Descent (Fated Book 2)

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Descent (Fated Book 2) Page 10

by Liza James

  “You like this, Stella? Do you like the way I tie you up and touch you?” he asks as he grips my wrists in his hand and gives me a harsh yank, reminding me of my disadvantageous place before him. “This isn’t even the beginning of what I would do to you.” He pauses, roughly grinding his rock-hard erection into my ass, making me moan and whimper while slipping the hold over my phase just slightly. He’s pushing me farther all right, and it’s almost painful trying to hold it back. “God, I’d taste you first. Have you laid out before me, tied up and stretched wide while I fuck you with my tongue.”

  His own strength is weakening, I can feel it as his cock continues grinding into me. Fuck, I’m losing my own control, whimpering at his words and struggling to keep my eyes open. His filthy ideas blow through my mind in vivid images, broadcasting exactly what it would like to be with him. To have him fuck me and fill me in the ways I crave.

  Before I even realize it, Leon is standing in front of me, crowding my space and forcing me even tighter into Nathanial. I feel him tense briefly behind me, his eyes dart up and possessively watch Leon as he slides a hand through my wild hair and tilts my head slightly so that he’s speaking into my other ear. I have Leon pressed firmly to my front and Nathanial holding me from behind. Two hard bodies, two massive cocks, grinding against me and sexually torturing me in ways I couldn’t imagine. I vaguely remember that Amelia’s in the room, and I want to tell her to leave but I’m instantly distracted by Leon’s voice.

  “I bet you’re fucking soaked right now. So, fucking wet, aren’t you Red?” His lips brush against the soft skin under my ear as he speaks, his hands landing firmly on my waist as his hard cock drags against my pussy.

  “Tell us,” Nathanial commands in my other ear and my head drops back against his shoulder as I begin losing myself to the two of them touching my body. “Tell us how wet you are.”

  “So wet,” I moan, my body arching and riding the both of them at the same time. My eyes fall closed as I willingly surrender, suddenly losing any and all desire to hide my phase. I don’t give a fuck anymore.

  Leon’s hand quickly grips my hair as he tugs my head back up. “Eyes open. Fight it, Red. Don’t give in.” His voice is hard, a clear demand but I honestly don’t care. So, I keep my eyes shut, feeding and seeking out my own release as I grind against them. My nipples are hard, sharp and aching while Nathanial tugs one, rolling it between his fingers. My skin is on fire with each bated breath and filthy word.

  But I’m caught off guard by his other hand harshly gripping my jaw. He shakes my head roughly and then gives my cheek a light slap, not hard enough to cause any damage, but enough to gain my damn attention as his voice bites through the air. “Open your fucking eyes, Stella.”

  I respond, snapping them open and fighting to push my barriers back in place, fighting to clear the fog that had already crept across my eyes. But there’s so much strain and power and energy vibrating through me that it begins building in a chaotic mess of emotions.

  For one, I’m fucking pissed that I’ve been on the edge of an orgasm all goddamn day without one. Secondly, I can’t trust Nathanial or Leon to give me what I fucking want, what I fucking crave and that makes me even angrier. They’re both feeding into my kink, this dark desire of being dominated, and yet both of them are holding back on me.

  And then there’s multiple strings of ache and power and need warring inside of me. I don’t fully understand it, but along with my phase is something else, another power. It’s separate and individual of anything else I’ve ever felt. It’s almost as if Nathanial is anchoring it, he’s the power and strength behind it while Leon is dragging it forward, beckoning and calling it to the forefront while I struggle to keep it in place. But the two of them are pulling it out of me, yanking and wrenching it until it shapes into something I can’t recognize.

  “There you are, keep fighting. Come on, you’re doing it,” Leon encourages as he slides his hand down toward the apex of my thighs.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it,” Nathanial snaps, immediately halting his movements and pulling me away from Leon. “This is as close as you’re getting. Touch her pussy and I’ll tear your fucking arm off.”

  Leon smirks at the clear line Nathanial draws between us, but steps back up against me and lays his hand on my neck instead, tilting my chin so that I’m looking at him directly. “You want someone to fuck you, Red?”

  “I know what you’re trying to do,” Amelia finally interrupts, but her voice doesn’t slow the quickly building power inside of me. Nothing can slow it at this point, and I keep inching closer and closer to an edge I know nothing of. “She can’t do it. You’re wasting your time.”

  “She can do it,” Leon cuts her off harshly, forcing my attention back to him and Nathanial as their hands continue over my body. Nathanial’s drops lower, his fingertips slipping under the waistband of my leggings and for one, glorious moment, I have a fleeting hope that he’s going to let me come.

  “Please, Nathanial,” I resort to begging. Because I’m drunk off an entirely new form of lust and power that’s coursing through my veins.

  “Is that what you want, baby girl? You want me to fill you up and make you come?” Nathanial bites my neck as he speaks, eliciting a painful yelp that splits with equal amounts of pleasure and pain. My entire body is electric, building and raging into a wild mess of destruction that I can’t control. I’m losing every ounce of strength I had at keeping the phase at bay, it’s shifting over my eyes and I falter in pushing it back.

  “Yes,” I say shamelessly, owning it. Fucking needing him inside me, anything he’ll fucking give me. “I want you.”

  “Fuck, I should bend you over right here. Fuck you from behind until you’re screaming, and begging and calling me—”

  His filthy words rush through me and I snap. Everything breaks, spiraling out of control so quickly that I lose every bit of solidity I was scraping to hold on to. I’m speaking before I even know what I’m saying, moaning the word I know he’s about to speak himself.


  And then I’m gone. The chaotic battle of conflicting influences that were burning inside of me spill over, seeping through my skin and infecting the air around us as I collapse to the ground. But at this point, I don’t actually feel it. I see it. I visibly watch it happen from somewhere else in the room.

  Because somehow, by some insane stretch of reality, I’m no longer in my own body. I’m outside of it, watching the wreckage unfold above my unconscious form.

  “What the actual fuck just happened?” I shout, my eyes shooting to Leon’s as I catch Stella in my arms before she hits the ground. She’s unconscious, right on the edge of whatever the hell we were doing and now I’m absolutely clueless how to fix this.

  Leon makes me want to kill him, because the look on his face is full of pride and confidence. Piece of shit that he is, doesn’t even fucking care that we don’t know what the hell is happening.

  Amelia steps up beside him, tilting her head and crossing her arms over her chest as they peer down at myself and Stella. My hands wander over her face, down her neck as I check for her pulse and her temperature. Everything seems normal, a strong heartbeat, even breaths. She’s flushed—but that’s to be expected. She’s passed out without any logical reason.

  “I’m actually impressed,” she states flatly. “I didn’t think you were going to pull that off before she gave in to the phase or Nathanial killed you for touching her.”

  “I might still kill you if you don’t tell me what the fuck is going on,” I demand, standing up and lifting her against my chest.

  “Stella can astral project,” he reveals. “We simply had to push her until she broke.”

  “Astral project?” I repeat his words. I know exactly what that means, the dictionary definition. However, I don’t know what it means in regard to Stella personally, or to a Succubus.

  Before answering me, Leon steps away from us and slowly scans the room, his eyes searching for
something I don’t understand yet. “Stells, I’m assuming you’re still here. I don’t think you’re able to throw yourself very far yet, with this being your first travel. But pay attention to what I’m saying, and we’ll get you back inside your physical form.” He turns to me, motioning towards the couch. “Lay her down there. She’s fine, I promise.”

  I don’t fucking trust him, that’s for damn sure. But at this point, he knows more about what’s going on than I do. Of course, at this perfect moment, Elijah peeks his head around from outside the room and his brows lift in surprise.

  “Ah, you did it. Didn’t think you were going to be able to honestly.” He sounds bored, but the knowledge in his tone instantly irritates me.

  “What the hell, you knew?” I ask, demanding his answer.

  He simply shrugs in that noncommittal way of his, like this isn’t some big fucking deal. “I had a feeling. I know that many Succubi and Incubi can astral project, so I wondered if Stella could. And when Leon wanted you to push her even farther, I realized what he was going to try to do. But no way in Hell was Luna going to watch that shitshow unfold.”

  In that moment, Luna peeked out from around Elijah and her eyes fell to Stella, unconscious on the couch. Surprise and worry etch across her features as she darts forward, coming to Stella’s side before whipping her head back to me. “What the hell is going on?”

  I look to Elijah, urging him to explain to his Fated when he simply holds his hands up in mock surrender. “You know I’m not good with words,” he says sarcastically, reminding of another time he forced me to handle impossible explanations to Luna.

  “For fuck sake,” I mutter under my breath before scrubbing a hand down my face. “It’s a long story, but Stella’s fine.” I pause, glancing around the room. “Stella, I swear to God if you’re in here and watching this clusterfuck, you better jump back in that little body soon. Before I fucking destroy you.”

  “Yeah, because tempting her with a good time is really going to have her crawling back,” Leon laughs, and I can’t help but notice the arrogant smirk that pulls on Elijah’s lips. I glance over to Nathanial, who’s entire demeanor radiates annoyance and frustration, as he stands stiffly at my lifeless side.

  Accurate. Leon’s right, somehow in this strange way my soul is detached from my body, I’m able to embrace my truths a little more. Like they are detached from me as well, I can admit them without fully succumbing to them.

  And in this moment, I’m free to say and acknowledge the fact that I fucking want Nathanial. I always have. From the moment he ran into me outside Elijah’s house, from the first dickish comment he made, and with every threat he throws my way. I fucking want it.

  So, I’ll keep this my little secret, I’ll watch from this invisible position on the far side of the room. I’ll admire him, his strength, his power, the way his broad chest rises and falls with each heavy breath he takes. His thick biceps lead down to his corded forearms, and don’t even get me started on those abs. His strength is like steel, wrapped tightly in his smooth flesh, caving in every dip and valley of that glorious stomach.

  He lifts his heavy arms and brings them up to rest on top of his head as he looks down at me on the couch. His eyes crease as they narrow before he glances back up to scan the room again. He doesn’t even realize he’s looking right at me, like he’s somehow picked me out of this unobserved dimension.

  But I feel it, in the second his bright eyes come clashing to mine, I feel the tether that begins pulling us closer together. I want to stop it, fight it back and not surrender to this untouchable magnetic draw that we have between us. But without consent, my feet move me forward, slowly and steadily, as I pass Leon and Amelia.

  Nathanial steps forward as well, and the rest of the room falls silent as they watch him. I pause my steps and wait, anxiously looking to see what he does next. He walks forward a few steps, completely zoned in on the space where I’m standing, but he can’t see that. No one can see me while I’m like this.

  It’s a weird, vacant feeling I’m experiencing. I feel sound, like this isn’t a dream, it’s reality. But I also feel feather light, truly as if I have no substance within my frame. Nathanial takes another step closer to me, his eyes continue the vague stare in my direction until they settle downwards, falling closer to my face as if he’s drawn there.

  I take a step forward, coming directly in front of him as I look up to meet his gaze. His eyes work through me, in an intoxicating wave of lust and pain. It’s a mixture I know all too well coming from him. He always seems to be warring between two opposing extremes.

  The entire space seems to collapse in on itself as I watch Nathanial work through whatever is coursing through his mind. His fists are clenching in intervals at his sides. I’m tuned into him on a different level, a deeper degree, and I worry what that means for us.

  It’s not lost on me, the chance that we could be Fated—like my sister and Elijah. Sure, I’ve thought about it before, but I immediately push those possibilities away. Because if that’s true, Nathanial would have to know it. We’ve known each other far too long, been around each other too much at this point for him to be unaware.

  I, on the other hand, have just been introduced to this life and even then, my experience is skewed with the manipulation I’ve been fed by Danner. I don’t know what a Fated connection is supposed to feel like. I don’t know what implications that leaves for the both of us.

  Which also means that his rejection is a lot heavier, a hell of a lot darker, and far more destructive than I can let myself believe. I can’t help but feel like it would be different than Elijah rejecting Luna. Both my sister and Elijah had experienced horrifically tragic pasts. They had shit they had to work through before they could accept each other.

  Nathanial however? No one has ever eluded to any dark skeletons that would affect his desire to find his Fated.

  That’s why my mind is constantly conflicted in regard to him. I feel this draw to Nathanial that I’ve never felt with anyone before. It’s deeper, stronger than anything that could be possible with another person. It genuinely feels supernatural, like an incredibly subtle spark that flares throughout my blood.

  I lift a trembling hand, inching it forward to coast across Nathanial’s glistening skin. The heat is reaching all of us, and I’m suddenly drawn to the thin layer of sweat highlighting his tight muscles. I move to touch him, to see if I even can in this state when I shift a single finger only inches away from his chest.

  His eyes move from side to side as if he’s searching for me. His brows furrow in the center, creasing his forehead in confusion. I move even closer, stepping directly into his space when my heart rate kicks up several notches. Suddenly, his hand launches upwards and just as I think he’s about to touch me, reach me in this veiled space, his hand slips right through mine.

  No connection. No touch. Just a vacant movement that misses me entirely.

  Is this a sign? The universe’s way of reminding me that Nathanial and I aren’t anything special. We aren’t any different than every other person standing in this room right now. Maybe I’ve built a fantasy around a man who just happened to save me from the manipulation Danner was putting me through.

  “Come back, Stells. We can figure all of this other shit out when you’re back.” Nathanial’s frustrated voice pulls me out of the spiral I’m falling into as if he’s right there in my mind, listening to my thoughts and desperate fears. It’s his velvety tenor that breaches through me, coasting over my skin and sinking deep into my chest as that subtle vibration calls to me.

  “Keep talking to me,” I whisper, wishing he could actually fix this, tell my muddled mind what I really want to hear him say.

  This is real. There is something epic between us.

  I take a sharp breath in, letting my eyes fall shut as I intentionally hold myself back from joining with my body again. It’s an instinct that feels natural. I know that I’ll be able to return to it, but maybe if I hold out a little longer, Natha
nial will keep speaking to me.

  “Stella,” he says as his voice drops lower. I know he’s speaking so only I can hear him. He’s keeping this conversation impossibly quiet. “Don’t make me try to do this. Not now. I know you’re here, I can fucking feel you watching.”

  Try to do this? Does he mean astral project? That can’t be possible. Unless Fallen Angels can do that? Fuck, the frustration of not know everything about this life eats at me, burrowing in my stomach and tainting this moment.

  But I continue holding back, because if I can push him the same way he pushed me, maybe he will do this. Maybe he’ll meet me in this space where it’s only the two of us, true fucking privacy.

  “I swear to all fuck, Stella,” he grits out through tight lips and the blood in my veins begins rushing faster. My heart hammers heavily and a small spark of hope at the possibility of him meeting me here motivates me to stay back.

  “Do it,” I say, letting my voice travel into the empty space around me. “Come here, Nathanial. Show me what you’ve been hiding.”

  No one knows what I’m saying but letting it out and feeling the words drift from my lips is empowering. Fighting back, without hearing his snide remarks, without having anyone to fucking retaliate is liberating.

  “Can you?” I ask as I lift both of my hands to his chest, holding them back only a couple of inches as I focus on the two of us. I listen to the power that’s beginning to course under my skin. It’s an electrical wave, flowing, rushing, in between our heated bodies. I’m reminded of opposing magnets, the subtle force pushing them apart when all you actually have to do is realign them in order to have them crashing and pulling together how they’re meant to be.

  I watch as Nathanial closes his eyes, clear frustration contorts his features. “You’re in serious fucking trouble. Just remember that you asked for this, baby girl.” I swear I see the tiniest smirk pull at his lips, but his words are thick with rage as he speaks them. My body instantly responds, drawn to his demanding nature and heavy threats.


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