The Glimmer Steel Saga, Boxed Set, Books 1 - 4

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The Glimmer Steel Saga, Boxed Set, Books 1 - 4 Page 108

by Spencer Pierson

  Burnspire Swamp: Swamp that lies on the border of Caitrel and Norpon.

  Camp Swamp Gas: Also known as Fort Tezrosh and later Fort Green Wall. This is the last line of defense between Caitrel and the forces of Norpon. It lies on the only road that passes through swamp land and has kept the Norpon Forces from the heartland of Caitrel.

  The Cataclysm: The Cataclysm was named for the four-thousand year old event that destroyed almost all Glimmer Steel on Delm and almost destroyed Delm itself. It threw the planet into the dark ages of technology.

  Chivnel: The Chivnel are an alien, insectoid species resembling a cross between a moth and beetle almost a meter long. Their colors range through several light pastels and they are extremely shy and non-violent. Not quite a hive mind, they have a racial communication though still retain individuality.

  Concourse: Name for Naiaden electronic data-net.

  Cutter Fish: Fast, highly social fish and the only intelligent race native to Delm. They are named after the large, blade like horn on the front of their heads. Many have joined the Sea Clans and make up one of the three races of that group.

  Dancers (Sand Dancers): Dancers are the preferred mode of travel for most in Brun. These large, six-legged lizards are built low to the sand with a wide gate that allows them to distribute their weight evenly over the sand. They come in mostly tans, reds, oranges and yellows. The Craggy Sand Dancer is a sub-species that is smaller but hardier and has frills that it can extend and shade its eyes from the sun. They generally have thicker scales as well.

  Delm: Name of the world that Aiden lives on. Origionally called Delmar but language shifted to Delm.

  Denact: Name of Naiaden working homestead or farm.

  Drogue Walker: Massive, peaceful herbivores from another planet. They easily grow between twenty to forty meters high and have massive silicate scales covering their form. They feed from tentacles ending with mouths that they use to feed on plant life. They were known to be so huge that buildings could be constructed on their backs and they would not care or notice. They were resurrected on Delm by the Mourning Lords to attack Camp Swamp Gas and break the Caitrel forces.

  Dune Grabber: A creature that lives under the sand in Brun. It is a massive, two meter grub that creates a sand pit and grabs unsuspecting prey that falls into its trap.

  Exemplar: Warrior segment of Naiaden society. They are most commonly known by the use of a warbody and have the most access to technology.

  Feloxin: Medium sized pack hunter. Most commonly found in scrub or rocky terrain.

  Fort Tezrosh (Camp Swampgas): Fort that lies on the border between Caitrel and Norpon with the Burnspire Swamp.

  Garcat: small four eyed and six limbed cat / wolf analog. Can range from housecat sized to wolf sized and be wild or domesticated.

  Grelox: Large, ox analog. Four eyes and six legs raised for their meat and hides.

  Glimmer Men: A cross between living beings and artificial intelligence, they were designed by the ancient’s computers to be able to use extensive mathematics and almost limitless patience to create all high technology in the days of the Commonwealth. They are effectively immortal, but were taken over and used as tools to destroy all Glimmer Steel.

  Glimmer Steel: Name given to the substance coming from the Anderealm. The substance used by the ancients to create super-strong material constructs to fashion their high technology. Aiden is the first to use it to create actual magical constructs.

  Gramon: The Gramon are another species genetically engineered from standard humans. They are strong, massive, but slow beings uniquely suited for heavy labor and high-gravity planets. Able to handle high heat and radiation. Not many exist on Delm.

  Gulgathorp Biter: A large, wide, slow moving lizard with a massive shovel shaped head. They will bury themselves in sand or hunker low to the ground in order to blend in and ambush prey. Their bit will inflict a poison that will kill its prey within a few hours.

  Hagri: The largest moon over Delm.

  Heavens to Betsy (later shortened to just Betsy): The first smaller skimmer that Professor Reivus altered with updated shields and needlers. Gavin Terek eventually takes command of the ship and begins using it as his personal craft.

  Helgren: Medium-sized predator. Larger than Feloxin and more powerfully built, they are related and will sometimes hunt together. Helgren are pack hunters and scavengers with massive shoulders, six thick limbs and powerful jaws.

  Jiada’s Turning: Name of new town and university created after the Naiaden’s make their decision to rejoin the world.

  Laguna Straights: Body of water found between Island of Reid and the Terek mainland.

  Locust Crab: A cross between a crab and sea slug from another world. Their bodies are soft, but their heads, legs and pinchers are covered by a hard chitin. They also spit acid when threatened or are alarmed though this same acid oozes out of their bodies. They feed, grow and reproduce at an alarming rate and can strip an ocean if left unchecked. They were resurrected by the Mourning Lords to terrorize the coast and oceans of the people of Delm.

  Mourning Lords: After the Cataclysm, the Glimmer Men forced to witness the millions of deaths their destruction had caused went insane. Most committed suicide, but the few that remained blamed Glimmer Steel technology itself and vowed to never let Delm regain its lost knowledge.

  Naiadens: Race of genetically engineered humans, which have continued to perfect their genome. They use genetics to change bodies as casually as others change clothes. Their race is effectively immortal and the women who settled the island thousands of years ago are still alive today. While their normal form is much stronger and faster than a normal humans they are of the same height. However, their combat body, called a warbody, is usually around four meters in height and exponentially stronger and faster.

  Ontaya: Naiaden title meaning captain and sub-teacher.

  Ontelil: Naiaden title meaning lieutenant.

  Ovarkos: Small fur covered lizard. Gecko analog. Mutli colors, mild temper and good at eating pests in households.

  Oya: Naiaden title meaning teacher and general.

  Paths of Dusk: The place Ashrak and Chari are instructed to seek for the Golden Bands by the Shining Ones.

  Ravenwood: Town that is attacked and almost destroyed by one of the first Locust Crab attacks.

  Reef Skippers: Predatory fish that is able to glide. Usually prey on Trikkets or other small, flying creatures.

  Rethlacan: Naiaden name for open home or building. Rethlacan’s can be specialized as living quarters, workshops, or other teaching centers.

  Ridgeclaw: Massive, creatures that are up to four meters at the shoulder and six long. They have massive mouths that open up almost wider than their bodies and they can swallow a dancer and their human rider in one swallow. They have power limbs that they use to climb along cliffs with ease. This also lets them cross rocky and broken terrain with ease as they leap, bound, and cling to whatever handhold they need without slowing. They are relentless hunters which will eat anything and pursue prey relentlessly.

  School of Breen: A well-known school for the people of Terek located in the capitol city.

  Sea Clans: A loose, nomadic society that live on and in the oceans of Delm. Each clan is generally composed of Humans, Arakuul, and Cutter Fish.

  Seulosa: Spicy alcoholic beverage made from the milk of the Tarfin's. Very potent. Generally used for greetings guests by the Sea Clans.

  Shining Ones: beings that live in the realm of life. They are immortal and while they can see what is going on in our world, they can only contact us under extreme circumstances. They can briefly resurrect spirits of the deceased to speak for them. Tall, wispy, very pale with slanted black eyes, pointed ears, four nostril slits and a thin mouth. Ambiguous motivation.

  Skimmers: Skimmers are technological constructs composed of Glimmer Steel. Few have survived the Cataclysm. Most common skimmers are smaller vessels of only two decks and no weapons, but Terek has two of the larger skimmers that a
re a gull-winged craft as large as a medium fishing vessel. They are equipped with a weak shield, two needlers, and a main cannon that fire plasma beams.

  Tarfin: Huge whale-like fish that graze in huge kilometer wide floating seaweed patches and produce many useful products from meat, milk and oil.

  Teca Board: Info board used to convey to travelers what services are available or needed.

  Temple of Akka: An abandoned ruin where Ashrak, Chari, and their companions find a lost gate that takes them to their first encounter with the “Shining One’s”

  The Velvet Glove: High class Inn near Terek Castle.

  Trench Serpent: Some of the largest creatures on Delm. They are a huge, worm-like sea monster with several stubby tentacles circling their mouths. They live in the deeper parts of the ocean. Occasionally they will rise to the surface and feed on whatever they wish. Generally measuring hundreds of meters in length and can swallow a ship whole.

  Trikkets: Small, flying bird analog but have scales instead of feathers. Usually inhabit coastlines and water areas.

  Tulugri: the smaller moon over Delm.

  Ulcoreth: Ulcoreth are a genetically engineered human species designed for underground habitats. Along with their normal limbs, each has four additional spider-like legs sprouting from their backs that allow them to ascend sheer surfaces. They can see in low light conditions and have excellent hearing. Rediscovered and subverted by the Duchy of Feldar, they have become accomplished and feared assassins. They are noted for their beauty.

  Udine: Large tortoise like creatures long domesticated by the people of Delm. They make excellent beasts of burden and can have wagon-like beds attached to their shells. Like most native creatures of Delm, they have four eyes and six legs.

  Zerigeld: Horse analog that follow the native wildlife plan of four eyes and six legs, these large animals are graceful and used for beasts of burden or riding. They most closely resemble an elk with straight or ram-like horns.

  Authors Notes

  It is in the fine tradition of other authors that I have come to know, that I want to share my thoughts while writing The Duke of Brun.

  First of all, however, let me say a big THANK YOU for reading this book and further through these notes. Without your support, I would not be making my dreams of being an author and sharing fun stories with you.

  Book 4 was a different book then the first three as it tells the tale of Ashrak and Chari on their adventure through Brun. There are some things that happen in this book, like meeting the “Shining Ones” that will have a lot of relevance for the main series. There are a lot of secrets here, but they won’t all come out right away since I am using very ancient history which is Earth history.

  That brings us to another point I wanted to make. There are some odd little items that you might wonder about and their relevance to such an alien world. Chocolate is one of those things which the Duke mentions early in the book. Would they have it? Yes, they would if they imported that from Earth thousands of years ago and kept it going. There will be subtle mentions like that which may be faded and stuffy or still relevant in their current time. Who would give up chocolate if they had to, right?

  I would also like to thank a great Face Book group of writers that I’ve become a part of called 20booksto50k. It was started by a guy named Michael Anderle who’s only been writing for about a year, but he put out a book each month, and by the forth book was making a very good living. He decided to share that knowledge, and got some friends together. Now there’s a whole group of authors benefiting from his (and other’s) experience with making success. LOVE this group.

  Stay tuned for more from me. I want to put out books on a faster basis, and will also put all of my books out in paperback form, though honestly I love to have my work out on Ebooks because it’s SO much cheaper than paperbacks. However, because it’s FREE, I will be doing that. Thanks AMAZON! You are amazing.

  Please leave a review. Reviews are very important for writers, not only for honest feedback from readers, but they help tell other readers if my book is worth reading. You would do me a GREAT service by doing so.

  For further information on my series and releases, please visit me on Facebook, visit my blog, or send me an email at [email protected].

  If you want to experience sneak peeks into the world of Glimmer Steel, sign up for my NEWSLETTER! My newsletter will not include spam and private information will never be shared or sold. I plan to include chapters of future books and full-page pieces of lore covering the planet, its races, cities, and even politics for your enjoyment. I promise it will be worth your time.

  Books by Spencer Pierson

  A Glimmer of Destiny, Book 1 in the Glimmer Steel Saga

  A Glimmer of Fear, Book 2 in the Glimmer Steel Saga

  A Glimmer of War, Book 3 in the Glimmer Steel Saga

  The Duke of Brun, Book 4 in the Glimmer Steel Saga (the story of Ashrak and Chari) part 1

  The Glimmer Steel Saga, Book 1 - 4

  The Black Spire, Book 5 in the Glimmer Steel Saga (the story of Ashrak and Chari) part 2 – Coming April 2017

  A Glimmer of Starlight, Book 6 in the Glimmer Steel Saga – Coming June (or earlier) 2017




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