  When I went back into the dressing room, Mel hurried in to join me. She was carrying a pair of heels to match the dress. “Try these on.”

  I did as I was told. When I looked back in the mirror, I almost cried. I actually looked beautiful.

  “Cody is going to go crazy with you in this outfit,” she said.

  I hugged my best friend.

  Six hundred dollars later, we found ourselves in a little lingerie shop next door.


  There was a knock on my hotel room door. When I opened it, my jaw nearly dropped. How was it possible that Cody was even more gorgeous than the day before? In a fitted black suit, he looked like he had just stepped off the pages of GQ.

  As he examined my dress, I could see the desire in his eyes. “You look amazing,” he said. “How did I get so lucky?”

  He held out his elbow for me to grab and we headed out.

  I got a little nervous as we walked out of the hotel. I hadn’t thought about taking the Jeep to a restaurant and what that would do to my hair. Cody must have sensed my discomfort.

  “We can walk to the restaurant,” he said. “It’s not far.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. It was a gorgeous night and I was with a gorgeous man.


  The restaurant was small but very upscale with a hint of modern sophistication that appeared to be so prevalent in Sedona. The host seemed to know Cody when we arrived. He didn’t say a word to us, just nodded to Cody and took us to our seats at a secluded booth.

  “Do you like the atmosphere?” Cody asked as we sat down.

  “It looks expensive,” I said.

  Cody took my hands in his. “I want this to be a special night for you.”

  “It’s been a long time since anyone’s taken me to a place like this,” I admitted.

  “And here I thought I was competing with all of the guys in Phoenix taking you to fancy restaurants, wining and dining you.”

  I winced. Did I dare tell him that I hadn’t been on an actual date since my ex-husband left me? And that my ex was the only guy that I had ever seriously dated?

  I just shook my head. “I don’t get out much.”

  “Then this has to be even more special.” I could see a bit of pride and excitement dancing in his eyes.

  The meal was lovely and perfect and the conversation over dinner was light. We had Cajun style flounder with baby squash and corn. When it came to dessert, I was too stuffed to even consider it.

  “We could split a small one,” Cody said trying to tempt me.

  “Okay,” I agreed. “But pick what you want; I’ll probably only take a bite.”

  Cody ordered Crème Brûlée with berries. When the waiter put in in front of us with two spoons, the dessert was anything but small.

  Cody took one of the spoons from the dish and handed it back to the waiter. “We won’t need this.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  Cody took a spoonful of dessert and fed it to me. “How is it?” he asked.

  I had no words to describe how wonderful it tasted. “You have to try it. It’s amazing.”

  Cody took a bite and nodded. “You’re right. It’s delicious. You need another bite.”

  Cody continued to feed me small bites and taking bites himself until the dessert was nearly gone.

  When the waiter took the remains of the dessert away and left the check, Cody looked at me with a serious expression. “So, how was everything?”

  “Special,” I said. “Wonderful.” Maybe the best date ever. “Especially the company.” I gave him a big smile. “Thank you so much. I know this place isn’t cheap. I really appreciate you taking me here.”

  “Your beautiful smile is worth every penny,” he said as he placed a stack of bills into the bill folder.


  When we got back to my room, there was a bit of awkwardness as we stood in the entry.

  “I really want you to come in,” I said as I unlocked the door.

  “How’s your hand?” he asked.

  I held it up. “A lot better.”

  He nodded then stepped closer and grabbed me. He pulled me close and kissed me. This time his kiss wasn’t soft and gentle. It was filled with fire. His tongue pushed deeply into my mouth sending his heat rushing through my entire body.

  We just about made it into the room between explosive kisses.

  He looked into my eyes. “I want you.”

  I nodded. I wanted him more than I ever wanted anything in my life. “It’s been a while since I…” He cut my words off with another kiss. This one was so forceful, I moaned. I felt a longing so deep inside, only one thing would fill the fierce desire.

  He carefully unbuttoned the front of my dress and pushed it from my shoulders just enough that it slipped off my body and fell to the floor. I felt so vulnerable standing in my underwear in front of him. A sudden panic swept through me as I wondered what he thought of my 40-year-old body. How did I compare to the 20-year-olds he’d no doubt been with?

  My fear faded when I saw the desire in his eyes. I was suddenly very glad that Mel had talked me into the sexy bra and undies.

  His eyes devoured me—took in every inch of me. “You’re beautiful,” he said as he eyes finally joined mine.

  “And you’re still fully clothed,” I said. He nodded and without taking his eyes off of me, he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor. My jaw nearly fell to the floor with it. His muscles were so tight; his chiseled build was amazing. The mere sight of it sent another round of tremors through me.

  When I looked into his eyes, I sensed a bit of discomfort. That’s when I noticed an extremely deep scar that ran from his shoulder all the way down his arm to just above the inside of his elbow. A second scar ran from underneath his armpit diagonally down his chest to almost mid-chest. The wounds had been ugly and the despite what was probably the surgeon’s best efforts, the scars were prominen

  I put up my hand and leaned in to touch the longest scar that ran from his shoulder down to his mid upper arm. He flinched when my fingers touched the scar’s jagged edge. Even though the scars were obviously old, he seemed to be in pain when I touched him.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked tentatively.

  He shook his head, but I could still see the hurt in his eyes. Maybe the pain wasn’t physical. I decided it was a conversation for another time. When I moved my hands away from the scars and rubbed them along the muscles of his chest, he breathed a sigh of relief. I let my hand caress his body as I moved them down toward his belt and he inhaled sharply.

  I took in the scent of him—masculine with a hint of cinnamon. It was an alluring combination of sexy and sweet. He allowed me to undo his belt and then he removed his pants. He was wearing tight boxers that were bulging with desire.

  I grabbed his hand and led him to my bed. He gave me a wicked little grin. Without taking my eyes from his, I sat on the bed and pulled him with me.

  As I lay on the bed, he followed, lingering just a few inches above me.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” His expression was now serious.

  I didn’t think I was ever more sure about anything in my life. In that moment, there was nothing I wanted more than to be with Cody.

  “I want you,” I managed to say.

  He thrust his tongue into my mouth, which sent more heat and desire pulsing through me. The yearning between my legs was deepening, almost becoming unbearable. I had never been so turned on and I craved release.

  He unhooked my bra and threw it off the bed. He seemed to be examining every inch of me. Then he took his hand and moved it slowly down the side of my body from the edge of my breasts to my hips. His hands were strong, but his touch was delicate and light. The way he touched me, with such care and tenderness, made me feel cherished. He caressed me everywhere, like an artist sculpting his work, and I was absorbed in the rhythm of him stroking and smoothing my skin.

  Then he moved so that his hips were between my legs and he pressed against me so I could feel his bulge growing harder. The material of our underwear was the only barrier between us and it felt offending. He must have sensed my thoughts because he pulled his boxers off then my underwear and threw them both on the ground.


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