Till Justice Is Served

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Till Justice Is Served Page 11

by Jerrie Alexander

  "It's a good plan." Lotty looked directly at her husband.

  "It will work," Jeff agreed. He stopped behind his wife's chair and patted her on the shoulder.

  An unspoken message had passed between Lotty and Jeff. Damned if Rafe knew how she'd calmed Jeff down. That kind of communication had to be something that came from being married to each other for many years.

  Rafe stood, offering Erin his hand. "I'll take good care of her."

  "You'd better," Jeff said.

  "I'm right here. Stop talking about me as if I'm invisible."

  "Erin, girl." Jeff's accent thickened.

  "You two go on. Just check in every now and then." Lotty stood, issuing hugs and then walking Rafe and Erin to the door. "He worries." Lotty nodded in Jeff's direction.

  "I understand." Rafe leaned down for a hug. "Luke will be home soon. He'll make the perfect bodyguard."

  "If I need one," Erin muttered under her breath.

  Rafe escorted her to the car, slid behind the wheel, then drove toward the freeway. "There is no 'if I need one,'" he said. "I'm not a profiler. In fact, my career has been focused on slowing the flood of drugs coming into the country. I'm not an expert on erotomania or any other kind of mania. I do know that those two young women were stabbed repeatedly, violently, and that indicates rage. The killer was furious. Maybe he was angry that you suffered because they'd fabricated a story about you. That's a big maybe, but if I'm right, when he realizes you're not in love with him, he'll come after you."

  Erin simply nodded. Was she thinking over what he'd said? She was a smart woman, and Rafe had no doubt that he'd gotten her attention. Now he felt like crap for coming on so strong. "I wasn't trying to scare you. Just trying to impress the need to be cautious."

  "I'm not going to do anything stupid."

  Rafe pulled into his driveway and killed the engine. "Home sweet home."

  "Refresh my memory," she said. "How many bedrooms do you have?"

  "Three. Why?"

  "I was just counting heads. That's you, me, Luke, and your partner, right?"

  "Colton. Right." Rafe laughed. "I see where you're headed. You're outnumbered."

  "That doesn't bother me. I was just wondering how you were going to divvy up three bedrooms between four of us. Because one of them is mine."

  "You're assuming Colton will be assigned to work with Linc." Rafe grabbed her bag from the trunk, unlocked the front door, and stepped back. "You'll have to excuse the packing boxes. As far as rooms, you take the master bedroom. The twin beds in my room will work for me and Luke."

  "But isn't the master the largest of the three?"

  "Yeah. But that's not why you get it. It's the only one with its own bathroom."

  "Oh." She smiled, and her green eyes twinkled. "Good call."

  Rafe carried her bag down the hall and placed it next to the bed. He turned to find Erin standing in the doorway. He tracked her gaze as she took in the room. "Come in. You're safe with me."

  "A lie if I ever heard one." She joined him next to the bed. "It's lovely."

  "I don't think Dad changed it much after Mom died. The comforter is new, but the rest looks just like it did when I left."

  "He loved her very much." Erin's lips curved slightly, making her even more beautiful.

  "Best I can remember, the feeling was mutual. I don't remember a time where either raised their voice at the other. Now, when it came to getting the attention of three rowdy boys, they did. But never at each other."

  The wistful expression on Erin's face dropped a boulder on his chest. What kind of life had she lived before Jeff found her? "I'll let you get unpacked."

  Rafe went to the back porch, slid his cell out, and called Colton. Linc had taken the initiative, and Colton would be joining them soon.

  "So you're okay with this?"

  Colton's low, slow laugh rumbled through the line. "Little late to ask. Hell, I just finished filling out my last expense report. I need to get out of here before it gets to the boss."

  "I'll text you my address."

  He disconnected just as the back door opened. "I need to go to the YMCA in the morning," Erin said. "Now that I'm not a murder suspect, I'm hoping Dom will allow me to return to my volunteer position."

  "That's an easy fix." Rafe joined her inside. "I'll drive you. You get unpacked?"

  "I hung a few things."

  "I have an idea." Rafe left then returned with a cardboard box. "Come on, let's make you some more space." He led her back to the master and emptied two of the dresser drawers, trying to ignore the pinch in his chest at handling his dad's things. Instead, he concentrated on making space for Erin's clothes. "Now you have room."

  A warm hand caught his wrist. Her green eyes glistened with honesty as she looked up at him. "Thank you. For everything. I think I'll be able to sleep tonight."

  "I don't need a lot of sleep. You find yourself awake and want to talk, knock on my door."

  She lifted up on her toes and kissed his cheek. He nodded, turned, and walked away, leaving her to finish. Funny how the simple gesture of a kiss had almost knocked him to his knees.

  He rounded up more cartons and bags, escalating his efforts to clean out closets and drawers. More items went into the boxes he'd set aside for Luke. A couple of things caught Rafe's attention, but his brother deserved first shot at choosing what he wanted to keep.

  With Erin in the master, Rafe was never going to get any sleep. If he did, his dreams would be X-rated for sure. Colton could take the room across from her. Luke and Rafe could bunk together. Their feet would hang off the ends of the twin beds, but they had both slept in worse places.

  Rafe wrapped their dad's badge in a frayed handkerchief and carefully placed it in the keepsake box. Seeing Luke would be a good thing. The reason they'd both had to come home, not so much.


  Agitated didn't fully describe Casanova's mood. Between work, remodeling the house, and keeping an eye on Erin, his body was rebelling, demanding sleep. But he simply had too much to do. Everything seemed to conspire to pull him away from her.

  Women were funny creatures. If they didn't receive the proper amount of love and affection, they'd run off with someone who would give them what they wanted. Hadn't his mother proved that fact? Hadn't his father hammered it home, repeatedly telling Casanova how women expected too much? He'd grown up believing that, until he'd met Erin. She wasn't like that. She was a caring, giving person. And soon, she'd belong to him. She'd appreciate everything he'd done and was doing. If she didn't, well, he'd prepared for that, too. Eventually, she'd grow to love him as he did her.

  The sound of hammers had given him a splitting headache. The workers had ripped up the hardwood flooring, making way for the installation of the new thick, sound-dulling carpet. Nobody had questioned his request for an underground safe room, not with the number of tornadoes this area experienced. The sales representative had explained that Casanova could survive any storm that might blow through.

  He had a few personal final additions, but those final touches would have to wait until the update on the house was complete. He hoped with all his heart not to have to use the room for long, but it would be there. Just in case.

  He tossed back two painkillers and carried his lunch to the backyard. Eating and listening to the radio, his mood improved when the news broadcast announced Erin had been eliminated as a suspect in the homicide of at least one of the two female students. The police no longer considered her a person of interest.

  He hung out and watched the men work on the renovation of his house for a few minutes. All of them were lazy bastards. No sense of urgency from them. Too bad they didn't report to him. He went back inside and informed the construction supervisor that slow work would not be tolerated.

  Casanova understood the danger of being seen around Erin's house too often, but on the way back to work, he had to swing by to check on her. The absence of reporters and media vans helped his mood. That the only car in her driveway wa
s hers perked him up, too. He should've known that she would chase those other men away.

  After work, he'd drive to Dallas. The wedding dress he'd purchased had been delivered to the PO box he'd rented. He hoped he'd guessed correctly when selecting her style and size.


  The rumble from a vehicle's engine drew Rafe's attention. By the time he reached the window, Linc had stepped onto the porch.

  Rafe opened the door and waved Linc into the living room. "Erin is here, so before we talk about work, you might want to bring her into the loop."

  "What loop?" Erin's voice came from behind Rafe. He turned and found her frowning as her gaze settled on Linc.

  "Linc has something to tell you." Rafe pointed to the couch. "Let's get comfortable."

  Rafe shut up and left the conversation to Linc. After he and Erin had taken spots on the couch, Rafe sat in his dad's easy chair. Sadness tried to creep in but he shoved it aside to listen.

  "I'm not a programmer, although I am good enough to use my knowledge as a cover." Linc launched into an explanation. "I'm an FBI agent. Here at the request of your city's narcotics squad and the school district police department."

  Erin waved off his comment as if shooing away a fly. "I was close. I figured DEA." With the same hand, she motioned stop. "Stay calm. Nobody else knows." She glanced at Rafe. "Okay, I think Rafe had you figured out. I'm just glad somebody is in the school investigating."

  "I guess my cover wasn't all that good. Maybe I'll get a haircut." Linc frowned as he dragged a hand through his mop of hair.

  "Colton will be here officially to work with you and the narcotics squad. I'll help on the side when I can," Rafe said.

  "The police department will be pleased you're willing to lend a hand. They'll see that you get whatever you need." Linc turned to Erin. "What are your plans?"

  "I'm staying here at Rafe's for a few days. My teacher's union attorney is working to get me reinstated, and I'm hoping the YMCA will allow me to resume coaching."

  "Good for you."

  Rafe listened, observing body language as Linc and Erin chatted about the school and sports. He didn't detect any romantic interest toward Erin from Linc, which made Rafe wonder about the man's eyesight.

  Linc stood. "One more piece of information. One of the senior boys was rushed to the hospital last night. He almost died of an overdose of heroin. The paramedics saved him with a dose of Narcan."

  "Who was it?" Erin moved to the edge of her chair.

  "James Mayboy. He was lucky."

  "I read an article that some towns hold training classes for families that teach them how to use the Narcan nasal spray," Erin said. "Maybe I'll suggest that to the school board. If it saves one life, it will be worth it."

  Rafe handed Linc his card. "My cell's always on. After Colton checks in at the precinct, we'll do some interviews."

  Rafe closed the door and turned to Erin. "When you're ready, I'll drive you to the YMCA."

  "How's it going to look with you following me around? People will think you're tailing me."

  "People will think we're friends. There's only been the one overt action from your stalker, but I consider it a threat. Driving you will give me a chance to look around the Y. Anywhere a bunch of kids hang out is a prime piece of real estate to a drug dealer."

  "I'll change." Erin took off toward the bedroom but stopped and looked back. "You know, there's a great barbershop next door to the Y."

  "I get paid to look like this." He laughed as she disappeared down the hallway. Maybe he should hit the barbershop. Better to get rid of the long hair before Luke got home. If he didn't, the scruffy appearance would be open season with Luke.

  Rafe texted Colton to let him know they were headed to the YMCA on South Porter Street. Depending on where he was on his journey, they'd either meet up there or back at the house. Then Rafe headed to the extra bathroom to shave. Truth was, he'd be better received after a little polishing.

  Emerging without the face stubble, he walked toward the smell of food. "You're cooking? We just ate."

  "Check your watch. It's lunch time." Erin looked right at home standing in front of the kitchen stove. "I figured this way would be quicker. Lucky for you, I make a mean fried bologna and cheese sandwich, because your fridge is a barren wasteland." She slid his grilled lunch onto a plate and handed it to him. "I'm fixing two for you."

  Rafe dumped a handful of chips on his plate and ate while leaning against the counter. "If you're going to assume the responsibility of feeding me, we're going to need groceries."

  "Fair warning, if this house fills up with men, you're all going to pitch in or go hungry." She slid a second sandwich onto his plate.

  "Thanks," he mumbled around a mouthful of food.

  She stared at him. Her smile softened her gaze and heated his skin. "What?" he asked.

  "I'd forgotten how gorgeous you are. No wonder you let your hair grow out and stop shaving. Otherwise, you'd never convince anyone that you're a thug."

  Her announcement had been so matter-of-fact and unexpected that Rafe was stumped for a response. Silence was the best way to end a one-sided conversation, so he kept his mouth shut. He took another big bite and chewed slowly. The idea that she was a little prejudiced in his favor made him happy.

  Rafe finished eating first. He rinsed the dishes then loaded them in the dishwasher. He felt Erin's presence behind him. He turned and took the plate from her hand. Her tongue slid across her bottom lip as if searching for any errant pieces of food. Or was she thinking about kissing him? Before she could decide, he made up her mind by cupping her cheek with his hand. He started with her sexy mole, placing little pecks there, before covering her mouth with his.

  She moaned softly, leaned into him, and swiped her tongue across his. A small earthquake ripped through Rafe. Nothing had ever felt so right. His free hand slid around her waist, and he crushed her tight against his chest, pressing her breasts against him.

  Her hands slid under his shirt. Supple fingers kneaded his back, stroked across his skin, and made it difficult to think. He left her soft lips to work his way to her neck and behind her ear.

  She shivered.

  He whispered, "You have no idea how often I've threatened to do that."

  A sexy smile lifted the corners of her mouth. "What took you so long?"

  Rafe dropped his hands to her waist. "I'm here now." He dragged her even closer, molding her body into his. Desire had blinded him to anything except her nearness. He forced himself to take a deep breath. "Still too much too soon?"

  She glanced down. While she couldn't see how he strained against his zipper, she'd definitively felt his erection pressing against her. "It's not enough."

  He lifted her away from the counter, and her legs locked around him. He turned and sat her on the edge. He grabbed the edge of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. Leaning back, he let his eyes devour her. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. Jesus, her creamy, soft skin begged to be stroked.

  "You are incredible." He lowered his head and ran his tongue along the flesh at the top of her lacy bra.

  "Rafe?" Her tone was breathy.

  "Little busy here," he joked, sucking her nipple into his mouth through the material.

  "I'm a big girl."

  That got his attention. "Huh?"

  "I want your word that I'm not going to get the 'I'm not ready for a permanent relationship' speech. You're leaving as soon as you can. I get it."

  Her gaze was steady, and the smile on her face appeared to be sincere. She was right. He should make sure she understood this was sex and not permanent. At that thought, his erection deflated faster than if he'd jumped naked into the lake in winter. "You get it?"

  She nodded. "It's no big deal."

  "Excuse me?" Now why had that sent a ping of hurt to his pride? "You said earlier you hadn't been kissed in a year. Now you want me to believe you have two- or three-week flings. Can't have it both ways. Which is it?"

  Her eyes broke
contact with his. "All right. No flings but I'm okay with this being temporary."

  "Listen, tough guy." He decided to get everything on the table. "I've never wanted anybody as much as I do you. You've always hit my hot buttons. Even when we were too young to know where all those buttons were or exactly what they meant, you stirred my blood." Her gaze returned and met his. "An assignment will be waiting on me when I get back to work. Where to? Who knows? There isn't room in my life for a perm—"

  "You're not telling me anything I don't already know." She slid off the counter into the narrow space between them. "We'd better go."

  Rafe placed a hand on either side of her hips. Grasping the counter top, he effectively trapped her. "I remember a young, innocent girl. One who's grown into a beautiful, desirable woman. Don't get pissed because I don't want to hurt you."

  "I wasn't innocent." Again, she averted her gaze, but not before he saw the suffering in her eyes. "I'd been through more at that age than you can imagine."

  "I didn't know. I swear." The pain in her eyes and the fire in her tone slammed into Rafe. She'd been through a lot more than being homeless. That somebody had hurt her sent anger rushing through his system. He cupped her cheek. "I hope you'll trust me enough to tell me." Her eyebrows dipped. "Someday."

  "Thank you."

  "Whatever happened, it won't change my desire to make love to you."

  The tension around her eyes relaxed. The corners of her mouth twitched. "Good to know."

  He kissed the mole above her lip, caught her by the hand, and then walked her to the car. Damn, he'd wanted to carry her to bed. Wanted to see, touch, and taste every part of her soft skin. But she'd stopped them twice. Hell, maybe she was just too smart to hook up with someone like him. Either way, the next move had to be hers.

  The drive to the YMCA took them past areas of town Rafe hadn't seen in years. The elementary school playground was full of kids. "See those monkey bars? Nick and I used to race to see who could get there first. Even then we were competitive."


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