Black Heart And Red Redemption (Iron Dogz MC)

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Black Heart And Red Redemption (Iron Dogz MC) Page 22

by René Van Dalen

  Hawk stared at Sin then looked at Brandi again. “You cooperate with Sin and I might revisit your blacklisting. But hear me, bitch , and hear me well, if we smooth this over for you we own you until we are done with you. Do you get me?”

  She nodded. “Anything, Prez, anything at all, I’ll do it. For my son, I’ll do it.”

  Hawk walked out without another word and Sin got right to business.

  “You said you went somewhere to get the morning after pill after you were raped. Where did you go and did they do a rape kit?”

  Nodding her head she rolled her lips, biting them before she spoke. “I went to our usual clinic and they insisted on a rape kit and photographs. He beat me when I resisted. Dr Louise wanted to report him but I was scared and she said the file would be there if I changed my mind.”

  “Good, this is very, very good.” Sin said softly. “We are going to let you go home. You carry on with your life as normal and fucking avoid Laney Wills like the fucking plague. Do not go for drinks, do not talk to her. We will be dealing with her, not you. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, anything, Sin, anything you want. All I want is to go home to my boy and my mum. I’ll do my job and you won’t have any more problems with me, I give you my word.”

  Beast keyed in the code for the cell door and waved her out. The bitch nervously sidled out then speed walked down the passage.

  “What’s the plan?” Beast asked quietly as the three of them watched the bitch disappearing.

  “We’re going to get hold of the file and then we’re going to visit Mr and Mrs Pretorius. A nice, friendly visit with hardly any violence. How does that sound to you?”

  Beast grinned. “Excellent, it sounds fucking excellent.”

  “I totally agree, brother, it’s going to be fucking excellent.” Sin gave an evil grin as they walked out.

  Beast wasn’t ready to go home to his girls yet, he wanted to see his old lady before he left. He wanted to check if she was okay after her meltdown in the studio this morning. Fuck, she must have loved that fucker of a Russian more than he had thought. But he shoved that thought from his mind as he walked into the clubhouse and into the usual shit that went down most nights. There were brothers fucking bitches in the darker corners but fucking Army had a bitch on her knees sucking him off on one of the couches while his brothers watched. In all the years he had been a patched member Beast had never had a blowjob in front of an audience or fucked a bitch where he could be seen. Just wasn’t his thing. If a brother was into that shit it was his choice and had fuck all to do with Beast.

  Dizzy was sitting at the bar with Buzz and Ratel, their backs to the room, hanging out and talking to Chris. She saw him come in and her smile slipped and she immediately dropped her head, avoiding his eyes. It made him feel like fucking shit. She wasn’t a bad bitch and this bullshit was as much his fault as it was hers.

  Walking through the common room he gave chin lifts to the brothers who met his eyes as he headed for the stairs. He took the stairs two at a time and walked down the passage to his woman’s room, anticipation curling in his gut. Sam stood as he approached and grinned. “Is it okay if I take a break while you’re here, Boss?”

  “Go, I’ll call when I leave.” Beast knocked once and opened the door.

  The sound of the shower running had him grinning as he silently closed the door and walked over to the bed, pulled off his beanie dropped it on the bedside table and lay down. Fuck, he was tired, but lying on his woman’s bed with her scent filling his lungs his body came alive. His cock was rock hard and he clasped a hand over it and squeezed, a groan rumbled in his chest. It felt fucking good, would feel even better if he had her little hands on him. He groaned again, this was not why he had come to see her. But, fuck, he wanted her, so fucking badly. The water shut off and his cock jerked as he imagined her water slicked body stepping out of the shower. He had to stop this or he was going to jump on her the minute she walked out the door.

  Removing his hand from his cock he clasped his hands behind his head and waited. When she walked out of the bathroom there was no way she would miss the giant hard ridge in his jeans. Beast grinned and kept his eyes on the door.

  The door swung open and his woman stepped through in the sweetest but at the same time sexiest little outfit he had ever seen. She was dressed in tiny black short shorts and a black strappy top with lace inserts along the sides. And she wasn’t wearing a bra, not that she needed to wear one, her tits were small and perky and needed no support.

  Her reaction when she walked into the room did not disappoint. Her eyes went wide, her mouth dropped open as she swept her eyes over his body and stopped on his hard cock. The little siren licked her lips and his cock jerked visibly, she gasped and her eyes shot up to meet his.

  “What are you doing in my room?” She asked softly.

  “Waiting for you, baby. I wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened today.” Beast held a hand out to her and held his breath, he wasn’t sure if she would take it or not.

  And then she did. She stepped up to the side of the bed and took his hand. Pulling her closer Beast sat up, scooped her up then lay back and settled her on top of him. With a deep sigh he wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her to him while his hand cupped her face and he looked up into her beautiful green eyes.

  “Fuck, baby, I missed this. I’ve missed you, so fucking much.”

  And with those words he pulled her head down to his, holding her eyes he kissed her soft and slow. No tongue at first, just moving his lips over hers, feeling her, soft and giving. Pulling her head back he looked at her and smiled.

  “Heaven, Ladybug, your lips are heaven.” Then he dove back in and this time his tongue duelled with hers. He couldn’t stand not feeling her beneath him and he rolled them. Her legs fell open and he settled himself between her thighs. They didn’t align perfectly because he was too tall and she was so short, but for now, while he kissed her as if his life depended on it, it was good, so fucking good to have her body against his again. He pressed his aching dick into the bed then slowly lifted his head.

  His girl looked up at him, her eyes hazy with lust, and her lips swollen, red and shiny. Her bright dark red hair was still tied back and Beast made quick work of pulling the hair tie out and threw it over his shoulder. Sinking his hands into all that bright hair he carefully pulled it out and spread it out over the pillow.

  “I’ve forgotten how hard and thoroughly you kiss.” She said and a pale pink blush tinged her neck and cheeks.

  “I never forgot how soft and sweet you kiss, baby. I never forgot you. Never.” Beast held her eyes and saw the slight narrowing of her eyes which let him know she wasn’t sure if she could believe him.

  She sighed, looked down and rested her forehead against his chin. “You broke me, Beast. It took a long time to get over you, but I did. I did and I tried to move on, but I found it wasn’t easy because I found it hard to trust. I still do.”

  She was fucking breaking his heart all over again. “I’m sorry, baby, so fucking sorry.” And even though it would most probably hurt her he asked the question that had been eating at his gut. “What about Ilya? Was he your lover and did he have your trust?”

  Lifting her head she smiled, a beautiful smile. “Ilya was special. He had a very bad reputation with women and I tried to ignore his interest at first but he wouldn’t let me. Whenever I turned around he was there, dragging me out to have coffee or dinner with him and the other dancers. Everyone warned me that once he got what he wanted he would be gone. That didn’t happen. He became my best friend.” Tears suddenly appeared in her eyes. “I miss him so much.”

  “Aw, baby.” Beast murmured and pulled her head down into his neck and rolled them so he was on his back with her on his chest. She wept quietly and he stared up at the ceiling as he stroked his hand over her hair, holding her to him.

  And wouldn’t you know, holding his woman in his arms and having her talk about and cry for another man took care of
his hard on. Bloody hell.

  Tori raised her head and swiped a hand over her cheeks and sniffed. “I’m sorry, I got your t-shirt all wet.” She looked at him with red rimmed wet eyes. “I loved him, as a friend, and yes, we had been lovers for a while. It didn’t last long, it just didn’t seem right to either of us.”

  Cupping her head in his hands he wiped his thumbs over her cheeks, wiping the tears away. “I’m a fucking asshole saying this, but knowing he wasn’t your man eases something inside me. Anytime you want to talk about him I’m here, baby. I’ll listen. I’m not good at the soft shit but for you I’ll try.”

  “That is so not true. Remember, I’ve seen you with your girls and you’re a total softy with them.” She frowned her disagreement at him.

  Shaking his head Beast tried to explain but at the same time he didn’t want to scare her. “My girls and you are the only softness in my life, Ladybug. The man I used to be when you first met me no longer exists. I had to change to survive the life I had chosen for myself.” Her expression changed and he lifted his head and pressed a hard kiss against her tightly closed lips. “Don’t get pissed, baby, we all have to adapt to fit into the lives we choose. That’s the reality of life.” Relaxing in his arms his woman ran her fingers softly over his lips and Beast knew he had to end this or he would not leave until he had his cock deep inside her tight little pussy. But he couldn’t stay, he had to get home.

  He swept her hair away from her face and stroked down over her back then tightened his arms around her. “I wish I could stay here with you tonight but my girls are moving into their own room tonight and I have to be there for them.”

  Sweeping a hand over her hair he pulled her head down and sealed his lips over hers, pushing his tongue into her welcoming mouth. Her taste exploded on his tongue and he fought a useless battle against his hardening cock, and against the little witch grinding her hot pussy over him while moaning in his mouth.

  Fuck. He very reluctantly set her away from him and rolled them again until they were both on their sides. Her arms were around his neck, her eyes at half-mast.

  “Give them a hug from me and tell them we’ll dance again soon.”

  He took her mouth again and sinking deep had both his hands under her top when he stopped himself with a groan.

  “Fuck, baby, I have to go.” Gently setting her away he rolled off the bed and stood looking down at the sight she made stretched out on the bed.

  She was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll pick up where we left off. Be ready, baby, because next time I’m not stopping.”

  He adjusted his hard dick, picked up his beanie dragged it on then walked out without looking back, because if he did he knew he would not be leaving until she came on his cock. Over and over and over again.

  All night long.



  Sitting at the battered and scarred table in their chapel Hawk went over the points he wanted to discuss with his brothers. He was sick and tired of putting out the fires their enemies started. Tired of his club and their women suffering through attack after attack. It was time for the club to stop being on the defensive. It was time for the Iron Dogz MC to show their enemies their fucking teeth.

  But first he had to get through the day to day business.

  Lifting the gleaming hammer he smacked it down on the square of steel in front of him and silence immediately descended in the room.

  Hawk didn’t delay in getting started. “We haven’t had the time to sit down and discuss club business because we’ve been taking care of other shit. Today we’re going to be doing just that. We’re going to take care of club business. We need to keep on top of our businesses and our side work so we don’t drop the ball and either lose customers or paint a bigger fucking target on our backs.”

  His brothers nodded in agreement and waited for him to continue. “First up, Jagger. Where are we on the dog situation? I know we’ve got the brothers you selected going through the training. This is taking too long, brother. When will the family dogs arrive?”

  Jagger nodded. “I agree, Prez, it has taken way too fucking long but we had shit going down and I had to change training timelines. The last two brothers finished training yesterday and the kennels we built will be ready by this afternoon.” Jagger held up a hand as several of the brothers started to protest. “Brothers, these are guard dogs, not pets. They have been raised and lived in kennels since they were born. Yes, they are bonding with their handlers and will most probably end up sleeping in their fucking rooms, but we all need to remember that they are here for the protection of our club. The kennels are for when we need to keep the dogs in a safe, secure and controlled environment. Those of you who have come to look over the kennels know it’s nothing like those open kennels you see at the SPCA or some of the boarding or breeding facilities. Our dogs will each have their own room with his or her shit in it and a doggy door which will allow them access to the outside runs. We have a small clinic, a bath facility, a small kitchen with a laundry room, an obstacle course and play area for the dogs and a shallow pool for exercise and relaxation.” Jagger grinned. “I know it sounds like a lot of shit for a few dogs, but there are reasons for it. We don’t want to wash their blankets and crap in the same machines we use and we need a place to prepare their food. And if they get sick I want them to have the best care we can possibly give them right here on our property. I’ve made arrangements with a local Vet for their care. She’s happy to come and see them here, so there will be no need to take them off the property.”

  “How old is this lady Vet?” Spook asked with a sly grin and the brothers laughed.

  “Sorry, Spook, she’s about fifty five or so, but still a looker. She must have been something else when she was young.” Jagger grinned.

  “Hey, I like banging hot older women. You should try it sometime, fucking awesome.” Spook grinned knowingly.

  “Enough with trying to bang the Vet.” Hawk knew it would not deter Spook. The fucker really did like older women. “What about the family dogs, Jagger? My old lady is bending my ear constantly about wanting her dog to come home with her. When can we expect that to happen?”

  Jagger gave a quick look around the table before looking at Hawk. “All the dogs will be delivered tomorrow, Boss. I opted for delivery because we don’t have enough pet carriers to transport them yet. I have them on order but it’s taking longer than expected.”

  Hawk looked around the room. “Everyone will be here tomorrow when we take delivery of the animals. I want eyes everywhere. I’m not taking any chances with some fucker sneaking in with the dogs.”

  “Is that everything, Jagger?” Hawk asked.

  “Yes, Prez, I’ve got nothing more to add.”

  Spider suddenly tapped on the table. “I have a question.” He gave an evil smile. “Who will be cleaning out the kennels and picking up the dog shit?”

  “Jesus, Spider.” Ice growled. “You volunteered to be a handler so you’ll be picking up your dog’s shit and cleaning his or her kennel.”

  “Why can’t the prospects do it?”

  Jagger tapped the table and Hawk tipped his chin to give him the table. “The prospects will be helping with the dogs, cleaning the runs and washing blankets, that kind of shit. But for the rest it’s the job of every handler to clean up after his dog. You’ve been doing it throughout your training so it’s nothing new.” Jagger pointed at Spider and wagged a knowing finger. “And don’t you try and get out of it. You volunteered for this so suck it up, brother.”

  Spider just laughed, he had just been stirring shit with Jagger. Like always.

  “Let’s move on.” Hawk said and silence once again descended. “What is the latest on the sale of old man Bekker’s property, Spider? Do we have a date on that?”

  “Yes, Prez.” Spider sat forward in his chair and looked around the table. “We’ve negotiated a price with old man Bekker and put in an off
er through one of our shell companies. He accepted our offer and terms. He will live out his life at the main house while the cottages will be rented to club members and family only. He gave his tenants notice two months ago and they have all moved out. We are ready to start renovations, and as soon as the sale is through we’ll go ahead. We estimate the first cottage will be ready for occupation in about four to six weeks and the rest following weekly thereafter.”

  “What about the access road between the properties?” Sin wanted to know because as Road Captain it was his job to oversee everything regarding the movements of the club. “When can we start on that?”

  “The same, as soon as the sale goes through. You can start building this side of the fence and when it’s through carry on to the other side.” Spider advised and Sin nodded in agreement.

  Going through the list in his head Hawk turned to Beast. “Give us your report on the Brandi and Laney Wills situation.”

  Beast, as usual, was leaning back in his chair, a dark lethal presence. “Brandi is having some serious personal shit that is definitely going to impact the club. She has a three year old kid, not a brother’s kid, so fucking calm down.” He snarled as the angry murmurs started. “She was raped by Kobus Pretorius, a prominent piece of shit at his bachelors’ party. He recently found out his bitch can’t have kids, so now he wants Brandi’s boy. He’s been threatening her with court but he’s shit out of luck. We have the paperwork from the clinic proving she was raped. He and his society bitch will be getting a visit soon and we’ll get them to back off or we go to social fucking media.” Beast cracked his knuckles and smirked. “I hope the fucker disagrees.”

  “Good, keep us up to date on developments. What about Laney Wills, do you have anything on her?”


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