Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers

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Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers Page 35

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Before he could act on his thoughts he was welcomed by the organizer of the charity gala. “I’m so glad you changed your mind, Mr. Anderson. It means more than you can imagine to have you present and to accept the award.”

  Olivia’s eyes questioned him as they were ushered to the front of the large crowded hall to a beautifully laid table. The high glittering chandeliers above them caught the mirror centre pieces. All eyes from the other tables followed Olivia and Alex until they sat down. Somehow despite feeling more exposed because of his new frameless glasses, Olivia’s presence helped him.

  “You really don’t like being out in public, do you?” Olivia still sounded annoyed. “When did the soiree start?”

  “Not that long ago.” He shrugged and heard the MC address the audience, “It’s a genuine privilege to have our own founder and CEO of “Children’s Better World” organization here with us tonight. Although he likes to work behind the scenes I’m honored to invite him to please come up and accept the CBW Excellence Award. Mr. Alexander Anderson.” With the loud applause erupting around him, Alex strode up to the podium.

  “Thank you so much everyone. Please sit.” He said, embarrassed and yet aware that they just wanted to show their appreciation for all the good the charity organization was able to achieve. “Ever since I was little, a special, kind lady taught me to see things from other people’s perspectives and never judge people by the way they dress, what they drive or by their backgrounds. Mrs. Jennifer Ellis always said that the best way of making a difference is to start small, within yourself. I was one of the few children who were lucky to have two big families who have loved and accepted me just the way I am. I grew up with four incredible brothers and many cousins here and in Greece. Our parents brought us up to be aware of how privileged we were to grow up in a peaceful country with so much choice all around us. Traveling around the world over the past few years, my mission strengthened further to ensure we can all help the many children from war-torn cities and third-world countries where we can bring a little joy, quench their thirst, feed their bellies, heal their bodies and their souls. And most importantly find them new homes and families to show them love and if we can, replace—if not erase—some of their traumatic memories.”

  Alexander stopped and scanned the crowd with the smiling and enthralled faces, and Olivia had never been prouder of anyone if her life. She was learning so much about him just from his words. His drive and passion from the heart made her love him even more.

  What? When had she fallen in love with him? The thought left her shaken and she focused on the man at the podium.

  Collecting herself Olivia realized that Alexander’s shyness was nowhere to be seen, because of his commitment to this amazing cause. She strongly suspected it was only one of many other good causes he was part of. It appeared Aunt Jenny had been a major influence in his life, too. Had the romantic Aunt Jenny played cupid nearly a decade ago by sending Alexander to help with the gala so they would meet each other?

  Staring at Alexander Olivia wondered what other surprises and secrets he held.

  All she knew to date from Maria and what little he had shared years ago, was that after his biological mother died when he was two, Sandra and Jason Anderson had adopted him. Elena Kyriakou had been Sandra’s long-time friend and confidant. After losing his beloved wife, the devastated father had left Alexander in the care of the warm and loving Anderson family and moved back to his small fishing village, Porto Heli, in Greece. Only in his early teens had Alexander visited his Greek family.

  Respecting his reticence to discuss his childhood past she had not asked anything about it over the past few weeks. Therefore, she had appreciated it when he had opened up about it as they strolled by the shore last night. “Grey’s only ten months older than I, and although we love each other so much, during my teens I felt frustrated at how over protective they all were, never really taking me seriously. The best times were those hours spent on the boats with Dad and Grey. I got the boating bug from them both.” Then he had smiled and added, “Mom has always treated me like one of her own, I’ve always taken it for granted, but I admire her as I grow older and see what she’s like with Tyler and baby Jordan and the neighborhood kids. I just wish she’d stop pushing me to—” When he’d stared at Olivia she waited and he added, “Mom always tells me there’s more to life than work.”

  Olivia had wished she could read his mind at that moment. Had he been pressured to also settle down with the right girl? Was Jessica his one and only? Or was he hoping that she was and feared rejection so much?

  Even now as Olivia concentrated on Alexander addressing the waiting audience, the thought of another woman triggered such pain inside that she had to push it away.

  “I’m glad that with all your help and commitment this organization can continue helping so many needy children and families.” Then he called out some people’s names and asked them to stand up. He had no list in front of him.

  One after another, over a dozen men and women stood, surrounded by loud applause. She fought her tears of pride as Alexander added, “You are all the reason CBW is growing from strength to strength and all of us can continue changing the world one city, one orphanage, one child at a time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep up the great work.” He seemed to have almost forgotten what he was holding. Now he raised the heavy crystal rectangular award on its black base and smiled, “and thanks for this.”

  As Alexander descended the few steps back towards her she stared at him and tried to form some words. Instead she touched his hand and before she thought about what she was doing she pressed her lips against his.


  Was Alex dreaming? Was Olivia Moore kissing him? He refused to wake up, ever! As he was about to deepen the kiss Olivia moved away with an expression that told him she had acted on impulse and regretted it.

  “The problem with you seems that you’re too modest. You should stop hiding the real you and transfer that confidence,” she nodded towards the podium, “into your personal, romantic life.” She said it in a breathy way as if she was trying to compose herself and was determined to sound professional. But she could not hide the flush of pleasure she had obviously shared during the too-short few seconds of their kiss.

  He was growing wings of hope. Maybe she felt more for him than merely as a Samaritan for a doofus client.

  “The food’s good, you want to stay awhile?” Perhaps he could muster up some courage to dance with her. She would do it in the name of her ‘responsibility’ to help him.

  She nodded. A few minutes later she said, “You obviously have quite a lot of public speaking experience and a huge following.” Her eyes sparkled with respect. “I had no idea you’ve traveled so extensively. I’m beginning to wonder if you really need my help, and if you really are that shy in your personal life.”

  Suddenly all he wanted was to tell her the truth about everything. This was his perfect opportunity. About why he was in town, why he had wanted her ‘help’ and about the non-existent Jessica.

  The woman I want to woo is you! All I want is you, Olivia, just the way you are. Perfect.

  But his throat closed up and he shook inside. Misunderstanding his reaction, the sensitive Olivia touched his hand again and said, “Don’t worry, I’m here. You’ll do just fine tomorrow. Just take some of the energy and drive you had up there,” Olivia pointed to the podium, “and you’ll sweep Jessica off her feet.”

  Was that fleeting jealousy he saw within her expressive eyes, or was it his wishful thinking?

  As they enjoyed the delicious menu, the pleasure of having her in his arms as they danced was marred by his cowardice. He was not only frustrated with himself but the heat and the rightness of being together fanned his hunger for her and impatience with himself. He wanted to kiss Olivia and hold her so tightly instead of merely dancing with her. He wanted to explore every curve and crevice of her gorgeous body, and quench the desire within him.

  What would it take
to grow a backbone? Why could he face an army of opposition and controversy in his business, and clam up in front of the soft, generous Olivia?

  And what if he was misreading her emotions? Be positive, damn it.

  What if by some miracle his purging admission was met by her reciprocating his feelings? What if she also felt their physical attraction and emotional synchronicity? All his brothers had found their own true love; what if Olivia was his one and only?

  But he was not the purging type. Despite having meant every word about being fortunate in his family life, he now felt even more trapped within his lie. Olivia was a genuine person who deserved the truth.

  What could he do now and not risk losing Olivia again?

  Chapter 6

  As Alexander drove her back to her hotel, Olivia was giddy from the night’s incredibly romantic atmosphere, and dizzy from what she was uncovering about Alexander. How good that momentary kiss had felt. She was still swooning from all that time in his arms as he held and led her like a professional dancer. There was such a certainty and sense of purpose about him that was so contradictory to his inner shyness.

  Once again, she wondered about how could she really help him? And could she go through with watching him win over another girl? She wished she was from his world, even though they were not. When she heard him speak at the charity event with such conviction from his heart she remembered why she had been so attracted to him in her teens. It had been so much more than merely a first sexual experience with someone she had trusted and desired.

  Until he had left without a word of goodbye.

  As Alexander parked outside the hotel and walked her to her door she was too aware of the virile man she was really seeing properly for the first time. Like a magnet she felt pulled towards him, but blamed the earlier couple of glasses of the delicious wine. There was no doubt from his hungry glances that the sparks between them were driving him crazy too.

  “Goodnight, Alexander, and thanks for a nice evening. You’re ready for tomorrow. G-good luck.” With the key card poised she turned away from the frank disappointment on his face. She had to escape from his sexual magnetism, and from the way his eyes seemed to twinkle and beckon her to him from behind his new frameless glasses.

  When his muscular arms pulled her back to face him and he kissed her it felt strangely natural. She melted into him and felt positively dainty within his large grasp. Dizziness overcame her at his determination and demanding mouth. She feared she would lose her balance if he let her go. But that seemed the last thing on his mind as he explored her mouth, his eyes shut as if he was in agony.

  Despite having been kissed by a few other men since her teens this was the feeling she had been waiting for. The perfect fit of their mouths and the instant fire igniting within her belly.

  “Oh, God, Olivia,” he ground out the words against her lips as if he needed her to save him. “It feels so right, so absolutely perfect, just like I remember it.” He opened his eyes and she tried to pull back against her door. The fire within his green eyes was no longer that of a twenty-one-year-old guy, but of a determined, intense, hot-blooded man. As his body imprisoned her against it, she saw no shyness or hesitation, just desire and need. And she was sure that her own eyes betrayed how much she wanted him too.

  But he wouldn’t let her break their eye contact. “Please let me in, I have to talk to you. I want you, Olivia. I need you.” He held her face gently between his large hands. His heart thumped against her chest, and her breasts tingled. Goosebumps overtook her too warm body and her nipples pebbled against him.

  Like a desperate man who knew the same torment, his gentle hands explored the nape of her neck, her hair, lowering to her arms and under her breasts. She shuddered and couldn’t stop her arms from winding around his corded neck. Inhaling hurt her throat and she felt light headed from his scent. His expert thumbs teasing her nipples made her groan. Dizzy, she held on to him and then he kissed her so deeply, so thoroughly that she felt tears threaten to surface.

  It was joyous, it was sad, it was perfect.

  How many years had she relived these kisses, waking in the middle of the night, alone? Missing him, wondering if her memories had merely gathered undeserving legendary status.

  These strong arms and gentle fingers held and caressed her slowly and so tenderly, reawakening those deep, hungry, forgotten places within herself. As he lowered his warm mouth to her left breast and aroused the other with slow fingers she melted into his intensity and revelled at his brisling cheek against the exposed skin of her neck and bosom.

  When he ground his manhood against her she heard another guttural sound. It was her own. She needed him right now, all the way, consequences and reality be damned.

  Was she out of her mind? Definitely.

  “No, Alexander.” Breathless and shaking, she opened her eyes, tried and failed to pull away from him. Fear and frustration helped her gain a semblance of strength to force her trembling palms against his bulk and hiss, “Let go of me.”

  She hated having to be strong for them both even if she was no match for his physical strength. To Alexander this was lust, and she reminded herself that he had hired her to help him win over his dream woman, whom he was meeting tomorrow.

  “That’s not part of the service.” She deliberately said it firmly, almost coldly. Reminding herself too.

  His fingers loosened around her, and he slowly pulled away from her inch by inch. Leaving unwelcome cold behind where desire and want had been seconds earlier. He frowned and the hurt in his eyes sparkled. But she resolved to stand her ground despite her own gnawing hunger deep inside her abdomen.

  She was flesh and blood, after all, with sexual needs of her own, damn him.

  “Please listen to me, Olivia, I’m so sorry, I need to tell you something. Now.” He said it urgently, but she was losing her thread of thought. As he stared at her mouth again she knew she had to stop this escalating madness before they both regretted it.

  “Let me go, Alexander. Go home, have a cold shower, a large strong coffee, whatever … And think hard about what you really want. You were gung ho about wanting Jessica and here you are . . . seducing me. Go before I lose all respect for you. In fact, I can’t believe that I fell for all this.” She took in a deep breath and let it go, and refused to meet his stare. “I’ve done my part and I don’t want your money. Just leave. Now.” With every word Olivia’s voice constricted within her throat. Tears threatened again, about to leave her at the mercy of this man who still had so much power over her.

  Olivia craved his touch, wanted him so badly, it was disgusting.

  Had she overtly led him on? Had he felt her vulnerability and as a red-blooded man hadn’t been able to resist the easy pickings?

  When she pushed at him again, he left her personal space. Becoming aware of the cold air against her upper chest, she realized the straps of her dress were down around her forearms and her breasts were bare. Mortified, she turned away, fumbled with her card key, unlocked the door and went in without looking back.

  Locking it, her fevered and frustrated body sank to the floor, and her tears came gushing out now that the door was safely between them.


  Touvlo! Alex was one hell of an idiot! Hadn’t he considered how Olivia would see his actions as absolutely animalistic and crude?

  Now he had lost her trust absolutely, and he was supposed to have matured somewhat over the past nine and a half years. How could she know that he had never experienced this sort of unleashed physical and emotional closeness with anyone? All these years he had attributed their first time together having been special because of their sexual connection, and at their shared bond, losing their virginities together, to each other. Only years later had he realized that there was much more to that. That their connection was rare and not to be taken for granted.

  But he had accepted defeat. Now he could not!

  After a sleepless night of drinking coffee and walking on the beach, Alex returned to
Olivia’s hotel room door. He had some damage control to take care of with no more procrastination. He needed Olivia’s trust and nothing short of having her in his life would suffice. He had to win her completely. To prove to her that he deserved her and that he could make her happy.

  He was about to knock when the door flung open and Olivia gave a short, sharp shriek. “What the hell? It’s 7am.” She held her hand to her chest.

  He saw that she was ready for her run but this was important.

  “I’m sorry. This won’t take long. Please let me come in.” At her suspicious expression, with her hands on her upper hips, he added, “I promise to behave.” He had to keep his promise even though all he wanted was to take her into his arms, hold her tight, kiss her and tell her that he would do anything for her. That it would all work out if he could explain himself and how he really felt.

  She retreated into her room and he followed her in. “I’m listening, Alexander.” She stepped back from him.

  He stood where he was and sighed. This was going to be difficult, and risky. “I don’t regret what happened last night. No, hear me out, then I’ll leave you alone.” Blushing, she closed her mouth. Then he said, “I’ve tried to tell you something that you won’t be happy with. I’m so sorry, but I’m not interested in anyone else but you.”

  “What do you mean? You changed your mind about Jessica? That’s a great turnaround.” She frowned, like he was a fickle immature guy who changed his mind all the time.

  “I was never interested in any Jessica. I came to town to tie up some loose ends for . . . family, and I met you on the beach. Since then all I wanted was a chance to get to know you.” At the tightness of her full lips he added, “I’m sorry, it was childish, but that’s the truth.”

  “So you didn’t need my so-called help and you offered to pay me all that money? Are you crazy?” Her voice rose and she neared him with the fire in her eyes. She blinked again and continued to stare.


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