Black Heart And Red Redemption (Iron Dogz MC)

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Black Heart And Red Redemption (Iron Dogz MC) Page 26

by René Van Dalen

  I didn’t stay sitting there long. I wanted to dance and today I was going to try a classic piece. I wanted to see how my leg would hold up. I was cautiously confident I could do it.

  Today was the day.

  But first I’d have to warm up. Selecting the appropriate music I started and very soon the sounds outside the studio faded away and I concentrated on my movements. Breathing rapidly I finished the last movement and stepped away from the barre. Walking over to the small table with my towel and water I took a few sips, put the bottle down and took the towel to wipe the sweat from my face.

  I was ready. I stripped off my sweat pants and fleece, checked that the brace was firmly in place, and quickly wiped my arms and legs before reaching for the tiny remote for the music.

  I stood thinking about my choices for a minute before I made a decision.

  Les Sylphides by Frédéric Chopin. It was a short romantic piece usually danced with other dancers but today I would dance the solo and if I felt strong enough improvise one of the duets.

  Getting into position I clicked the remote, bent and slid it towards the mirrors. I straightened and waited. Peace settled over me as soon as the music started. This was my home away from home. This was my life.

  I became lost in my craft, concentrating on getting it right. It wasn’t perfect and I had to improvise to make up for the weakness of my leg but I was dancing. I was dancing.

  I didn’t want to stop but the ache in my leg and the almost wobble in my pirouette made it necessary. I set my feet and stood with my hands on my hips, panting as I tried to settle my breathing.

  That’s when the whistling and clapping started and grown men were howling like dogs. Huh?

  Turning to the doors I gasped. It was filled with men and a few women who were doing the clapping, whistling and howling. And right at the front was Beast, his burning eyes on me. I didn’t recognise the man next to him, a man who had his head thrown back howling and clapping along with the others.

  Wow. This was just, wow. I smiled shyly and gave a little wave. Beast burst out laughing, bent over, ripped off his boots and came striding towards me in his black socks. There was shocked silence and I knew everyone was stunned by Beast’s laughter. He hardly ever smiled, almost never laughed. Even I knew that, and I had only been here a few weeks. When he reached me he grabbed me by my hips and lifted me into the air and spun me around. Slapping my hands down on his shoulders I held on and laughed down at him. It was amazing to see that sparkle in his dark eyes.

  He slowly slid me down his body and carefully set me down. I stood in front of him and looked up at the man towering over me and smiled.

  “You are fucking amazing, Ladybug.” He said softly. “How’s the leg?”

  “Aching like a son of a bitch.” I replied with a grin. A happy grin.

  “You need a hot shower and to get off your fucking leg, baby.”

  “I will. I just need to sort things out here then I’ll head upstairs. Did you get your dog?”

  I got another beautiful smile. “Yes, baby, she’s with Rider and the rest of the family. They’re waiting for me to bring you over so we can introduce you to Sassy.”

  “Let me pull on my fleece then we can go.”

  “Not happening, baby. You’re not walking out of here in those tiny fucking shorts. My brothers have seen enough of your body as it is.” He gave an annoyed look at the doors.

  I snorted out a laugh. “Babe, my body is nothing compared to the bodies of those women hanging out in your common room. No way are your brothers having horny thoughts about me.”

  Beast rubbed his hands over his face and sighed. “You’re going to drive me crazy, woman. Every fucking man who watched you dance was wondering how limber you are in bed and how bendable you are.”

  Oh my word this was priceless. I didn’t stop to think, I just went with it. I looked at him innocently and stepped two steps away from him.

  “You mean like this?” I asked and bent forward placing my hands flat on the floor next to my feet. “Or were you thinking about this?” I stepped into him went en pointe and did a full arabesque resting my foot against the top of his shoulder. His hands snapped to my waist and heat boiled in his eyes.

  I laughed when his brothers whistled and shouted encouragement to him.

  “Going to fucking tan your ass, Ladybug, don’t think I’m not.” He growled at me then pulled me into his body and whispered a sexy threat that had me shivering. “Going to fuck you just like this and then we’ll see how much more you can bend.”

  I gave a full body shiver and my man winked . I removed my leg from his chest and lost the inches my en pointe position had given me. Looking up at him I pointed to the small dressing room at the back. “Let me have a quick shower and get dressed and I’ll come and find you. Okay?”

  He squeezed my waist, leant over and kissed me softly. “Don’t take too long, baby.”

  I watched him walk to his boots, slip them on and leave without a backward glance. The guy who had been standing beside him following after giving me one of those very alpha male badass chin lifts. Boy, these guys, they were something else.

  Climbing into the tiny shower in the changing room I quickly washed the sweat out of my hair and from my body. I didn’t have time to wash my hair properly but it didn’t matter, I would give my hair a proper wash later. Drying off I quickly dressed in a pair of soft worn out jeans that had been in my ballet bag and a tank top, which DC had given me, with the Iron Dogz MC logo across my boobs.

  Busy twirling my damp hair up and sticking a pair of chop sticks through the bun I didn’t see the woman waiting for me until the last minute. Coming to a sharp stop I warily watched as Chris stepped out of her shoes and came towards me.

  What now?

  “I know you would rather see anyone but me, but I want to apologise for my behaviour the other night. I was rude and abusive and none of my anger should have been aimed at you. I misread the situation between Beast and I and humiliated not only myself but you as well. I am so very sorry. I will make every effort to stay out of your way and I won’t cause you anymore embarrassment.”

  She gave a small nod and was about to leave but I couldn’t let her go without telling her what I was feeling.

  “Thank you for coming to me and apologising. I have some idea of how difficult that must have been for you. Yes, you were abusive and you humiliated all of us but on some level I do understand.” She frowned and I shrugged. “Let me try to explain. I met Beast when I was sixteen years old and he was a vastly different man then. He laughed, he joked, he smiled all the time, but during the time we were together he slowly started changing, becoming harder. He humiliated and scared me when he dumped me and I ran away to hide. But instead of hiding I grabbed onto the only dream I had left and followed it until it came to an abrupt end. Both events shattered me, completely.” I felt the tears in my eyes and swiped them away. Chris reached a hand out to me and I took it, held on to it as I looked up at her. “I didn’t come back here for him. I came home to lick my wounds and to try to start a new life and then I ended up here. He’s nothing like the man I knew. But we have history, so much history, both good and bad. He’s dark and dangerous and so very cold inside but he loves his girls and he loves me. I know you are hurting, I do. But if you ever pull shit like that again I will end you.”

  I was totally serious until Chris grinned and then started laughing. I couldn’t help it, it was infectious and I laughed with her until she suddenly stopped and looked at me with a very serious expression.

  “I’m sorry I was such a bitch and spoiled your first club dinner. I promise it will never happen again. Under different circumstances we would have become good friends.”

  “I know, and who knows, we still might, once this whole loving the same man thing is done. One thing, Chris, don’t give up on finding him. I know it’s a freaking cliché, but there’s a man out there made especially for you, and when you least expect it he’s going to sweep you off your feet
and carry you off.”

  She grinned. “From your lips to God’s ears.”

  I grinned, kissed my fingers and flung them up high.


  Turning quickly she left but not before I saw the tears in her eyes. Shit. She was in love with him. Pushing my feet into my plakkies (flip flops) I quickly made my way across the compound to where my man and his family were waiting for me on the lawn.

  Thank the virgin queen he hadn’t seen Chris talking to me. That would have been a disaster.

  Meeting them on the lawn at the side of the club I fell in love with the beautiful Sassy, just like his girls and Penny and her baby girl had. She was a gorgeous black and tan German Shepard with a constant smile on her face. A smile that became wider every time the girls stroked her or leant against her. Little Delene kept reaching for Sassy and giggled when she nuzzled her feet.

  Sassy was absolutely perfect for this family. She fitted right in with them.

  A little hand tugged on my jeans and I bent down to the little face looking up at me. Ellie was such a sweetie.

  “Toree, dis is our Sassee. She gots a bed and ewie ting by de steps. Daddy says no sleeping on de bed wif me. Can she, Toree, peease?” She asked with a brilliant smile.

  Oh. My. Freaking. God. Freaking heart palpitations and stuff happening in my clenching chest.

  I crouched down before Beast could move and took her little face in my hands. “If Daddy says no then it’s no, baby girl. Sassy has her own bed and I think maybe her bed is where it is so she can look after all of you while you’re sleeping.”

  Jossy came and stood next to me with her little hand resting on my shoulder. “Sassy is a guard dog and our friend. Daddy says we can play with her but we have to be gentle. Always gentle.” And then she changed the subject. And oh shit.

  “Are you going to stay with us, Tori?” Two sets of dark brown eyes looked up at me and I looked up at the originator of those dark eyes. The bastard was grinning.

  “Let’s ask Daddy.” I passed the buck. I didn’t know if I was allowed off the premises yet.

  Beast crouched down with us and wrapped his big arms around all of us and Sassy stuck her nose into the little circle as well.

  “Yes, baby, Tori’s coming home with us.”

  And just like that I was moved into their home and became partly responsible for two beautiful little girls.

  Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.



  Beast helped Rider to load Penny and the girls into a black double cab bakkie and settled Sassy on the floorboards at the girls’ feet. They lived right next door to the compound so didn’t have far to travel plus they would be on a private road. No other traffic which meant Sassy would be safe for the duration of the very short journey.

  DC sat on the front steps watching everyone, a reddish tan Boerbull with a huge head and a black mask over his piercing yellow eyes sitting next to her and doing the same. The dog totally suited her.

  As we approached the dog went on alert, his eyes were focused on us as we came closer. I never saw or heard DC giving him a command but he relaxed and let us get close.

  “He’s a beauty, DC. What’s his name?” I really wanted to touch him but there was no way I would do so without being invited.

  DC reached up and scratched under his chin and gave an evil grin. “This beautiful boy’s name is Devil.” She turned her attention to the dog. “Devil, this is Tori and Beast. They are friends and we like them. Say hello.”

  The dog tilted his head as he listened to her and then those piercing yellow eyes settled on me and I swear he grinned as he lifted a paw and sat there with it in the air, waiting.

  “Go on Tori, shake his paw, his waiting to say hello.” DC urged with a grin.

  After shaking Devil’s paw and spending a few minutes with DC we went inside but instead of going upstairs Beast led me down a passage and into Hawk’s office. He was behind his desk and his dog, the exact same breed as DC’s lay in her bed next to the desk. She watched us as we walked in.

  “Hey, Boss, so if your old lady’s dog is named Devil she has to be Angel, right?”

  Hawk grinned and dropped a hand down and scratched the dog’s head. “Fuck, yes.”

  Beast didn’t delay telling his boss about his plans.

  “I’m taking my old lady home tonight, Boss. We need some family time and it’s not working with her staying here.”

  Hawk frowned at first but then he nodded. “Okay, but make sure you arrange for extra security around the house with Jagger. We have patrols out but let’s rather be safe than sorry. Go, enjoy your evening. We’ll talk about beefing up your security at church.”

  Beast led me out of the office and upstairs after giving Hawk one of those badass chin lifts.

  I was folding my clothes and packing while Beast stalked around the room adding things to the pile next to the bag. I didn’t have a lot of stuff but I didn’t want to leave anything behind even though I was only moving right next door to the compound. I needn’t have worried, Beast checked everywhere. In the cupboards, the drawers, the bathroom and even under the bed. And then it was done.

  Taking my hand he picked up my bag with the other and led me out of the room.

  “What about my ballet bag? I don’t have any more clean stuff, and I need to do some washing.” Beast didn’t stop just spoke over his shoulder to Sam who was following us.

  “Prospect, go and collect my woman’s shit from the studio and bring it to my bike.”

  “I need the code, Boss.” Sam said quietly.

  Beast stopped and looked at me with raised eyebrows. I suppose the look meant ‘give him the code’ or something like that. Obviously he trusted Sam so I gave him the code which wasn’t a secret anyway.


  “What?” They both looked at me in confusion.

  I sighed. “DC was being witty so the code is Elton, as in Elton John, as in Tiny Dancer.”

  Both men started laughing and I just stood there tapping my toe. I went through this with DC and River already. Even Jagger thought it was hilarious.

  “Stop pouting, Ladybug, and let’s get going. The girls are waiting.” Beast urged me down the passage with a hand behind my back.

  I stood next to his bike, a new bike, a bike I didn’t know, and felt it deep in my heart. I was going to be on the back of his bike for the first time in ten years. On the back of a bike I had never been on. Beast was talking to Sam and handed him my bag, he didn’t give me time to process the bike. He got on without a word and held a hand out to me. I took it, put my foot on the foot peg and swung my leg over, sat down and slid my arms around his waist.

  It felt like coming home.

  We rode out of the compound and down the road to a huge double story house set back from the road with bars over every single window and steel cages over the two balconies and around the front door. Men were guarding the gates and I knew there would be others patrolling the grounds. A large piece of open veldt separated the house from the compound. High walls surrounded the back of the property while the front was protected by a high steel palisade fence. I could see a trench had been dug inside of the palisade fence which I think meant they were about to build a wall along the front as well.

  The house was huge and beautiful. It had been built in the same style as the house I had seen through the trees on my visit to River’s place. But this one had a tiled roof, not thatch like the others. The roof had wide overhangs shading the windows and I could see lots of greenery on both balconies. The central part of the house was obviously the entrance and reception areas with wings running off to both sides. I couldn’t wait to see the inside.

  As Beast opened the front door Sassy was right there, on alert, but she relaxed and her tail wagged furiously when she saw Beast and got a head rub. We walked into a large empty entrance hall tiled with terracotta floor tiles. The first thing to hit my eyes were the two spectacular and very ornate wrought iron s
taircases curving up from either side of the room to the upper floors where a large landing overlooked the space. Our footsteps echoed because the space was empty but in my head I was already furnishing it, softening the harsh lines with a carpet, a round central table, art on the walls and plants in large pots and wrought iron sconces to echo the staircase. On the left of the entrance hall was a large formal lounge with heavy dark leather furniture, it so suited Beast. There was a closed door on the opposite side that I thought might hide an office or a library. The stairs formed an archway you walked through to access the rest of the house. A large empty room on the left was obviously the dining room. It suddenly hit me that there were no curtains in either of the rooms. That was going to have to be seen to as soon as possible. No way could I handle a no curtain situation.

  On my right was a passage way and I peeked down it and saw a lot of closed doors. The sound of voices came from deeper in the house and we headed that way passing a large TV lounge with a couple of couches, two easy chairs and an enormous television screen against one wall.

  We walked into a giant sized kitchen with shiny red granite work tops, a large central island and a long kitchen table in front of the windows. All the appliances were silver while the wooden cupboards were stained with a pale white wash. The terracotta tiles from the entrance hall continued into this space as well. The kitchen was flooded by light streaming in because the entire back wall was glass through which a wide wooden deck was visible.

  The thing that made me gasp though was a section of the kitchen on the far side. There was a kitchen garden right inside the kitchen. Wide plant boxes stretched the entire length of the glass wall and were filled with an abundance of vegetables. Hanging pots overflowing with herbs were suspended from the steel supports for the skylight that covered that part of the kitchen. And a section against the back wall contained a work area with basins at which to work. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.


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