Love Songs

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Love Songs Page 3

by Constance Bretes

  “There is a good chance I may keep the ranch and return to it occasionally. Or I may just live here permanently. I love the ranch and this area. It has a lot of wonderful memories for me.” Jennifer looked out at the mountains in the distance.

  “How’s your life now, Jenn? Are you involved with anyone?” Jake asked.

  “My life is okay. And no, I’m not involved with anyone.”

  “Really? I thought you’d have a string of men breaking down the doors to get to you.”

  Jennifer thought of the man who stalked her.

  When she didn’t answer, Jake said, “Well, have a good evening. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” Jennifer couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  Just as Jake turned to go to his house, he hesitated and touched Jennifer’s arm. She felt an instant spark at his touch. Her muscles suddenly tensed under his fingertips, and she looked up at him. He bent his head down and kissed her softly on the lips. He came up quickly, and then bent down and kissed her again, lingering longer this time. Chills shot up and down her body.

  He finally pulled up from the kiss and whispered, “Good night, Jennifer.” He turned and walked away slowly toward his house and went inside.

  She got in her car. Her knees were weak and it seemed like they were knocking together. She felt that kiss right to the very core of her. She wondered why she had really come back here. Did she really want to see Jake and be with him again?

  She backed the car out of the driveway and drove into town to find a nice restaurant to have dinner at. She ran into more adoring fans and spent about a half hour signing autographs before she went into Wiley’s Roadhouse for dinner.

  After dinner she drove back to downtown Jarillo and walked around town for a while to see what was new. The town still had the old buildings, but it had also grown. There were a lot of new places to shop and eat.

  She made her way to Anna and Rocky’s place and knocked on the door. Anna answered her door and was delighted to see Jennifer standing there.

  “Jennifer! How nice of you to stop by. Come on in.”

  Jennifer stepped into the living room and Anna shut the door.

  “Jenn, this is Rocky, my husband. Rocky, this is Jennifer.”

  “Nice to meet you, Rocky.”

  “Likewise,” he said, smiling.

  “Have a seat, Jenn. Can I get you something to drink? A soda, iced tea?”

  “No, I’m fine, thanks.”

  They all sat down, Jennifer and Anna sat on the couch while Rocky sat back in the recliner. “So what brings you over?” Anna asked.

  “I was out and about, thinking it was too early to turn in, so I walked around town and ended up here.”

  Anna and Rocky updated her on who was still in Jarillo, who had left, and who got married or divorced. “Jenn, have you met any men while touring that you might’ve wanted to have a serious relationship with?” Anna asked.

  “No, I had a lot of male friends, but nothing serious because I was always wondering if they really liked me or if they just liked my money and my lifestyle. The thought of getting serious with someone was just plain scary.” My heart belongs to one man, and I have a stalker, how complicated can that be?

  She left Anna and Rocky’s place about ten and headed back to her room at the inn. She laid in bed that night thinking about what Vincent had told her and what Jake had said to her all those years ago. She felt confused by all the emotions she was going through and trying to figure Jake out. She heard Vincent’s voice. “Sometimes people say things they don’t mean, intending to cover up their true feelings. I know he didn’t want you to go, but he wouldn’t stop you from going.” And overlapping his voice she heard Jake’s voice. “Marriage would never happen between us. I don’t want marriage and a family.”

  * * * *

  Jennifer got up early the next morning, checked out of the inn, packed her car, and went to the ranch. After she had unloaded her clothes, she went to the grocery store to stock up on some food and household supplies. While at the store, she ran into more fans and signed autographs for them.

  When she got back to the ranch, she made herself a sandwich. She then called to arrange for the rest of her clothing to be sent to the ranch. Fortunately, the boxes had already been packed and were waiting to be shipped from the apartment she had rented in New York. She would need some of her dresses if she was to perform with Jake’s band.

  She called her agent, Sandra Martin.

  “Hello, Jennifer. So you’re back in the US? Are you interested in recording new music again?”

  “No, not yet. I think I might concentrate on settling my parents’ estates before I do anything else. The lawyer has been on my case about it. Plus, I haven’t seen Tom Rutherford yet, and I don’t know if he’ll start stalking me again.”

  “That’s scary,” Sandra admitted. “Are you doing anything at all regarding music?”

  “I’m going to sing with Jake Ackerson and his band, White Sands, for a couple of weeks as a way to sort of get back into singing again.”

  “Oh, that’s good. Wasn’t that the group you started singing with?”

  “Yes, and they’re still going strong. You should see the instruments they have, especially Jake’s drums. He’s got quite a selection!”

  “You sound like you’re excited to be back with the band.”

  “I think I am a little bit. But I’m still nervous about it.”

  “Well, let me know if you want to get back out in the spotlight again and we’ll get you rolling.”

  They said their goodbyes and Jennifer hung up the phone. She would normally jump at the opportunity to get back on stage again, but she was afraid that Tom would start stalking her and it would be even more dangerous for her.

  * * * *

  Jennifer drove to the studio and met with the band at two o’clock. Jake and Kaitlin came in after she got there. Jake seemed to be in a bad mood, and was snapping at everyone about something, including Jennifer.

  She stopped during a particular song several times, dissatisfied because it wasn’t coming together. She was trying to figure out what was wrong with the song when Jake spoke up. “I think you’re putting in an extra beat at the word taken. That’s what’s throwing you off, Jenn.”

  “Can you play just the vocal for that part?” Jennifer asked Calvin, walking over to the keyboards.

  He played for her and at that point, she caught it. They rehearsed that part with the keyboards several times until she felt she got it right. Then the band went through the song again and it came together.

  When they ended rehearsal for the night, Jennifer walked over to Jake at the drums and asked, “Why so many drums, Jake?”

  “What can I say...I love drums.” He gave her a crooked smile.

  “Do you play them all at the casino?”

  “No, not at the casino in the alcoves. There isn’t room. I have a basic kit I take there. But if I play at the White Eagle Entertainment Center or another place similar, then I bring all the drums.”

  “Do you ever play all the drums on a particular musical piece?”

  “He just answered your question, Jennifer,” Kaitlin snapped and walked off in a huff.

  “I do have a drums-only piece in which I play all the drums except for the bongos and the Native American drums.”

  “So, what are all the drums you have?” Jennifer asked curiously.

  Jake smiled. He named off all the drums and the equipment that went with them.

  “That’s a lot of drums,” Jennifer remarked, then she asked, “So why the foul mood earlier?”

  “Bad day at the office. Things didn’t go well. Sorry I barked at everyone.”

  Chapter 5

  During rehearsal, Jennifer walked over to Bruce Spinner to check out his flutes. He played both flute and woodwind instruments. Bruce was half Apache and half Caucasian.

  Bruce smiled at Jennifer. “It sure is great having you back with us again. Your voice has only gotten bet
ter since you last played with us.”

  “Thanks, Bruce. As usual you do magical tricks with the flutes. I love the melody you played on that one song we rehearsed, Gently Please. Is that the same flute you played before when I was with the band?”

  “Yep. I’ve had this flute since junior high, and I just keep going back to it. I tried different ones, but I always come back to this one. I think it’s because my mom gave it to me as a gift on my fourteenth birthday. She recently passed away, and now, more than ever before, I feel a real closeness to her when I play this flute.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss, Bruce.” Jennifer put her hand on his arm.

  “Thanks. She was ill for quite some time with cancer. It finally took her in the end. She fought a brave fight.” Bruce smiled sadly.

  She remembered that Anna had told her he never got married and he had ended up taking care of his mother this past year before she died. He inherited the house from his mother so he moved out of his apartment and relocated back home.

  Vincent walked up and joined in the conversation. Jennifer knew that Vincent had grown up in a poor family. He was the second of five siblings—three boys and two girls. Both his parents had died early deaths. His father, an alcoholic, used to beat the kids, and his mother sold her pottery at the local markets whenever she could.

  “How are you and Tammie doing?” Jennifer asked Vincent. She remembered attending their wedding with Jake.

  “Uh, we’re divorced,” Vincent said quietly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Vincent. Anna told me that you got divorced, but I forgot. I didn’t mean to bring up an unpleasant subject.”

  “It’s okay. Tammie hated living here in Jarillo, and she hated my long work hours. In addition to playing in the band, I worked the early shift at the casino bartending. I had to pay for all her upkeep!” Vincent changed the subject. “It must have been quite exciting for you to travel around the country, singing solo or with other pop stars. What did you like most about it?”

  “It was exciting, but it was also challenging. I think the one thing I enjoyed most was when other pop stars came to my concerts and we did duets together.”

  “You got to sing with some pretty amazing stars! I remember the duet you did with Tom Hangs, We Got Each Other Babe. That was awesome! Maybe you and Jake could do a duet,” Vincent suggested teasingly.

  “I’d love to do a duet with Jake.” Jennifer looked up at Jake on the drums and smiled.

  Jake’s gaze smashed into hers. “We could try a duet – Baby, I Love Your Way – Freebird Medley. I have the music at the house. I’ll bring it out tomorrow to work on.”

  Jon Mueller strolled up to Vincent and Jennifer and asked, “The folks who played for you, were they your band members? I noticed you had Jimmie Moffett playing steel guitar. He is, in my book, the very best there is.”

  “No, the bands that played for me were not officially my band. I technically did not have a band. The way my contract read, the recording agent would come up with band members to play for a set time. Jimmie Moffett came in once to play when we couldn’t get the original person, Mark Hempsy, to play that night. Jimmie is awesome! I enjoyed having him on the stage with me. Most of the people that played the music for me have gone on to other things now,” Jennifer explained.

  “What was your most memorable concert?” Calvin asked.

  Jennifer thought for a few minutes. “I did a couple of concerts for relief efforts. One was for Tropical Storm Sandy, and another was for Hurricane Katrina. I met a lot of famous stars and we did these concerts without much rehearsal. I always enjoyed doing things that helped other people. Calvin, do you still play for the Hobbs Symphony Orchestra?”

  “Yes, I play on a part-time basis. I play Wednesday and Thursday nights and any weekend I’m not performing with this band.”

  “I thought you’d be playing full time by now!” Jennifer exclaimed.

  “Well, I do practice with the orchestra every day, but I only play two nights a week.”

  “Do you play piano or keyboards?”


  Calvin and Jake had been best friends from grade school to high school. They rarely argued or disagreed on anything. Whatever Jake said, Calvin went along with.

  Jennifer reflected on what she remembered about Calvin. His upbringing was far different from the rest of the band. He was Apache, with working parents who were devoted to their family. He started piano lessons when he was three years old. After he graduated high school, he went to college to study music while juggling a job with the orchestra and playing with White Sands. He’d also managed to squeeze in marriage and a family. Jennifer was amazed with the schedule he kept.

  * * * *

  After taking the time to talk with all the band members, Jennifer decided it was time to leave. “I’m going now, so have a great night, guys. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  When she got to the door, Kaitlin came up to her and said, “I’ll walk out with you.” Jennifer looked at her blankly, and then proceeded out the door. “I wanted to have a word with you, Jenn.”

  “Okay.” Jennifer forced a smile.

  As they walked toward Jennifer’s car, Kaitlin said, “I wanted you to know that Jake and I are a couple, and we’re seriously involved. We have plans to eventually settle down and, you know, do what folks do when they settle down. Anyway, I wanted to warn you about getting in the middle of our relationship. I don’t think Jake is romantically interested in you since you guys split up years ago, but I wanted you to be warned that I don’t take too kindly to someone stepping in my territory, if you get my drift.”

  “I understand perfectly. If you’ll excuse me, I must get going.” Jennifer got into her car. She smiled at Kaitlin as she backed out of the driveway. When she turned to look again, Kaitlin was walking toward the studio as Jake was coming out with the band members.

  * * * *

  Kaitlin knew she would never be able to compete with Jennifer in the beauty department. She had red hair, freckles on her face, and green eyes. Her body was more slender than Jennifer’s. In fact, she didn’t have hardly any shape compared to her. She had spent most of her life as a tomboy.

  She probably has everything done for her—her nails, her hair, her face, her body. With all that money, she can afford those luxury items I can’t afford. But I’ll be damn if she thinks she’s going to try and get Jake back.

  She’d lied to Jennifer when she said that she and Jake were going together and planning to get married, but she didn’t know of any other way to keep them separated while she worked to get Jake interested in her beyond friendship. Everyone assumed they were more than friends and were dating, but in reality, no matter what she did, she couldn’t get Jake to go past the friendship stage. She needed to come up with something to get him interested in pursuing a more intimate relationship with her, and she had to do it fast.

  Chapter 6

  Jennifer went home and prepared a simple meal for herself. She thought about Jake’s relationship with Kaitlin and a twinge of jealousy rose up in her. She knew she still had feelings for him. Why did he not want marriage and a family with me, but wants to settle down with her? Was there something wrong with me that he didn’t want me?

  What was she going to do? She didn’t think she could stay there knowing he was involved with Kaitlin. It would be too painful.

  Jennifer thought that coming back there would be a good start on a new life for herself, but now she wasn’t so sure. Plus, if Tom Rutherford should happen to show up there, she’d have to leave anyway, or do something to get away from him.

  Face it, Jake has obviously moved on with his life, and I hope Tom Rutherford has also moved on with his life. She knew she had to do something to get rid of the void she felt deep inside her. What was she thinking coming back there? What did she think she was going to find?

  * * * *

  The next morning Jennifer drove into town to meet Anna for breakfast. As they talked about the rehearsal, Jennifer confided wha
t Kaitlin had said to her.

  “Boy, that’s some nerve!” Anna said. “I never did like her. She is always hanging around Jake every time we rehearsed, and she just seems really snooty. I hope she didn’t upset you too much.”

  “She really doesn’t have anything to worry about,” Jennifer responded.

  Anna looked at Jennifer curiously but didn’t reply.

  While eating their breakfast, the sheriff walked in and Anna hollered out to him. “Sheriff! How nice to see you. How are you?”

  “Anna, you’re looking good. I’m doing fine. And who’s this lovely lady I see at your table?” he asked.

  “Joe, meet Jennifer Summers. Jennifer, this is our beloved sheriff Joe Turner.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sheriff,” Jennifer said as she reached out to shake his hand.

  “Oh please, call me Joe. The pleasure is all mine.” He smiled and took off his big Stetson hat.

  “Would you like to join us?” Anna asked him.

  “I’d be mighty honored if it’s okay with you two lovely ladies.” Joe looked at Anna and then at Jennifer.

  “Please do.” Jennifer motioned for him to sit down.

  Joe pulled out the chair and sat down. He put his hat on the hook by the chair. “So how are things coming for you and Rocky, Anna?”

  “We’re doing fine.”

  “The baby?”

  “The baby is doing great. I’m due in three weeks.”

  “That’s great. Did Rocky get the baby’s room done yet?”

  “Yep, it’s all done, just waiting for the little one to arrive.” Anna smiled proudly.

  Joe turned his attention to Jennifer. “Are you new to this area, Jennifer?”

  “No, I used to live here when I was younger. I left five years ago. My parents owned the ranch up on Hickory Road, and I’m trying to decide what I’m going to do with it.”

  “Oh yes. That nice ranch up the hill! I wondered who owned it. I’ve often thought I’d do an investigation on it. It’s a lovely ranch and at a beautiful location.”

  “Yes, it is. I have wonderful memories of my childhood there,” Jennifer said wistfully. She took a bite of her egg as the waitress came by and asked Joe if he would like to place an order.


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