Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)

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Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening) Page 24

by LeeAnne, Lynda

  Just when I thought she was about to agree without a fight, she shook her head. “I’ll try not to scream at you until I make your ears bleed, but that’s all I’m promising. And I’ll stay with you, but I’m sleeping in another room. You can be such an asshole sometimes,” she finished but she didn’t sound upset anymore. She sounded resigned to a lifetime of putting up with me being an asshole.

  I gave her a satisfied smile, moved my face closer and just before I kissed her lips, I mumbled, “Yeah, Freckles, but I’m your asshole. And you can sleep in whichever room you want as long as I’m in the same bed with you.”

  As my lips grazed hers, I heard, "Da-yum," smarted from my back and I twisted just as Mia moved to peer around my body. “I never knew that mouth of yours was so full of honey, Bryant. Full of shit, yes. Honey, no. I knew you got the hunnies, but now I know how you did it."

  I narrowed my eyes on Johnson and groaned. "You didn't have to come here, you know? We've got this under control. Feel free to leave."

  "Pesh..." She waved my response away. "And miss seeing your face when I tell you hot boy Spencer gave me some information to give you about Max? I. Do. Not. Think. So."

  I stood then. "Goddamn it, Dee. Tell me."

  Mia stood too and her hand grabbed mine. Dee's eyes locked on our hands and when her eyes hit mine again, she grinned.

  "I don't know much. IA isn't being too forthcoming with information, but since Spence is our boy and he likes your girl, he shared a little. Apparently, whoever Max screwed over is big time...and I mean big time bad. A lot bigger than initially assumed. He wouldn't give me a name, but we're talking Mexican drug lord bad, dude, which is why everything is so hush-hush right now. Spence wanted me to tell you to keep an eye on your girl." She nodded toward Mia. "He got word from a reliable source that Max is alive and back in town, but they don't have a lock on him yet."

  Mia's hand clenched mine so hard it almost hurt. I glanced down at her.

  "Freckles, I won't let anything happen to you. Get your stuff and let's get out of here," I ordered before facing Dee again.

  "I'll be back in the office tomorrow and Tuesday; we've got some work to do. Mia's gotta be in court Wednesday morning and I'm going with her. After that, I'm taking vacation for the rest of the week."

  "What if the Lieutenant doesn't approve?"

  "He will," I stated without a doubt, because if he didn't, I'd quit.

  Twenty-minutes later, about ten trash bags and a few boxes were loaded in the back of my truck and I was ready to go home. I stood in the parking lot, waiting for Mia to come down and when I heard a door shut, I looked up.

  And I froze.

  Fuck me.

  I couldn't take my eyes off her as she walked down the, bounced down the stairs. I'd never felt so turned on by looking at a chick's outfit in my entire damn life. I'd also never felt anxiety in my gut so strong either.

  She'd changed out of my clothes, and straight into I'm-so-fine-you-can-kiss-my-ass-but-you'll-like-it fitted, frayed jean shorts - not slut short - but definitely not to her fuckin' knees like they should be. Even though she wasn't tall, her legs looked a mile long with the help of the high, black wedge sandals she wore on her feet. I couldn't see it, but I knew the tattoo she had carved into her skin on the top of her right foot was on display.

  You could tell her sweet ass was nice and thick just by looking at her generous hips. Her skin tight, black with red lettering, Halestorm "Love Bites, But So Do I" tank top hugged her breasts in a way they looked twice their normal size...fuckin' huge. Her red hair was still wild, and wide, black-framed sunglasses shielded her eyes.

  She walked right up to me, lifted her head, tilted it to the side and smiled.

  “Ready,” she announced like she had no idea she was a walking wet dream.

  "Baby, you can't wear that shit," I responded, and even though I couldn't see her eyes behind the glasses, I knew she rolled them.

  "And why is that, Adam?" she asked sweetly, and I knew in that moment that she was wearing that outfit on fuckin' purpose. I wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, tangled my fingers in her hair and brought her face to mine. Her hands fisted the front of my shirt.

  I growled, "Baby, that outfit makes me wanna take you on the hood of your car in the parking lot."

  "Really? I’m down," she responded without hesitation, in a voice softer and huskier than normal.

  I grinned and added, "You match your car."

  She grinned back. "That was kind of the point."

  “Hmmm…” I took in her outfit one more time with appreciation and then my eyes hit her foot. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about the tattoo. It’s sexy as hell, but what’s it mean?” I asked.

  It was a perfectly placed piece on the outer side of her right foot that enhanced the sexy curvature. The profile of a butterfly colored in turquoise ink about an inch long sat in the middle and a scrolling design was attached to both the top and bottom of its wings.

  She glanced down at it quickly and shrugged. “The top scroll is my initial ‘M’, the butterfly signifies growing up and spreading my wings, and the bottom scroll is your initial ‘A’. I got it so I’ll always remember to keep growing and learning from the past.”

  I closed my eyes against the pain, but she cupped my face.

  “Adam, no past remember? And it’s not a big deal. I didn’t get it to remember the pain. I got it to signify growth within myself, that’s all. Actually, it was more of a drunken night out with Eric and Kenny that ended at a tattoo parlor. You can’t even tell the letters are actually just that. They just look like scroll work.”

  I looked in her eyes and knew she was telling the truth, which helped me keep calm.

  “Well, I love it even more so now,” I told her honestly.

  She smiled. “Glad to hear it.”

  I sighed and glanced to her car that was parked next to my truck. Had it been dark outside, I would’ve considered buffing the hood out with Mia's back while I lubed her, neighbors be damned, but it wasn’t dark.

  "I really think you should drive my truck. I don't want anybody looking at what's mine. And in that car, they're gonna fuckin' look."

  Her grin, if possible, grew bigger. “Again, that was kind of the point. I have to make Cat look good even though nobody will be able to see what I’m wearing while I’m behind the wheel.”

  I stared at her a second before giving in. “Fine,” I said through a sigh. “We’ll talk about the car later.”

  “No, we won’t. There’s nothing to discuss that has to do with Cat, but there is something…” her voice trailed off and I frowned.

  “What is it?”

  She pursed her lips. “Since my laptop’s destroyed and the program I use for booking trips was on it, and since it’ll take at least a week for another one to be set up, I was going to see I could get one of the other agents to take over my bookings so I can take a couple weeks’ vacation. I really need it after all this and I haven’t had one in a while.”

  My frown deepened because she sounded hesitant and unsure of herself. “Baby, I don't understand what you're really trying to say.”

  “I just…I don’t have anywhere else to go and you’re going back to work tomorrow. I don’t want to go to Eric’s house because I’m still pissed at him, and I know you’re all cave man right now about me staying with you, but…I guess I just want to make sure it’s really okay if I stay at your house while you’re not there.”

  “Jesus, Baby, it’s still our house. Your name is still on the mortgage. Take the time off work, relax, shop, get used to being my wife again and if you decide you don’t want to go back, don’t go. I’m gonna try to take some more time off work, too. I’m also gonna try really fuckin’ hard to knock you up as fast as I can, anyway, so you wanna be a stay-at-home wife and mom. As long as I got you back with me, I really don’t care what you do.”

  Mia shook her head and looked away, but not before I caught the longing in her eyes.

Family. She still wanted one. She could deny it all she wanted, but I knew she still longed for one of her own.

  I was gonna give it to her.

  I turned her face back to mine and I kissed her lips. “Don’t think about it anymore. Everything will work out.” I reached around her waist, cupped her ass and gave it a squeeze. “Now get your sweet ass in that car so we can get home, Baby.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Mia Bryant


  That’s what I got when we pulled up to Adam’s house. Lex, Landyn and Laura came out to greet us - I assumed Layla stayed back to watch the game - but as soon as I stepped out of the car, their eyes hit mine and never veered away.

  I glanced at Adam who was just jumping down from his truck, and when his feet hit the ground, he looked at me too. He gave a quick head shake, before turning to the porch.

  “You gonna help me unload this stuff or you just gonna stand there and stare?”

  “Do you not see her? In that car?” It was Lex that asked and I stiffened. “I think I’ll just stand here and stare,” she decided, and Landyn rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his wife’s small, yet very pregnant belly.

  “Lexi, Baby, I’m pretty sure he was talking to me. Your pregnant ass isn’t lifting anything.” Then he faced Adam. “I can’t believe you, Mr. that-car’s-not-safe..." he mocked Adam's voice, "...actually let her drive that car…dressed like that.”

  I stiffened again, before glancing down to see what the hell the big deal was about my outfit. I knew it was extremely flattering to my figure, but I didn’t look like a street walker. My black tank was fitted, but it didn’t hug me like saran wrap. My shorts were cut-offs, but they weren’t skin tight. They even had a decent amount of give around the thighs, and they weren’t too short but they also weren’t mid-thigh. And my black canvas wedges looked higher than they actually were because of the platform. Really, other than matching my car, there was nothing sexy about it.

  “You should’ve seen her walking down the stairs from her apartment.” Adam started with a sly grin on his face. “The only way she’s leaving in that outfit or in that car again, is if I’m with her.”

  Okay, this was really starting to piss me off.

  “Seriously, you look hot. If I were a lesbian, I’d totally cheat on Trish with you,” Lex said before turning to Landyn and asking, “Can you buy me a car like that?”

  He laughed, threw his head back and cracked up like it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. “Baby, you need a minivan at the rate we’re going with kids. You’re not getting a muscle car.”

  “Oh my God! That’s the coolest car ever!” Layla said as she ran out of the house, down the front steps, and straight to Cat.

  “Layla,” Landyn called out. “The answer is no. You’re not driving until you’re thirty, so don’t even ask if you can have one.”

  Yeah right, Landyn would probably give her whatever her little heart desired.

  “Ahhh, man!” She looked up at me before asking anxiously, “Can I sit in it?”

  I grinned at her. “As long as it’s okay with your mom and dad, go for it.”

  And she went for it. Layla sat in Cat and rocked the steering wheel back and forth making “Vroom, vroom,” noises until we were completely finished unloading Adam’s truck. Not that it took very long, since I didn’t have much stuff.

  All my clothes ended up in Adam’s bedroom and all my toiletries put in Adam’s bathroom, which was just plain weird. He kept saying, "They're your rooms too, Baby," but again, weird. Whatever extra knick knacks I had were put in an extra bedroom for storage.

  When all was done and we sat down to relax in the family room, the Texans game was still on. Adam rested against the arm of the couch and he wrapped an arm behind my neck. I snuggled up against his side and rested my head on his shoulder while Layla went on and on about some Texans Defensive End that was about to break the franchise record for most sacks in a single season, “J.J. Watt” - her words exactly.

  Unbelievable how much the girl knew about football. However, now that I saw Mr. J.J. on TV, I made a mental note to find out the Texans schedule and watch every damn game from now on. Apparently, Landyn played high school football, and from what I understood, he’d been really good, even earned a scholarship for it, but for some reason he didn’t take it and joined the military instead.

  By the dejected look on Lex’s face during that topic, I made another mental note to ask Adam about their situation later.

  But knowing Layla’s daddy had played football, clearly explained why she loved it so much. And I thought it was a good thing for Landyn too, since I’d put money on them having another girl. Though it didn’t seem like he’d mind another little woman in his life to care for. The girls were all over him. Laura, the cutie, when she wasn’t into something or tearing something up, she was in her daddy’s lap pointing out every feature on his face; eyes, nose, mouth and ears. And Layla, the beautiful girl, every time something caught her interest, whether with the game or a commercial, she made sure Landyn was in on her excitement. And Lex…well, Landyn was infatuated with her.

  When Lex wasn’t paying attention, he’d sneak affectionate glances at her and his macho face would gentle instantly. When Lex spoke, he watched her with adoration. He’d sneak in kisses, whisper in her ear, and rub her belly at random times just to show her he loved her without having to say the words.

  It made me want to cry. I wanted that and I wondered if I’d ever have that. Adam and I could have had that, but we hadn't, and I wasn’t sure it was possible after everything we’d gone through. I thought on that for as long as I could, but next thing I knew, I wasn’t thinking about anything. I was out like a light.

  Which was too bad since I never got to see the way Adam was looking at me when he whispered, “My heart, Baby,” in my ear, before kissing the top of my head and squeezing me tight.

  But Lex and Landyn saw it and they were both relieved to say the least.

  “Wake up, Freckles,” I heard in my ear, later that night, as a hand caressed the side of my face and fingers shifted through my hair. “Come on, Baby, get up. Lex cooked dinner.”

  I blinked and, right away, I noticed my head was no longer on Adam’s shoulder. It was now resting on his chest and my body was half on top of his and half on the couch. I blinked faster to clear my vision and then I slowly lifted my head to look up into Adam's face.

  “How long was I asleep?”

  “I don’t know, couple hours. It’s already seven.”

  My eyes widened. I slept that long? I lifted a little more to look around the room. “Did they leave?” I asked because other than the noise from the TV, it was quiet. Too quiet.

  “Yeah, they had plans for tonight. Come on.” He curled up by his abs and took me with him.

  “Oh my God! I feel terrible that I fell asleep. They must think I’m so rude. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  He looked at me like the idea was asinine. “It’s been a long couple days for you, Mia. You needed sleep. Besides, you were out. I moved to get comfortable, practically lifted you on top of me and you didn’t even twitch.”

  And I was usually such a light sleeper.

  “Sorry,” I muttered, embarrassed.

  “Don’t be. You didn’t hurt their feelings and you’ll probably see them tomorrow anyway.”

  He stood off the couch and I followed his lead.

  “What do you mean I’ll see them tomorrow?” I asked as we walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I breathed in the delicious savory aroma of food and wanted to ask what Lex had cooked, but I waited for Adam to answer instead. And I waited some more.

  “Okay, are you going to explain?”

  He moved around the kitchen pulling down plates, silverware, and glasses as he spoke. “Well, I was thinking that maybe you could stay with Lex while I’m at work tomorrow. Maybe Landyn could take you two shopping or something. I don’t know. I hate the thought of you being here alone while
Max is still running around.”

  My first instinct was to argue with him, but I was too tired. I sighed instead. I hopped up and onto a bar stool and then I thought about my words before opening my mouth. Truth was, I’d probably be a little scared staying at Adam’s by myself too.

  “Just until Wednesday, Baby,” Adam continued as he placed a plate of food in front of me. “A day and a half. I’ll take you to court on Wednesday morning and then I’ll be on vacation after that, and I'll be with you.”

  “I’m not worried about Max. I’m more worried about whoever’s after him coming after me. What if these guys don’t find Max? I haven’t even received a phone call from him and it’s been almost two days.”

  “He’s running right now, Mia. If he’s still alive, he’ll contact you, trust me.”

  I picked up my fork and shuffled my food around on my plate as I sat deep in thought.

  “Fine, I’ll go to your sister-in-law’s tomorrow.” And as soon as the words were out of my mouth, the doorbell rang.

  I glanced at Adam.

  He looked at me.

  “Stay here,” he ordered as he took off out of the kitchen. I waited, heard the front door open and a few seconds later I heard a voice shout, “Are you holding her hostage?”

  At that voice, I took off running. Adam would kill Eric before I even had a chance to talk to him.

  Adam’s rigid back was to me and I heard his voice, but not his words. I couldn’t see Eric’s face, but he sounded nervous and his voice shook when he said, “I had to. She was broken and hurting. I couldn’t let her come back to you. You would have hurt her again.”

  I skidded to a halt.

  “You fuckin’ lied to her!” Adam roared and my body jerked. “She wanted to come back, and I fuckin’ needed her back, but you made sure that never happened, didn’t you?”

  “You didn’t see her--” Eric started.

  “I tried! She wouldn’t talk to me, she wouldn’t see me, the only way I found out how she was doing was through my mom, who died watching me die a thousand deaths every fuckin' day I didn’t have Mia. Mia was the only one I wanted, but you didn't let me have her. I don’t have to explain shit to you and I’m not going to, but I will tell you, now that she’s back, I’m fuckin’ thrilled I didn’t put that bullet through my head like I wanted to, but now I sure as fuck want to put it through yours!”


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