The Atlantis Chronicles- The Kordam Party

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The Atlantis Chronicles- The Kordam Party Page 17

by Michael Brown

  “It is a pleasure to be in your pleasant company, Captain,” Aiti said with a hum.

  “We have been very interested in learning of your people since your ships first encountered ours,” Salvei addressed Bowen with zest. “I am especially eager to learn about the various races aboard your ship.”

  “I am pretty sure you'll be amazed,” Corbin replied candidly to Salvei.

  The media officer stepped forward to introduce herself, “I am Carmen Ramirez, the Chief Journalist on Atlantis. Our people have also been anxious to learn more about you, and I do have a lot of questions to ask.”

  “Of course,” Zuaim replied as he softly took Carmen's hand with a three clawed appendage seemly like a lobster in greeting her, “as we are curious to know more about you. And I must say you are absolutely beautiful.”

  Carmen slightly blushed as she chuckled at the Patriarchal Chancellor's comment. For Bowen, while the sight of Zuaim holding Carmen's hand in friendship made him chuckle quietly, he could not help but feel slightly awkward. Both he and Carmen were once in a youthful romantic relationship. While they did break up, Bowen still had tried some romantic attempts with her whenever he got the chance, and so did Carmen. Of course, Bowen thought to himself that maybe it was just the Polistian way of being friendly. There was no sense in making a fuss over what might be nothing anyway.

  “Uh, Chancellors,” Bowen started to say to Zuaim and Aiti, “would you and your party care to dine this evening aboard Atlantis with my officers and with our guests of the Galactic Fleet Alliance?”

  “We would be more than honored, Captain,” Zuaim replied graciously. “It would give us a chance to get personally acquainted with you and your crew.”

  Bowen responded, “We'll make arrangements to have the grand dining room ready in about five hours.”

  “We are looking forward to it,” Aiti replied.

  Bowen went to the intercom to inform the main galley to make preparations for the dinner at the grand dining room as Corbin, Lovandiel, Carmen and the delegates took a few moments to converse amongst themselves.

  “They really are a friendly sort,” Corbin spoke quietly to Lovandiel.

  “They are indeed,” Lovandiel nodded in earnest.

  “And did you see the way the Captain looked when the Patriarchal Chancellor took her hand?” Corbin asked the Elnore ambassador.

  “I am sure Zuaim meant well,” Lovandiel chuckled dryly, “the Polistians are reported to be a very friendly people.”

  “Well, at least these guys don't sting,” Corbin quipped, “but I'll try not to get on that security chief's toes.”

  Meanwhile, Salvei, Aiti, Deva, Jennfi, Zagovor and Gezant conversed amongst themselves concerning Bowen and the others.

  “These humans and that non-human are very friendly, just like us,” Jennfi buzzed gently.

  “They are indeed,” replied Salvei, “of course their Captain seems quite nervous. I hope he does not misinterpret Zuaim's gesture towards the female journalist.”

  “From what I can sense,” said Deva, “he seems to have a sort of attraction towards her. It was as if they have engaged in romantic proceedings.”

  “It is quite possible,” Aiti tittered. “I get the impression that he might think that the Patriarch is trying to acquire her as a mate.”

  “If that is true,” Zagovor quickly snapped with complete alertness and concern for Zuaim's safety, “I am prepared to defend the Patriarch if needed.”

  “I do not think that will be necessary,” Salvei immediately replied. “I am sure the human captain can control himself quite well.”

  “I am quite interested in seeing how the ship works,” Gezant spoke, changing the subject, “I really want to learn about the technology they use. Perhaps they will share it with us.”

  “I am sure they will,” Aiti responded with a motherly tone, “if they so choose.”

  While everyone else was conversing amongst themselves, Zuaim decided to have a little chat with Carmen, all while admiring her beauty and her long glimmering halter dress. Carmen, while not necessarily offended, did blush at the fact that an alien dignitary would act so very friendly towards her. After all, these two had only met, and she wondered how Bowen was reacting to it. She hoped that Bowen was not jealous. Zuaim, on the other hand, seemed quite oblivious to the concerns that his delegation and Cowboy had concerning how Bowen might interpret his friendliness towards Carmen.

  “Tell me,” Zuaim asked Carmen eagerly, “are all human females as beautiful as you are?”

  “Well,” Carmen said after a brief pause, “they usually are.”

  “Usually?” Zuaim asked, seemingly puzzled.

  “I guess,” Carmen tried to reply gracefully, “that usually depends on how you define beauty.”

  “Of course,” Zuaim chuckled, “do forgive me. I do seem to be too friendly at times since we have just met. I just so admire members of the opposite sex, regardless of species. Polistian males are naturally attracted to beauty. I assume the other females on this ship are just as beautiful as you are.”

  “I am sure they are,” Carmen smiled, “in their own way of course.”

  “I shall be looking forward to meeting them,” the Polistian Patriarch replied with much excitement.

  Bowen had now finished informing the main galley and informing the senior staff of the state dinner later this evening. He started to adjust his focus back to the Polistian delegates.

  “This way, ladies and gentlemen,” Bowen said to the delegates, “I think you will enjoy a tour of the ship.”

  “Of course, Captain,” Zuaim replied, “we are personally looking forward to it.”

  Bowen, Corbin, Carmen and Lovandiel accompanied the Polistian delegates on a tour of the U.S.S. Atlantis. During the tour, the delegates spent most of their time observing with only a few comments here and there (as well as greeting and complimenting the various crewmembers and fighter pilots aboard the ship). Bowen and Carmen found this quite odd; no questions about anything during the tour whatsoever. Not even a discussion on how the ship functions, the ship's powerful weapons (including the Critical Mass weapon), how the fighters function in combat, how the engines work, or even the various luxurious accommodations aboard the ship. Surely there should have been questions asked during a tour. Bowen and Carmen started to think that maybe they were getting hyped up for a discussion that would never occur.

  After the tour, it was time for the dinner. Bowen, Corbin, Lovandiel and Carmen were waiting to take their seats at one side of the dining table while the delegates would sit on the other side. Joining them were Commander George Landry, Commander Teek Plumbar, Lieutenant Commander TofarKrim, Lieutenant Commander Sovaren Garliff, Lieutenant Benjamin Tanner, Lieutenant Maria Sanchez, Lieutenant Commander Kale Poleek, Petty Officer SNG-3R (‘Singer‘), Lieutenant Commander Lindsay Davis, Lieutenant Commander Ren Klorish, Doctor Elton Schiguelle, Colonel Terranurko Acrami (‘Urko‘) and Kumarrin historian Norom N'Gek. Like Bowen and Corbin, they too were formally dressed for the event.

  “Wonder what's taking these guys so long?” Landry hissed at Bowen. “I'm getting hungry.”

  “The handmaidens said they wanted to taste test the foods and beverages first,” Bowen responded glibly to his Air Boss, “they wanted to make sure it was fitting for the rest of the delegation.”

  “They're sure taking their time,” Landry replied.

  “Don't worry, Papa,” Bowen reassured Landry, “I'm sure they'll be ready soon.”

  “Kinda odd that Singer would be joining us,” Corbin said.

  “Zuaim requested that she be present,” Bowen replied, “they want to get to personally know every race on board the ship personally. Even the Zetabots.”

  “Then why did they not do so during the tour?” asked Too Far.

  “And how come we each get two wine glasses?” grumbled Davis.

  “I suppose we'll find out,” Bowen replied as he noticed the delegates arriving.

  “My since
re apologies for keeping you waiting,” Zuaim said as he declared the presence of his delegation, “shall we begin?”

  The sound of the traditional ship's chimes could be heard in the background as everyone began to sit down waiting to be served. The table was fabulously decorated with flowers, plates, silverware, cups and saucers for tea or coffee, pairs of wine glasses, water glasses, napkins and smaller plates for appetizers and rolls. The walls (except those with windows) were decorated with an aquarium, portraits of various historical figures, pictures of legendary ships (both naval and space) and various mariner-related relics. Several servers came with the beverages to be served. The beverages were wheeled in on a cart, and were then taken out of the cart. Four servers carried bottles of the Elnore beverage Elder wine of the Silver Wood variety. Another three of them carried bottles of Autumn Sherry, a Simma beverage. Four additional servers carried large pitchers of a golden brown liquid. And seven more servers carried pots of either tea or black coffee of various kinds; these included Earth coffee, Elnore evening tea, Simma Tamarack, Kumarrin coffee and hot Earl Grey tea. All of the participants sitting at the table were served the golden brown liquid, while the other beverages were served to varying participants based on their preferences. Some of the delegates were served the Autumn Sherry, while others (including Zuaim) were served the Elder wine. As the beverages were being distributed, Bowen and his officers took their napkin-wrapped silverware, removed the contents (knife, fork and spoon), and unfolded the napkins to place on their laps. The Polistian delegates, looking at Atlantis crew, slowly copied them as it was not something they were accustomed to when it came to dinner.

  Once the beverages were served, several servers went back to the main galley to deliver the appetizers. While the participants were waiting for the food to be served, Zuaim raised his glass as he cleared his throat.

  “I offer a toast,” Zuaim declared, “the beginnings of a new era in space flight for the Polistian people....and to our newfound neighbors.”

  Everyone agreed in unison as they raised their glasses and then took a sip of their beverages.

  “If you don't mind my asking, Chancellor,” Landry asked Zuaim, “what is that golden liquid? It looks like iced tea mixed with maple syrup and without ice.”

  “That is Hunaja,” Aiti replied cordially, “it is similar to what you would call honey mead. It is made with nectar of several different flowers, Debash berries, Carino syrup and several different spices.”

  “It is a very common beverage on our world, Commander,” Salvei added to the discussion, “its sweetness is said to arouse those who drink it.”

  “Arouse?” Landry‘s voice straggled in his throat, not believing his ears.

  “Of course,” replied Deva coolly, “romantic meetings are not usually complete without it....though it is consumed during any occasion besides romance.”

  Landry and the other Atlantis officers, with some caution, decided to sip the Polistian drink. To everyone's taste buds, it was sweet indeed....though perhaps a little too sweet. It was as if someone did mix sweet iced tea with maple syrup and little touch of honey. Of course, the taste was only part of the experience. Upon taking a drink of it, Landry started to feel a tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach, and also in his groin. It was as if he was starting to feel attracted to something; the problem was that he already had a significant other and there was not anyone to be attracted to. The other officers' reactions varied somewhat differently. Bowen and Corbin had almost the same reaction as Landry, except Corbin's was more tolerable. Carmen, Tanner, Sanchez and Davis experienced a feeling of absolute euphoria upon drinking the Hanuja. Lovandiel, being the connoisseur he is, smiled at the fact that he tasted a new beverage and did not seem to react the same way the others did. Plumbar and Poleek's reactions were almost non-existent, as if it was just any other drink. Krim, Garliff, Klorish, Dr. Schiguelle and Acrami did have a euphoric reaction at first. However, it quickly subsided and was nothing more than a reaction to tasting a sweet drink. N'Gek, on the other hand, did not seem to have a pleasant reaction. Upon drinking it, he felt as a human would feel when blushing and when they just had been kicked in the groin. Fortunately, the reaction was only temporary and the Kumarrin historian made it a point to never sip the Hunaja again. Zuaim noticed the varying reactions of the Atlantis crew to this sweet drink.

  The Polistian Patriarchal Chancellor chuckled and spoke, “I noticed the taste is not too much for your liking.”

  “It is....” N'Gek replied while trying to find an appropriate response, “quite reactive.”

  “Yeah,” Landry said in agreement with N'Gek after recovering from the tingling sensations, “really hits you where it matters.”

  Tanner added, “I agree. It's like drinking syrup. If I'd known I was drinking syrup, I would have asked for pancakes.”

  “Pancakes?” Zuaim asked very puzzled.

  “It’s an Earth breakfast food,” Bowen explained, “its kind of like cake but made in a frying pan. It’s often served with syrup and butter to make it taste great.”

  “Ah, yes,” Zuaim nodded, “like Panna.”

  “Panna?” Bowen asked.

  “It is a sort of common treat on Polistia,” responded Jennfi. “It is often served for breakfast, much like your pancakes, but also for other meals as well.”

  “And it can also be topped by many foods,” Gezant said, “on one's coming-of-age ceremony there is a sumptuous banquet consisting solely of Panna topped with many fruits, vegetables and meats.”

  “I think it's quite an interesting drink,” Lovandiel said, referring to the Hunaja, “perhaps you would lend me a few bottles. I am quite fascinated by different types of beverages.”

  “Ah, as am I,” replied Salvei after nonverbally signaling one of the servers to pour him some more wine. “I especially find this Elder wine quite a sweet drink. From what I have researched, it would seem that those hundreds of years of aging are very well spent.”

  “I am sure we could lend you some of our many selections of liquor,” Bowen said to the High Advisor, “I think you'll find our selection quite wide in variety.”

  “Just make sure you don't drink too much tequila,” Corbin added, “that stuff REALLY inebriates you pretty fast.”

  “I see,” Salvei replied, “I shall keep your advice in mind, Commander. And yes, I would very much like to borrow a selection of your beverages.”

  The servers that went to the main galley soon arrived with the appetizers. The Atlantis crew got various appetizers based on their preferences while the Polistian delegations's appetizers consisted of fried small insects, flower bulbs and okra-like pods.

  As everyone was enjoying their appetizers, another round of questions began. This time it was Carmen's turn.

  “Matriarchal Chancellor?” Carmen asked Aiti, “I am curious as to how is your society is structured.”

  “Well,” Aiti replied, “it is of course a class structure. Higher class individuals such as Zuaim, myself and Salvei have very important positions in the government. Middle class individuals such as Deva, Jennfi, Gezant and Zagovor usually hold supplementary jobs and even assist the higher class members.”

  “And what of the people in the lower class?” Garliff respectfully tossed to the group on the other side of the table.

  “They usually serve in commercial positions,” replied Gezant, “such as factory work, building roads and cooking.”

  “Are lower class individuals servants?” asked Poleek.

  “No, of course not,” Salvei spoke assuredly, “lower class individuals have the equal opportunity to pursue many occupations. There are many businesses run by lower class members. In fact, Handmaiden Deva was originally a lower class member until she volunteered for the diplomatic services of the Consortium.”

  “So a person's status is not constant,” Plumbar considered, repeating Salvei's statement for clarification, “a lower class member can actually rise in the ranks.”

  “Absolutely,” Salv
ei reassured the Simma officer. “Polistian are whole-hearted believers in equal opportunity.”

  “So are we,” Bowen nodded.

  “Indeed,” the High Advisor replied in return, “I am very pleased to see that there are different races aboard this ship in a united community. The Simma, the Kumarrin, this artificial being you call Singer and even the Shrive who were once enemies of the humans as I understand it.”

  “Indeed,” Too Far replied while raising his glass, “with time comes friendship and healing.”

  “As with our race, Lieutenant,” replied Zuaim, raising his glass in turn, “our people are firm believers in healing the wounds of the past. If I remember studying Earth history, a certain leader named Mandela spoke of healing the wounds of the past.”

  “Nelson Mandela,” noted Bowen, “former president of South Africa.”

  “Indeed,” Zuaim buzzed softly, “our society has in fact integrated other races into our government, and they enjoy the same benefits as we do.”

  Zuaim spoke, referring to Singer, “And I am especially intrigued that your ship includes artificial lifeforms. Our people have experimented with creating artificial organisms and robotic units, and we would be most interested in learning more about these....Zetabots.”

  “And that Zetabot you call.....Betty,” added Gezant, referring to one of the O-Club servers, “she is quite...exotic. It would seem that beauty can also apply to artificial beings.”

  “Perhaps,” Singer replied after a brief pause, with the other Atlantis members looking a bit bemused.

  “I think that I have figured out why they didn't ask questions during the tour,” Cowboy said to Bowen.

  “I figured that too,” Bowen replied. He told Zuaim, “Chancellor, I saw that you and your delegation did not ask questions during the tour. You were more than welcome to ask questions while we showed you our ship.”


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