Eternal (Eternal series)

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Eternal (Eternal series) Page 9

by Chantelle Nay

  Surely he’d be happy she'd fulfilled his requirement so completely. As she thought his name she missed him. She was anxious to get back to him and tell him about her date. He was sure to be pleased.

  Destry and Emma had danced most of the dances, so she was perfectly at ease as he led her onto the floor for this last dance of the night. He pulled her in close, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Emma's ease quickly shifted to butterflies as Destry stared deeply into her eyes—he seemed closer this time than he'd been before. It was hard to hold his gaze, she was suddenly aware of all of her little imperfections, hoping he couldn’t see any of them. Each time she felt brave enough to look up at him she found his eyes boring into hers.

  He seemed fearless—or confident, as he had called it before. Emma wasn't quite as confident. She didn't like being the object of such close scrutiny. She looked around the room trying to find an object to focus on to escape his intense eyes.

  She quickly caught sight of Chuck in his outrageous Zoot-suit and kept her eyes on him for a distraction.

  She didn’t look back at Destry for the rest of the dance. She couldn’t. She could still feel his penetrating gaze.

  When the music finally stopped, Emma was relieved. Her face felt hot and she was sure it was deep red from the blush that had filled her cheeks.

  “Well, that was fun!” Emma spoke quickly as she pushed back a little to distance herself from this sudden and unexpected intensity coming off Destry.

  He loosened his hold, but didn’t let go of her completely. She looked up at his face, agitated. “The song is over, you can let go of me now,” she tried to sound playful, but she felt uncomfortable with this sudden change in his behavior.

  “I don’t think I want to let you go,” Destry smiled wickedly.

  “You’ve taken one too many spins around the floor,” Emma chided. “You’re acting a little dizzy in the head.”

  “I’m sorry you’re not used to this much attention, but you should probably get used to it," he said it in a matter-of-fact tone that Emma didn't like. "I plan on giving you plenty of it.”

  “You've lost your mind!” Emma hissed quietly, she felt like she was about to erupt. “We just met, I don’t even know you, and you sure as heck don’t know me well enough to be so—so—PUSHY!” Her face was hot again but not from blushing this time.

  “Okay!” Destry looked truly shocked. “You don’t have to go into a tizzy in public,” he said stubbornly. “I was just trying’ to say, that I like you Emma. I’d like to go out with you again. I want to get to know you. I’m sorry if the idea of that is so offensive to you.”

  He was offended? The look on his face diffused Emma instantly. She suddenly felt horrible for being so dramatic. He was just trying to tell her he was interested in her and she had attacked him for it.

  Apparently she hadn’t made it through the whole night without embarrassing herself. Luckily most of the other couples were so self-involved, that they didn’t notice Destry and Emma's little spat. Only a few people looked their way and snickered quietly.

  “I’m sorry,” Emma lowered her eyes to the floor, “I guess I reacted a little harshly.”

  “A little harshly?” Destry raised his eyebrows at her, but she could hear the playfulness in his voice. He was quick to be forgiving.

  Emma smiled up at his deep blue eyes, and he smiled back.

  “Shall we go then?” He asked and she nodded.

  He held her hand tightly and led her out the door into the cold night air.

  Chapter 10: REALMS

  Destry helped Emma up into his truck and then dashed around to the driver’s side. He got in and shut the door, quickly turning the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life.

  “I’m sorry, I should have come out earlier and warmed the truck up for you,” he said guiltily. “It’s freezing tonight.”

  Destry looked concerned as Emma rubbed her hands up and down her arms trying to keep the goose bumps from taking over.

  “I should have brought a jacket,” Emma admitted, “but nothing matched.” She smiled at him, trying to keep her teeth from chattering. He quickly bent forward and removed his tux jacket and draped it over her like a blanket, in the same movement pulling her body up next to his on the seat.

  “No,” Emma argued stubbornly, and reached up to remove his jacket, “you keep your jacket. I’ll be alright. Really,” but her teeth chattered in defiance at her words.

  “Don’t argue with me Emma,” Destry spoke firmly, “I’m trying to be a gentleman. Don’t make me tie you up in the sleeves so you can’t take it off,” he chuckled. “I’m an Eagle Scout so I'm good with knots. It would probably ruin the tux and it’s a rental. My dad wouldn’t be too happy about that.” Destry eyed Emma seriously to make sure she wasn’t going to put up any more stink about it. When he was convinced of her defeat he shifted the truck into gear and pulled out of the parking area.

  Emma sat there next to him with her lower lip pushed out in a pout. She wasn’t really mad—she was too cold to be mad—and the jacket was warm inside. It smelled good too, like cologne and men’s deodorant and the heat of the sun.

  Emma didn’t really mind sitting close to Destry. She did like him. He embodied everything she used to think she would want in a boyfriend. It wasn't like that for them though. They were more like good friends now—at least in Emma's mind.

  She was pretty sure Destry was of a different opinion however.

  “What are you thinking about so hard?” Destry broke into her thoughts as he questioned her, grinning.

  “I’m not thinking about anything,” she lied.

  “Are you getting warmer?” He asked.

  “Yes,” Emma assured him. “Thanks for the jacket, but I bet you’re freezing.” She felt guilty for this act of chivalry that she didn’t deserve. She was going to have to push him away and she wasn't looking forward to it.

  “I’m good!” Destry laughed. “My teeth haven’t chattered once,” he teased.

  “I’m not usually quite this weak,” Emma admitted.

  “I don’t think you’re weak,” he said softly, “just delicate. Girls are supposed to be that way. I don’t mind taking care of you. I actually kinda’ like it.” His eyes sparkled, as he stared straight ahead at the road and there were no twinkling lights to blame it on this time.

  Emma didn’t know what to say to make him see she wasn’t the girl for him, that his efforts were wasted on her.

  His truck pulled into Emma's gravel driveway. She felt relieved but also a little sad. Her first date had been perfect. Destry had been perfect in every way...except one. He wasn't Micah. Emma knew she'd have to distance herself from Destry McQuade; her heart sank at the thought of it.

  She'd have to be strong. She knew what she wanted, what she longed for. It didn’t involve this kind and handsome boy. Emma wished it could, that there was a way to keep him in her life, but they couldn't just be friends. He'd made his intentions perfectly clear and they were beyond friendship.

  The truck came to a stop in front of Emma's house. Her nerves betrayed her and her body shivered. Destry reached an arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

  “I thought you weren’t cold anymore,” he said, scowling. “I’ve got the heater up full blast. I’m roasting!” He rubbed his warm hand up and down Emma's arm.

  “I’m not cold,” Emma admitted, “I’m just a little nervous.” She should have thought about that statement before she let it pass her lips. She knew as soon as she said it that he was taking it the wrong way.

  “You don’t need to be nervous Emma. I told you before—I don’t bite. If you don’t want me to kiss you—I won’t?” He said with an impish smile.

  “Kiss me?” Emma was totally taken off guard. “You were going to kiss me?” She demanded, her fists balling up in preparation for a good punch to his jaw.

  “I just told you, I won’t if you don’t want me to,” Destry said defensively.

  “You reall
y are—PUSHY—aren’t you?! I hardly know you! Are you like this on all of your first dates?”

  “Calm down Emma!” He held both hands up in the air, like he was surrendering. “I told you! I’m not going to kiss you!”

  “Good!” Emma said, anger in her voice, “because, I’d hate to have to punch you in the face for it, you cocky, arrogant—BOY!”

  She slid over to the passenger side of the truck and threw the door open nearly falling out into the cold, crisp air. She jerked Destry's jacket off her shoulders and threw it at him. His face was covered in shock and disbelief as she slammed the truck door with as much force as she could muster, spun around on one heel, and marched toward the house.

  Emma closed the door to the house more carefully. Her mom wasn’t going to know what had just occurred. That would get her a sharp scolding for behaving un-ladylike. She worked to smooth her expression as she strode to the kitchen where she knew her mother would be waiting to hear about her evening.

  “Hey mom!” Emma called, adjusting her voice to sound light so that it wouldn't betray her anger.

  “Hey!” Catherine said, looking pleased with the expression Emma had skillfully pasted onto her face. “How did it go? Did you have fun?”

  “Yeah, it was great! You should have seen the decorations, they were unbelievable!” Emma tried her best to steer the conversation in a good direction.

  “And...what about your date?” She asked slyly. “He seemed like a nice boy and he is so handsome. Was he a gentleman?”

  Emma hesitated briefly, trying to sort out some details that she could safely share. “He was a perfect gentleman,” she said smoothly. “He even let me wear his jacket on the way home because it was so cold out tonight.”

  “Really?” Catherine asked with a smile across her face, “I thought he would walk you to the door. Was he in a hurry to get home?” She prodded.

  “Yeah,” Emma lied easily, “strict curfew, you know. I told him not to worry about walking me in. I didn’t want him to get in trouble for being late.”

  Emma's mother eyed her suspiciously. It was time to make her escape. “It’s really late mom and we have to get up early for church tomorrow. Let’s go to bed. I promise I’ll tell you all about it later, okay?” Emma yawned for dramatic effect and her mom finally nodded in agreement.

  “You’re off the hook for now young lady, but I expect to hear all about it tomorrow,” Catherine grinned and raised an eyebrow in Emma's direction.

  “Deal!” Emma said quickly, and hurried towards her bedroom. She needed some time to come up with a believable story. Most of the date really had been perfect, Emma thought, so it shouldn’t be too hard to fabricate the parts where she had been a total idiot.

  She closed her bedroom door quietly, and sat down on her bed in the dark room, and waited in silence for her angel to come.


  Destry sat outside of Emma's house stunned. What had just happened? He couldn't think of what he'd done to make her so angry. Girls were hard to understand.

  He'd thought everything had gone pretty smoothly, considering. He'd been so worried about whether or not he'd even be able to speak when he was with her. But to his surprise it had come quite naturally. The pulling in his chest had still been there, but it didn't burn as much as it usually did, so he counted that as a success too.

  Where was he supposed to go from here? Could he just leave well enough alone and forget about Emma and move on now? He wasn't sure. It was possible that Emma wouldn't want anything to do with him again after tonight.

  That really sucks, he thought to himself. He liked Emma now that he had gotten to know her. She was fun and quirky and beautiful. She didn't take any of his crap either. She held her own when she was with him.

  He didn't want to chase after someone that didn't want to be chased though. He hoped that after tonight, the burning would leave him alone and he could move on with life. A life that didn't involve seeing Emma's face every time he closed his eyes.


  Micah took the last two steps that led up to the massive front doors of the Grand Council Chamber slowly, deep in thought, and worried about what lay ahead of him.

  He continued to run through his interactions with Emma over the past couple of months. He was sure he hadn't done anything that was forbidden by Angelic law, yet for unknown reasons he had been summoned to the Celestial Realm.

  Zacharias was one of the Dominion lords over all the Powers and Angels of lower ranks. He had asked to see Micah in his chambers.

  Micah didn't know what to expect, so he prepared himself for the worst. If Zacharias ordered him to separate himself from Emma, he would not be able to disobey. He prayed silently to the Father to not let that happen.

  The large, white marble steps ended at huge doors, which opened up into a spacious, seemingly endless hallway. It stretched out before him for as far as the eye could see.

  As he entered the front hall with its rows upon rows of gleaming columns, he peered up towards the high ceilings that were open to the vast expanse of the universe. The planets all revolved flawlessly along their orbital paths, circling their suns.

  Oddly, Micah felt as if he could relate to the planets and that kind of a constant pull. He was experiencing something similar now that Emma was in his life. He wasn't sure that he could bear for his sun to be taken away from him.

  Micah knew that these weak emotions were unworthy of him. He was going to have to find a way to master them, or if not, to crush them out of existence all together.

  He continued quickly toward the Dominion's chamber. He would be ready to defend his actions if he must. He'd do just about anything to stay in his blissful orbit.

  Micah had almost forgotten the quiet of this place, most of the communication here if spoken aloud at all was merely a whisper. Such a contrast from the noise of the mortal realm. He used to think it was loud but now he'd become accustomed to the sound of life, the constant humming and thrumming, was comforting in a way.

  Micah finally came to a stop in front of the large double doors that were already open. From inside came a voice that he knew well.

  "Come in Micah."

  Micah stepped into the large open room that was pristinely white from top to bottom, and stood before Zacharias, bowing in respect as their eyes met.

  "You requested an audience with me Dominion Lord?" Micah said in a formal tone.

  Zacharias moved forward slowly toward Micah. His robes brushed along the marble-like floor silently, his motions so soundless and graceful, he appeared to be floating. He reached out and placed his hand on Micah's shoulder, connecting their spirits as one.

  "You seem nervous," Zacharias observed in a pleasant voice, "I'm sure there is no cause for that my friend. I only called you here to check in with you and see how you are doing. I haven't heard from you in a while."

  Micah relaxed a bit knowing that Zacharias could only speak truth. "Things are well. I have made contact with my charge as you already know, I'm sure," Micah said, trying to keep things business-like.

  "Yes, I have heard of your doings with the mortal child," Zacharias replied with a sincere smile, "it's uncommon to become so familiar, I admit, but I trust that you do not overstep the bounds of the Divine Law?"

  "I do not," Micah said. He didn't like it that Zacharias had referred to Emma as a child, but he knew at barely eighteen years old that was probably an accurate assessment. It made his feelings for her seem that much more wrong.

  "I feel I must ask, what you hope to accomplish with this closeness?"

  "I felt that she needed me, and I saw no harm in it. I am there as a comforter and a guide only," Micah said plainly as if he had read it from an instruction manual.

  "I see," Zacharias said with a concerned look. "I do wonder if it isn't something more than that to the mortal girl though. You know how they are—so young and impulsive. It's hard for them to differentiate between right and wrong and what can be and what cannot."

  "Emma is a
smart girl and I have done nothing that a Guardian isn't charged with doing," Micah replied, meeting Zacharias's gaze.

  "But you are not of the order of Guardian angels Micah; you are not even of the same sphere. Have you forgotten that you were granted this favor only at your own request?"

  Zacharias's gaze was steady yet penetrating. "We have looked the other way for the most part, trusting your judgment, but I can't help but wonder if you have forgotten your duties and obligations as a Power? They override this side mission that you have chosen for yourself."

  Micah didn't know how to respond to that but he felt the pressure of Zacharias's hierarchy hanging over him. He felt compelled to answer honestly and quickly. "I have not forgotten," he said clearly.

  "I, as a Dominion lord, have been entrusted with the task of regulating your earthly escapades for the sole purpose of making sure they do not get out of hand," Zacharias said evenly. "Are things getting out of hand Micah?"

  Every heavenly being knew that Dominions could not be lied to—it was an impossibility—so Zacharias had no need to doubt that Micah's report would be completely truthful. There was no deceit in this realm.

  "They are not Zacharias. I am not breaking any rules."

  "I know of your promise Micah, but you seem to be getting too close to the mortal girl. You know that is something that cannot be. You are a Power, a warrior angel created to be completely loyal to the Father. She is mortal and you will never be what she is." The Dominion's voice was level, showing no emotion, his face remained calm and friendly. "Her life circle must not be tampered with or you risk the chance of her not completing her divine destiny. You know that if she does not complete it, she will not be able to reach her exaltation."

  "I do know that Zacharias, and I will not overstep the bounds of the law. My strength is in my conviction to keep a promise and in this mission that I have chosen. Because I am a Power, I believe I am strong enough to be in her life and still adhere to my directive,” Micah said flatly.


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