The Irredeemable Billionaire (Muse series)

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The Irredeemable Billionaire (Muse series) Page 16

by Couper, Lexxie

  She kissed him good night, reminded him it was time for sleep, and went to have a shower. What were the chances of her finding Cody on her bed when she finished?

  Her bed was devoid of a little boy when she stepped out of the bathroom dressed in her PJs a few minutes later.

  Tiptoeing to his room, she raised her eyebrows. “Wow.”

  Zonked out. Sound asleep. A smile pulled at her lips. “Well, there you go.”

  From the kitchen, her phone beeped. And again. And again. Incoming message after incoming message.

  Hurrying from Cody’s door, she bit back a curse. All she wanted to do was climb into bed herself, not have a conversation with—

  Someone knocked on her front door.

  “Are you freaking kidding me?”

  Please don’t be Justin.

  She pulled open the door.

  “I’ve never had someone threaten knee dislocation over me before.” Sebastian smiled at her from the other side of the threshold. “I kinda liked it. A lot.”


  Grace didn’t move. She just stood in the open door dressed in the most adorable black undies and a Captain Kirk T-shirt, regarding him with unreadable eyes.

  Jesus, could he want her any more than he already did?


  “I mean, I’d probably balk at decapitation on my behalf, but the threat of a kneecapping—”

  “You saw the footage.”

  Her husky voice played havoc with his control. How was he not hauling her into his arms and kissing her senseless right now?

  “I saw the footage.”

  A frown pulled at her eyebrows. “I probably should contact a lawyer, right?”

  He shook his head. “Olsen doesn’t have a leg to stand on.”

  Her lips twitched. “After I finish kneecapping him, you mean?”

  Jesus, I love her mind.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, after you finish—”

  She stepped across the threshold, cupped his face in her hands, and kissed him.

  Control abandoned him, and he grabbed her arse and picked her up.

  Already on his wavelength, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his hips.

  Fuck, yes.

  He deepened the kiss and carried her inside, kicking the door shut behind him.

  She jerked in his arms, tearing her lips from his. “Cody…asleep…”

  Before he could process what she was doing, she wriggled out of his arms and ran up the hallway toward the bedrooms.

  Standing motionless, he sucked in breath after breath.


  Soft footsteps jerked his stare back to Grace hurrying toward him.

  “Still asleep.” She held out her hand to him, eyes twinkling. “No loud noises, okay? You can’t roar my name when you come.”

  A shaky laugh burst from him, and he took her hand. “Got it. No roaring your name. Can I groan it into the side of your neck instead?”

  Her lips curled in a smile. Who knew she could make the expression so carnal and seductive? “Hell yeah.”

  With a gentle tug on his hand, she led him to her bedroom, switching lights off as they went.

  His breath caught as they finally entered her room.

  How many nights ago had he fallen asleep beside her on her bed? A lifetime? The Grace back then had intrigued him, puzzled him. In such a short period of time, she’d turned his whole world on its axis.

  Releasing his hand, she crossed to one of the bedside tables and switched the lamp on. “Turn off the light and lock the door,” she instructed in a hushed voice.

  He did.

  The low light cast her room in a muted glow and warm shadows.

  She stood at the side of the bed, bottom lip caught in her teeth.

  He took a step toward her, but she shook her head and held up her hand. “I…haven’t done this for two years, Sebastian.” His name cracked. “And you’ll only”—she dropped her gaze to the floor—“you’ll only be the second man I’ve ever slept with.”

  His heart smashed hard and fast against his chest. He swallowed. Gary had been her one and only sexual partner. Hell, he was about to…

  He drew a slow breath. What the hell did he say to that? Did she want him to say anything?

  “I promise…” he began. Goddamn it, his mouth was dry. “I won’t rush you, or…”

  She smiled. “I didn’t tell you that so you would get all flustered, Seb. I told you so you understand why I’m going to be a little…let’s go with rusty.”

  “Ahh.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “Normally I’d make a smug comment at this point about my powers of lubrication.”


  He shook his head. “Since you came back into my life, there is nothing normal about how I’m living each minute. You’ve taken the normal me and shattered him into a million pieces.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “Sebastian Hart, are you paying me a compliment?”

  “That I am.”

  “In that case…” She hooked her fingers under the hem of her Captain Kirk T-shirt and lifted it over her head.

  His heart stopped. And then started again. Like a fucking cannon.

  He’d never been with a woman who’d given birth before. All his previous lovers had been tightly toned, cosmetically enhanced, CrossFit junkies.

  Looking at Grace now, he realized how so far from beautiful those bodies were.

  “My God, Grace, you’re beautiful.”

  She was. Ethereal and so very womanly and soft.


  Dropping her shirt, she stood before him, hands moving restlessly. “I don’t know what to do with my hands.”

  The confession fell from her on a wobbly laugh. It spurred him into movement.

  Two strides. That was all it took him to cross to her.

  Two strides and he was skimming his hands over her smooth, bare waist, up her rib cage, and around to her back. He lowered his head and kissed her, a gentle brushing of his lips on hers. She moaned, sliding her palms up his chest and around the back of his neck to tangle in his hair.

  Perfect use of her hands.

  Their tongues met. So did their hips. Her breasts crushed against his torso, the heat of her skin branding him through his shirt. She shifted in his arms, granting his hand permission to cover her breast. Its heavy, full weight filled his hand, and a wave of concentrated pleasure surged through him.

  With a growl, he nibbled a path up to her ear. “You feel like perfection in my hand.”

  She hummed a reply, her nails scraping at his scalp.

  He captured her distended nipple between thumb and finger and gently teased it with soft pinches. She shuddered, pressing her forehead to his shoulder, his name a choppy breath.

  He wanted her naked. Completely naked. He wanted to be completely naked with her. Reaching up behind him, he took her wrists in a light grip and removed her hands from his hair.

  She looked up at him. Confusion swam in her eyes. “Don’t you like—”

  “I like very much,” he assured her, smiling. Could she hear how loud his heart thumped? Could she feel it vibrating through his chest? “But I think we are both still wearing too many clothes.”

  Her pupils dilated. As he gazed into her eyes, delight swept through him.

  Trailing his knuckles along her skin, he sucked in a steadying breath. He couldn’t rush this or allow himself to get lost in his own pleasure.

  She was giving him something he’d never been given before. He still didn’t know how the stars had aligned to make it be so, still didn’t know how he’d come to deserve such a gift, but he would do everything he could to make it be the most incredible moment of her life.

  Everything he could.

  Including put her pleasure above his own.

  Slowly, very slowly, he moved his hands to the waistband of her black knickers and inched them down over her hips.

  “S-Seb…” she whispered.

  He paused. “I won’t if you don’t—�

  She covered his hands on her underwear and pushed them lower. Until, with a wriggle of her legs, they fell to the floor.

  Hot blood rushed through his veins. Nuzzling on the side of her neck, he pressed his hands over her bare hips and—still keeping his actions slow—explored her newly revealed skin.

  Her hips, the glorious curve of her backside, the softness of her inner thighs…

  A shudder rocked through her, and she let out a hitching gasp.

  The need to feel her soft warmth, to learn if she was wet with pleasure, pounded deep in his core, but he stayed his hands, moved them instead to her hips again. He could not rush this for her.

  Moving his hands to her jaw, he cupped her face and looked down into her eyes. “You are amazing, and I can’t believe I never realized this when we lived beside each other.”

  She drew a ragged breath. “You had all the tall girls without braces and no glasses throwing themselves at you daily.”

  He shook his head, tracking his thumbs path along her lower lip. “I still should have seen…”

  “And I should have seen you weren’t the self-absorbed, narcissistic wanker I thought you were.” She closed her eyes and shrugged. “We were kids, teenagers. Things have changed. We’ve grown up.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her, coaxed her lips apart, and sought out her tongue. And as he did, she moved her hands to his jeans to undo his button fly and slide her fingers beneath the parted denim.

  She broke the kiss, lips twitching as she arched an eyebrow at him. “No underwear, Hart?” She pushed his jeans down until they were nothing but a pool of faded denim at his feet and his freed erection nudged her belly.

  She closed her eyes, and a low moan escaped her. The raw sound drove him wild and threatened his control once more.

  Fuck, would she take him in her hands? Would she—

  “Take your shirt off for me.” Her soft order detonated a hot wave of lust in the pit of his stomach. “Please.”

  Swallowing, he took one step back and pulled his shirt over his head.

  “Oh…wow,” she murmured, running her gaze all over him. “Wow.”

  He smiled and then lost the battle with himself to take her all in.

  Utterly naked, she was even more beautiful, more real than he’d imagined. No high-maintenance electrolysis for her, no waxing…just everything trimmed and natural.

  A surge of desire for her—everything about her—stole his breath.

  “I’m not—” she began.

  He destroyed the small space between them and captured her face in his hands. “Don’t even think about saying something horrible about yourself, Ford. Or I will have to spank you.”

  For a split second, she stiffened.

  Ford. I called her Ford again. Like I’m forcing her to forget Gary.

  “Grace…” He shook his head, searching her eyes. “Shit, I didn’t mean…I know I can’t replace…”

  “Shut up and make love to me, Hart.” She smoothed her hands up his chest and into his hair. “Or I’ll have to spank you.”

  It was too much.

  He crushed her mouth with his and hauled her to his body. Warm skin against warm skin, tongues sliding together. Somehow, they ended up on her bed. Nestled between her thighs, he explored her lips, her throat, her shoulders with his lips. Her hands tangled in his hair, his name little but an exhaled breath as she slid her foot up and down the back of his thigh.

  His cock nudged at her sex. She was warm and wet already, and he came close to imbedding himself in her. So close.

  But he restrained. Somehow.

  Instead, he dedicated long minutes to nipping and kissing every part of her neck again.

  She groaned his name. Jesus, his name leaving her with such carnal pleasure was intoxicating. He’d never get sick of it. What would it be like to hear it every day?

  Fuck, yes. He wanted that. More than breath.

  “Don’t…don’t leave a mark,” she admonished as he drew harder on her neck.

  A lick of disgruntled agitation shot through him, followed by acceptance and respect. Of course, she wouldn’t want Cody to see a hickey on her neck. He wouldn’t want Cody to see one there, either.

  Lifting his head, he brushed his palm over her cheek. “I won’t. Sorry. I just…”

  Words failed him.

  She closed her eyes. “There are other places you can leave one. If you want. Places Cody will never see.”

  Lust and delight consumed him. “Are you sure?”

  She opened her eyes. The hunger in them undid him.

  “I’m sure.”

  Chapter Ten

  This is happening.

  The delirious thought whispered through Grace’s mind a heartbeat before Sebastian closed his lips around her right nipple and sucked.

  Oh God, was it meant to feel so good? She should be feeling guilty. Why wasn’t she feeling guilty? She’d prepared herself to feel it, so why…

  So good.

  Sebastian’s tongue tormented her flesh as waves of tension radiated through her. She arched beneath him, rolling her hips, shifting her legs.

  Inside her. She wanted him inside her. Moving, thrusting, filling her. Clawing her nails down his back, she cupped his arse and drew their groins harder together. The rigid length of his erection spread her folds, and she whimpered. He was so hard and thick, and she wanted him all…

  He moaned around her nipple and moved his mouth lower, over her rib cage, to her belly button.

  Hell, would he see the faint stretch marks down there? Would he get turned off by her less-than-taut stomach and far-from-waxed mound?

  He flicked his tongue at her labia, and she damn near bit her lip silencing her cry. Writhing on the bed, she stared at the ceiling, one hand fisting the duvet beneath her, the other pressed to her mouth.

  The world swam. Her heart slammed into her throat. Her inner walls contracted in a heady pulse she remembered. And yet it was different. Not better, just different.

  “Christ, you taste like heaven.” Sebastian’s warm breath kissed her damp folds, sending a ripple of sensations through her. He licked at her flesh again, first her clit, and then deeper, parting her folds with his tongue.

  She bucked her hips higher, the contact igniting hot shards of tension through her. She could surrender to this, forget everything but this. And yet…

  “S-Seb…” she mumbled against her palm. “Seb, did you l-lock the door?”

  He paused, lifted his head, and looked back over his shoulder at her closed bedroom door. “I did.” He swung back to face her. “But let me check again.”

  He hurried over to the door, checked the handle, and then turned back to her. “Locked.”

  She wanted to let out a relieved sigh, wanted to apologize for ruining the moment, but she couldn’t. All she could do was devour him with her eyes as he strode back to her bed.

  Sebastian Hart. Naked. Glorious. So goddamn gorgeous it almost hurt to look at him.

  “Now.” He pressed one knee to the mattress on the inside of her thigh and his opposite elbow next to her hip. “Where was I?”


  He met her gaze, his expression unreadable.

  “Make me come so many times I lose count.”

  His nostrils flared. His cock jerked between his corded thighs.

  “Your wish,” he murmured, before lowering his head to her sex once more.

  He lapped and licked at her clit over and over. He brought her to the precipice over and over but moved his mouth to her inner thigh or hipbone when she was on the very cusp of release. She whimpered and begged him to keep going.

  Begged him not to stop.

  She bit her lip every time, palm pressed to her mouth, stare jumping around the ceiling, fuzzy with pleasure. And when she didn’t think she could survive any longer, when even the caress of his breath on her inner thigh made her almost erupt, he curled his hands around her hips and held her motionless. A tsunami of pleasure rolled over
her, an undeniable force that rendered her boneless and breathless.

  Her orgasm flooded her body. She arched her back and rammed her head to the mattress, digging her heels into the bed on either side of Sebastian’s ribs. She’d never tried so hard to be quiet. Her release flowed through her, and then it wasn’t just his tongue driving her to a second release, but his fingers. He stroked her inner walls, the sweet spot left untouched for so many months and years.

  “Oh, Seb.”

  He moved his mouth from her sex and captured her flesh high on her inner thigh, sucked on it even as he continued to scissor his fingers inside her.

  A third climax rushed her, claimed her. She panted, tossed her head side to side.

  So good. Too good. She’d never recover from this. And yet she wanted more. “Inside me.” Her throat was dry, husky. “I need you inside me, Seb. Now.”

  His nostrils flared, and with a fluid move, he straightened away from the bed and scanned the floor for something.

  Jeans. Wallet.

  He withdrew a leather wallet from the pocket of his jeans and opened it, chest heaving, gaze returning to her repeatedly.

  Condom packet. How many years had it been since she’d seen a condom packet?

  When she’d first started dating Gary. When she’d first had…

  This was really happening. She was about to have sex with Sebastian Hart.


  The worry in his voice jerked her stare up to his face.

  “Are you…we don’t… I mean…” He lowered his hands, dropped his wallet.

  Heart racing, she shook her head. “We do. Because I want to. More than I think I want anything at this point in time. I’m ready.”

  His Adam’s apple slid up and down. “For what?”

  “You.” She let out a soft, wobbly laugh. “In every way. If that’s okay with—”

  He climbed onto the bed and kissed her. And then she was helping him roll the condom down over his erection, helping him align the bulbous head of his shaft to her sex.

  “Grace,” he murmured, his breath mingling with hers as he cupped the side of her face in one hand and slowly entered her. “My Grace.”


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