Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian

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Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian Page 29

by Jenn Nixon

  Jaded, but without choice, King Delos ordered the majority of the level two and three guardians to reinforce the defenses on the edge of Degort proper. The strategy kept them out of sight from the Rebels, but they remained alert and ready if the legionnaires failed in holding them back. The youngest level threes, including her siblings and cousins, stayed behind.

  The Rebels conducted a very efficient battle plan. They struck against the Legion with brute force from daybreak to nightfall. During the last council with the king, Darlew and Hutt suggested a counterstrike to catch them off guard in the cover of darkness. Warily, the king ordered a plan put in place before agreeing to such an act. He wished not to seem the aggressor, but he knew there was no other choice. The faction grew stronger somehow, their forces seemed larger, and the king was running out of time.

  Tiva wandered the quiet dark halls of the palace. She wasn’t sleeping much anymore, though by order of her father and the king, she forced herself to rest much of the night. The elite guardians had a new mission; they were heading to the front line to assess the status of the protectors. With their report, the king would determine whether to strike against the Rebels or continue their defense of Degort. Anxious to get involved, Tiva slept enough to recharge her body, and then ventured to the main hall to meet with the others. She arrived first and patiently waited. Yark and Tespor spoke quietly as they stepped off the lift heading toward her. Everyone exchanged greetings then fell into a somber silence when the remaining elite guardians arrived. All fifteen level ones gathered in the main hall, save her father and Darlew. Tiva was happy to see her cousin Rux and Bip Becha as they were in charge of guarding the prince and princess and their paths rarely crossed in recent days.

  Once everyone gathered and finished trading recent news from around the palace, they moved into the Great Hall to await the king. Harer entered with his two most trusted guardians at his side. He sat in his chair and returned the guardians’ salute.

  “The time to turn the tide of this battle is at hand. We can no longer remain passive and allow these Rebels to trample across our capital without fighting back. If we can determine exactly what we are up against, we’ll follow through with the counterstrike and meet them head on. I want you to each pair off, take a different section of the capital, and report to me. We must do this quietly and covertly. Do not bring unwanted attention upon yourselves. Though we are losing many of our legionnaires, we still have strength among the guardians, and if the Rebels are aware you’ve become involved this early, they may speed up their attacks. It is best, for now, that they believe you are all still within Degort proper. None of the Legion regiments know you are coming.” He glanced at Darlew. “We believe some of the groups have traitors among them, so stay sharp.”

  The group nodded in unison. The king paired them off, and gave each a location. He assigned Tiva and Darlew to the east, her father, and Tespor to the west, the remaining pairs in between at various points throughout the capital. After saying a quick goodbye, Tiva followed Darlew to the hover deck and departed.

  Driving through the marketplace, Tiva cringed at the sight. It was no longer a place of gathering and trade, festivals, and good company, now it was a desolate strip of land with hidden guards on constant alert.

  She sighed, but stayed silent for the majority of the ride. Darlew finally slowed the vehicle. Tiva noticed they were not far from the bridge to her province. She missed her home, and knew many of the others felt the same. Darlew hid the hover in a group of trees, gathered his weapons, and ordered Tiva to do the same.

  “We must walk the remainder of the way. If this regiment holds traitors, we cannot alert them to our presence with the hover.”

  “I understand,” she said, equipping her belt with the blaster weapon, Timbur, sword, and daggers.

  “You have not said much, Tiva. I sense deep emotions from you, yet you have not brought your concerns before the king. That is very unlike the young guardian I have come to know,” he said with a small smile. “Though times are tough, you cannot lose yourself in battle. If you allow the anger, suffering, and pain to overcome you, you will lose the unique spirit you carry. I do not wish to see you bitter and cold, for I know many who have lost their way.”

  “I carry a weight on my spirit,” she said, “that is true, but I do not understand all that I am feeling, therefore I cannot unburden myself to others. My only concern right now, Guardian Finto, is to rid our people of this threat and restore peace to our lands.”

  “That is the prayer of us all, Tiva.”

  Keeping to herself was easy in Darlew’s company. She stayed quiet, watching, searching, and feeling her surroundings. They reached the regiment’s location as the moon rose above the capital. There was still plenty of time to gather information and return to the palace before sunrise. Though Tiva wanted to be involved in the action, she would rather be fighting side by side with her family and the guardians than with the legionnaires. She no longer had faith in their loyalty.

  Darlew found the regiment captain, and spoke with him at length. He gathered all the information available, and once satisfied they left the group and headed back to the hover.

  “Did you observe or sense anything out of the ordinary, Tiva?” Darlew said as they walked.

  “No, I did not. I believe that group is loyal to King Delos,” she said.

  “I am glad you agree, my senses aren’t as sharp as yours, but I have known Captain Wirto for many cycles and he has always been a valiant and trustworthy leader.”

  “He has great admiration for you and the other guardians.”

  “Indeed he does. He often wished I had a sister or cousin to marry so he could become one,” he laughed then whipped his head backwards. Tiva felt the presence as well, and scrutinized the area. Darlew crumpled to his knees. “Go, quickly,” he said and grabbed his shoulder as he fell.

  Tiva saw a dual headed dart protruding from his back. It was high on the shoulder, but not deep enough to be fatal, so she helped him up, and half-dragged him through the woods.

  “Drop me and go.”

  “I will not leave you.” She reached a nearby hill, and rested him against the rock. “I shall scout the area; take hold of your weapon.”

  “Tiva, call Wirto for assistance.”

  “I do not think we need it, Guardian Finto. If there was a group of Rebels out there who wanted us dead, we would already be so,” she said and drew her sword. “Stay here, I will return.”

  “Tiva!” He forced a loud whisper.

  She turned and raised her finger to her lips, then backtracked into the trees. Searching the grounds silently was easy enough, finding evidence of an intruder proved harder. After following her footsteps back to Wirto’s camp, she spoke with him, almost interrogating him about the attack.

  “Several of my men were attacked the same way in previous days, and I am certain it was not a member of my regiment.”

  Aggravated by the fact that he had withheld information, Tiva returned to the hill. Darlew was leaning against the hill with his weapon ready.

  “I have found no one. But Wirto neglected to mention his men were assaulted similarly in recent days.”

  “Very well,” he said. “Let us return, we are wasting time.”

  Tiva helped Darlew into the hover, and took the controls. The elder Finto continued losing blood, and as she drove closer to the palace, he began sweating, and moaning. A dart strike should not have harmed him this much, she thought. She didn’t want to risk something happening in the wild so she guided the hover to the main road for a quicker journey. They reached the first barricade at the edge of Degort proper. Her cousin Riyn and Zaynus Truda were guarding the way. She hastily informed them the situation, and gained passage. Racing across the road, she drove to the center of the capital, reaching the guarded marketplace. The hover approached the newly erected gates, and several guardians appeared. Few had the new blaster weapons, others guarded with their traditional swords and axes. Tiva showed herself, told of D
arlew’s injuries, and the crowd separated immediately. She sped through the marketplace, and the gates to the palace were already opening when she approached. Thankful, she continued through without stopping, and halted before the main doors.

  Zenid and D’laja were waiting with the king.

  “What happened?” the king said.

  “Something is wrong,” Tiva said, jumping over the hover’s hood and sliding down on the passenger’s side. She opened the door and pulled Darlew out. He moaned incoherently. Harer rushed to his side and helped Tiva carry his weight.

  “How badly is he injured?” Zenid said, her markings bright with fear.

  “He was struck with a dart,” she said, hauling the guardian into the Great Hall. “But the injury should not have caused this much damage. We need a healer.”

  “I will go,” D’laja said and took off without pause.

  Tiva and Harer gently laid him on the ground. Zenid knelt beside him and rubbed her fingers over his markings. The king paced. Tiva watched Zenid tending to her mate, and sighed, there was a strong bond between them, and she sensed the pain in Zenid’s heart. She rose to her feet and glanced at them, something seemed familiar, but she shook off the feeling and turned to the king.

  “I think perhaps he was poisoned,” she blurted. “I checked the gash myself, it is not deep, nor was the wound near any vital organs. There is no other explanation.”

  “Were you harmed?” Zenid asked.

  “No, and I couldn’t find the culprit either. I did search, Zenid. I am sorry I was unable to protect him.”

  “It is not your fault, Tiva,” Harer said, Zenid nodded agreeing. “Did you learn anything while out there?”

  “Not much, sire. Captain Wirto mentioned attacks like this on his legionnaires previously, but he did not mention poisoning. However, he and his regiment are loyal to you. I sensed no deception from him.”

  “That is good news.”

  Two healers and Bip Becha rushed in with D’laja. The healers made for Darlew, and Bip saluted the king.

  “How is he?” D’laja said.

  “He is not well,” Zenid said, her voice cracking.

  “Come, the healers will tend to him. You should find out if Yark has returned.” D’laja nudged her away from the healers.

  “Bip, help the healers get Darlew to the healing bay, Tiva, follow me,” Harer said. She did as ordered, and the king did not stop until he was within the safety of his chambers. He excused himself to speak with his family, then returned with two tall glasses and handed her one.

  “Thank you, sire.”

  “Relax, Tiva, please. We cannot be on edge all the time.”

  “I’ll try,” she said, sipping the drink. Surprised he offered her sweet ale, she took a seat on the couch, and attempted to ease her mind. The king sat across from her and drank his ale then he began pacing. Curious, she opened her mind to him and felt crushed by the anger and fear rising inside him. “You are overwhelmed, Harer, you should Calm.”

  “If I had the time, I might, but something has happened since you left.”

  “Is my father injured?” She stood up, almost spilling her glass.

  “No…no, please sit,” he said, motioning with his hands. She returned to her seat and the king ran his hand nervously through his hair. “Yark and Devler uncovered a group of legionnaires who are now working with the Rebels. They both managed to return unharmed, but they overheard some of their conversation…”


  “You, Tiva.”

  “Pardon, sire? Why would the legionnaires be speaking of me?”

  “It is part of what I wished to speak about with you in the garden…” He paced some more then stopped and looked at her. “The threat against me and the throne does not end there. I’m afraid your life is also in danger.”

  She furrowed her brow. “Why?”

  Tiva’s PCD beeped and Tespor’s voice cut through the air. “All available guardians to the marketplace, our defenses have been breached!” She jumped up instinctively and ran to the door. Looking back at Harer, she yearned to know what he had to say, but could not leave the others to fend alone. He lowered his head and sighed.

  Go, Tiva, we will speak later. Keep safe.

  And you, Harer.

  With sword in hand, Tiva ran through the courtyard to the main gates. Her father appeared from one of the alleys and called her over. Together they sprinted down the main path with several others behind them. A dozen more guardians fought legionnaires at the end of the marketplace. Angered, she gripped the hilt of her weapon tight, and glanced at her father.

  He was full of worry and fear, pride and strength. She absorbed the emotions and turned her attention to the fight. Kevler rushed into the middle of the mêlée, slashing at one legionnaire after another. Tiva veered off to the side where the numbers of fighters was less dense. Her weapon clashed first with a legionnaire whose handler was not much older than her siblings. Taken aback, she jumped to the side barely missing a strike from the bladed staff. She crippled the young man, and moved on to the next attacker.

  Progressing deeper into the crowd, she disabled and disarmed each legionnaire that crossed her path. She was not, however, without a challenge. Several stronger, older men caused her to falter several times. Still, she held her own against them, weaving through to meet with the guardians caught in the midst of the chaos.

  She shifted her assault, and bumped into Tespor. They coordinated an attack on three men, and their quick thinking and skilled strikes overpowered each of their enemies.

  The group of guardians standing outnumbered the legionnaires. All around her were bloodied bodies of the fallen from both sides. Upon seeing a man rushing up behind her father, she broke through a group and stabbed him as he was about to strike. Kevler spun around finishing him. Tiva jumped over another fallen legionnaire, slashing a third across the chest.

  Echoes of the metal weapons escaped in the air and then everything quieted. Tespor, Yark, her father, and her uncle were close by; scores of guardians helped others away from the battle. Jex, Skky, and Loloa were hurt, but able to stand on their own. Kevler ordered the group to search for injured.

  Tiva and her father circled the grounds, searching, but found none alive. One member of the Ispek family, a cousin of Yark and Skky, Loloa’s great uncle, and Zaynus Truda had all perished.

  “Where are Remock and Bintu?” Tiva said, eyeing the dead with dread.

  “I sent them back to the palace, they are not ready for this…they are too young,” he said.

  “They may not have a choice soon, Father, this is only one group, but the others are not far behind.”

  “I know, dearest one, I know.” He sighed. “We must regroup inside the palace and call for help with the injured.”


  The group fell back to a safe distance, met with more guardians and a group of legionnaires. Seeing Captain Wirto among them eased Tiva’s reservations, and as his regiment tended to the fallen guardians and the traitor legionnaires who needed medical attention, she pulled her father to the side.

  “What is wrong?”

  “There is something Harer wishes to profess, do you know what he wants to speak of?” she said.

  “I do not, what has he said?”

  “He said my life is in danger. He said legionnaires from another group mentioned me, but we were interrupted by this attack.”

  “It most likely has to do with your mission to Hentor. I will see what I can learn, Tiva; stay sharp and you will be fine. All of our lives are in danger at the moment.”

  Tiva returned to her room once the threat ceased. Whatever Harer had to tell her, unfortunately, had to wait. She cleaned up her wounds and changed into a fresh uniform. She met Tespor and Hutt in the main hall, and they spoke of the recent events. Learning that guardians held the traitorous legionnaires for interrogation didn’t ease her spirit, but with luck, they would get more information to help their cause.

  Her mind
wandered some, partly to Harer, but mainly to the loss of the guardians. More than two dozen died since the beginning of the conflict, four in this last incident. The reality was closing in around her; the war was boiling over the edges and trickling closer.

  The king recalled two groups of verified legionnaires and all the Royal Guardians to the palace. In total, less than eight hundred trusted protectors arrived. The strength of the remaining groups of the king’s Legions, still out among the provinces, could not be completely trusted. Tiva hoped that some were still on the king’s side and prayed to the spirits that they would do their part in the conflict.

  Harer entered the main hall with the remaining elite; his orders were short and precise.

  “The Rebels have converged in the south. Their masses in the east and west have moved. It appears they are ready for another assault. Our only saving grace may be this surprise counterstrike and the particle weapons. Ensure that each legionnaire and guardian within the palace is armed. Take the main path through the marketplace to the edge of Degort proper; there we will begin our final resistance. Devler and Kevler will remain here with a small group. Do not be hasty with your lives: strike them quick and hard then return for further instructions.”

  Outside, she walked to the hover deck with the other guardians. Remock and Bintu came running, shouting her name.

  “We are to go with you!” Remock wheezed.

  “By whose orders?” Tiva said.

  “Father, we are in your charge,” Bintu said.

  Tiva glanced at Tespor; he shrugged and entered the facility. She followed him, her siblings remaining close behind. The four found an unoccupied hover, and departed with the rest of the convoy. Hiding her frustrations from the others became harder, and when they exited the marketplace, she huffed and glanced out the window.

  “Everyone has a part to play in this, Tiva.” Tespor gently grabbed her hand. “Who better to keep them safe, than you?”


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