Forged by Steel

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Forged by Steel Page 20

by J. B. Havens

  “He’ll be here soon enough. These are just ideas; we’re not deciding anything today.” I leaned my elbows on the table, looking at each man in turn. Even though I had an idea, a pretty good one, too, I needed to hear from them first.

  “We could be private detectives or something.” Jones shrugged.

  “Just what I want to do,” Flynn complained. “Sit around in a car all night and watch husbands cheat on their wives with hookers. Not.”

  “We could do bodyguard work.” Jordon threw his hands up at our glares. “What? It isn’t like we aren’t qualified for it!”

  “True, but no. Too cliché.” Pierce shuddered, no doubt hating the thought of shopping with starlets and guarding rich kids at night clubs.

  “I’ve been thinking. We have all this land. Why not do something with it? We have a unique opportunity here because Scotland has such a variety of terrain. Why not start a survivalist training company? We keep people here for a few weeks and train them to fight, shoot, and to survive in the wilderness. Then, for a final test, we send them off, and we hunt them.”

  “So, what? We can have a room with human heads on the wall like big game hunters?” Flynn asked.

  “No asshat, we just try and catch them. If they can keep from being captured, then they ‘graduate’ our course.”

  “I think it’s a fucking awesome idea.” Our heads all turned to the door where Rook was standing. His hands were tucked into the pockets of neatly pressed khakis, his shoes were shiny, and a Caribbean blue polo was tucked into his pants. He’d cut his hair very short and shaved. It struck me right then how handsome of a man he really was.

  Rozalina was standing next to him, looking very nervous and unsure. Rook’s right hand was protectively clasping her left elbow. She was as stunning as always. Her hair was beginning to grow back enough that you couldn’t see her scalp anymore and the bruises were nearly gone. She was clearly scared, but her back was straight. Good girl…

  “Come in, have a seat. How was your flight?” I pointed at the available chairs around the table.


  I took that to mean that he was not followed and the “rescue” of Rozalina had been easy enough. “Good. Fucking glad you’re here. Nice timing by the way.”

  Rook pulled a chair out for Rozalina, indicating for her to sit when she would have left the room. I decided to clear the air with her right away. “Welcome to Castle Steel, Rozalina. This is your home now. We’ll get you settled later, but for now, just relax. You have a say in what happens here. So speak up if you have any ideas.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was quiet but firm.

  I turned back to the rest of them. “So, what does everyone think of that idea?”

  “I like it. There will be some red tape to deal with. Weapons are difficult to have over here.” Pierce grabbed some paper from Jones’s desk and began scribbling. “We can tear out the golf course, which we had discussed anyway. Add in an obstacle course and a movable tactical course. No live rounds, that’s too risky. Jones, is there some sort of new high-tech laser-tag system we can use?”

  “Yeah; if not, I know someone who can design one for us. Our buddies over at Trident Security have a really nice system they’ve been training with for a little while now. Lots of fun with all the bells and whistles, according to Brody Evans. I’ll contact him for the info and report back as soon as I hear from him.”

  “The east and west lodges can easily house a few people.” Jordon tapped the table near Pierce, who nodded, writing down what he said. “It’ll have to be small groups, no more than three or four people at a time.”

  “Fuck yeah, this is going to be fun.” Flynn was bouncing in his seat like a toddler, excited at the prospect.

  I leaned back in my chair and let a grin break free, my scar stretching slightly at the movement. Rozalina added a comment here and there, saying she’d help with the meals and laundry. Rook put his big hand on her narrow back, rubbing in a small circle, earning himself a tiny smile from her.

  Our future was out in front of us, filled with possibilities. For the first time in years, I was hopeful, instead of spending my time training and planning for missions—always with death near at hand.

  I looked at my palms. They were clean and I was determined they would stay that way.


  A soft knock on the bedroom door woke me. Dawn was not far off, but neither was it here yet. Whoever was out there better have a damn good fucking reason.

  Walking on silent feet so as not to wake Jordon, I opened the door a crack. Rook’s half-shadowed face greeted me.

  I stepped out into the hallway and shut the door carefully. “What?” My tone was less than civil.

  “We have a problem.”

  “For fuck’s sake, it’s the ass crack of dawn. I should be sleeping. Tell me or I’m going back to bed.”

  “I just got a call from Russia. Nickoli… he… the mob is back. And they’re out for blood. Our blood. Nickoli is in the hospital. They beat him nearly to death with a steel pipe and left a note.” Rook’s voice broke. “He might lose his leg.”

  “Fuck me. Do you have the note?”

  “Yeah, here. They faxed it over.” He handed me a paper. “Spetsnaz is on this now. These fuckers aren’t going to live long enough to regret what they’ve done to Nickoli.”

  I tuned him out as I read the words.

  Thanks for taking out the trash. We’ve returned the favor.

  I saw my chance at peace slipping through my fingers. Would this ever be over? There was a seemingly unending supply of fuckwads with a bone to pick and only six of us.

  “What do they want from us?”

  Rook looked unsure and more than a little sick.

  “I wish I knew. All they said was to be ready.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. Be ready. For whatever happens. We’re Steel; we’ve got this.”

  I handed the paper back to Rook and went back into my bedroom to change. Steel Castle was large and old, making it cold in places. I needed coffee and warmer clothes for this conversation.

  About the Author

  J. B. Havens lives in rural Pennsylvania and is a wife and mother of three. When she is not spending time with her family, she is researching and writing her next novel.

  Connect with her to learn about new projects and future release dates. She loves to hear from readers, so feel free to contact her and tell her what you think of Mic and the boys. is her website where you can find character bios, photos, and an exclusive short story, A Steel Family Christmas.

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