Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian

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Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian Page 33

by Jenn Nixon

  “You saw my dream? How is that possible?” Tiva said, utterly shocked.

  “In all probability you have telepathic abilities, it’s the only explanation,” Harai said.

  “I know my people can sense emotions, but I do not understand this telepathic ability you speak of.”

  “It is the ability to communicate without speaking, using the mind to send messages to one another.”

  “Oh, mind speaking, yes…I have on occasion done so with others, but it is not something I do often.”

  “I don’t possess it myself, and I know a little about telepathy. I do know that when emotions are strong or senses heightened, telepathic abilities are enhanced; it’s a common side effect. You inadvertently projected your dreams to me…and your dream was…”

  “Harai, it was no dream. It was a memory of the last day of the Great War of Abennelp. One of the legionnaires beheaded my father’s twin, my uncle…Devler. That was what you saw.”

  “That day took many lives?”

  “More than even I am aware. I am not without guilt. I killed hundreds of them and their Rebel friends before we fled the planet…” Tiva cut off as the memories of each face passed through her mind. She closed her eyes and felt her markings grow dark.

  “I’m sorry Tiva. I didn’t mean to upset you. Please finish your meal. My father is waiting for you at City Hall. I’ve left a map on the table.” Harai touched Tiva’s hand, smiled warmly, and left the kitchen heading back to her bedroom.

  Tiva ventured to the Hall to meet with Major Raku, using the virtual map as a guide. The walk was just what she needed to relax and clear her mind before presenting herself before anyone. Uucor seemed a beautiful planet. Much like the main capital of Abennelp, the modern and sleek buildings surrounded the homes and shops of the City Hall. The one sun of Uucor warmed her, still the chill in the air made her uncomfortable. As she strolled through the main promenade of the city, her thoughts drifted.

  The people on this planet would never understand what she had been through, even if she explained it all in detail. They would not comprehend the number of lives she had taken. The rage and brutality she unleashed upon the Rebels was a force no one could contend with. Vengeance boiled over into utter annihilation of every man and woman that stood in her path. The line of legionnaire traitors and Rebels that lay on the path before the Palace of Kinchar the last day were mostly her victims. She stood on the steps of the palace, willing more to approach her. Had the king not called for the guardians to flee the planet, Tiva would have killed every person who crossed her, until she was taken down.

  The battles ripped her once peaceful and free-spirited life apart. The remnant was a bitter, guilty, and angry woman with nothing left to lose, and Tiva was deeply aware of it. She remembered the smile shared with her father that day on Abennelp and realized that she had not smiled since. The weight of her heart as it was, she was sure that smile would be her last.

  The enormous black and silver doors to the City Hall held engraved carvings of different historical events of the town in perfect detail. Tiva climbed the steps and opened the door. When she entered, people stared and commented under their breath. Her Uucorian clothes didn’t hide the fact she was not of their kind, yet she paid them no mind and went to the Major’s office. She knocked on the door and waited. Several long minutes seemed to pass before the Major appeared.

  “Tiva Boon of Abennelp, please, please come in.” Major Raku motioned her to enter as he held the door for her.

  “Thank you, Major Raku.” Tiva bowed slightly, entered, and took a seat in front of an oval shaped desk. Raku circled the desk and sat. The similarity between Harai and her father was striking. They had the same pattern of markings on their face, same color eyes, and facial structure, but Raku’s hair was short cropped and dark. “Your daughter has been most kind and comforting to me. Thank you for allowing me to spend the night at your home.”

  “I am glad to help. We are happy to meet new species, especially from neighboring planets such as yours. We’ve known about Abennelp for a while, but didn’t realize you were space worthy.”

  “We had only recently crafted a vessel. Was your planet one of the few that contacted ours over the last several cycles?”

  “Perhaps, we’ve explored most of this galaxy and found many inhabited planets. The people of Uucor were isolated from other races for many, many years, long ago. Recent events have changed our planet somewhat. You will probably see many different people during your stay. My daughter has told you of our new friendship with the Union?” he asked and she nodded in response. “Good, they have allowed us to make many more friends among the stars, and we look forward to learning more about other races and cultures, including yours.” Raku boomed proudly.

  “Many of the people here seem displeased with my presence in your hall,” Tiva said, to Raku’s surprise.

  “Your craft falling from the sky did raise a level of fear among some of the people, but we see no threat. Everything in your terminal logs show you were merely trying to escape an attack on your ship, we are glad to help any way we can. It is true, some people may have issues with alien species still, but I think it is change most dislike, even when it is to our advantage.” Raku smoothed a cloth on the desk in front of Tiva. He placed two glasses on the cloth, and pulled out a long bottle filled with a bright pink liquid. “This drink is a bond of friendship. I would be honored if you would share a glass with me, Tiva Boon.”

  Tiva bowed her head. “I would be honored as well, Major Raku.”

  Raku poured the beverage into the glasses and lifted his in a toast.

  Tiva raised her glass as well then opened up her senses to him to verify if he was being sincere or deceitful. A wave of happiness and friendship engulfed her. She pressed her fist to her heart. “May the spirits always keep your glasses full.”

  Raku smiled and said, “Blessings and good fortune to you.” The two sipped their drinks and she allowed the good feelings within the room to wash over her. “The Pink Acatilya plant only grows in the deepest darkest caves on Uucor. It has often surprised me how sweet its nectar is.”

  “Indeed, it is a wonderful taste.” Tiva felt her spirits rise as she shared the drink with Raku. “Harai told me that my module is beyond repairs… Due to circumstances on my home world—I am sure Harai told you of the war on my planet—I cannot return there, and I would like to know what my options are at this point.”

  “Yes, yes the pod was heavily damaged; we were surprised that you survived the crash. I have spoken with the other Majors and town leaders and we have made a decision. We can grant you asylum and you can remain on Uucor as long as you wish, provided you earn your keep, or you may stay here as our guest until the Union returns and discuss other options with them. They are a fine organization and I have learned much from them since our meeting. They might be sympathetic to what I know of your cause.” He smiled and finished his drink.

  “I understand they are returning in four months. Could I procure a post until then? I need wages for a place to stay, and to repay you and your daughter for your kindness.” Tiva folded her hands on her lap and relaxed.

  “Nonsense, you will stay with us, and there is no need to repay us. We are happy to help. But I think I can find something for you in town if you want to work, what skills do you possess?” he asked.

  “Mainly protection, I was a Royal Guardian in charge of security. I protected the king and queen of my planet. I am highly skilled in various forms of combat and weaponry. I can also forge weapons from metal and hides. I have some domestic abilities, but the majority of my training has been defense.”

  “Wonderful, I will hire you to patrol our military base. You won’t have clearance to our facilities, and you’ll have to pass the standard security test, but I am sure you’ll have no problems,” the Major said, as he poured the nectar into their glasses again. He picked up his glass and smiled. “To friendship.”

  Tiva walked back to the Major’s residence worried
that she had said too much. Though she kept the horrific details of the Great War to herself, she had told Raku many things she should have kept private. Raku, like Harai, was sensitive to her loss, but neither fully understood what she had been through in recent days. Major Raku made an appointment for her to test with the military base General, and sent a message to the Union about her meeting with them. It was curious to Tiva that the military of Uucor would take an outsider into their community, she wondered if her people would do the same.

  Once she returned to the house, she looked for Harai and found the young girl in the back garden toiling through the dirt. Tiva watched for a while in awe as her face lit up each time her fingers dug into the ground. She was humming and singing as she worked and seemed to be at peace, the complete opposite of how she had been when Tiva left. Instead of breaking her concentration and bringing more worries upon the girl, Tiva went to the guest room.

  On the table next to her bed was a plate of food. She nibbled on a few of the choices given and retrieved her Yantar. She leafed through the pages and read the passage her father had loved so dearly. “On a hill in the great province of Degort stands a statue of the Eternal Spirit Shial. One can see Shial from every corner of the capital. Her ubiquitous presence brings comfort to her children. Each morning they pray to her and each night they pray for her. The story of Shial is tragic and triumphant; let the voice of Shial be heard.”

  Kevler had told Tiva that their family was connected to Shial, which was one reason she shared the Spirit’s mother’s name. Though she was skeptical about the connection, she never let her father know. Tiva turned the page and read the story of Shial.

  The evil Lord Gito, the high ruler of the lands of Degort killed Shial’s family. Her mother and father refused to pay an increased tax Lord Gito had imposed upon the people, and as punishment, he ordered the village burned. Shial awoke from her sleep the next day surrounded by a white ring of salt; a sign that the spirits had spared her. That day the Great Spirits bestowed upon Shial the gift of water and she exacted revenge on Lord Gito by drowning him in a pool on the hill where her statue eventually stood. Shial cured the scorched land of her village before she explored all the lands of Abennelp learning from different people of different cultures. Shial used all the knowledge to serve all the people of Abennelp. In the end, she became the Eternal Spirit Shial, Guardian of the People.

  Tiva let the words of the Yantar fill her and realized the future she could have if she chose the right path. Tiva closed the book and prayed to Shial to guide her in her journey then she prayed for her family and the innocent people of Abennelp.

  When she was through, she finished her plate of food, curled up on the bed, and forced herself to fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  The months went by quickly for Tiva. She passed Major Raku’s security test easily and the security officers, satisfied with the skills she showed them, accepted her into their group. Though she was accustomed to patrolling, learning a new regiment’s rules proved harder than she thought. While on duty, she listened and learned the history of the military missions and adventures. Enjoying the chance to learn new customs in more depth also kept her mind busy from the pain she suffered. It mattered not how much she tried to mourn for her family, she only felt emptiness at the loss. Being among a large group of military men and women was the perfect distraction.

  Every night Major Raku explained a different aspect of the planet’s army and protectors. Their system was much different from her home, and the more she studied it, the more efficient it seemed. Many different leaders governed separate divisions of the planet. Each section governed smaller cells of people, who in turn governed others. The elite of Uucor were specialized individuals, with specific training; much the same as the Royal Guardians, only they were not the key protectors of the planet’s most important individuals nor a small group. The government system was very much the same as the tiered military structure. Uucor had many leaders, not one like Abennelp. She found both the military and government odd, but realized it made sense, as Uucor was much larger than Abennelp.

  In her spare time, Tiva learned the Uucor language, and the general tongue of trade in the galaxy. Eventually she was able to turn off the translator, though at times she still struggled with the slight idiosyncrasies associated with the alien languages. She read about Uucor’s history, hoping to find information about the alien attackers. The database didn’t hold many other races, so she gained access to the information available from the Union. Nothing was familiar.

  Using the Union’s data, she studied the stellar cartography of the Uucorian region of space. Abennelp was the closest inhabited planet to Uucor. In total, the Cobee galaxy held four planets with life, but only Uucor had the ability to travel in space. Curiosity struck her, and using the logs from the terminal of her escape module, she calculated several days travel time from her home to Uucor. She wondered how long it would take to travel to other worlds on faster ships.

  To help pass the time when not on duty or studying, she learned the lay of the land. The Raku’s lived in Nepcha, the largest town on the main continent. It was much larger than Degort or even her own home province, so there were many sights to see. Harai also taught Tiva about Uucorian gardening, cooking, and sewing. She was happy to learn; it was yet another thing to keep her mind off her problems.

  Tiva didn’t share many more stories with the young girl knowing the damage her traumatic past had. Harai asked questions about her planet constantly; Tiva answered everything that would not cause harm, and spoke in fact, not emotions or opinions. She learned to conceal her true thoughts from others regardless of their inquisitiveness, having seen firsthand what one small dream had done. It was an easy trait to pick up given the fact the people here could not sense her emotions. Yet, it left her feeling empty, especially during gatherings with Harai’s friends and relatives.

  Appreciating the normalcy of life on Uucor helped to relax Tiva’s spirit and body; she felt stronger and whole again. She took daily runs and started to practice in the cover of the Raku’s yard. Without her sword, Tiva trained with her claw, an Uucorian double-pronged lance, and the military guns used by the Major and his regiment. Harai often sat by and watched, and though Tiva sensed the girl’s interest, it took her a month to ask Tiva to train her. She was glad to teach the young girl, and Major Raku approved whole-heartedly.

  Training and teaching Harai brought them closer as friends. Harai learned quickly, much like Tiva had, and she enjoyed spending time together and teaching her new friend how to fight. She was like a wisp of cool fresh air on a hot windless day. Harai’s optimistic and cheerful innocence kept Tiva balanced, for she looked forward to the girl’s company no matter what her mood. Harai had not yet seen much hardship, save the loss of her own mother when she was young, and Tiva prayed that would be all her new friend would have to suffer.

  Feeling more comfortable among the Raku’s, she often watched them interact and felt a longing for her father. She desperately missed her family and friends, but all throughout her life, Kevler, had been her pillar. He was the one who understood her; he shared her passion for the Guardianship, and he was gone. Her heart was cold, and the more she tried to feel something, the colder she felt. Day after day, Tiva tried to take comfort in the pages of the Yantar, or lose herself in training, though nothing helped. Aside from the occasional good time with Harai and her father, Tiva felt as if she was living within a dark shadow that she could not cast into the sunlight.

  Each night she forced her mind to remain quiet. She hated the dreams and nightmares that plagued her when she slept for long periods. Little sleep was nothing new; she had done it many times, and the harder she pushed herself to stay awake, the easier it was to sleep for short spells and keep the dreams away.

  The day came for the Union to arrive. Tiva was on duty at the military base when the Union’s transport ship landed, she marveled at the sleek technology the group possessed. The peculiarly shaped cra
ft had retractable wings and large propulsion systems on each side. It was much smaller than the ship her people had built, but just by looking at it, it was more powerful and advanced. Tiva observed the Major’s men escort the party through the base, she was too far away to sense their emotional states, but knew her time approached. Knowing the Union was gathering with the Chancellors of Uucor, she offered to be an escort, but the General turned her down.

  Two days passed, and Major Raku visited Tiva at her post with the good news. “The Union people have agreed to meet with you, Tiva Boon.” Raku smiled. “They are sure to ask about your past. I hope you are prepared to answer.”

  “I will answer what I can…Thank you, Major Raku.” Tiva bowed her head and followed him into the base to meet with the delegation. She entered the room and every person inside radiated feelings of friendship, support, and kindness. Even though what she sensed normally calmed her, she raised her barrier to shut out the others after she felt it safe. She sat beside Raku and studied the other native Uucorians interested in joining or learning about the Union. An older, light-gray skinned, black-haired man with warm blue eyes took the floor.

  “A fond hello, my name is Ambassador Turk Dival. I hail from Jora, a planet in the Arillo galaxy, a distant neighbor to yours. The Union is honored you have joined our cause. We look forward to a long relationship with your people and hope that we can learn from each other. Along with being a part of the Union, your people now have the ability to join the Vexillum, and one of our many ships policing the galaxies. The Vexillum is responsible for protecting all Union planets and their solar systems. Our charge is to guard all commerce routes, intra-galaxy science endeavors, and trade outposts. Space is a vast and dangerous place, and the stronger the alliances in our corner of the universe, the better the future will be for all. Our standards are very high; each ship commissioned within the Vexillum is of the highest technology available within the Union. We have brought with us several captains from various ships to qualify any who wish to join. We’ll conduct screenings throughout the week should you need time to decide.” The Ambassador ended his speech with the traditional Uucor gesture, and all the people of Uucor followed. Several people went up to the Union captains requesting information, Tiva watched and waited for the opportune moment.


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