The Things We Do For Lust: Book 1: To The Edge

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The Things We Do For Lust: Book 1: To The Edge Page 3

by Sean Geist

  "Get undressed," she commanded.

  I wasted no time complying. Usually it takes a little time to warm Robin up, a little petting or oral ministrations. Before I was done pulling my pants off my wife was totally naked and spread out before me on the bed. Her legs out wide, her pussy lips open and dripping wet.

  "You look delicious," I said. "I can't wait to taste you."

  I moved to dive between her thighs to taste her wetness but Robin would have none of it. She grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up. I had no choice but to quickly crawl over her.

  "No," she said. " I want you inside me. Now."

  "You don't need to ask twice."

  With one stroke I was in. All the way in.


  I was so wet for him. With one thrust of his cock he was in me. No foreplay was needed, or wanted. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the pleasure that flowed through my loins. The tensions of hours of desire unleashed in a few moments of passion. When he released his seed into me I came harder than I could ever remember.

  After, I felt a little ashamed. I could never tell Peter.

  Chapter 2

  I was walking naked through the convention halls. I was conscious of my nakedness but no one else seemed to care. My guilt was my own. I tried to find something to cover myself with, a coat or a towel maybe but there were none to be found. Then I started to get an erection and shit was getting real. Embarrassment times 10. I think I was getting hard less from sexual excitement and more from having to pee really badly. And what do you know, there was no rest room in sight. I was contemplating just letting it flow where I stood. Then the alarm went off, and I was awoken from my dreamy torment with a raging case of morning wood.

  I hit the off button and crawled out of bed. My head was pounding. I was groggy and I really needed to pee. After I finished my business at the loo I went back to check up on my wife.

  She was sprawled out on her side of the king sized bed, her brown tresses splayed out around her head like a royal mane, her natural B-cup breasts exposed and laying flat against her chest. Her nipples were hard from the air conditioned room. The lower half of her body was covered by the bed sheet. She looked divinely beautiful, like an angel who lost her wings. Her face, serene. I wanted to rouse her from her sleep and make love to her. Not like the fucking we did last night. No, I wanted to take my time, to slowly and gently explore every inch of her peachy soft skin. To kiss and taste all her special parts.

  Then I looked at the clock and saw I had just an hour to get down to the Sunset Hall for orientation. I needed to pick up my badge and get the final schedule for all the week's classes and events. I knew today and tomorrow were packed. Luckily I was able to make sure my calendar was totally clear for Thursday.

  I gave up any hope for a morning quickie and went back to the bathroom to get cleaned up. It took me about twenty minutes to shower, shave and brush my teeth. When I came out, naked except for a towel around my waist, Robin was sitting at the table in the main room, sipping a cup of Starbucks coffee and browsing her Android tablet. She was wearing her red sports bra and a pair of green sweat pants. Give her a couple pompoms and she could have been a Christmas cheerleader.

  "Whatcha doing?" I asked.

  "Checking the news and catching up on my e-mail," she replied. "You want coffee?" She pointed to another Starbucks cup at the opposite end of the table.

  "That was fast; I was only in the shower for a minute."

  "More like half an hour. Anyway, there wasn't much of a line downstairs. Too early."

  "Yeah, only vet nerds like me up this early today."

  "And those gamblers who haven't gone to bed yet."

  I took a sip of coffee. It was very hot. And tasted kinda nasty after brushing my teeth with minty toothpaste.

  I dressed while we continued our conversation.

  "I've got a pretty full schedule ahead of me today and tomorrow," I said. "I think every minute's filled from 8 til 4. They're even having a special lunch sponsored by some pet food company. Vita-Vet I think."

  "Hope they're not catering it as well." We both laughed.

  "Actually that might be preferable to some of the chicken breasts I've eaten at these conventions. I hope you're okay spending the day alone. I'll make it up to you this evening."

  "Don't worry, dear. I knew what I was getting into."

  "At least we got away from Phoenix."

  "Traded one desert for another."

  "But this one has better shows."

  "Yeah." Robin took another sip of coffee.

  "So what are your plans for the afternoon?" I asked.

  "I am going down to the gym after you leave. Do the treadmill and maybe have a quick massage. I wanted to do some shopping at Crystals across the strip."

  "I'll leave you a couple hundred from our stash if you want to do some gambling."

  "Thanks," she said with a smile.

  "Crazy night last night, huh?"

  "I know. Winning almost two grand?"

  "Don't forget about meeting Scott," I said.

  "How could I. He's interesting and quite a talker. He's also pretty gorgeous in a rough and manly way.”

  "Unlike me?"

  "Don't be silly. I wouldn't have married you if I didn't think you were handsome."

  "Thanks, I think."

  "By the way, can you send me those pictures we took last night? We promised to send them."

  "Sure," I said. "So what did you and Scott talk about when I went up to the room?"

  I was finished dressing, a pair of black Dockers and a neon green Greg Normal polo shirt. I liked standing out in a crowd. I pulled out my phone and emailed the pix to Robin's gmail account.

  "Oh, just small talk. He told me about his business, bragging about the view from his living room window, looking out over the Pacific. He asked me about what I did for a living and I told him about working at the little boutique down in Tempe. Nothing important. Oh there you go. I got the pics, I'll send them to him later today,"

  Just then I noticed how late it was getting, 7:55. "Crap," I said. "I've only got five minutes to get downstairs."

  "I doubt they'll start without you."

  We shared a kiss at the door.

  “I really hate leaving you like this,” I said. “Be good while I'm gone.”

  "No promises," she said.

  No promises indeed.


  The conference rooms were on the mezzanine level, up the escalators from the casino floor. When I got to the Sunset room it was packed. The outer perimeter was ringed with tables labeled with alphabetical ranges. Starting just to the left of the entrance with A - AL running all the way around ending at the table to the right with X - Z.

  The line at the table marked W – Wil was five or six people deep. It took me another fifteen minutes to make it to the front of the line.

  "Dr. Wilkenson," said a pretty black girl in a black skirt and white blouse. "Here you go." She handed me a thick white envelop with the name of the conference printed on the front.

  "You're one of the last. If you hurry you might still be able to grab a bite to eat before your first event."

  I said thanks and walked away. I pulled on the lanyard with my badge attached and looked at it. Dr. Peter Wilkenson, D.V.M. After seven years of practice I still haven't gotten used to being a doctor. In my mind I'm just another dopey kid who likes animals but I can also cut them open and stitch them back up.

  My first class was Feline Dentistry in conference room C. Our office in Phoenix was getting ready to expand into a full fledged Animal Hospital, complete with three surgical units. We were also planning to expand our other services and animal dentistry was one of those areas.

  The room was full when I entered. I didn't get to grab any pastries but I was able to snag another cup of coffee. I spotted one of the few remaining seats at a table in the back next to a young Asian woman. Her black hair touched her collar in front and was tapered short towards the back. She wore a b
lue skirt with a pink polo shirt. "Seattle Animal Shelter" was embroidered above her left breast. According her badge she was Dr. Kelly Cho.

  I set down my cup of coffee and whispered, "Mind if I sit here?”

  "Course not," she said. She didn't look up at me; instead she kept her face down, scribbling notes on the yellow legal pad in front of her. It looked like she had already filled two whole pages and was beginning a third.

  I looked to the front of the room. The seminar's speaker was just finished setting up his slide show. I looked down again at Dr. Cho's note pad. "I miss much?" I asked.

  "No, the presentation hasn't started yet." She finally looked up at me and smiled. Her blue eyes took a quick scan of my body, not that she could see much since I was sitting down. I felt I was being judged even before we got a chance to exchange names. "What made you think you missed anything?" she asked.

  I glanced down at the pad in front of her.

  "Oh this," she said seeing where I was looking. "It's just my pre-lecture notes, mostly points from the literature and my own experience. I've also got a few questions I'm hoping to get answers to. I just like to be prepared."

  "My name is Peter Wilkenson," I said.

  "I'm Kelly Cho. Nice meeting you."

  Our conversation was cut short when the lights dimmed and the lecture started. I learned a lot of new information over the next hour and a half. The presentation began with the usual, getting owners to pay more attention to their pet's teeth. Buying the right food and encouraging dental maintenance. It may be hard brushing a cat's teeth on a routine basis, but it could save a big headache and lots of money down the road. And of course you can't get through one of these seminars without the sales pitch. The speaker introduced a new line of equipment he claimed would make oral surgery easier and safer. It looked promising but I'd need more information.

  The lights came up and the room erupted with the sound of a hundred or more chairs being drawn across the floor. I looked at my phone and saw I had five minutes to get to my next seminar.

  "So where you heading next?" I asked Dr. Cho as we packed up our papers and notes.

  "I'm off to the class on New Treatments for Ticks, Fleas and other Parasites. We get a lot of calls for that at my clinic. Stray animals, you know."

  "I wanted to go to that, but I'm heading to the seminar on selling Pet Health Insurance. Too many clients come in with no way to pay. I can't turn them away, but it's costing us lots of money."

  "Well good luck with that," she said as she turned to go.

  "Will I see you again?" I asked. I always liked making new contacts at these conventions and I was hoping to get to know Dr. Cho better. "Maybe at the catered lunch?"

  "Oh, I'm not going to that," she said. "My husband's here and I'm meeting him downstairs for lunch."

  "I thought the lunch was mandatory?"

  "Nothing here is mandatory," she said laughing. "It's not like they take attendance."

  "I never thought of it that way." I reached into my pocket and pulled out one of my business cards. "Here take this. If you ever need a contact in Arizona don't hesitate to call me."

  She thanked me as she took the card. She tore off a piece of her notepad and scribbled an e-mail address.

  "I need to order more of my own cards, but you can reach me here."

  I took the scrap of paper and wrote her name on it. We said our good-byes and headed our separate ways.

  As I headed towards the next meeting I texted Robin.

  -Hey hon, my lunch hour is free, meet me at the Burger bar.

  I waited for a response but it didn't come right away. Robin doesn't keep her phone with her all the time. I just hoped she'd see my message in the next half hour.

  The Pet Insurance seminar was pure sales pitch. It was like they were trying to get us, the vets, to buy in. I liked some of the ideas but not the company making the hard sell. I took the info but figured we'd go with a different carrier.

  The seminar ended at exactly noon and everyone began to make their way to the banquet room for the catered lunch. It was free food, if you didn't mind the sales pitch that went along with it. I, on the other hand, would much rather spend my free time with my wife.

  I headed down to BurGR, a newish burger joint at Planet Hollywood opened by Gordon Ramsey. The atmosphere was casual and even if there was a line for getting a table there was almost always a seat at the bar. I hadn't eaten there yet, but it did get good reviews and it was close, near the main casino entrance.

  It was just my luck that when I arrived the place was packed, there was a thirty-minute wait for a seat and even all the bar stools were taken. I scanned the crowd and didn't see Robin anywhere. I looked at my phone. She hadn't texted back. I went up to the room hoping she was there.

  The green light came on immediately when I slid my key card into the slot on our room door.

  "Surprise honey," I called out. Silence met me as I entered the room. I looked around. Our breakfast mess had been cleared away. I looked into the bedroom and found the bed made. In the bathroom the dirty towels and wash clothes had been removed and fresh folded ones put in their place. Housekeeping had been here, but Robin wasn't.

  Just then I felt a short buzz in my pocket. It was a text from Robin.

  -Sorry I missed your text. Met up with Scott.

  Why didn't she text me back sooner? I could have made other plans. And standing me up for Scott? That stung a bit. I wasn't so much mad as just disappointed. I really couldn't blame her for trying to find someone to spend the off hours with.

  -Just glad you're okay. Where are you?

  It only took a few seconds to get a reply.

  - Shopping. Can't wait to show you what i bought.

  -K. Gotta run and try to get something quick to eat. Done at 4. Where do we meet?

  This time the reply took a little longer.

  -Not sure. I'll text you later. Bye.

  -Bye to U. Luv ya.

  A quick reply back.

  -Love U 2

  I put away my phone and headed back downstairs. I was able to pick up a quick sandwich and chips and make it to my next meeting. It was New Surgical Techniques, with lots of slides. Just what you want to see while eating a sloppy meatball sandwich.

  I made it through the next hour and a half without throwing up, and believe it or not I did find the presentation useful. There was a brief 15 minute break before the Trends in Oncology Treatments was to begin, so I headed to the men's room. As I was coming out I ran into a familiar face.

  "Hey," I said, "aren't you staying in the room next to me?"

  His name tag said Alex Spencer and he was the gentleman I almost ran into last night after dropping my money off in the room.

  "No. I don't think so," he said. He looked at me a bit closer and a hint of recognition spread across his face. "Oh wait, you're in room 1919B, aren't you."


  "That makes sense now. Yeah I kinda remember you. My name is Alex. I'm here with Glossman Pharmaceuticals."

  We shook hands.

  "I'm Peter Wilkenson. So you aren't staying in the room next to mine?"

  "Well I was, but now I'm in one of the posher suites. Our CEO couldn't make it so I upgraded myself to his room since it was already paid for."

  "Lucky for you, I guess."

  "Yeah, well, it was nice running into you. Again"

  "Maybe I'll see you around."

  I did end up seeing him again, ten minutes later when he hosted a panel on new cancer drugs coming onto the market. Again, lots of new information that was going to help our practice save more pet's lives, and earn more money. After the panel ended I exchanged business cards with Alex. I told him about our expansion plans and he said he'd work up an action agenda to help us get the ball rolling. Overall it was a profitable encounter.

  It was so profitable that I didn't have time to obsess about how my wife was spending her afternoon with another man, a rich and handsome other man. I know I don't have rugged features, my sk
in burns instead of tans and I have started to develop love handles. My wife says she loves me for who I am, and I believe her. I just know that I am a very lucky man to have a smart, outgoing and beautiful wife. There's always a give and take in any relationship and between Robin and myself, I got the better end of the bargain. I just hoped she never had any regrets.

  My pocket buzzed again.

  -U done? It was my wife.

  -Yeah, where are you?

  -at the pool. Meet us there.

  I went up to the room first. I wasn't going to go sit by the pool in my Dockers. I forgot to pack a bathing suit so I had to settle for a pair of blue cargo shorts. Kinda dorky, but they'd have to do.

  I decided to take a leak before joining my wife at the pool. As I washed my hands I noticed a couple new hair styling products on the sink counter. I also saw a few shopping bags thrown on the couch. I could have gone through them to see what she had bought, but I figured I'd find out soon enough.

  I texted Robin, - heading down now. Order me a beer.

  -will do.

  The Planet Hollywood Pleasure Pools were a sight to behold. They were located on the resort's roof overlooking the Las Vegas Strip. There were two of everything. Two large pools, two hot tubs, and two poolside bars. The weather was pleasant, in the upper 80s and there were a few people enjoying the water. Most of the people were lounging in the deck chairs, getting some sun and taking in the view. Every so often a group of two or three stunning women would parade around in very revealing bikinis trying to draw attention, and succeeding. For me, it was still a little too dry and breezy to go swimming. Getting into the water was fine, it was getting out that made my dick shrivel.

  As I was looking around for Robin, I spotted a familiar woman standing at one of the poolside bars.

  “Dr. Cho?” I said. “Fancy running into you out here.”

  The vet from Seattle I had met earlier had traded her polo shirt and skirt combo for a sexy metallic black one-piece bathing suit, cut to pleasantly show off her ample bosom and butt.


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