The Glimmer Steel Saga, Boxed Set, Books 1 - 4

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The Glimmer Steel Saga, Boxed Set, Books 1 - 4 Page 72

by Spencer Pierson

  “I think it hurt because I was in the same realm with them,” Aiden mused. “When they put their tentacles into the soldiers, it was dulled enough for the men not to feel anything. I think those floaters were feeding off of them somehow.”

  “That is a better theory than we’ve heard to date,” Duchess Ahnarad said softly. “Even Carol didn’t have a clue, and I believe they are masters of anything living on this planet. Or would saying this realm be more appropriate? Has Professor Reivus ever mentioned anything like this, Aiden?”

  Aiden shook his head, “No, I wanted to speak to him about it but I don’t know where he is. All I’ve heard is he’s working on the skimmers.”

  “That he is, boy,” Valeran said. “Unfortunately, he’s also completely out of it in some meditative trance. I think I could bounce rocks off of his forehead and he wouldn’t notice. Count Viridian said he’d be like that for another week at least, which is damned inconvenient now. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to Corenthus?”

  Aiden nodded, hoping the younger glimmer man might have the information. He was extremely intelligent but hadn’t been around as long as Professor Reivus.

  Duke Valeran pulled out his com unit with a suddenly mischievous grin, causing Duchess Ahnarad to look at him suspiciously. “I’ve got to be careful in case he’s around any of the lackeys he’s trying to swindle on my behalf so he told me to use a sound that would let him know I needed to talk but wouldn’t alert anyone.”

  He held a finger up to his lips and then pressed the button on the com. For her part, Duchess Ahnarad looked deep in thought but just before he made the noise he’d chosen, her eyes got very wide.


  Almost immediately after he released the button, the Duke and broke down in juvenile chortling. Aiden, Gavin, and Stelios erupted into helpless laughter with the Duke, but the Duchess just closed her eyes calmly.

  “You…are such a child,” she said calmly, opening her eyes and looking at him.

  “But you love me anyway, right?” He leaned in, mugging at her as she tried to retain her composure.

  “Perhaps,” she responded, turning away. She tried to resist, but once her husband started tickling her, she began to giggle, finally turning back with hugs and kisses. Aiden knew that Dukes and Duchess weren’t supposed to act this way, but he loved them for it.

  “Your Grace, that was a most unusual sound to gain my attention,” Count Viridian’s measured voice broke into their gaiety. The sheer formality of his voice made them all erupt into a new round of laughter, especially when they heard the man’s patient sigh as he waited for them to compose themselves.

  Finally, the Duke took a deep breath and answered, still grinning but able to speak at least. “I’m sorry Corenthus; I hope you had the good graces to blame it on someone else?”

  “Unneeded, Your Grace. Fortunately, I was alone at the time.” The Count paused for a second, “Perhaps in the future, you can come up with a soft hum or whistle? I have sharp hearing, so it does not need to be as…expressive, as your previous attempt.”

  Duke Valeran took a few more moments to compose himself, covering his mouth with his hand. Duchess Ahnarad smacked him on the arm, pointing at the com until he finally nodded, then spoke again. “Of course, Corenthus. I will do that. In the meantime, I did call you for a reason. Aiden has some information for you and some questions. Do you have time to come to the castle? In the usual room?”

  “Not today, I am right in the middle of some delicate work. Can we postpone this until tomorrow afternoon? Will that be acceptable?”

  Valeran nodded, though the Count couldn’t see him. “That will be excellent. We’ll see you then. Thank you, Corenthus.”

  “Of course, Your Grace, I am happy to be the wind beneath your wings.”

  A few moments passed before Captain Stelios voiced what they’d all been thinking. “Did he just make a joke?”

  Chapter 10

  Count Viridian leaned back from his chair, giving the computer console a long, considering look. “As I suspected, there are no records concerning the creatures you have described. The closest physical approximations resemble some life-forms found in some gas giants or planetary oceans, but otherwise no matches. It is, however, a wide universe Lord Aiden. Especially considering you may have visited a previously unknown dimensional correspondent.”

  “I won’t pretend to know half of what you’ve just said, but it sounds like you don’t know,” Duke Valeran said, sighing. “Why do you use so many words I’ve never heard of?”

  The Count smiled his almost-not-there smile before answering. “To make you curious, Your Grace, and to give you some context with those words. For better or for worse, I believe our world is on the cusp of change. It will be rapid change and these words I use will need to be taken up again sooner rather than later.”

  Aiden watched as the Duke scowled. Aiden himself wasn’t familiar with half of the words Count Viridian used, but he was beginning to pick it up and agreed with the man. Aiden decided to save the Duke and change the subject.

  “So do you think this other dimension healed me?”

  “Yes, almost assuredly.” The Count said, turning to Aiden. “You’ve been injured previously but haven’t exhibited an ability to self-heal like this, so I doubt it is some ability you personally possess. Also, your description of these floaters leads me to think they were draining life or health from the soldiers. At the very least, there is some interaction there that we can hopefully interfere with to end the plague.”

  Aiden tilted his head curiously. “How did you come up with that?”

  “With deduction. The Norpon troops are somehow able to stay healthy, either through voluntary avoidance by these creatures, or the soldiers are provided something to shield them. Which, of course, leads me to think this plague has an intelligent design.”

  “By the Mourning Lords?” Aiden asked, not needing an answer. He’d come to that conclusion himself though with far less logic.

  Count Viridian nodded in response. “Yes, that would be my educated guess. Your trip also corresponds with the time you visited Duke Feldar in his study. There were subtle differences, but the fact is the Mourning Lord seem to move within this dimension as well. Our opponents are obviously several steps ahead of us depending on how long they have had this ability. If they are also able to manipulate creatures that live within this realm, it is even more important we find out what we can.”

  “Do you think Professor Reivus would know anything?” Aiden asked.

  “I don’t think he would hide something like that from me. I will ask him when he comes out of his building trance. There are ways to awaken one of us, but they are disruptive, and I’d rather not do so when I am fairly sure of the answer.”

  The Duke grunted in agreement. “I agree. I don’t see why he’d hide this information from you, Corenthus. Not that I know much about half the things you speak of, but it makes sense. I’ll most likely be in Brun with Ashrak and Chari by the time he awakens, however.”

  “Do not worry, Your Grace,” Count Viridian said calmly. “Aiden and I will keep you appraised. When will you be leaving?”

  “Tonight. The Brunish Lords are becoming obstinate about seeing Ashrak and the bodies of his father and brothers. Most are refusing to believe they are dead. The Lords around the capital city are trying to stir up the populace claiming we’ve taken the royal family hostage.”

  “And what of the Eastern Lords? The ones out in the deserts?” Count Viridian asked. “They are more steeped in tradition than those in the West, but they still hold quite a lot of power since they control the crystal fields.”

  “I don’t know. The Eastern Lords are keeping quiet and continuing to isolate themselves,” Valeran said, “Ashrak said he'd not had a lot of experience with them other than spooky and quiet. I’ve heard they do not mix much with anyone.”

  Count Viridian was about to respond when they were interrupted. Duchess Ahnarad’s voice came over the Duke
’s com unit. To Aiden, the unflappable woman sounded irate.

  “Valeran, you’d better get up to the castle proper. We have an unexpected visitor who wishes to speak to you immediately.”

  “That’s odd,” Valeran said as he pulled out his com unit. “There are not many people who can make Ahnarad irritable.” The three of them exchanged glances as the Duke pushed the button on his small device. “Dear? Is everything okay? Who is it?”

  “Oh yes, everything is fine, dear,” Ahnarad said, though Aiden could hear the forced cheer in her voice. “At least for now. It’s one of my very favorite people whom I love the most in the world. Ambassador Carsh was just telling me how it was irresponsible for a woman to be taking care of the business of greeting guests though he was sure I am doing my best.”

  Aiden watched as both Valeran and Count Viridian’s eyes widened at the same time. The Duke was up in the next instant and running out of the room. Aiden could hear him continue to speak into the com unit as he ran down the hallway. “Hold on, Dear; I’m on my way. Don’t do anything rash.”

  “Who is Ambassador Carsh?” Aiden asked Count Viridian, a bit wide-eyed.

  “A rather difficult man at the best of times. Duchess Ahnarad has a particular dislike for him, and he tends to reinforce her thoughts with many and sundry comments.” Count Viridian paused, frowning in thought. “He is one of Duke Caitrel’s lords and is usually sent out to negotiate…aggressively.” Standing, Count Viridian gestured for Aiden to follow him. “Come, let us go eavesdrop on their conversation.”

  Aiden nodded and followed, wondering who could so irritate the Duchess.


  As they approached the small room behind the thrones, Aiden could already hear a loud voice booming from within the throne room itself before they even got close to the listening post. He hadn’t even set eyes on the man, but he already knew he’d dislike him.

  “Your Grace, It is about time you attended me! I have important business to discuss. Compliments to your wife’s attempts to entertain me, but I’m afraid this is conversation best had between men. Can you dismiss her so that we can get to it? It is quite important.”

  Aiden was sure he heard a strangled gurgling sound but wasn’t one-hundred percent sure who it came from, though he could well imagine. He exchanged a glance with Count Viridian and the tall man just shrugged.

  “Ambassador Carsh, what a complete surprise,” Duke Valeran said. Aiden could tell the Duke was somewhat out of breath from running but still managed to convey a sense of irritation. “I know times are difficult, but it would have been good to have some warning so we could provide a suitable welcome.”

  “Ah! But that is exactly why I didn’t send word, Your Grace.” The Ambassador said with a note of triumph. “I wanted to see how the preparations for relief of our soldiers were going, and I must say I have yet to see any. Just as my Lord thought, that despite everything, you would treat us as you treated Revyek. Comes from having so much influence dispersed, I imagine.”

  Aiden didn’t know what the man looked like, but he could imagine a sidelong glance towards the Duchess on the last bit of what he said. It was dumbfounding how anyone could be so rude. Aiden wasn’t sure how anyone could get away with talking to anyone that way, much less a Duke and Duchess in their court.

  “Ambassador Carsh, that is wholly uncalled for.” Duke Valeran said, almost chewing out his words. “As Duke Caitrel knows full well, the Naiadens are expected to go in first, and they are quite prepared. As for my troops, it’s a needfully delicate circumstance to ask troops to walk into a plague zone though that is what we will be doing.”

  “Bah, cowardice is what I call it.” The Ambassador blustered, almost barking out the first words. “Our troops and Banum are fighting side by side in the trenches, and they are doing as well as expected. My Lord sent me to make sure things happened with alacrity, and I do not see anything remotely like alacrity. Is this how you treat allies, Your Grace?”

  “Carsh,” growled the Duke.

  “That is Ambassador Carsh,” Interrupted the man in an offended tone.

  The silence stretched out as Aiden wondered if the Duke was just about to thrash the man, but once again Valeran showed there was more to him than appearances. Instead of the yelling Aiden expected, he heard a calm, measured response.

  “Ambassador Carsh, yes. I can assure you that we are preparing to assist you. It has barely been a month since we enacted the alliance and it takes time to prepare, despite the severity of your Dukedom’s situation.”

  Aiden heard the Ambassador begin to interject something, but Valeran cut him off. “Please, hear me out. We are fully aware that if Caitrel falls than Banum will not be far behind and I’ve had enough reports showing me the dire circumstance that Camp Swamp Gas is experiencing.”

  “Don’t you mean Fort Tezrosh?” Carsh asked in a frosty tone.

  “Yes, Fort Tezrosh, forgive me. Most of the reports I receive refer to its nickname, so the real name slipped my mind. The Naiadens are ready, but we still need to build the gate, and there are still some concerns with the plague. I’ve spoken to the Naiaden leader, and we will probably have the gate opened up within a week’s time.”

  Aiden had thought that was perfectly reasonable, but the Ambassador had other ideas. “Week!?” The man yelled, almost squealing out the answer. “A week? Are you mad? Can’t you get this boy of yours to do it now? Just order him to do it, and then send in the reinforcements. It is not a difficult concept. You western lords are so soft with your people!”

  “That is enough, Ambassador!” Valeran said loudly, not quite losing his temper but speaking in a solid, commanding voice. “You have insulted us several times. I know that Caitrel is in dire straits, but I will not tolerate your insults any longer. Your choice is to calm yourself and accept a tour of what Carol Reid is doing to prepare her troops, or I can put you back on your ship and escort you out of our waters.”

  There was silence for several moments. Aiden could hear sputtering from the man, but it took him several moments to collect his thoughts before he spoke.

  “Very well, Your Grace.” The Ambassador finally said. “You leave me little choice as it is my duty to make sure help arrives before we lose the front. I certainly hope the Naiadens are prepared to assist us. If we lose the fort, Duke Caitrel will be prepared to surrender to save the lives of his people.”

  “What!? Surrender?” Valeran said with a note of disbelief in his voice. “Did he not see what happened in Revyek? What happened to its people?”

  “Of course, far better than any of you saw. The events in Revyek are directly responsible for our stubborn resistance. If we surrender before we anger Norpon too greatly, we can spare our people the brunt of the cruelty that Revyek experienced. We do not wish to live under the yoke of another ruler, but if it is a choice between that and near genocide, it is something we’ll consider.”

  “Madness!” Duchess Ahnarad spoke up suddenly, her anger apparent. “You’ve heard the news out of Norpon, haven’t you? How they think their people are purer than others. Rarely do people like that provide for the comfort of others. What is Duke Caitrel thinking?”

  “Ah well, I wouldn’t think you would understand the complexities of what men are thinking, but rest assured, Duke Caitrel has reasoned things out quite well.” The Ambassador said, his voice taking on a patronizing tone that curled Aiden’s toes. He couldn’t imagine how Duchess Ahnarad could stand to be in the same room as the Ambassador. “That said, we would prefer to stay in the alliance but we require your troops to assist us. Perhaps you could hurry things along?”

  “Ambassador Carsh, we will do everything in our power to move things along, if only to save the people of Caitrel,” Duke Valeran grated out. “In the meantime, I suspect it may be wise for us to give each other time to cool off. I will have my steward show you to rooms within the castle if you do not already have accommodations?”

  “I agree,” Ambassador Carsh said, “clearly you both h
ave become emotional so that I will take my leave for the day. We have contracted with one of your inns for rooms, so your hospitality will not be necessary. They will be sending the bill to your Steward, however, as is right and proper. It is called the Velvet Glove, just outside of your castle gates, so it is close if you have need of me.

  There were several long moments of silence after the Ambassador left, presumably to make sure he wasn’t trying to listen at the doors, Aiden thought. He doubted any of the guards would allow that, but the thought amused him for a few moments. Finally, they heard the normally talkative Duke and Duchess take their leave with nothing but tense silence.

  Tapping Aiden on the shoulder, Count Viridian gestured for him to follow and left the small listening post, heading directly back towards the conference room they had vacated earlier.

  “How is he not dead yet,” Aiden asked after they’d traveled down the corridor.


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