Besting Brady: Hearts of Hollis

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Besting Brady: Hearts of Hollis Page 6

by J. L. Leslie

  She laughs and shrugs. “I didn’t know how to make them, so what was I supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know. Go tell them you didn’t know how to make them and that they could either have whiskey or beer, your specialties,” I suggest.

  “Oh yeah, that would’ve gone over really well.”

  “Lilly, you’re a sexy woman in a bar. The men around here will take whatever you tell them to take,” I assure her.

  “And they’ll do whatever I tell them to do too, I suppose?” she questions.

  “Exactly,” I confirm.

  “Well, then I command you to tell me why you left so suddenly on Sunday,” she states, and I feel almost as though she’s slapped me. I wasn’t expecting her to ask me again. I thought we’d moved on from that.

  Lilly arches her eyebrow at me, indicating that I must answer. I wash another glass, stalling as long as I can and debating on whether or not I want to give in to my instincts and tell her anything.

  “I just don’t like talking about my dad,” I finally speak. “When he died, it was a really bad situation for me and my mom. Not something I want to relive.”

  She reaches her hands into the soapy water and closes them over mine, leaning toward me. “I’m sorry, Brady. I’ve never lost anyone like that, so I don’t know what you went through.”

  Her green eyes gaze up at me, and I know her words are sincere. I can see the raw emotion in her eyes, and I feel like she wants to take all my pain away. Strange thing is, I want to let her.

  I lean down, and she doesn’t back away. My lips are so close to hers that I can feel her breath against them. My dick rages against my zipper, begging to be set free.

  When our lips touch, I damn near nut in my jeans. I’m not certain what it is about this woman, but she’s in my head. I slip my hands out of the soapy water and around her waist, not giving a damn that I’m getting her shirt soaked.

  “Is your offer still available?” she asks against my lips. “To christen my apartment?”

  “Fuck yes,” I reply breathlessly.

  Then everything goes to hell.

  Kelly, the bane of my fucking existence, shrieks, “Brady!”

  Fucking hell. Perfect fucking timing.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My hand trembles as I bring it to my mouth, wiping my lips. God, how I wanted him to kiss me again. Wanted to feel his lips on mine.

  But then I heard his name being called. Felt the way his body tensed against mine. He reacted like he was being caught by his girlfriend when she isn’t supposed to be his girlfriend.

  I watch as he grabs a dishtowel and dries his hands. Of course, that does nothing to dry the wet handprints he left on my shirt.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Kelly asks, her hands on her hips as she stands at the doorway of the kitchen.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I’ve been calling you, but you haven’t answered. When I went by your place and didn’t see your truck, I figured you’d be here with her.”

  I clear my throat, not wanting to get in the middle of their argument. “I’m just going to finish cleaning up if you guys want to take this outside.”

  “We can definitely take this outside, bitch!” Kelly yells.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Brady asks, stepping in front of me. “Go, Kelly!”

  She’s practically pouting as he steers her out of the kitchen. I can hear them arguing as they walk through the bar, him accusing her of being a stalker. Sounds about right.

  “Stalker? I’m a stalker?” she yells as they reach the door. “If you kept your dick in your pants, I wouldn’t have to track you down!”

  There is this desperation in her voice that makes me feel sorry for her. She clearly cares about Brady and is so caught up in whatever is going on between them that she can’t see he isn’t into her the way she’s into him.

  Christ, I almost slept with him. I asked him to come upstairs with me. What in the world was I thinking? I wasn’t. That’s the problem. Brady makes me stupid. Makes all rational thoughts leave my mind.

  “It’s none of your fucking business what I do or who I do it with, Kells.”

  Brady pushes open the door, and I see the way her whole body slumps in defeat as she walks out in front of him. Yes, she is absolutely acting like a bitch. But she just caught the guy she’s into with another woman. And it was pretty damn obvious what we were doing.

  I can’t help but feel slightly responsible. Brady was so cold and unemotional to her just now, and that doesn’t seem like him. Maybe our conversation about his dad had him on edge. Then again, when we were kissing, he didn’t seem cold and unemotional at all.

  Regardless, I can’t keep doing this with him. I’m not here to stay. I’m here because I found out Elizabeth and Stanton Steele are my real parents. I’m here because I want to get to know my brothers, and I haven’t done that yet because I’ve been flirting with the sexy playboy.

  I simply need to leave Brady Thompson alone.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I slide out of Kelly’s bed, and I’m relieved when she doesn’t wake up. I don’t want to deal with her right now. I’m pissed with myself that I gave in to her when I knew I shouldn’t have. I’m stringing her along. I’ve told her time and time again that we are not together, not in a relationship, but I know deep down that she does not understand that.

  Last night, I should’ve gone home. I sure as fuck shouldn’t have spent the night. I wasn’t in a good place to have spent time with Kelly. She likes trying to get in my head too much. While we were screwing, she kept begging me to tell her she was the only one. That there was no one else. What was I supposed to say? Um, no, Kelly, you’re not the only woman I fuck. In fact, I’m thinking of someone else right now. Blonde hair, green eyes.

  So, I’d lied. I told her what she wanted to hear while I was balls deep inside her. Afterward, she was all lovey-dovey, wanting to take pictures together, snapping away on her phone while we were in her bed. I’m not a fucking idiot or a cold-hearted asshole. I know she has feelings for me. I just don’t feel the same way.

  I can’t keep doing what I’m doing with her. It’s not right. For once, I feel guilty for what I’ve done. What I’ve been doing.

  “You leaving already? I can make you breakfast,” she offers. “We can spend the day together.”

  I cringe and stand up to pull my boxer briefs on. “No, I have to run. I’ll see you around.”

  I grab my jeans, and I’m tugging them up as I walk out of her room. I scan the living room for my t-shirt and spot it on the recliner. My boots are by the door. I’m out in under five seconds flat, boots and tee in hand.

  When I get to my truck, I pop open the glove box and grab a piece of gum. It’ll have to do because I’m definitely not staying at Kelly’s to find out if she’s purchased me a toothbrush. It would not surprise me if she has. For some reason, I imagine she’s melded our faces together into one of those “what do our future kids look like” things you can do on the internet.

  I push that disturbing thought out of my head and pick up my phone to call Caleb. His voice is groggy and sounds like he smokes fifty packs a day. I know I’ve woken him up.

  “Get your ass up and meet me at Jack’s field.”

  I don’t give him time to respond before I hang up. Ten minutes later, I arrive at the field and get out of my truck. The old hay bale is still where it’s always been. I grab a few empty beer cans and bottles from the back of my truck and go set them up. It’s time for target practice. My favorite way to blow off steam besides a willing pussy.

  I get my .270 from behind the truck seat and prop it on the hood. I turn the safety off and line my scope up on a bottle. The glass shatters with my first shot. I feel my tense muscles begin to relax.

  Your daddy has lung cancer.

  I take another shot and hit the empty can. I
breathe out and suck another breath in.

  It’s terminal, Brady.

  “You do realize it’s five o’clock in the morning. We have to be at work soon,” Caleb states as he walks up beside me.

  I didn’t even hear him pull up. I fire another shot and let another bottle shatter.

  “Did you go to your dad’s grave?” he asks, and I shoot him an angry look.

  “Why would I do that? There’s nothing there except a cold headstone and bones buried six feet deep.”

  “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go there,” he counters. “I’m sure your mama would enjoy your company.”

  “Oh, so while you’re sober, you think you can give intelligent advice?” I jab. Caleb crosses his arms and leans against the side of my truck.

  “If you only called me here to insult me, I can just go find Casey instead,” he quips.

  I don’t comment. Instead, I lean back down and focus on another target. I let the crosshairs line up right on the Bud Light label. My conversation with Lilly fills my head. When she’d asked about my dad, I answered her so nonchalantly. He died a long time ago.

  Yep, I didn’t tell her that today is the anniversary of his death. Thirteen years ago today, my dad died, and I’m still not over it. I will never get over it. There are some things time doesn’t heal.

  “You need to put a damn shirt on,” Caleb comments. “Are those scratch marks on your back?”

  “Shut up,” I mumble, half grinning. I hand him the rifle and grab my t-shirt out of the cab of my truck.

  “From Kelly or the new waitress? Have I lost the bet already?”

  “As if you ever stood a chance winning that bet.”

  He shrugs. “Won it before.”

  “You do see all this, right?” I ask, motioning over my six-pack abs in a playful manner.

  “You act like it’s not late November,” he says, rolling his eyes.

  “It’s Texas.”

  “Again, are those scratch marks from Kelly or from the new waitress?” he asks. “And for your sake, I’m hoping Kelly.”

  “Kelly. Not that I’m not going to screw the new waitress.”

  “If you say so. It isn’t looking too good for you so far.”

  “As if you stand a chance. Look how long it took you to nail the last one. By the way, eighteen? Seriously?”

  “She didn’t tell me she was eighteen until after. I was honest with her upfront about what it was. You know I don’t lie.”

  “I know. So, tell me straight, were you still fucking around with Tori or not?” I ask. “I know what she told Casey, and I know you’ve gotten defensive as hell every time I’ve asked you, but I need to know.”

  “Casey and I were on a break when I hooked up with Tori. We absolutely were not together,” he answers. “It was one time. Casey and I got back together, and you know how we are when we’re together. You remember the night Logan had that party?”

  “Yeah. You were shitfaced.”

  “Well, Casey was pissed, and I thought we went on a break again. She said we were through and left me at Logan’s. Tori was there, and anyway, I let her give me a blow job, but that’s it. When I saw Casey the next day, she didn’t even remember the damn fight. Acted like she didn’t call things off.”

  I laugh, knowing exactly how the two of them are, especially when they’re drinking. “So, what’s the problem?”

  “Tori told her more than that happened and that it kept happening. She believed Tori. I don’t get it, Brady. Everything me and Casey have been through, and she believed her.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. Just give her some time. You and her always get back together,” I assure him.

  “No, not this time. It’s really over.”

  Caleb shoots a few rounds and finishes off the last few targets left on the bale of hay. He props the gun against the truck and pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. I watch him light one up the way my daddy always used to. I don’t recall ever seeing him without a cigarette.

  “Careful, you know those things will kill you.”

  I say this half-joking, half-serious. He knows exactly how I feel about smoking. I don’t need to tell him or give him shit about it. What I need is for his sister to come take him out of Hollis. At least for a little while.

  That way I know he’ll become my best friend again. Eventually.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I quickly refill the glasses of tea at one of my tables and move on to the next. It’s lunchtime, and we’re pretty busy today. Apparently, the only other place to eat in town is closed due to the staff having the flu. We’re catching their overflow.

  “I need two burgers and one club,” I call out to Marlene and hear the bell on the door.

  I tell myself not to look, but I can’t help it. Madden walks in with Caleb and Landon following behind him. Landon hasn’t been back in Hollis since the hardware store opened.

  I should be happy, should use this as an opportunity to go talk with them both. Get to know them. Instead, I’m bummed that Brady isn’t with them. He hasn’t been in since the night we kissed, and Kelly busted us.

  Maybe he feels guilty for what happened. Maybe she pinned him down that night and gave him an ultimatum. Her or me? Seems like he chose her.

  “Can you take care of the guys?” Jade asks. “I need to restock.”


  I head over to their table, flashing them a welcoming smile. “Hey, what can I get you guys to drink?”

  I write down their drink orders and make quick work of getting them ready. When I return, I casually ask where everyone else is today. The rest of their crew isn’t here either.

  “Logan and Tate should be here any minute,” Madden answers.

  “What about Brady? Haven’t seen him in a while.”

  “Maybe he has shit to do,” Caleb retorts.

  “Oh,” I reply. “I was just worried since he’s usually in here.”

  Caleb laughs at this. “Worried? Brady is a grown-ass man, sweetheart. He doesn’t need you worrying about him.”

  I can’t even respond. My feelings are hurt, and I’m downright embarrassed. I really wasn’t expecting Caleb to act like that.

  “Don’t be an asshole, Caleb,” Madden says.

  He rolls his eyes. “I’m not. I’m just saying she’s been drooling all over him for weeks now. It’s crazy because she can have it if she really wants it.”

  Caleb is very clearly in a bad place, and I know it’s over Casey. I’ve tried to give him a break, but he’s being a total asshole, and I barely know him. “Look, you guys are in here every evening, and when one is missing, of course, I’m going to notice.”

  “He’s fine,” Caleb says, but I don’t know if I believe him.

  Landon puts his menu down. “I want a hamburger and fries.”

  Him placing his order cuts through the tension between Caleb and me. I nod my head at his matter-of-fact attitude. That’s exactly how I remember Landon Steele. All business, all of the time.

  “Of course.”

  I take care of my other tables while I’m waiting on their food to be prepared, not wanting to linger near them and get my head bitten off again.

  “Try not to let him get to you,” Madden says, coming up to me while I’m refilling drinks at the bar. “He’s been a dick to pretty much everyone lately.”

  “I get it. He’s nursing a broken heart.”

  “According to Jade, he’s actually a really good guy. I haven’t necessarily witnessed that side of him, but I trust her. I’m sure that guy is in there somewhere.”

  “Maybe,” I say with a laugh.

  “He better be. She invited him to Thanksgiving at our house,” he says. “And Casey too.”

  “Is she trying to start World War III?”

  He chuckles. “She’s too nice sometimes. Didn’t want to hurt either of their feelings.”

  “I can see her being like that.”

  “Well, you should
come. I’m sure she would want you there.”

  “Me? I don’t think so. I wouldn’t want to be intruding.”

  “You’re Jade’s friend, so that makes you my friend. I’m simply inviting you before she has the chance to.”

  Thanksgiving dinner with my brother. At least I know for sure one of them will be there. That’s a start, and I need to start somewhere. I’ve wasted enough time here already.

  “Okay, I’ll come.”

  “Sounds great. Maybe we’ll put you between Caleb and Casey. Surely, they won’t tear each other’s heads off if you’re in the middle of them.”

  I laugh at that and then feel my heart leap up to my throat when I hear the door open and see Brady saunter in. As much as I want to deny it, I can’t. I’m happy he’s here.

  I only wish I knew why he stayed away.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I catch a glimpse of Lilly as I walk in, and this instant flare of jealousy rages inside of me at the sight of her talking to Madden. I quickly look away, unwilling to let my stare linger long. Why is she talking to him?

  The past couple of days have been rough for me. They always are this time of year. My mom gets a little depressed and spends a lot of time at my dad’s grave. Then she gets a little clingy with me and becomes a little smothering. I don’t really mind. I just let her get it out of her system.

  When I got off work Thursday, I went to her house, and she started to cry, begging me to go to his grave with her. I hate going. She knows this, but it never stops her from begging me to go. I finally caved and drove her to Hollis Cemetery.

  I stared at my daddy’s name, Daniel Brady Thompson, on that cold hard stone for twenty minutes while my mom sank to her knees and deposited the fresh flowers she’d bought onto the cement slab. She stayed longer while I waited in the truck.

  On the way home, I listened to her soft sniffles and held her hand. She made me promise not to smoke, ever. Of course, I promised her. I’ve been promising her this since I was twelve years old. I have never once touched a cigarette.


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