The Nymph's Curse: The Collection

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The Nymph's Curse: The Collection Page 20

by Danica Winters

  Before he could recover, the other giant rats were upon him. One tore at his arm, another at his already mangled leg. The third launched through the air, straight at his throat. He tried to roll, but the rat on his leg stopped him with its heavy cat-sized body.

  Blindly he thrust the dagger upward, hoping it would find its mark. Ariadne’s scream rattled the air as the dagger skewered the rat’s underbelly. The rat squealed and struggled around the blade. The rats on his leg and arm stopped as the skewered rat’s eyes went dark. They released his flesh and darted into the shadows with a furious scratching noise.

  He threw the dead rat off himself. A cat yowled and hissed and the scratch of the rat’s nails stopped.

  “Ariadne?” He forced his mutilated body to stand.

  “Beau! Help me!” she cried, but the sound was muffled.

  Across the parking lot, the thug, the governor, and Kat attempted to load her thrashing body into the trunk of Kat’s car. Ariadne’s legs flailed and whipped around as she struggled.

  He ran as fast as his legs would allow.

  Kat looked shocked and surprised as the governor dropped Ariadne’s legs and ducked behind the other side of the town car.

  The eye-patch-wearing thug turned as Beau’s punch connected with the side of his temple. The man crumpled to the ground.

  “Ariadne,” Beau said between ragged breaths. “I’m here. Kat, drop her!”

  There was the hiss and screech of a cat, and Stavros screamed.

  Beau looked over just as Tammy, in her cat form, climbed up Stavros’ body. Stavros tried to grab at the cat, but she held on and before he could get hold of her, she landed a vicious bite to his hand. Then another.

  “Aggh!” Stavros screamed.

  Tammy jumped down as Stavros sank to the ground. He tried to speak, but no sounds escaped him.

  Tammy shifted out of her cat form and looked down at the man. “That’s for Angelica. You’re one lucky bastard Ariadne still cares about ya, she’s the only reason you ain’t dead.” Tammy kicked the man. “And don’t ya dare do nothing to that Vickie girl. Ya deserved what ya had coming to ya.”

  Stavros put his hands to his throat and he nodded. His head dropped to the ground and his eyes rolled back in his head, but Beau felt no pity.

  “Get off of me!” Ariadne jerked out of Kat’s hands.

  “I didn’t want to do this,” Kat hissed. She reached into the open trunk and pulled out a shed snakeskin. “I was just hoping to talk some sense into you.”

  “You bitch!” Ariadne grabbed after the skin.

  Kat stared at him. “Beau, did Ariadne ever tell you what happens when a shed is destroyed?” Her smile was dangerous. “It’s almost like a voodoo doll. One little tear … ” Kat pinched the skin with her fingers.

  “Stop!” Ariadne yelled. “Don’t you dare.” Ariadne stood still and stared at the skin. “How did you get my shed?”

  “I’ve been your leader for how long? And you think that I don’t know you hide your sheds in the temple?”

  “Give me the shed. Or I will kill you,” Ariadne said in a deadly voice.

  “You wouldn’t dare.” Kat attempted to stare her down, but Ariadne didn’t waver.

  “Beau, hand me the dagger.” Ariadne didn’t break her gaze, but opened her hand.

  “Stop.” He stepped in between the women, careful not to turn his back to either. “You are sisters. It doesn’t have to be this way. Kat, give me the shed.” He held out his hand.

  “No,” Kat growled.

  He lifted the blade to her face. “If you don’t give me the shed, I’ll kill you myself.”

  “Didn’t she tell you? You can’t kill us.” Kat snickered.

  He lifted the blade higher and pushed it to her throat. “This is Tammy’s poisoned dagger, from the temple, or weren’t you aware?”

  Kat’s eyes widened. “You took him to the temple?”

  Ariadne smiled. “I trust him.”

  “But … what? How could you?” Kat stammered.

  “I’m done being held back by my past.” Ariadne stepped toward Kat and pulled the shed skin from the woman’s hand. “Now you can come help me move our kind into the future, or you can go hide away.”

  Ariadne carefully folded the skin and stuffed it into her pocket. “Frankly, I don’t care what you do, but if you come with us I’ll treat you better than you have treated me. To start with, I won’t tell anyone about your little mishap with the staff.”

  “You won’t?” Kat stared at her.

  “I promise. Besides, Epione has repaired it.”

  Kat looked stunned.

  “We are going to the hospital. If you attempt to stop us, I’ll expose what you’ve done and all that you have done to hide the truth from us.” Ariadne paused, as if to let her words sink in. “Now, do you wish to join us?”

  Kat nodded faintly. “Are you taking over the sisterhood?”

  “You can help lead the ceremonies, but there will be no defined leader. I want us to work together without the restraints of hierarchy,” Ariadne said. “We are sisters, equal and united. We must learn to trust each other again.”

  Kat looked over to Beau.

  Ariadne followed her gaze. “And you’ll have to trust Beau. He’ll keep his promises. I know it. Not all men are like Stavros and Theseus. Some men are good, they mean what they say.”

  Kat stepped back, away from the blade at her throat. “Fine. When he goes against us, it’s your responsibility.”

  “Do I need to remind you that you’ll no longer threaten me?”

  Beau lifted the blade as an evil reminder of what was at stake.

  “Fine. We’re equal.” Kat said begrudgingly.

  “Can I trust you? Or does Beau need to take care of you?” Ariadne motioned to the knife in his raised hands.

  Kat looked down at the silver blade, then up at him. “I won’t stop you.”

  “Good.” Ariadne turned to Beau.

  She reached over to him, putting her hand on his arm. He could feel the warmth of her skin against his and a strange calming energy flowed through her touch. “It’s okay,” she whispered.

  Ariadne gently put her hands next to his on the dagger and pulled. His fingers uncurled from the hilt and let her slip the dagger from his grip.

  “Kat, you need to take care of the rats. We don’t need a crime scene at Dr. Morris’ site.” Ariadne looked over at him. “He needs to have time to fill it in.”

  It took a moment for her words to sink in. Could he fill in the site? Hide the Labyrinth? Act as if he’d never found this place? There was fear and questions in Aura’s eyes. He gave a tiny nod. He had promised her he would tell no one. Family and love was going to come first.

  Ariadne smiled and turned back to Kat. “When you go, take Stavros with you.”

  Tammy stepped out away from Stavros. “He should be up and running in a coupla days. When the poison from my claws runs out of his system, make sure he knows that he’s never gonna mess with us witches again.”

  “You heard her, Kat.” Ariadne nodded. “Tammy, you probably want to get out of Crete before he wakes up.”

  Tammy looked over at Beau and smiled. “Give Kaden a hug for me.”

  Beau smiled. “Will do, Tammy. Will do.”

  The witch slipped back into her cat form and sprinted off into the night.

  Beau took hold of Ariadne’s warm hand. “Let’s go. I need to be at my son’s side.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Epione leaned over the side of the white plastic rail of the hospital bed. The lights were off and the only glow came from the sun that peeked out from behind the closed curtains. Kaden’s eyes were closed and his skin pale, but the machines pulsed and beeped in a comforting steady rhythm.

  The door
clicked shut behind Ariadne and Beau and the noise from the nurse’s station grew muffled and distant.

  “They won’t come in, will they?” Ariadne motioned in the direction of the nurses outside of the room.

  Epione looked up. “I put a charm on the door. No one else will be permitted to enter.”

  Epione put her hands on top of the crystal staff that sat on Kaden’s chest and closed her eyes and muttered what Ariadne assumed to be a charm.

  Beau crossed the room and made his way to the head of the bed. “How’s he doing?”

  Epione eased open her eyes and looked up to Beau. “He’s responding slightly, but I think I’m going to need all of our strength.” Epione motioned to her.

  Ariadne stepped to the side of the bed beside Beau. She laid her hands upon Kaden’s chest, over his heart. “Is this correct?”

  Epione nodded. “Do you remember the old words?”

  Ariadne thought back to the shaded memories of her past. “I think so.”

  Beau stroked the skin of Kaden’s forehead as Epione placed her cool hands over Ariadne’s.

  Epione spoke in the old tongue and Ariadne followed. “Gods above, we call to you. We pray that you aid us in the journey of healing. May our light fill the heart of those who seek healing, and mend all wounds.”

  The crystal staff began to glow with a pure white light.

  Epione continued the prayer. “Light of thy staff, shine into the lungs. Shine into his heart and brighten his pulse. Shine into his mind and freshen his thoughts.”

  The staff brightened as Epione hummed a song foreign to Ariadne.

  Epione began to sweat and her brows furrowed as she concentrated upon the healing. “Kaden, let the light heal you.”

  Kaden’s eyes trembled, as if he had tried to respond.

  “That’s good,” Epione said her voice smooth and calming. Her song flittered throughout the room.

  The machines in the room began to alarm. Ariadne looked up and watched as Kaden’s heartbeat raced across the monitor. Beau had a worried look on his face, but didn’t stop stroking his son’s forehead. “It’s all right, kiddo. It’s okay,” he reassured over and over again.

  The racing lines of the heart monitor slowed.

  Epione looked up at them with a smile. “I think we did it. He’s going to be okay.”

  Ariadne’s heart raced with excitement. Kaden would be okay.

  “Kaden?” Beau ran his hand over his son’s forehead.

  The young man mumbled incoherently.

  Beau looked back to Epione, whose hands still rested on the staff on Kaden’s chest.

  “We’ll have to make sure he gets cleared by the doctors, but I don’t think it should be a problem.” Epione lifted her hands and moved them up Kaden’s body. She lowered the hospital blanket and exposed the blue gown that covered him. She lifted the gown and exposed the young man’s chest and the medley of wires and patches that laced over him.

  She hummed contentedly as she pulled the lead wires from his chest.

  “What are you doing?” Beau sounded upset.

  “Don’t worry. He’s going to be okay.”

  Ariadne’s heart beat fast in her chest as she looked up to Beau and saw the tears that welled in his eyes.

  “Is he really going to be okay?” Beau looked down at Kaden.

  Kaden’s eyes flickered open. He looked up to Beau. “Dad?” he asked weakly.

  “Yeah, buddy. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  A week filled with hundreds of lab tests and many whispers about “miracles” had flown by. The nurses kept looking over at Kaden and murmuring together as they stood around the station at the center of the rehab unit.

  Ariadne lifted Beau’s hand and laced her fingers between his as they watched Kaden’s mother, Lynda. She kept following Kaden as he pushed the IV stand around the hallway as if it were a weight holding him down.

  “She’s never going to forgive herself for not coming sooner.” Beau pointed at Lynda. “She’s a flake, but I guess she didn’t realize how serious it was. I swear I tried to tell her. And now she’s going to be trying to make it up to him forever.”

  “He’s a great kid.” Ariadne smiled. “He’ll forgive her.”

  Beau looked down at their entwined fingers. “He knows what kind of person she is.”

  “I’m just glad he’s going to stay here on the island with us.” He soft lips pressed against the back of her hand. “I’ll look for a job, maybe I can get hired at a university here?”

  His lips trailed over her skin.

  Ariadne pulled his hand to her face and rested her chin on their fingers. “Maybe I can pull some strings for you.”

  “I’ll do it on my own. We’re a team, but I can’t depend on you for everything. You’ve already done so much for us.” Beau smiled.

  She smiled as she thought about her new life — a life with a purpose. No longer was she a mere nymph, a seductress. She would be at Epione’s beck and call, when her goddess needed help in her healing.

  Beau’s phone rang from his pocket. With a look of shock, he answered. “Hello, Professor Ryan?”

  There was a mumble from the other end of the line. Beau smiled. “Yes, about the tablet. I’m glad you deciphered it.”

  Another mumble.

  “It talks about the Labyrinth?” Beau chuckled. “Well, I’m sorry to say … but the tablet was a hoax.” He looked over at her and winked. “One of my students thought it would be funny.”

  The mumble grew louder.

  “I understand. I’ll be back to the university at the end of the summer to retrieve my things.” Beau clicked the phone shut and stuffed it into his pocket. “I guess I will definitely need a new job.”

  She looked to Beau. “Thank you.” Her heart filled with love. “But, about the curse — ”

  Beau stopped her as he pushed his lips against hers. She melted beneath his touch.

  He pulled back as Epione swished into the room. Her white skirt billowed and flowed with a glorious swirl; she was the perfect goddess — beautiful, elegant, and kind.

  Epione gazed around the rehab unit until she saw them sitting in the small waiting area. When she met Ariadne’s eyes, she smiled knowingly, and then glided toward them. “I’m glad to see he’s doing so well.” She pointed at Kaden. “He’s a fine young man.”

  “He is,” Beau said with a proud nod. “But I don’t know what I’m going to do about him and Trina. She doesn’t want to come around anymore because of the curse. Seeing him hurt was especially hard on her. Kaden loves her.”

  “I know. She came to me last night, but I may have a solution that will work for her and you as well.” Epione reached down into her white alligator skin purse and pulled out a small black velvet bag. “You must tell no one what I’m about to give you. There’s not enough for every nymph.” Epione lifted a small clear rock from the bag.

  “You have proven yourself to be trustworthy, and without a doubt you will continue to do so. You have given up your dreams to fall in love with the unlovable. You are a fine man. And so I reward your valiance with this gift — a chip from the crystal staff.” The goddess extended her hand and dropped the rock into Beau’s palm. “This chip will keep you in good health for as long as it is in your possession. With this, I grant you a long life and good health. May you use it wisely.”

  Ariadne clamped her hand over her mouth. “My goddess … ”

  Epione smiled brightly as she took Ariadne’s other hand. “Thank you for standing up for what is right. It is not always the easy thing to do, but you trusted your heart.”

  Ariadne didn’t know what to say. After a moment, she forced her mouth to form a sound. “Thank you.”

  Epione brushed her lips against Ariadne’s cheek
. “You’re welcome, my sister. I look forward to our future, bringing hope to those in need.”

  “Thank you.” Beau stared at the crystal in his hand. “I can never repay all of you for what you’ve done.”

  Epione turned back to Beau. “Take care of my sister. Live peacefully at her side and follow wherever true love leads you. That is thanks enough.” Epione kissed his cheek. “We shall meet again.”

  The goddess’ eyes glistened and she turned away and made her way to the door. Kaden waved at her. Epione brought her fingers to her lips and blew him a kiss. “Blessed be, Kaden.”

  The door closed behind her. Ariadne looked to Beau and caught him brushing a tear from his cheek.

  Kaden looked back at them as Lynda fussed, unaware, at his wayward faded black hair. Kaden reached into the front pocket of his hospital gown and lifted out a small crystal that was almost identical to the one Beau held in his hand.

  The door opened. Trina raced in. “Kaden?”

  She ran to him and threw her arms around him. “I love you, Kaden.”

  Lynda stepped back, a shocked look upon her face.

  “Do you think she’s going to be okay?” Ariadne pointed in Lynda’s direction.

  Beau laughed. “She’s going to have to be.”

  Her heart clenched in her chest as she thought about how happy they all were. For once she had done something right. She took Beau’s empty hand. “Thank you, Beau. Thank you for trusting me. And I hope you can forgive me for the mistakes I’ve made.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

  Beau reached over and wiped the wetness from her skin. “You’ve made some mistakes, but haven’t we all? You’re a wonderful person and I’m glad to have you in my life.” His thumb stroked over her lips. “Ariadne, I love you.”

  Beau pulled her hands to his lips. “Damn it, Ariadne. Say it. I know you feel the same way I do. I love you.”


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